/r/islam gets TRIGGERED by liberal mosque in Berlin where Shias, gays, men, and women can pray together.

490  2017-06-25 by SyrianSimba


/r/islam is more concerned about a liberal mosque in Berlin than ISIS sexually enslaving Yazidis and throwing gays off rooftops. and don't forget the radical mosques in Western Europe. In the UK there are around 23,000 jihadists. but according to /r/islam muslims who support gay rights are the REAL threat to islam...

It's funny how liberals bend over backwards to accept Islamic traditions but many Muslims won't even acknowledge accommodating liberal beliefs. It's like watching an abusive relationship.

Nice, a double strawman! Don't see those too often

You're welcome love.

I'll shove some very coarse straw in your twat

That escalated quickly

I see men but little straw.

We let them get away with it because they do a great job of killing white people. I mean, why bite the hand that feeds you?

Yet I as a gay man promote hate speech because I raise concerns about that set of beliefs.

Well, stop promoting hate speech, you hateful bigot.


Or is he?

He's a gay man, according to islam his job is to rape and ruin society.

I don't get that. Real hate speech is saying 'fuck all Muslims I hope we get rid of them' not criticizing religious ideals.

And yet, here in the UK, people have been arrested for criticising Islam, as it is deemed "hate speech". Same in Sweden.

seriouspost: when people find themselves defending something over and over they get more and more sensitive about it. like the opposite of what would happen ideally

Even the most conservative ones vote for leftists parties just to let more muslims in.

Before 9/11 Muslims voted reliably Republican.

Muslims in the US (and Canada) are basically hand picked from the upper classes of Muslim countries, and their kids.

Muslims in Europe, not so much.

It's true, in the US, Muslims drive Mercedes Benz. In europe, they drive peace trucks into sidewalks.

Or cabs or delivery vans or busses or trash vans or do menial work like errbody else.

Liberals won't understand it until their heads are literally being sawed off their shoulders with a blunt blade.

At least they won't have to spend much time feeling bad about being wrong

If you re-frame the argument around notions of religious freedom, how does the right feel about that? If a Muslim cake store refuses to makes a wedding cake for a pair of dykes as an example...

The culture wars were a mistake

As a proponent of the right, I could give a fuck less if an atheist bakery refused a cake to any kind of religious wedding. I could give a fuck less if anyone refused to serve anyone for anything anywhere, it's your right as an American. Just as much as it's your right to walk into any place and ask to be served, it's the owner's right to say no. That's just me, though.

Especially if the people being refused service are black!

It's not really funny, it's upsetting, but it can be changed. My fellow liberals, with anti-anti-shariah demonstrations and that terrible women's march poster of the woman in the flag hijab, do so not out of spite but out of confusion and misunderstanding. Groups like CAIR and conservative Muslims prey on the goodwill of us as we simply want to stand up for their equal rights; the problem is that not enough of us really know anything about Islam whatsoever apart from the people we know and empathize with in our circle that are innocent Muslims and good people. My fellow liberals don't have to deal with Islam every day of their lives like I do, so they don't understand that things like the hijab (not even to mention Niqab) are incredibly sexist to both genders and the antithesis of gender equality.

This can be fixed; it requires dialogue and cooperation. We need to emphasize that we can speak out against both dogmatic beliefs and anti-Muslim bigotry at the same time. We need to stand up for human rights - for all people and all groups, and in turn hold all groups accountable, and not give Muslims a free pass because we view them as "oppressed". In the US at least, Muslims are among the most socioeconomically privileged groups because of immigration policy.

Again, this underscores the importance of education. Islam is a far right ideology at its unreformed core, when not cherry picked to death by many of its adherents in the West, many of whom are our friends and are good people. It is inherently opposed to liberalism and social equality, and we should be informing others in good faith, no pun intended, and not bicker over something fixable like this.

You are way too reasonable for /r/drama.

Would you like to visit the r/exmuslim sub? We need more people like you there :)

Would you like to visit the r/faggots sub? We need more people like you there :)

This is a well reasoned post, and I agree with much of what you said. However, you are effortposting on r/drama and therefore I must call you a little bitch.

It's like watching an abusive relationship.

Lefties are masochists, they get off on oppression

It's really baffling how liberals (and even far leftists) are willing to suck their dick so hard.

Whenever I see a sentence like the above I think, "hm, apparently this person doesn't 'get' ethics, ideals and values, seeing how he's regarding them as bargaining chips".

Do you also think that if your wife cheats on you you get to slam her one right in the teeth? I mean sheeeeeeeiiit you've been all nice and non-punchy and for what?

So here's some info about some bizarre people: They hold opinions and ideals because they believe in them, not just to make a point, not to out-righteous someone and not as bargaining chips.

So yes, "don't be racist against muslims you fucking hicks" and "don't be sexist against gays and women you fucking fanatics" are actually perfectly in line with liberal ideology, who'd have fucking thunk it.

mfw I'm trying to make this point in "/r/drama"

Pretty quick to call me a racist there bud. Especially odd since Muslims aren't a race, hmmm... good effort though.

Especially odd since Muslims aren't a race

Oh wow, just for me?

You know you can probably get like, what 100$ on eBay for this argument nowadays? Just label it "retro" or "collectible".

You lame rebuttal doesn't change the fact that they aren't. There are Muslims with many different skin colours and ethnic backgrounds, maybe you're racist for reducing them to just one, you silly bean.

Hey man, you're the dude that read a post about not liking racists and replied to me with "hey man I'm not racist, why you calling me racist?!".

But sure by all means, keep at it, let me get you a shovel.

Oh dear, instead of backing up your arguments you prefer personal attacks, that'll show me the error of my ways surely ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) bye darling, try harder next time.

That's rich, coming from someone whose reply to a very basic simply explanation is "hey man you called me racist".

Especially since I didn't call you a racist.

But hey any time you want to engage with my original point, I'll have the crayons ready for you, ok love?

Anxiously awaiting your next bullshit deflection.


Yes, run along now, stick with pictures :)


Oh dear, instead of backing up your arguments you prefer personal attacks, that'll show me the error of my ways surely ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) bye darling, try harder next time.

Are you actually equating emojis with personal attacks, hahahaha, that's legitimately hilarious. Anyway, you're taking r/drama too seriously, I'm just messing with you, it's all bantz. Have a good day.

it's all bantz

And you don't have to pass any exams or anything, right?

I just got my degree, exams all done for now brother.

In the UK there are around 23,000 jihadists

Another thing white people do better. The IRA had 2,000 members and look at all the shit they did. 23,000 jihadists can't get anything done.

Unless that number is bullshit, of course.

You should give Islam people time - that's what libs say at least, and I agree. Be patient, eventually they might be as good as IRA.

They are going to outbreed them

They've admitted on camera repeatedly from Britain to Sweden and everywhere in between, that this is their plan.

Mass immigration + shitskin overpopulation + 25 years = a radical population shift throughout Europe.

Indeed and sadly Europeans can't breed for shit, they are going the way of the Japanese and the pandas

The Japanese have the right idea. It's better off to just go extinct than to hand the keys to the country over to clowns like Sadiq Khan.

The European ancestors would die again if they could see Europe state

Think about all the blood that was shed to liberate Europe only to happily give it to sand people.

What you say is that burgers are cucks.

European ancestors would die if they could see Europe at its most peaceful, rich and technologically advanced state in centuries?

I mean, I suppose they'd find the lack of witch-burning, serfdom & mass ethnic cleasning disappointing but still...

Yes, a population incapable of breeding, with no control of their border, a joke of a counter terrorism capacity, being replaced by their enemies offsprings

Yeah, that ain't happening. Haven't you sperglords heard of a thing called 'demographic transition'?

Anjam Choudary literally said his group was supporting a worldwide Islamic caliphate.

Let me guess, Islamic extremist who doesn't represent real muslims.

Islamic extremism doesn't understand demographics either.

Nice try but no

And your refutation is?

Your point was? They are being replaced by people that refuse to adapt and are more of a burden than productive members

So you think an aging population is preferable?

European breeding would be preferable

Unfortunately it isn't a viable option, specifically because of the demographic transition. That's why they brought it up.

'European ancestors' would die if they could see Europe at its most peaceful, unified, rich and technologically advanced state in centuries?

