Bill C. Innocent is planning a speaking tour: How to zip zop boopity bop sleeping women and get away with it, ez pz. Lots of people are mad.

88  2017-06-25 by blertyuh


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Too fuckin right bot, stay woke

MFW snapshill finally gets it.

these same folks think that mattress girl is a noble warrior for women's rights, and should totally keep making retarded pseudo porn on the internet.

Frankly, Bill Cosby needs to shut up and accept his guilt. Fighting back against accusations is just another example of toxic masculinity.

But he's black, so he's sticking it to the white... err, women?

only when the accusations are accurate

Mattress girl is way too vanilla to be a noble warrior

I think she should keep making retarded pseudo porn on the internet.

Notice how it's always just white """people""" calling him a rapist.

Rape = sexual assault + power. Bill Cosby isn't a rapist, only mayo ppl can rape.


Did you have a stroke while you were typing that?

"Oh someone is saying something i disagree with, must be having a serious physical condition"

Typical white people arrogance.

Must be hard carrying around that massive chip.

Not really, I'm not a spaghetti armed mayo.

Chip? I knew you were racist.

Begorrah, 'tis like another potato famine

Didn't think of it this way.

Why should we deny PoC the right to rape? It is not right that we should hoard the pleasure for ourselves.

Well if I remember correctly, blacks used to rape white wimenz very often until the KKK heroes organized to protect white wimen

Big if true

preach πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

only mayo ppl can rape

I thought PoC could do anything they set their mind on πŸ€”

not in amerikkka

So Bill Cosby got away with it because he's an honorary white? πŸ€”

He got away with it because it's physically impossible for him to rape.

of course Bill Cosby's an honorary white, he's been one since the 80s and started deliberately angling toward it in the 60s

why do you think the young blacks were so happy when the shoe dropped?

lol the black community will never turn on a black celebrity no matter what they do. for example OJ, MJ, and Chris Brown.

Master trolling.

I'd pay good money to attend one of those.

Nice. I always looked up to him. Never liked his stand-up, though.

By the title I thought it was about Mr Clinton.

But Kanye still autistic

Would be accurate.

The dementia is getting really bad. Has r/theredpill or r/mra modded him yet.

Why haven't we done it yet?

True tho

Will there be sweaters for sale outside the venue?

No, but there will be free drinks for all the ladies of course.

The cloning machine was too unreliable

If there subhuman beings we call cis women didn't spend every second around wealthy people plotting about how to get money and fame by claiming rape, such speeches would be totally unnecessary. Sadly, until we make it a capital crime for cis women to accuse people of rape (the rapists will still be punished, of course, but the woman must die to prove the sincerity of the accusation), such things will never happen.

Real shit

Is the secret pay lawyers lots and lots of money or just hide the bodies?

You know, if I were a serial sexual assaultist, I'm not sure that I'd take the advice of a really old blind man who has been accused of assaulting 60 women very seriously.

I think the lesson he should drive home in his talks is "I suck at sexual assault".

I'm not sure that I'd take the advice of a really old blind man who has been accused of assaulting 60 women very seriously.

I dunno, he sounds like he really knows his shit.