This globe has Mayocide on it. /r/mildlyinteresting is much more than mildly upset about a geographically inaccurate toy.

38  2017-06-24 by Wraith_GraveSpell

Sorted by controversial because the salt is overwhelming.

Some golden reactions and slapfights:

"If muslims keep streaming in, then that map will be accurate."

(Copypasta alert)"Are you fucking kidding me?! It's Europeans, who made these kinds of globes in the first place. It's the centre of the world. It IS the world "

"Takin out the trash. "

Gotta love the amount of projection going on, not to mention that all the "THIS IS WHAT MUDSLIMES WANT" fail to ignore that the middle-east is missing from the map as well.


Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. Sorted by controversial because the... -,*,,

  3. "If muslims keep streaming in, then... -,*,,

  4. "Are you fucking kidding me?! It's ... -,*,,

  5. "Takin out the trash. " -,*,,

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Without Europe, there'd only be a couple of sheep herders and hunters strolling around.

Yeah, but to be fair, the world would also be a ton less smelly.

I farted

/u/Anglo-Man you're so fucking boring that being mayo is the most interesting thing about you

You've figured me out, I am a living sandwich condiment.

Because blacks are just so much better

You were probably just trying to push my buttons, but you just ended up looking like a fucking mongoloid

That map is fucking budget level. You actually managed to make racism boring

That map is fucking budget level.

Not a critique of what it's saying

You actually managed to make racism boring

Is it racist if it's true?

As long as it keeps you goyim fighting each other, I really don't care either way

fighting each other

fighting who?


^ scared of ✡️

That's it? I expected some white hot anti-Semitism. You really are the world's most boring racist. You couldn't even offend Tumblr.

come on now. It's painfully obvious. I'm not just going to be racist for your amusement. If there's no nigger to trigger, it's no fun

If there's no nigger to trigger, it's no fun

Oh you're a cuckold. I guess you get a bit more interesting once I get to know you better.

I don't treat nigger like some special word. I honestly have no clue what you're talking about.

I don't treat nigger like some special word.

That's cause nothing about you is special

I honestly have no clue what you're talking about.

About as smart as I expected. You'd honestly be doing the white race a favor if you kys.

That's cause nothing about you is special

okay then lol

You'd honestly be doing the white race a favor if you kys.

If all the white people who hate white people and men who hate men killed themselves, this world would be a much better place

Jesus, I bet you look this inbred too

I really don't care if Pakistan is as inbred as you

no u

Make a fucking effort for once in your life


NEET confirmed


Lighten up, Eeyore. You're fucking depressing



Stop pretending you're in an argument that lets you repeat your predigested talking points like you're a broken record.

predigested talking points

I don't have arguments with myself in the shower.

Not an argument

Stop pretending you're in an argument that lets you repeat your predigested talking points like you're a broken record.

This really isn't either.

Not an argument

So you're just going to be a child and repeat shit? Are your parents home? You should probably be in bed by now. Are you just going to repeat again or say something different?

Did a child write this?

0/10 comeback - try again

Low effort gets low effort. Post bussy and keep yourself safe


Looks like it's saying Asians and Italians are the master race, frankly I agree.


Stupid people don't conquer the know world, after all.

Obvious lies. Russian is way too high.

holy shit did you just unironically say 'not an argument'

you're a living caricature

Why is saying "not an argument" something that shouldn't be said?

Not an argument

Sorry man, this is the future, and the future looks bright. You on the right!

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | state_of_imgur | ignoreme | deletthis

Nah, the future's going to be Amish and North Korean. It's not Tyrone I'm worried about. It's RoboChad V3.3 with Vibrating Cock Action. When sexbots are good enough for women, only the weird anti-tech cults and the Hermit Kingdom will keep on breeding.

When sexbots are good enough for women

But I've heard that women are genetically programmed to impregnate themselves by high quality males and marrying betas who'll help raise their children. Cockbots can be used for neither.

/>Implying sexbots wouldn't be higher quality that actual men

/>implying they wouldn't do a better job of raising kids

The black guy looks like he just woke up after the thirsty bitch drugged him.

I really need to stop browsing /r/drama in public

Honestly its better for people to think you're looking at interracial cuck porn in public than browsing /r/drama.

Fuck you Snally, I'm in public.

See this map cant be right cause italians are fucking retarded tbh

bow before your italian superiors

According to this map the vast majority of the world is below average.

You are the reason why we need white genocide.