Lol, not for long.

Also why put "european ancestors" in spooky quotes?

Sadiq's your go-to example of civilisation-destroying Islamist? Lol.

We're talking about the UK and he's mayor of its largest city.

What's that got to do with the price of bread?

You brought up Sadiq, and even italicised his name for effect, because you think he exemplifies the problem of Islam in Europe. That would suggest to me that you think he's extreme. I'm saying he isn't. Which was very clear from my comment.

Your comment was an embarrassing piece of Muslim loving bullshit, FUCK you BITCH.

You're literally surprised that the Muslim mayor of London is being discussed in a comment thread about Muslim immigration in Britain.

Not surprised at all, Sadiq's name is always thrown about by ill-informed idiots.

I'd just like to know - being a Londoner myself - what threat he poses to the people of the capital.

Complacency with London becoming a hotbed of terrorist activity?

Try comparing the rates of terrorism in London from 2007-2012 and 2012-2017, FAGGOT.

What, pissed because you VOTED for him, you little BITCH?

  1. Possibly true, but there's no way of knowing what goes on behind the scenes. For obvious reasons, counter-terrorism tactics aren't something you broadcast.

  2. Khan was elected last year.

  3. His stance of refugees is frustrating but it's indistinguishable from virtually everyone else in parliament. What sets him apart from, say, his predecessor? Or does the fact that he's a Muslim make everything he says and does ten times worse?

  4. Had I voted in the mayoral election it would not have been for Khan. This idea that I'm some damp-rag progressive too afraid to criticise Islam and the Muslim community is a complete figment of your imagination, and a brief glance at my recent comment history will show you that. I just don't think it's productive to insinuate that a man is an extremist when in reality he's just as moderate/liberal as the majority of his peers (which, for the record, is a problem in itself, but it's one that isn't exclusive to him).

Ohh, so you were arguing against the strawman that I was demonizing Khan simply for being brown.

Typical leftist faggot bullshit, fuck you you fuckin' gay ass retarded little Brit.

Lol what? Where did I mention the colour of his skin? I spoke about his religion, that is it. Race and religion are not analogous.

Nobody cares, take your fucking discrimination-based strawman arguments back to /r/politics, BITCH.

Maybe you'll be given MOD status, LOSER.

Been good chatting. Cheerio.

lol his autism

You're a very angry person aren't you? Why not take a breather and have a cold glass of milk.

Ohh, I'm ANGRY alright.

You should kill yourself.

Okay, send me some bitcoin and I'll OD for you.

I also hope you realize that all Muslims aren't born screaming Allah 'Akbar with a bomb strapped to their chest. Also, allah 'akbar means "god is the greatest". Sit down, you republican dumbass.

Fuck you and every Arab who's ever lived, faggot.

lol seriously look at his post history, he's angry as fuck and spends 99% of his time getting ass blasted on reddit by people he can't rationally refute, it's no surprise he's so bitter and sad


Well he did March in Londons Gay Pride parade, and received much flack and even threats from the local predominantly conservative/mainstream Muslim community for that. He didn't have to do that.

He likely realizes Islam is bullshit but has to play the part. Regardless of his beliefs, I'd rather people like him are focused on as examples of Muslims. Doing so helps reform along faster. Not knowing his policies, and on this issue alone, I don't think one can say he himself is any where harmful as mayor.

Don't think calling anyone shitskins helping you make your point mate

Fuck all mudslimes, NIGGA.

Oh I seem to of made the mistake of assuming you were a rational human being.

Please baby, on /r/drama?

Very true

lol look at his post history for more really embarrassing examples of why that was a mistake

Ohh please, you literally registered this account yesterday to post-stalk me with a less humiliating comment history.

Fuck you, FAGGOT.



kill yourself you embarrassing retard, there is a reason why everyone is always laughing at you

I just fuckin' got you BANNED you little BITCH.

no you didn't retard, no one likes you and I'm here to remind you until your inevitable suicide

I DESTROYED you you little FAGGOT.

you got laughed at you fatbodied pussy, and you can't do shit about it :)

Bih shuh duh fuhh uhh ni'ihh.

we can hear your fat through the internet, virgin

Duh fuhh uhh ni'ihh.

you're still fat, we're still laughing

lmao you got raped fatty, you're still getting raped

you can't stop it

and we're all still laughing at you :)

lol no one likes you retard, deal with it

Watch out guys, he's being racist, on the internet.

so brave, so autistic

registering a new account to get karma from following around edgelords and virtue signaling about their posts.


lol the kind of petty faggot that cries about "virtue signaling", no wonder everyone laughs at you

go back to your shitlord sub for losers so you can farm trumptard karma, since that's pretty much all you've got in your sad life lollll

Ah, the malthusian fallacy.

23,000 suspected jihadis, very different (but yes still worrying)

the IRA were smart enough to know you can detonate a bomb remotely.

It's as if most Muslims secretly support Islamist violence, as is mandated by their religion, and their claims to the contrary are propaganda pushed by leftists.

In the UK there are around 23,000 jihadists.


Implying those are bad things

Western Muslims can do more about a mosque in Germany than random terrorists in the middle east

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"I'm not a Muslim, and I think this is just outright bizarre."

So now reddit is joining in with Muslims?

he probably agrees with conservative muslims that they're the only true muslims and everyone else is a fake muslim

To be fair, the Quran is very literal in its doctrine, and ignoring lots of it like this mosque in Berlin is does come off as not being very legitimate.

Cool, adhere strictly to that barbaric text, why not, right?

If your actual religion comes from a 'barbaric text' that isn't fit for the modern world, maybe it's time to rethink your faith, instead of just virtue signaling about diversity.

All the major* religious text are pretty barbaric, because of course they are, they were written in a barbaric time.

We should be encouraging moderation in religion (even with cognitive dissonance) so we can all just chill and look at the sky on a nice summers day

*Not buddhism, mostly

today, r/drama was not as autistic as usual

Bitch shut the fuck up faggot. You need to die painfully.

Bring it on, you moldy cunt

just fyi islam requires u to adhere to the quran in its entirety, and picking and choosing renders a Muslim a not-muslim. plus it leaves no room for reform as the book is final (apart from interpretations of the book, but that can only get you so far)

Well I'm the new prophet, and I wrote a few new chapters, I've got it right here.

See? The book can change

"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Apostle of God, and the Seal of the Prophets: and God has full knowledge of all things." - quran 33:40

"Giroth was not fathered by any of you yet living, but lo, he was fathered in the halls of light. He is God, and yet he is not God. He is Light, and yet he carries the darkness of the world upon his back.

Listen, believers, and behold un-to him for his word is the word of God." -- New Quran 3:14

i for one welcome our new giroth overlord

oh great giroth

how does one join your path of enlightenment

I believe. Oh new prophet please spread your teachings to r/islam

This is akin to a child's understanding of religious doctrine.

So about the same to most people who bother following religious texts.

That's been tried, ask a Muslim if they consider Ahmadiyya to be true Muslims.

Apparently, Mohammed "sealed" the religion.

Well, whole point in islam is that muhammad was the last prophet.

I heard Giroth was the last prophet

honestly, this right here is the absolute truth.

liberal apologists can't seem to wrap their heads around this.

It does? Where does it say so?

*Not buddhism, mostly

Buddhism is a completely fucked religion. Fucking simpsons and th dalai lama for making it seem cool.

What's wrong with promoting suicide (but not usual suicide, you gotta kill yourself spiritually otherwise you just get reborn)?

but it is cool if you only look at the good stuff!

He believes in the "buddhism is spiritual suicide" meme

Look at this pleb. I bet he believes Samsara is liberation as well.

"The secret to happiness is low expectations." -Buddha

It doesn't work that way, it takes generations for a religious society to abandon religion (if it happens). It's more realistic to teach to live and let live and liberalize the culture at a reasonable pace.

We could just kill all religious people

Calm down Pol Pot.

Hey I'm not saying we should do it, just spitballing.

We totally should tho.

It doesn't work that way, it takes generations for a religious society to abandon religion (if it happens).

Commies managed to subvert it in one generation.

Wrong. See Russia. Orthodox church made a comeback. Commies are useless at almost anything. Using force it's not the same than achieving stable reforms. Remove the force and change will be reverted because it was half assed.

