Former MAT mods start a new subreddit. This thread they created is totally not botted and all the comments don't come from alts. (Spoiler: < day old accounts)

39  2017-06-24 by [deleted]



This is why we need mayocide.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Notice that all the threads are created by 3 mods and that they all have 8-13 upvotes exactly.

Now notice that the linked thread has over 80 upvotes.

They do this because of the way reddit works. When reddits front page algorithm searches it looks for average upvotes across the subreddit and compares a popular post. If a popular post has significantly more upvotes it's more likely to hit the front page.

Check out the users in the comments. Obviously not new accounts created by the mods to help generate popularity.

It's not about average scores, only about scores over unit time. Bots help.

I'm putting this in here too. It's probably just more bullshit but FWIW I got it 10 days ago.

/u/sinx145 please explain.

That was duk / nameuser4321... that guys insane, just kept on harassing me and then when he get removed from as a mod on mat made that post about me

A likely story!

Wait. You're saying duk, a the_donald mod, was also a marchagainsttrump moderator?


Oh damn.

Thanks <3

Duk never modded t_d.

Yes he did

Really? I'm surprised.

Allow me. Sin is clean. He was helping us figure out who the real leaker in modchat was. We eventually did find him - (fuck you bb).

And our leaker/griefer just happens to be in contact with who? One of the 3 mods who has participated in the coup with the help of admins.

The story is so deep. Y'all have no idea.

And for those of you who think the admins didn't mean it... (like Trump, he can not spell a certain word.)

And for those of you who think the coup was actually temporary, I'm trying to dig up a screenshot to prove it isn't, but until then, here's my resignation message.


like Trump, he can not spell a certain word

The word is precedent, by the way.

Man. Abe sounds like a shitbag.


The- the stuff above?

Didn't you say yourself that barrawo wasn't running the sub well?

Sure, but that doesn't make doxing good.

I didn't dox.

Who accused me of doxxing?

You knew about Abe way before sinX

hey duk! The mystery still haunts you. <3

The good news is, you might get to be a MAT mod after all. They're under new management. You should ask them.

Oh hey Naho!

We just spoke :)

I only leaked to duk, who I wasn't aware was passing on any leaks elsewhere.

We have screenshots of you discussing this stuff with more than one person. We have screenshots of you admitting to abusing our announcement channel and admitting to giving the info to T_D's discord (Centipede Central) to abuse it with you.

So many fuckin' liars... from the admin level down to nobodies like you. Move the fuck on, assholes, before we decide to move the fuck back and set the whole story straight complete with pictures.

While I was a mod, the only person I leaked to was duk and duk did not inform me he passed on any info.

I had no idea duk was sending anyone info I leaked him.

While I was a mod

That's probably the magic phrase right there, huh?

I did leak some screenshots in a heavily vetted mod only discord server which is PRIVATE.

Isn’t it ironic you leaked from it above. Read rule 3.

Yet somehow, I don't feel bad. It feels more like justice than hypocrisy. I wonder why.

Besides, I'm sitting on enough past information to vindicate us and/or fuck y'all over, but I'm doing fucking nothing. Maybe y'all should work on your gratitude. A thank you would be nice. If you can't muster that, fucking off and leaving me alone would suffice.

I'm sitting on enough past information to vindicate us and/or fuck y'all over

I bet I got more info and you'd lose. Let's see what you got, Naho.

Hello mysterious person. I am aware of both recent history and ancient history (including TT). Maybe not everything, but I could write a book at this point. I've taken a magical mystery tour of old discords. But hey, you can always show me in PMs, if you want, if you think I'm not informed. I like knowing things. I think I can guess who you are. I'm scarlet on your discord. If I'm right, feel free to say hello to me.

Oh, and just in case you couldn't tell by my last message, I have no plans to leak anything further at this moment, which is something you all should be happy about, not threatening me over. Some of y'all are just fuckin addicted to drama. How many more ways can I say "move on, and leave me the fuck alone" before you actually do?

