/r/europe's homogay propaganda conspiracy uncovered by brave soul in /r/subredditcancer

78  2017-06-25 by Greekball


This is from the same user (like 2-3 of his accounts were suspended since then, but it's the same guy) who brought you this.

Does he screams propaganda when he sees rainbows in the sky?

Nope, he might scream:

" Give the rainbow back to the children"

I imagine him screaming something like this:

Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high...

Take a look, it's in a book...A Reading Rainbow!

I mean to be fair, ever since I saw that subliminal map penis I haven;t been able to stop fucking men. /u/23tg2g2gg you were right. I got the gayness now. How do I make this nightmare end?

famham hates him some faggots tbh

Why was I benned from r/europe again?

We should vaccinate gypsies with cyanide.

For being black.

Is that all? Not a very controversial opinion in Yurop.

Then again you're a lazy malaka from a failed country so I wouldn't expect much in the way of reasoning.

Nah, we banned you cuz you are black.

No blacks allowed.

That's the most insulting thing anyone has ever said to me.

You should really make that a rule tho. No fags either, but then you'd have to remove the entire mod team.

No fags either, but then you'd have to remove the entire mod team.

True tbh

Ugh. He's not even a Jew. If you're gonna ban us, let it be for something (((we))) did, not that dumb polack

Typical (((Jew))), insinuating that black Jews aren't really (((Jews))).

Oy, why you gotta bring up the schvartzes


WTF did you just say to me you little bitch?

I'm a spud eater.

I'll never believe what ethnicity you say you are. I just assume you're some WASPy mongrel from rural Minnesota or something.

That's pretty fair tbh, I've claimed at least a dozen here.

I'm not an amerifat though and don't you forget it.

Show me ur EUfat passport

I honestly would, but the thought of someone connecting me to the wasteland of degeneracy and autism that is my post history is pretty frightening tbh.

You could have just said "I'm a coward who doesn't know how to redact personal info"

That works too

Purposeful misspelling is a sign of playful humour, you fucking beaner.

Not a very controversial opinion in Yurop.

Yeh we know. You people never seem to learn that genocide is bad

Why would we? It's the one thing we're good at.

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u/23tg2g2gg, you stupid idiot, r/ europe subscribers had the perfect plan - to attack Putin with hordes of homo - gays, and people were using coded messages to reveal current battlestations, but you just had to fuck everything up.KYS, YOU MOTHERFUCKER.

Is that pedobear?

Nah, it's a meme stolen from r/nba, something about toasters..smh

... how do you call a guy who is "stealing memes" from normies? Is it like a double normie or does it do a turn through the imaginary plane to being double 'tism again?

u put zero effort into that

she said accusingly on /r/drama

Make sure to ping his alt /u/gwg22 as well.

Everyone above and below this comment is a poofter.

Found the closet case.





^ this comment is below the comment saying "Everyone above and below this comment is a poofter" and it's poofting.

Case closed, post bussy.

I fiddled myself.

not an argument

Now, they go full force LGBT, the entire banner is an LGBT flag (and a penis reference on sidebar)

i heard that every straight man who dared to glance at r/europe's sidebar felt sudden craving for cocks

/u/23tg2g2gg care to comment? did they convert you as well or did your tinfoil get in the way of the (((gay rays)))?

the fuck is he talking about? ain't nuthin in the sidebar

Sweden and Finland used to be of a different color.

At some point a couple of years ago there was a switch for this LGBT thing. "Not being against it" used to be enough, now the new "not being against it" means you have to push for it and be happy and celebrate if you're flooded with it.

It's basically like the Hunger Games but instead of a fight to the death, we're being forced to wear feather boas and dance to shit house music while on poppers.

I'd watch the fuck out of RuPaul's Death Race tbqh

Are poppers even still a thing?

I can't find them anywhere anymore

Europe has same moderator of SRC and both have Muslim in it

Oh no. This bot is retarded.

I not part of bot

But are you a bot or are you a top?

I top on top of you

Oh no. It thinks it's alive.

/r/europe has been pushing propaganda for years now. I remember years ago, when I participated under a different name in that subreddit, it was trendy to be anti-semitic, and you would never get banned for it. Mods even endorsed it! They pushed it!

Then, out of nowhere, their propaganda pushing changed views for some reason. I don't know why, I don't know when, but their views definitely changed. Now, you can banned for simply mentioning the fact that refugees are welfare leeches, the fact that the majority of them don't even have high school education, the fact that they don't even know how to use a toilet, the fact that the majority of them are fucking their 1st cousins, the fact touching them with your left hand is rude (because they wash their ass with their left hand). If you even remotely indicate that Russia is not ruled by a dictator, you get downvoted to death.

Stay away from /r/europe. It's for your own good, and your own sanity.

I heard you have to get a hormone test when applying to become a mod of /r/europe and if your T levels are higher than that of a 9 year old boy you get rejected.

/u/Greekball can you confirm?

Untrue, I am a very manly Greek.




Then shouldn't you guys be way ahead of everyone else since you had a headstart?

That argument didn't work for the Kangz and it won't work for you.

Also unban me pls, I promise I'll keep my genocidal fantasies to a minimum (probably not tho).

No jews or blacks allowed sorry :(

I'm a proud aryan prince, you are the yuronigger Agamemnon.

Post Aryan bussy for verification.

I meant your Aryan bussy, not just another random small-dick Aryan

Jokes on you shylock, that's a JEW!

Fooled you once again


a JEW!

I don't believe you


Check out that jewfro Liebowitz

Oh god, I forgot about this fitness autist! He should really get a refund from his mohel

I prefer reading about the trials and tribulations of CIA Black Ops veteran Jason Blahahahahaha

(((Who))) do you think trained him at The Farm?

The Man Getter, thats who.

Real talk tho, are you familiar with our Lord and Savior, Eric Bugenhagen?

The youtoob fitness world is a blackhole of attention seeking faggotry and retardation so Jewnova is about all I can stomach.

That guy is pretty yoked tho, too bad I'd like to shoot him in the back of the head.

Skelly twink confirmed

Lol I'm pretty sure I bragged about my total to you on one of alts before.

Doesn't take much to impress a frail heeb tho.

on one of alts before.

This is why we have trust issues

It was my good boi alt, but I still ended up getting banned everywhere except here so what's the point, might as well accept it.

Curse my parents for all those vaccinations.

Also a 400 wilks on gear is pathetic

Nigga what the fuck is wilks

Ireland still waiting to get Wikipedia?

1550 total is pretty dang good for an 18 y/o, 3 months of test and dbol or not.

Also we still have slaves, you guys shouldn't have given them up so easily.

No vid no did

We gave them up cause the potato immigrants kept complaining it was unfair wage competition. Don't you have a famine wall to build or something?

I know you're a feeble jewboi but it ain't all that.

Nah micks have a low IQ, the niggers of europe is sadly a very accurate remark. I'll be moving to the East where I can fulfill my dreams of abusing migrants in peace. Wanna come? I'll protect you in exchange for some of that sweet gold.

Please leave the flags up indefinitely for the sake of drama

/u/23tg2g2gg, why are you so obsessed with cocks?

Because /u/23tg2g2gg wants multiple of them shoved up his tight poophole.

u/23tg2g2gg, you haven't seen real homogay conspiracy propaganda.

Gay shit is annoying. Vegan shit is annoying. Religious shit is annoying. Gas pride month tbh.

Username checks out

Gay people are mentally handicapped with regards to procreation.

top minds at work over there

You too can support Mayocide today by turning gay!