Also, it's arguable they replaced the whole thing with a secular equivalent (see the nationalism and the cult of leader figures and the party in North Korea and China).

I was talking about Islam in commie countries like Albania, Bosnia, and Bulgaria. They're very non-religious, though nominally still Muslim.

If you really suppress Islam, it'll buckle hard, much harder than Christianity. The reason for this is that Christianity was born under oppression, thrived under oppression, and designed to persist and succeed despite harsh oppression (some even say that you cannot be a Christian if you are not oppressed). I don't think that is a healthy attitude, but it's what the religion is based on, and it allowed it to grow into the behemoth that it is now and persist under commie rule in Eastern Europe, or places like Egypt and the Roman Empire.

Islam is completely the opposite. It was build to dominate and claimed the sole right to rule; any other ruler is deemed unnatural and a perversion of God's Word. This is why the Islamic world has developed such an enormous identity crisis after being eclipsed by the West in every way. The Quran says it shouldn't happen that Muslims are being outperformed everywhere, and this undermines the validity of the entire religion. So they either become non-practicing, or they claim that the End Times are at hand; both very pessimistic attitudes.

While christianity was born under opression, it expanded being the opressor historically, there was a time where many sects fighted like the Shia and the Sunni right now (sorry if it's a stupid analogy, but it sounds like Catholic vs. Protestant conflict), then went through some reform to the point most christians are secular (ish). But that happened because a lot of people played dumb with whatever the strictest interpretation said for personal convenience (people like their premarital sex it seems).

I have no love for Islam, but honestly, deep down religion is whatever the strongmen or the mob want it to be, not what the holy word says. It's fucked but who knows what you can expect in the future. In the short term is going to be shitshow for sure, but extrapolating from that is silly.

What it's likely to happen is people eating cognitive dissonance and pretending whatever their replacement for current Islam is Islam with a small minority of atheist out there, but that's not happening in a big scale anytime soon (decades? centuries?).

While christianity was born under opression, it expanded being the opressor historically, there was a time where many sects fighted like the Shia and the Sunni right now (sorry if it's a stupid analogy, but it sounds like Catholic vs. Protestant conflict), then went through some reform to the point most christians are secular (ish). But that happened because a lot of people played dumb with whatever the strictest interpretation said for personal convenience (people like their premarital sex it seems).

That's true, but it nonetheless managed to grow and convert a lot of people. If Muhammad had started where Jesus started, then the Roman's would've killed them all and that would've been it. That would've been the end of Islam. In fact, they quite often did just that, because there were a lot of self-proclaimed Jewish Messiahs in the time of Jesus. Jesus was the one that persisted, because he was much less violent.

I have no love for Islam, but honestly, deep down religion is whatever the strongmen or the mob want it to be, not what the holy word says. It's fucked but who knows what you can expect in the future. In the short term is going to be shitshow for sure, but extrapolating from that is silly.

That might be true, but they still have doctrines that affect people differently.

I'm not sure christianism persisted through all the centuries because of non violence. In the future it may be true (or it may be extinguished because people loss their faith...I don't expect it to happen anytime soon), but historically it was more like a mix of initial random chance and then violence/coercion/peer pressure.

I'm not sure christianism persisted through all the centuries because of non violence.

It didn't, eventually (especially after Constantin converted), but it did persist at first. The Christian doctrine of "render unto Caesar" make them a lot less threatening to non-Christian rulers than, let's say, Muslims. It's why the Romans didn't send a general to roll in and sack Jerusalem as they had done so often.

You can see a modern equivalent in China, which is seeing a very large growth in Christians, yet barely oppresses them, unlike its Muslim minorities.

While violence is mostly disliked by christians (except in Africa, see the Lord's Resistance Army), there still exists a problem of peer pressure and discrimination yet (I remember a poll where it said people in the US dislike the atheists more than the muslims, I may be misremembering).

Where this doesn't apply, agnosticism and atheism have become more common, but it's a really slow process. It's hard to tell what will be the final state though; usually religion survives by adaptating itself to the current culture.

Why be a pussy about it and not just quit Islam altogether.

the koran has been edited multiple times, by your logic islam is already illegitimate since it doesn't adhere to the original text.

change in this case is good, its what islam needs to join the modern world.

the quran hasn't been changed since its inception but feel free to continue making shit up

I would assume that since the translations can't always be 100% literal it would leave room for error depending on who is doing it. Its not the original word otherwise it would only be practised in whatever dialect of Arabic.

You do realize that people are taught Arabic all over the Mulsim world specifically so they can read the Quran untranslated, right? If you hadn't even learned something so basic I would say you aren't qualified to discuss Islam and the Quran (and also that whatever school you went to completely failed in religious studies).

First of all, if you had any shred of reading comprehension you would realize that I wasnt criticizing Islam rather pointing out the translations create room for error so unless it was the original text it would be modified scripture. This applies to every religion and shows how easily a translation error can create issues within a community. Second, you dont have to be a student of a religion in order to discuss it so everyone is free to criticize whatever the fuck they want. Thats what the internet is for.

I never even accused you of criticizing Islam though? You just seem to think that most Muslims are reading a translated version of the Quran when the entire Muslim world from Africa to Indonesia is taught Arabic at an early age specifically so they don't have to read a translated version of the Quran.

Except the majority of African muslims are illiterate, so its not as simple as teaching them how to read unaltered texts.

Most non arab muslims don't know arabic. They just learn the quran phonetically.

And even then, the Arabic that most Arabs speak is not the same as that which the Quran is written in. It's like the difference between church Latin and modern Italian.

Kinda has, were 7 qurans written down. All but one got burnt.

The earliest physical Quran doesn't have vowels. Compare the earlier qurans to the one you hold, they are not the same. There are multiple contradictory qurans.

Uh, what ? This is not true at all. 7th century Arabic was not a universal language. All the tribes of Arabia didn't speak the same version. Different versions of the Qur'an existed to accommodate this, however The literal translations were the same

Yes, thank you

Nobody has to go to that mosque though.

he probably agrees with conservative 90% of muslims that they're the only true muslims and everyone else is a fake muslim

/r/islam being full of fanatics really isn't a big surprise tbh

islam isn't christianity or judaism. You don't get to completely disregard the basic principles of the religion while constantly adapting it to suit your needs. If the scriptures say something is unlawful then it's unlawful. Premarital sex, pork and alcohol doesn't magically become ok under islam because you enjoy those things.

Maybe stop having such an ass backwards community and then you may finally be considered civilized people.

Just because something is written down doesn't mean it has to be followed to the letter. Jaywalking is illegal, doesn't mean I give a fuck because I'm not actually going to be punished for it.

Jaywalking is illegal because some stupid government officials decided it's illegal. The things that are unlawful in islam are unlawful because God decreed it so. You don't believe you'll be punished but God doesn't care what you believe. You'll suffer your fate in the afterlife regardless.

I don't know but it seems to me our lives are civilized enough. We abide by the laws. We practice our religion peacefully and let non-muslims live their lives how they please, and participate in society just like any other person. Just because we refrain from intoxicating ourselves and abstain from premarital sex doesn't make us any less civilized.

No it was written by some pedophile in the middle of the desert who was probably high out of his mind on some drugs. God is as real as my waifus.

Have they changed the definition of pedophile lately because i always thought it meant a sexual attraction to prepubescent kids? The prophet's first wife was older than him. his youngest wife was already set to marry somebody else

Since when does marrying and fucking a kid not make you a pedophile?

he raped a 9 year old.

Go taqiyya somewhere else, goat fucker.

Google taqiyya you ignoramus..."lieing to fool the infidel about izlam" doesn't exist in our religion

Of course you would lie about it, camel jockey.



Taqiya (Arabic: تقیة‎‎ taqiyyah, literally "prudence, fear") is an Islamic term which refers to precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution. Another term for this concept, kitmān (lit. "action of covering, dissimulation"), has a more specific meaning of dissimulation by silence or omission.

This practice is emphasized in Shia Islam whereby adherents are permitted to conceal their religion when under threat of persecution or compulsion.

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Are you...calling him a camel-racer? That supposed to be an insult? Weak. C'mon, sandnigger really puts the flavour on iykwim.