You're not going to "leak" anything because

  1. The full story being revealed would destroy you and the other mods.

  2. You don't have permission to expose them.

So don't try to talk a big game and pretend you've got leverage because your leverage would bury you.

The full story being revealed would destroy you and the other mods.

Uh... no. I'd come out of it just fine. So would the others. See, now I know you're just bluffing. That was stupid.

You don't have permission to expose them.

I haven't been told anything one way or another about exposing anything. You think you know a lot but it looks like you don't know much at all. Fuck off.

like Trump, he can not spell a certain word.)

That message from boxer is a lie. Order made the CSS.

Naho is telling the truth, sinx wasn't the "infiltrator". Just lied to persuade duk to pass stuff on I sent to him (without my knowledge).

That isn't an entirely correct summary.

Certified dankTM

It's so easy for kids to get Medicaid. This kids parents must make a shirt on of money and would thus be able to afford health insurance if this kid isn't eligible for Medicaid.

As if they weren't tragically sad enough.

/r/intolerantleft is sub name


"we're boring democrats but we're gonna call ourselves intolerant to be cool and edgy!"

My favorite part:

Rule 6: Civility is expected from people with dissenting views. Uncivil comments may face removal

My uncharitable read: It's basically saying that it's okay to break the jerk if you're civil, but the other side doesn't need to be civil to you. So when you disagree and get called human garbage you just have to deal with it.

I guess that's a step forward for these sorts of subs though.

Have strong suspicions that Wtfct is one of the alts of the people who took part of the MAT coup. They have been following me around all day.

Who do you think OP is an alt of? /u/Wtftc after this comment you purged quite a bit of your comment history. For why?

I have no way to confirm it, so it might not be fair, but I would guess he was adeadhead/get_it_mountie, awkwardtheturtle, or chittybangbangyeah. Maybe whatwildoes.

Could just as well be some random stalker. But it's a strange coincidence that I picked him up today.

Not I.

I knew the Donald post would bring me to the front page so I dint want anyone from there to search my post history and try to dox.

Gotcha, makes sense.

Nah. He's following you around because old MAT was botted garbage and the drama fall out from this writes itself. Y'all let Barawo drown the sub and should've known this would happen

MAT coup

T_D pitched a fit at reddit exercising ownership. As a result of their rule breaking, they had conditions imposed and moderators removed. How is this situation any different?

T_D still had control over their own subreddit. The proper chain of command was followed, and no one who only had 'posts' permissions was made head mod because they were a default mod.

For what it's worth, I actually had a conversation with a mod from T_D today who said it sounded similar to something that happened with them a while back (when they went private), except for them keeping control of the sub.

Their private conversations within the modmail system were not opened up to people who were effectively their enemy and who had contacts with leakers/doxers who had targeted them, which is what happened in our case. I'm a very private individual, so I was livid. The admin in question tried to convince me that they were trying to protect us from doxing due to a "hostile environment" while creating a situation that put us at risk.

Even after being informed of this, nothing was done.

Hey it's a bitter former mod!

For someone who has a subreddit rule about no conspiracies you sure do love conspiracies!

You aren't a bright person. I'm a person that's fallen victim to the autism that is your discord. Nothing makes me happier to see your group crash and burn like this. You guys couldn't handle the little power you had for more than a few days.

Out of curiosity- are you the last on discord who screams at everyone who talks over someone and then ends up talking over everyone else?

lol like three commenters are already suspended

Looks like one of the mods has been suspended!

Boxer is claiming it's for "working on CSS"

Rule 5: No conspiracy theories about the subreddit. This community is independent. We are in no way affiliated with any PAC, lobbying organization, or special interest group.

Strange I've never seen another place with such a rule. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Donald Drumpf is absolutely retarted. Sorry Drumpf your to extreme to be taking seriouslu

this has to subversion..right?

Naw that's one of our regulars.