You're the reason Hitler should have won

Instead he offed himself like a little bitch while his countrymen were brutally killed and his countrywomen were raped by commie cock. White genocide is actually happening and it's glorious. Is that supposed to offend me? 🤔

How is white genocide good? You like having no progress in technology and human life as a whole? You want every country to turn into a lawless shithole? Because that's what you'll get with no white people. Africans are still living in mudhuts for Christ's sake

How is white genocide good?

So we can exterminate the land from white people nonsense.

You like having no progress in technology and human life as a whole?

STEM and the medical fields aren't led by Mayos anymore, retard.

You want every country to turn into a lawless shithole? Because that's what you'll get with no white people.

A small price to pay for the eradication of the disgusting mayo race, insha'Allah.

STEM and the medical fields aren't led by Whites anymore

The reason that they aren't is because blacks and spics were placed there to meet diversity quotas.

Before Europe owned the planet, the entire world was a shithole. No innovation. What happened when we ruled the planet? Planes, AC, modern medicine, typewriters, industrialization. If you think this world would be better off without White people, you must have the IQ of a child in the Congo

Nope, affirmative action hurts Asians, Indians and other minorities who are overrepresented in technology fields. If anything it's helping filthy worthless Mayos from not being taken over by Changs and Pajeets, we should get rid of it.



Oh, you're just pushin' my buttons. You got me

You seem to be confused, I unironically advocate white genocide.

I'm also a fairly big proponent of the mayocide

I am generally against mayocide because they bring good drama, but good God u/Anglo-Man is really good at changing my opinion on this matter.

Your point? This map is like any other maps that aims to stroke someone's ego. It belongs in the trash.

In short: you can't even one-tag the whole world, and you call this achievement?

My point: Since Europeans were able to take over the whole world, we obviously aren't a "failed" race, or a genetic defect

whole world

Left Korea, Japan, and Siam


we obviously aren't a "failed" race, or a genetic defect

Oh no, you're not a failed race. I can't say the same for you as an individual, though.

We took parts of Siam, Netherlands had a port in Japan, America took Japan and South Korea for a while, and North Korea was annexed by the Soviets for a bit

Europeans were able to take over the whole world

And then

America took Japan and South Korea for a while

Arbitrary race designation really is the best way to bring different people together.

Jesus. I am sperging out too much on this post. At least we can agree to disagree.

Do yourself a favor and stop embarrassing yourself like this. Arguing whether your race is the superior race is just sad.

America is majority white so I have no clue what you're talking about

Ben Franklin really wasn't considered as British enough during his time.

We may be part of the Anglosphere, but I don't think the United States is "European." White, yes.

Ethnically, we are European

The reason that they aren't is because blacks and spics were placed there to meet diversity quotas

No, the reason mayos no longer dominate STEM is because العرب, azns, and curries are pushing mayos out, in spite of diversity quotas that are designed to keep people from West, South, and East Asia out.

Riddle me this: Why, when the UC system abolished affirmative action by state mandate, did it become majority Asian across all income brackets of the student body? And why does that trend increase as you get to the higher-ranked UC campuses? The

Exactly. Asians are overrepresented by a factor of five in STEM, you wretched mayo peon.

You people always say the exact same shit, you only have 5 talking points and they're all wrong, dumb, or half-truths.

Do you wanna fight in a 7-11 parking lot?

Well if we always have the same few talking points, it should be easy to prove me wrong

I'm sure people have and you just called them cucks or something else dumb then threw an autistic tantrum. I've tried before and honestly it's more fun to call you a retard.

Do it then. Prove me wrong

kys retard

See? I'm having fun

You just admitted you can't prove me wrong.

I accept your concession

"I can prove you wrong"

"Do it"


You like having no progress in technology and human life as a whole?

According to, uh, you the Chinese and Japanese should be able to more than pick up the slack.

how is white genocide good?


shit u got me. I hav ben rekkked bi u

You are the reason why we need white genocide.

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Implying being Mayo is interesting

That's what makes it so sad!

How many Globes do you have to own before you are officially Autistic?


Hecataeus divides the world into three parts: Europe, Asia, and Libya

greeks are fuckin weird man

It's worth losing all of Yurop if it means getting rid of them

A truly feminist worldview.

lol so accurate for american centric teenage girls.

Imagine being so pathetic you sperg out over pictures of globes.

This 'subreddit' actually has some funny stuff. I guess there are laughs to be had on leddit.

Now show me the one without Murica on it.