Maybe one should read the article instead of dogmatically assuming it confirms their viewpoint. Had you read it, you would've realized

  • It's a Shia concept (<15% of muslims, certainly not the scary wahabiz)

  • Even in Shia jurisprudence, it's about lieing when under duress and facing persuction, as it says in the article

denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution

permitted to conceal their religion when under threat of persecution or compulsion.

Be intellectually honest mate

Don't you have a date with 72 virgins or something? Hurry up, you wouldn't want to keep them waiting.

Uncle always said when they ad-hominhem you, they just nuked themselves from orbit

I fart in your mother's mouth.

Ouch, low blow. Things like that hurt other peeplz feelings, y'know?

I love it when rural white Americans act like they know what Arabic words mean even though they don't know Arabic.

I love it when sheltered libcucks assume everyone is Amerkin.

You won't believe how many Americans act like this. You do have the occasional Canadian and European too but this is more pervasive in America.

prepubescent kids

TIL 9 year olds aren't prepubescent according to Abudulla Islamamalamna

People only lived to 35 back then; practically early twenties in today's world

People got older than 35.

The average life expectancy was this low because it got dragged down by child mortality and the one or other death by some disease which could be prevented today.

There were still 50+ year old folks around.

Also 9 is still no fucking standard, I would get 12-14 for those times but 9? Most kids haven't hit puberty by then, only rare occasions.

You're obviously wrong

Oh gosh darn, if it is obvious then you must be right

We practice our religion peacefully and let non-muslims live their lives how they please, and participate in society just like any other person.

And the masses that don't are not true Muslims, right?

By masses you mean less than 0.01% of the population? has a muslim ever stopped you from drinking your alcohol or having sex with whoever you want?

Not me personally, but I live in the West.

Glad I am not an Ahmadi in Pakistan.

Historically, Muslims have gleefully slaughtered and raped infidels throughout history [When they have been strong enough.] Starting with your beloved Prophet, then the Rashidun, and on up to today.

I have not only read Quran, but many, many, hadiths, Seerah, and tafsirs, and I have never met a Muslim that would not lie about such things. Next I suppose you are going to tell me that Islam is the Religion of Peace.

You may have read one or two passages on the usual garbage like religionofpeace.com or wikiislam but it's safe to say you've never actualy read the quran.

Your claims are complete and utter bullshit. The prophet himself oversaw the execution of muslims who transgressed in their persecution of minorities.

Islam is peace through submission to god. Islam doesn't claim to be a pacifist religion. When it's necessary muslims can and should defend themselves and their religion. Spreading the word of god to as many people as possible is obviously the ultimate goal because everybody deserves salvation, islam is a religion for all man kind; but isn't the same as saying islam advocates the slaughter of non-believers. Conversion through force isn't real conversion, as said in the quran.

it's safe to say you've never actualy read the quran.

Oh, I've read it.

The prophet himself oversaw the execution of muslims who transgressed in their persecution of minorities.

Like the Banu Qurayza?

When it's necessary muslims can and should defend themselves and their religion.

Like they did at Dhul Khalasah? travelled all the way to Yemen to kill all the men and rape the women.

Khaibar was pretty cool too. What is it that Muslim mobs shout even today? Khaibar, Khaibar, Ya Yahud...

Like the Rashidun "defended" themselves across the Arabian peninsula.

Conversion through force isn't real conversion.

Yeah, like "No compulsion in religion." Go read the traffics on that ayah to see what the mufassirun had to say about it.

You are either a liar, or you are extraordinarily ignorant of Islam.

Are you telling me a muslim is stupid? Color me shocked.

like religionofpeace.com

Hey, thanks for telling me about that website. Lots of good information there... But why did you send me there?

you're serious...


we abide by the laws

how many adulterers have you stoned as of late my dude

Le adultery gets stoned meme, again. Yeah, you get stoned for adultery in Islam, but do you know what the condition is? 4 witnesses, seeing the act of penetration. Notice how impossibly rigorous that standard is? Wonder why punishment by stoning didn't ever happen during the prophets time and hundreds of years after? That's why

Gang rape

Rape =/= adultery, don't look at the countries of today to see what sharia law looks like, look at the caliphates of the past; the rashidun, harun al-rashid's empire, Umar Ibn Abdulaziz's empire etc.

Victim of rape doesn't get punished in Islam, despite the shit you see in the middle east today

Well, then, I'm not arguing against that, am I?

I don't know, I don't suppose "Gang rape" without any accompanying words or points is an argument at all, so I filled in the gaps based on what I thought you were getting at

Well, then, I'm not arguing at all, am I?

Dude stop, every post makes you look worse.

Have you accepted Jesus into your heart, cause we are all sinners m8, no human action spares us from original sin. That's why Jesus died for our sins, maybe try looking at what Jesus says instead of following a literal warlord like Muhammad.

You'll suffer your fate in the afterlife regardless.

are you afraid you will be reborn as a cockroach because you had bad Karma this life since you weren't a good buddhist?

Same goes for people who don't believe in your magic bullshit about hell.

Got news for you: Hell ain't real, and allah either.

I'm sorry but why do other people need validation from some westerners who don't know shit? You guys aren't that smart.

some westerners who don't know shit

Apparently making basically every part of modern civilization means not knowing anything. Meanwhile the Middle East is a bunch of idiots in a desert killing eachother because they think they think it makes them better at religion.

I'll continue to enjoy my air conditioned home with plenty of food without having to worry if my neighbor is going to strap some bombs to his chest or not.

Lol, thank you for proving my point exactly. You guys need to stop reading so much media and assume that it reflects reality. A lot of places in the Middle East are fine like Jordan and Lebanon and Algeria and Morocco and Tunisia.

And 'western civilization' was built off the contribution of other civilizations.

Just because some countries aren't collapsing doesn't mean Islam isn't a shit religion that refuses to modernize.

What you think is shitty or not is your opinion.

Btw, if Islam never refused to modernize the Golden Age would have never happened, nor the many scientific and artistic contributions during the Ottomans and the Moorish Al-Andalus time in Spain.

What we are seeing since the late 80s was a regression inspired by Saudi Wahabism.

Well now, we're hoping for either another modernisation or collapse of the religion entirely. It can't survive in its current state for much longer.

Those list of countries is the best you could come up with ?

some goat fuckers in the middle east who never went to school cuz islam blew it up are smarter lmao

Huh, Islam says to blow up schools? Yeah it's like you guys keep confirming what I've been saying all along. You don't know shit so just shut up.


These are the same people that blew up mosques. Yeah these guys definitely represent Islam!

Lmao they absolutely do

I hope you will be fair and say that the KKK represents Christianity too, if that's the case.

Not quite since the KKK follows a twisted version of the bible but ISIS follows the quran religiously lmao

But the KKK say that they follow the Bible religiously.

Besides that, you know hundreds of Muslim scholars already addressed ISIS in a letter right? Take your time to read this through.


They claim to, but reading it they don't.

ISIS claim to and actually do

What do you mean by actually do? Are you a theology expert? Do you have esoteric insight?

Just admit that you have a cognitive bias.

That's the case with other religions too. Most people of other religions aren't so retarded that they can't change and grow, though.

Change and growth is what's retarded. Do you not see the irony in changing religion? You believe your religion is the literal word of god but somehow the word of god has to be changed? It makes zero sense to change religion. if you change religion you may as well give up the religion entirely.


Doesn't deserve 72 virgins tbh

The people who made up other religions weren't stupid enough to say that their holy book is the literal word of god, so those holy books are up to interpretation.

I'm sorry but the last part is wrong. There are multiple interpretations of Islam.

those holy books are up to interpretation

There are multiple interpretations of Islam

Yeah that's what he said.

The different sects of islam aren't based on different interpretations of the quran. They're based on disagreements over inheritance and whether or not muhammad was the last prophet. None of them disagree on what's written in the quran.

What? No. Extremists interpret it to mean something else than moderate ones. For instance they see the violent verses as something that's eternal that can be applied to everything. Moderates see it in its historical context.

It doesn't work that way.

You said, so I believe you

I mean, we have a lot of historical examples. The word of God tends to mean whatever religious leader wants it to mean. All the people arguing that Islam is built against change misunderstand the fact that deep down religion is bullshit and maleable, and that old texts are not as powerful as it seem. Hell, ISIS strictly talking are heretics, so why can't we have "heresy" in the other direction?

You don't get to completely disregard the basic principles of the religion while constantly adapting it to suit your needs.

You do, that's how all the religions work and how they were created.

Lol, r/islam is not even close to what a fanatic muslim community looks like. Go to islamqa.info if you want to see what mainstream islam looks like

there are plenty of good turks like Erdogan.



Don't worry about him, he's just a furry. Speaking of which, what does Allah think of furries?

No one knows you're a furry under a burqa.

Points paw at head.

Careful, I'll send the furry gestapo.

Absolutely haram tbh

Is anime haram? If yes, Salam Alaykum, my brothers.

drawings of humans are indeed haram, same with furries and cross dressing

Id say gas the turks, but roaches are resistant to pesticides

Yo do you believe in evolution?

Teaching unbelief (kufr) to Muslims as though it were a fact is unquestionably unlawful.

Lol thanks for the laugh mate

Whats so funny its obviously unlawful.

Only to retards who don't understand how evolution and science works. Should we stop teaching the theory of gravity as well because illiterate people don't think it is true?

Are you retarded? He was obviously talking about haram and halal not unlawful in a secular law you fucking idiot. No fucking shit muslims teaching Kufr to other muslims haram for muslims like how is this news? And the author knows very well how science and evolution works, he went to secular universities before he converted, maybe read the article.

Are you retarded?

No, I'm an atheist


Apatheism ( a portmanteau of apathy and theism) is the philosophical view that one should be apathetic towards the existence or non-existence of god(s). It is more of an attitude rather than a belief, claim or belief system.

An apatheist is someone who is not interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist or do not exist. An apatheist may thus decide to live as if there are no gods.

[ PM | Exclude me | Exclude from subreddit | FAQ / Information ] Downvote to remove | v0.23

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Furries are prohibited by Islam since it's anthromorphication. Same reason you can't draw Muhhamad.

 /`       .`\                                                        
/  '  _.-'   \   
|  `'_{}_    |    
|  /`    `\  |             "Hi, I'm Muhammad."                                     
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  \        /                                               

Is bussy unlawful?

What is this, an ama? Drama only you spergcuck.

I just wanted to see how retarded he was.

Can't be so open ended. This is like asking a Donfag why the deep state is rooted in FEMA, you'll just get a link to a batshit youtube video you won't watch.

Funnily enough we got a link to a batshit blog article.

 /`       .`\                                                        
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|  /`    `\  |             "Hi, I'm Muhammad."                                     
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  \        /                                               

delet this

There's plenty of Muhammads out there. You gotta put in the prophet to profit.


 /`       .`\                                                        
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|  `'_{}_    |    
|  /`    `\  |             "Hi, I'm Muhammad."                                     
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  \        /                                               

I am actually quite baffled the top comment there is dissing Atatürk for being a dictator and another comment is dick riding Erdogan.

What's the point of getting education if these people are going to remain this retarded.

It's almost like multiple opinions can exist! And if Erdogan is a dictator then so was Obama, Bush, Trump and every other USs president.

Only one of those names listed used a failed (and quite possibly engineered) coup to crack down on all dissenting opinions, get rid of democracy, and create a theocracy.

A US sponsored coup, after the USs absoultely destroyed South America, Iran, Pakistan and various other countries with their coups, this kind of action is neccessary.

Yeah but those were other countries. Erdogan did it to his own country to take power. Only actual dictators do that.

Its happened to Turkey before.

  1. Not in this way
  2. Even if it did, "It's always worked like this" isn't exactly sound moral justification

Its only a moral justification for you guys when the guy is a secularist who murders muslim scholars and bans hijabs like Ataturk right?


Source: am infidel hive mind.


Source: Am incel

Normies get out

a secularist who murders muslim scholars and bans hijabs


/u/BeerusOfDestruction where can we find this guy? We should put him in charge of the middle east so maybe it won't be garbage.

Ataturk, all previous military dictators of Turkey, Gaddafi, Saddam Hussien, the Baathists, Sisi, Assad aand all the rest of the secularist middle eastern leaders.

Nod really, they didn't kick Islam's teeth in like Ataturk actually did. Peh, they don't deserve a great man like him. He should have been Greek so the actually decent parts of Turkey today would be under a proper country and not have to cater to eastern goat people.

bans hijabs

Didn't happen

murders muslim scholars

literally can't find what you're talking about

That doesn't make it right.

Protecting your country from becoming Iran, Pakistan or South America is nothing less than heroic. Funny how nobody denounces the americans for funding these coups in the first place.

...they do tho 🤔

Which countries in South America?

Panama, Guatamala, Cuba, Chile... granted most of those are Latin/SA.

Didn't our country fuck up colombia somehow as well?

Does it count if we were like #3 in the gangbang?

nobody denounces the americans for funding these coups in the first place.

Yup, never heard a single criticism about this!

"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither." -Ben Franklin

You are falling for an age old trap.

Obama invaded 7 countries, Bush invaded a country under lies/false pretense, Trump has supported ISIS against Bashar Al-Assad who is protecting his state from literal child butchers. Just because neoliberals look/seem like they're for peace because of their public statements doesn't mean they are.

You realize that's not what a dictator is, though? Dictator doesn't mean "leader I don't like"

The definition is subjective. /u/Jhuro decided to create his qualification of 'dictator' by naming Erdogan's alleged fake coup as shut-case evidence of his tyrannical government style. But why can't it can be argued that Obama's drones killing scores of innocents is equally bad? Often a gauge for a world leader's evilness has been by the amount of people they killed, haven't Obama/Bush killed more than Erdogan?

Nah it's pretty well defined. Killing people in other nations doesn't make you a dictator, while you are correct, it is still bad. Ergodan's a dictator. "A person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession."

the definition

is subjective

holy shit I'm having a conniption

Your mom had a conniption after she realized how much of a dumb shit her child was

You make polish people look smart

fucking grilled

And none of that bears any relevance to the question of exacly how dictatory the dictator Erdogan is.


1. a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force.

synonyms: autocrat, absolute ruler, despot, tyrant, oppressor, autarch "a regime that has survived under one dictator for more than forty years"

I consider Bush a dictator, as he instated military junta in middle eastern nations and created our 21st century surveillance state. Just because it doesn't happen to me, doesn't mean that our country isn't repressive in more hidden ways.

I consider Bush a dictator

Then youre a fucking idiot.

It's almost like multiple opinions can exist!

You're in that comment section, you didn't seem to have problem with Atatürk being criticized for being a dictator.

Are you going to pretend that you don't have an issue with Atatürk?

And if Erdogan is a dictator then so was Obama, Bush, Trump and every other US president.

Keep thinking that the US presidents are as authoritarian as Erdogan.

His presidential powers are pretty much equivalent to a US president.

Really now? When did bush or Obama try to create a theocracy or crack down on dissenting opinions?

Or arrest people for insulting them?

If Trump had Erdogans powers guys like John Oliver and Stephen Colbert would be counting bars.

Create a theocracy? Man you really eat up propoganda don't you lol. Crack down on dissenting opinions or people who CAUSED A GODDAMN COUP? Turkey has a history of coup, Erdogan is defending Turkey from yet another military dictatorship, that makes him a hero.

Create a theocracy? Man you really eat up propoganda don't you lol.

I said try to create. Read again.

Crack down on dissenting opinions or people who CAUSED A GODDAMN COUP?

Oh I am pretty sure those tens of thousands of teachers and professors were colluding with people behind the coup.

And you accuse me of eating up propaganda.

Turkey has a history of coup, Erdogan is defending Turkey from yet another military dictatorship, that makes him a hero.

Do you know how many of those coups were to prevent Islamization of the country?

Also the possibility of the military being bad doesn't make Erdogans actions good. That's a faulty argument. That's like saying Castro wasn't a dictator because the guy who he overthrew was one.

It's also funny how you ignored the part about people being arrested for insulting Erdogan which would even under Trump's administration could never happen.

Prevent islamization aka banning hijabs, murdering scholars, jailing devoute people and burning qurans and religious literature.

Prevent islamization aka banning hijabs, murdering scholars, jailing devoute people and burning qurans and religious literature.

I was hoping you'd take that bait.

Now replace hijab with wikipedia, scholars with teachers and professors, devoute people with people who insult glorious leader you now got Erdogan.

Admit it your admiration for Erdogan and distaste for Atatürk isn't about freedom, Liberty ,democracy or any of that crap. It's just that one is an Islamic fundamentalist like you and the other was secular.

Islamism has no place in a civilized society, I don't blame Ataturk one bit.

You are talking to the wrong type of guy. He would rather live in an Islamic theocracy than a secular civilized country.

I also somewhat find it funny that he posts on r/marvelstudios and r/Dc_cinematic.

Looking at images are you /u/BeerusOfDestruction?

Get the stones, boys.

More than that , those drawn images of captain marvel and Catwoman he jerks off to probably wouldn't exist in an Islamic fundamentalist society that he so desperately craves.

Stop being an idiot, run out of arguments so this is what you resort to eh? Btw even Saudi Arabia has movie theatres.

I don't argue with irrational idiots, so don't flatter yourself.

Also i'm p sad that Saudi Arabia has fallen into idolatry.


Is that the press F to pay respects? If so I am proud.

Lol being a muslim =/= Islamism (but you idiots think anyone who has even a semblence of sympathy for Islam is a wahhabi terrorist trying to establish a global caliphate) The late Ottoman Empire was a constitutional monarchy with a secularist party (the young turks) in power. It even legalized gay marriage. That sounds a lot more liberal (not that thats a good thing but it counters your point) than Ataturk's mess of a country.

"lol my dudes, I'm not an Islamist, just a Muslim! Also, Erdogan is a hero behead the apostates"

Never mentioned beheading apostates, erdogan isn't an islamist he doesn't even have a beard and his wife doesn't observe the hijab.

But he is a crazy lunatic

Islam is the light. Without light there would be darkness. In darkness, you can't read books or use a computer, so you can't learn anything except by asking people and having them inefficiently explain it to you. So there would be no doctors, lawyers, engineers, et cetera. Thus Islam is necessary to modern civilization. QED. There were no modern societies before the revelations of Muhammad. All modern societies know of the blessed teachings of the Prophet(PBUH) and the Noble Qur'an.

Can't tell if you're seriousposting or not. Normally I'd assume this is ironic but you post on /r/debatefascism and are a methodist, so the odds of you being a lunatic are near 100%

I was being ironic, if "Islam is the Light" didn't tip you off.

holy shit you are retarded. how does one become so willfully ignorant

So is this article which explains how the new presidential system erodes existing checks and balances false? http://www.aljazeera.com/amp/indepth/features/2017/01/turkey-constitutional-reform-170114085009105.html

Arab propoganda

You're a cute little troll aren't you? Awwww

What trolling?

The only person who would spew such obvious head scratching nonsense is one hoping for entertaining replies.

I would love to hear what Arab entity would want to sponsor propaganda that the changes in Turkish government are bad. Who benefits?

Well Al Jazeera is a Qatari news source, and before this whole Qatar crises, Saudi and Qatar were on the same side, Saudis (and Qataris at the time this was published) don't like Erdogan, he constantly denounces them and their involvement in terrorism around the world and their relationship with the west and Israel, there is a very logical reason for anti Erdogan propaganda.

And how come American news outlets agree with the assessment that the new presidential system erodes some checks and balances?

Cause they staged a coup to get erdogan out of power?

The United States staged a coup? I don't understand...

Really? The US staging coups is news to you? LMFAO.

Ah I see. Everything is the Americans' fault. Like I said, yer cute.

Obviously, and you've done nothing to prove otherwise

The onus of proof is on the person making extraordinary claims

Anything that I don't like = fake news


Erdogan is gollum and you know it!

Agreed. /u/crusader786, Ataturk was the only good thing to happen to Turkey in a long time. The less Islam, the better.

For most Islamic countries the only thing preventing them from being absolute shitholes was oil but for Turkey it was Atatürk. Now their people have chosen to undo everything he stood for. What a bunch of idiots.

When they hook up a generator to his grave, they won't need oil.

Dictators are only bad when they do things you don't like.

wtf i love erdogan now stop being meeeeeeeeeeean to him. :((((((((((

Erdogan siktir

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I remember arguing with him in the past. Basically he is as regressive as it gets.

Islam is the most feminist religion guys!

The religion of pieces.

/r/islam really is a terrible sub. It's like the /r/atheism of Islam, or the /r/Drama of handicapped individuals.

soo the usual r/drama?

It's the t_d of mayonnaise.

It's funny how /r/Christianity and /r/Judaism are both super liberal subreddits that don't reflect the actual views of most adherents to their religion, yet /r/Islam is actually quite accurate in depicting Muslims as bigoted reactionaries.

It's funny how /r/Christianity and /r/Judaism are both super liberal subreddits

u wot

Go to /r/Christianity and try arguing against gay marriage.

The top post on /r/Judaism right now is complaining about the Jewish Pride flag being banned from a LGBT parade.

Both subreddits are mostly liberal Christians and reform/conservative/atheist Jews.

On the other hand, the second to top post in Judaism is (presumably? Half the words are Hebrew) about what kinds of birth control would be acceptable to a woman's strict Jewish... rabbi? Skimming the other posts and reading the comments that sub is just as conservative and dug-in as the Islam one to me. I mean read the comments of the post you referenced - it's all about how everyone hates the Jews.

I can't say I blame them, they stick their neck out and try to be inclusive and get shit on yet again, but their response and the general tone certainly isn't what I'd call liberal unless you're comparing them to the Orthodox ones in Israel.

Both subreddits are mostly liberal

Most subreddits are mostly liberal. Reddit sucks. I love you faggots though.

SRS, SRD scum like you are not welcome here, kiddo

naw, kys


Actually r/Islam is relatively liberal when compared to most Muslims.

That's so they can remain on Reddit. It's deception. If a homo posts on their subreddit they will claim "oh yada yada we don't agree with you but we support your right to exist" but the fact is that if the same homo went into an ethnostate of just /r/islam subscribers he would be thrown off a roof.

Take note I am completely indifferent in that situation.

Actually r/Islam is relatively liberal when compared to most Muslims.

/r/islam is pretty liberal compared to real life Muslims though.

Pfft. I bet they wouldn't even behead disgusting apostates like /u/ultrashitpost on sight.

Fucking liberals.

They'd probably just watch while the others do the cutting, typical liberals

To be fair, most people would agree that you should be beheaded regardless of apostasy.

Anyone shitposting here deserves that, tbh

I can help.

Oh no, it's the gestapo! Cheese it!

Not even true...

Yeah i don't blame em for that

Lol whoever you are I hope you have a good day.

I have a feeling some Muslim is going to explode with anger at hearing about this

Nah, the trend these days is for them to keep on truckin'...


there are plenty of good turks like Erdogan.

A despot like Erdogan proves every verse of the "remove kebab" song. Inshallah yourself for even breathing that statement.

The founder lady is from Turkey, once ruled by Ataturk, the dictator who banned Turkish traditional cap or fez, burkhas, headscarves, Islamic schools and even Arabic Azaan from mosques across the country

She's also breathing atmospheric oxygen, a compound also breathed by Adolf Hitler, the dictator responsible for the killings of 10 million Jews, political dissidents and members of other ethnic groups he considered subhuman.

10 million

/u/lokichilde we've got a vicious antisemite over here

10 million Jews

It's only 6 million with coupon code GOYSPAYMORE. Sucker.

That was the beginning of a list.

That's what happens when you let a goy handle the accounting

Remember, this is /r/islam you are talking about, they love dead Jews.

There's also a conspiracy that ataturk is secretly a Jew, I'll see if I can pull up the image

fucking lol at some of the liberals commenting there confused as to why the islam posters aren't as progressive as liberal media's built them up to be

Can wr get a few quotes or links?

here's the most relevant example

most of the liberal comments have sunk to the bottom or deleted, or mixed in with the debates. equally funny that the islam posters are clearly pissed that liberalism is being pushed into their religion

Hmmm, hard to nail down an affiliation:

  • Self-described muslim -> conservative
  • /r/nba poster -> liberal
  • Fantasy baseball slave -> conservative
  • Wow player -> liberal

wow players are liberal?

lol wtf dude.. Don't creep on me like that. Liberal Muslim and fantasy BASKETBALL slave, thank you very much.

If you'd be so kind. This sub only works if we can generalize to the point of absurdity.

Saying that Islamic Reddit should be liberal and open to things like this is like saying that a subreddit for vegans should be liberal and open about vegans eating meat.

Except Islam is a religion of peace and caring for one another and veganism is a diet, terrible analogy.

I thought that Religion of Peace was just a meme

Apparently not.

Definitely isn't portrayed that way on the news but I've been Muslim my whole life and I, or anyone in my circle, ain't about that life.

Islam is deeply conservative. Its ideology is more in common socially and economically with the Republican party than the Democratic party

/u/beerusofdestruction how long till you strap a vest on to go show some women and children the love of allah?

Nice, this is why no one takes your people seriously.

Man you won't even fess up to your radicalism. You sure you're not a southern evangelical?

You're a radical secularist.

Haha sure thing buddy. You religious extremists crack me up. Religion is fine when it's something so add a little goodness to your life and family. But you extremists take it to a whole other level, and you really are the same across all tlreligions. You're generally shitty and insecure people so you make religion into a dickwaving contest to be the most "pure" and "pious" even though everyone around you knows it's fake as shit and you're an awful person. Sorry my little jihadi friend, you're not a good and pious Muslim, you're just an asshole and any God who's about love certainly wouldn't want you at their side

Sounds like someone's gonna go blow up a beer at a pulled pork joint and have a bunch of premarital sex. Fucking radical secularist.

a radical secularist.


I'm gonna start identifying as that from now on.

I prefer the term "evangelical atheist", stings the nostrils.

Why don't you just cut to the chase and call yourself euphoric.

I already have a plan to blow myself up in the name of dawkins (pbuh)

And you're a retard in a religion based around an Arabic pedophile.

The West has outgrown the retardation of religion.

About the west, nah, not really.

Obligatory reminder that about 50% of Americans still believe that the theory of evolution is a filthy atheist lie

Because countries that have absolutely no separation of church and state tend to go so well. And how are Pakistan and Afghanistan these days?

I don't even hate islam, but I think that secularism is the only way forward.

Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao ZeDong etc also thought that

forcing them to adopt anything is retarded. that's why it's called separation of church and state, dumb towelhead

Yea but nobody was being forced to do anything in the land now known as Turkey before Ataturk became its leader and FORCED secularization.

What about them Armenians tho

Ethnic genocide perpetrated by the young turks who were a secularist party whose whole deal was to limit the powers of the Caliph and have a constitutional monarchy, also Ataturk was a big fan of them. Regardless it was an ethnic genocide and not done on the basis of religion.


Perpetrated by the non-secularist counter-coup and the nationalist half of the young turks as opposed to the liberalist half that Ataturk, Greeks, Assyrians, Circassians and Armenians were all a big fan of

Are you joking? You literally just made up history to support your world view.

Islam isn't a race, you don't get to play that card.

Towel head is a racial slur you dumbass. Most muslims don't even wear turbans, you're not gonna see a white muslim wearing a turban and making fun of turbans is a racially motivated insult, don't even pretend it isn't.

I believe it's certainly a bigoted slur, but since we are splitting hairs it relates to culture and not race.

It's not as if anyone is born wearing a specific piece of clothing.

Well racism encompasses race, nationalities, ethnicities and culture

Well, that's interesting and not at all the way I conceptualized it.

Without looking it up, I'm still confident enough to say you are mistaken.

Racism does not include culture.

When 3 men from the Punjab who are Muslim, Sikh, and Hindu discriminate against each other despite having the same great-grandfather it's hardly racism.

When a posh Brit looks on a chav with disdain that is cultural bigotry is not racism.

Racism does not include nationality.

When a German Swiss discriminates against a German Austrian who discriminates against a German German this is not racism.

When a North Korean feels superior to a South Korean this is not racism.

I mean it's all bigotry, but if we are arguing semantics then you are mistaken.

I'll grant you that racism covers ethnicity.

Anyways I think we are arguing a silly point here, because ultimately I definitely agree that "towel head" is a rude and bigoted term.

I'm reluctant to even have that in my post history, quotation marks or not.

It's just not racist, technically speaking.

North Korean always feel superior they higher up.

You have a shit religion and you should feel bad.

TBF towel head is pretty racist, but this is /r/drama and many things are said here diliberatly for effect. None of this excuses conservative Islam from the cold scrutiny it deserves.

Nobody was forced to do anything in the Ottoman empire? What the fuck are you smoking?

Lol the late Ottomans were realy liberal, they had legalized gay marriage. They had seperate courts and stuff as well.

That's possible, but it was built on slavery.

So was America

I never said nobody was forced to do anything in America.

Ok then learn to read

you said nobody was forced to do anything under the ottomans, this isn't true.

Cleary I was referring to a specific fucking timeframe. God damn it man CONTEXT.

There's a camii in every neighborhood in Istanbul, even before Erdogan. Tons of Turks practice all varieties of Islam. What are you crying about "" "FoRceD Sekkuluhrizashun" "?

Dude Ataturk banned the hijab, burned qurans. Murdered any of the ulema who spoke out against him and reworte the athan. He was behaving just like the chinese do with the Uyghurs.

There were lots of women wearing the hijab when I was there.

It got overeturned before Erdogan came to power except for in government institutions (such as schools), then when erdogan came he allowed it in government as well

Ok? What's your point? The forced secularism didn't keep people from practicing their religion.

??? The Holocaust didn't kill all the jews either I guess its a good thing then right?

That analogy fails because you and I both agree (I hope) that killing is bad, and thus any killing, even of one person, is bad, and 'didn't kill all of them' is still bad and not good because bad begins at one death. So the Holocaust is bad because murder happened, and less murder doesn't make it ok.

By comparison, more secularism is almost always better, until it keeps people from practicing religion in their private lives. Which has not ever happened in Turkey.

It kept people from parcticing their religion. The Hijab is a religious obligation, also scholars were MURDERED stop ignoring them.

Want us to list all the benevolent religious leaders that totally didn't kill any people? I believe that list is much longer.

Mao and Stalin are the two biggest mass murderers in history, nothing you say washes you from that, don't brush it off.

Washes me from that? I'm not a supporter of either.

Both of those you named were part of a cult of personality. The Soviet press presented Stalin as an all-powerful, all-knowing, omnipresent leader -- they even nicknamed him "Father of Nations". Sounds familiar? It's indistinguishable from religious thought, language and rhetoric.

don't brush it off.

Like I said. Want me to list the religious leaders throughout the ages that has slaughtered and continue to slaughter millions of people? It's almost too many to count. There's literally thousands of examples.

Ahh yes the super atheist is somehow a religious leader, nice shifiting blame. Deal with your bad apples fuck face.

I didn't say he was a religious leader. Your limited reading comprehension is showing. You should stick to reading and memorizing one book. That seems more like your kind of thing.

Stalin was raised as a Greek Orthodox, FYI. His parents even wanted him to become a priest. Surely his strict religious upbringing had no impact on his character and views later on in life.

Wrong and wrong.

The whole point of secularism is to not follow blindly in someone else's footsteps. Pointing towards Mao and Stalin is pointless because we know they were trash humans, and for that reason secularists won't follow them. You, on the other hand, literally worship a pedophile, and take his word as a guide on how to live a morally correct life. But whatever, this is r/drama cba effortposting

Show me a doctrine of atheism that causes human suffering.

Communism is a religion.

They thought state atheism was the way forward dumbass.

So they were radicals? Aka radicals from your community which. you need to deal with

Secularism does not mean atheism. Atheism is the lack of religion. Secularism means that no particular religion gets preferential treatment by the state. Not even remotely similar concepts you islamofascist fuckwit. Besides, who the fuck said I was an Atheist?

Islamofacist? All I said was I like Erdogan. Where the fuck did you get that conclusion?

Ataturk is a terrible person? Where would turkey be without ataturk you Turkey hating betrayer. Where were your ottoman leaders when the empire came to an end? Gerizekalı yavşak, adam ol.

Both that statement and the underlying assumption are completely incorrect

Says the Muslim.

What people are those? Infidels?

Why do you hate women?

that's rich coming from you

So, about two weeks?

People like you are why muslims are disgusting dogs.

Its hilarious how you can be so offended by someones political views, I didn't even say anything "extremist" all I said was I like this particular denocratically elected leader and your all acting like I drove a truck into a gay bar and killed 30 people.

I hope somebody throws a dead pig in your mosque, dog.

Ok, doesn't really effect me its not like pig meat is kryptonite. I'm not going to combust spontaneously.

I'm not going to combust spontaneously

Are you sure you're a muslim?

So you don't know how science works either alright.

Psst it was a joke

 /`       .`\                                                        
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I didn't even say anything "extremist"

/>there are plenty of good turks like Erdogan.

lol are you really this dumb or are you just pretending?

Lol Erdogan doesn't even have a beard and his wife doesn't even wear a hijab, what the hell kind of islamic extremist is he?

Nothing extremist about that. Defending his country FROM YOUR COUPS is the greatest thing the man ever did. God bless him.

oh no if people don't take r/drama seriously why am I even here

 /`       .`\                                                        
/  '  _.-'   \   
|  `'_{}_    |    
|  /`    `\  |             "Hi, I'm Muhammad."                                     
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It's ok, we just know Islam's going to wither and diminish, the same way Christianity has done when exposed to secularism over the centuries.

In the end, your sons or grandsons will decide that worship of Allah is not for them. Your daughters or granddaughters will tire of your rules, and eventually, Islam will be cast aside. But, before that happens, there will be many ways that people try to reconcile the two, like this mosque. And, little by little your Islam will wither.

Take secularism seriously or not, but in the end it really doesn't matter. So, hey, enjoy things while they last. 💋

Except for the fact that all of this was already prophesized by the Prophet Muhammad.

Yep, you keep whistling past the graveyard, bby. It was all prophesized and stuff.


You've only given me the K to use, so I suppose you want me to respond with the rest?


The only thing Muhammad prophesied was his dick in in his 9 year old wife's pussy.

prophesized by the Prophet Muhammad

Pro Tip: Prophecies aren't real.

 /`       .`\                                                        
/  '  _.-'   \   
|  `'_{}_    |    
|  /`    `\  |             "Hi, I'm Muhammad. Tag people from that thread so they can see me."                                      
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  \        /                                               

Aloha snackbar

drawn Muhammad


Not the real Muhammad. He isn't with his four year old wife.

*6 year old

God damn I love this sub.

user reports:
1: Threatening, harassing, or inciting violence
1: white people nonsense
1: HARAM !!!!!
1: My triggers include pictures of pedos,please remove this offensive material

Since nobody has bothered to tag them, I will.











Maybe you guys should smoke some weed or have a beer, it would help you all chill out :)

They won't get any notification if you Tag more than 3 people in a comment

You have a nice day now, mmmkay?


Terrorist scum.


Hey, that's not nice


.. scum

Hola mis amigos, Assalamu Alaykum, ciao

You could have pinged three of them for u/ShankyTaco in the time it took you to write this comment.

It's all good, I got them.

No thanks, I don't want to use drugs or substances to "chill" -- seems like just a way of saying "don't think about it".

OK, you could fuck a 12 year old then. I hear your prophet loves that.

I'm not a Muslim.

Then why do u post there lol

Why not...?

Just because I'm not affiliated with the religion I shouldn't even communicate with its adherents, learn about it, etc?

I'm beginning to question if I should be posting here.

Why? Because they are all inbred morons that hate western civilisation.

posting here

It's like a zoo. It's good fun as long as you don't actually listen to what anyone has to say

>looks at Muslim majority countries

>looks at secular countries


What truth?

I hope you have a good day too.

This is bizarre seeing you here in r/drama. Anyway, hello from a fellow prequel memer!

You recognize me as a fellow r/prequelmemes memer?

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

The reason why I am on here is because I got mentioned in a drama fest over here.

The fact is that most Westerners not only want Muslims to integrate, but assimilate by getting rid of various portions of Islam and Islamic law. Many aspects of Islam creep them out.

Lol did you know that I get a comment notification, and I know by that first line (you recognize me as..) it would be followed by (a surprise to be....) It's second nature for us by now to react w/ prequel quotes.

I recognize you because I see your comments on the posts and also in the weekly FTF

Yup, the people over here is obsessed with drama in religion subs especially r/islam. But you seem to handle the mention pretty well so everybody is good, kind of. I mostly lurk here and rarely comment because these guys are edgy and can be really mean sometimes.

I know, as Muslims it's impossible for us to do that because Islam is by God/by extension the Quran and hadith Muhammad s.a.w so people can't just pick and choose whatever they like and define that as a Muslim thing.

I recognize you because I see your comments on the posts and also in the weekly FTF

I remember you somewhat from r/prequelmemes now. :P

Yup, the people over here is obsessed with drama in religion subs especially r/islam. But you seem to handle the mention pretty well so everybody is good, kind of. I mostly lurk here and rarely comment because these guys are edgy and can be really mean sometimes.

Ah ok. So they're basically where people from r/atheism go if they're bored.

I know, as Muslims it's impossible for us to do that because Islam is by God/by extension the Quran and hadith Muhammad s.a.w so people can't just pick and choose whatever they like and define that as a Muslim thing.


Thank you for the offer, but worshipping God relaxes me more than anything. Hope you have a good day


at least I'm not a taco

Gteeeeeeem. Sand nibber.

What, too afraid for the double g's? It's alright, I don't take offense

No, just a automod. Stupid nibber.

I aint a "paki", I'm of the deeply reviled Saudi heritage, yeah that's where the scary wahhabiz roam, and


I haven't purposefully targeted civilian centers with an ideological motivation (yet)

Fuck off Muslim dog.


thank you, i identify as wolfkin

Wow. Got to admire the effort you put into all this just to grab our attention. However, that's sadly the only thing about you guys that I can admire.

Other than that, I actually feel very sorry for you guys...

Go fuck a 12 year old pedo-worshipper.

No thanks.

r/islam is an actual window to real muslims in islamic countries. It's pretty cool to hear their voices, in an INTERSECTIONNAL way of course, and compare them with those pseudo-muslims in america or other first world countries.

That's pretty cool, it's like going to the zoo.

Actually, it's not. The ones on /r/islam are more on the moderate side. I am actually in some Islamic group chats on discord (I pretend to be moose when really I'm exmoose) and trust me they are far far more radical than what you are seeing here on /r/islam.

I mean, it's goat-fucking muslims, but they are on reddit. So, yeah...

There are even more rigid Muslims. Like the Salafis who would probably never use reddit because 'kaffir technology'.

Salafis are right here, in r/islaam .

Lol this is literally textbook definition of someone spreading Fitna and being a liar. She's telling people that they don't have to wear headscarf when praying is literally...idk what to even say. She's leading people astray.

Those people might even use internet, but they belong do sand desert with nothing but rocks.

Eli5, is the headscarf like a foil hat that lets you talk to the heavens?

In islam it's either "true because that was the way when our goatfuckng parents raised up" or wrong. Europeans can literally take muslim childs away from their parents and put anything in them and they will obey as fuck.

I was about to upvote you, then I saw your cancerous username.

U mad bro?

If women don't wear headscarves, they might accidentally think they're not inferior to men, and we definitely don't want any of that in /r/Islam.

No, no. Their lustrous whore hair might accidentally trigger erections and gang rapes while praying.

Shias, gays, men, and women

So Shias and men?

Fuck Islam


Your 72 virgins await you. What are you waiting for?

Stfu katue.

Thank you.

But reddit's Progressive White Teen brigades have assured me that True IslamTM is love and light and peace and understanding.

You should learn about nuance.

I guess it hasn't been sufficiently whitesplained to me. Something tells me you're just the right Progressive White Teen for the job.

Oh well you see, people are all different. While they find commonalities in religion, race, and bukkake, there is a spectrum very much like the one you are on. And so, just like you can have people affiliated through /r/drama we have different tastes (e.g. you probably can't get off to prolapses), you can have an adult and an of-age teen share similar sounding views but for completely different reasons.

Now go, and strive to be less spergy!


Ableist language will not be tolerated in this intersectional space, Drumpfette.

r/drama, ban this faggot, he's boring


Yawn. What is this, 2015

No. It's current year

True Islam has never been practices, much like True Communism.


Nah, as a muslim, we don't have that problem. Rashidun Caliphates are as good as they get in terms of implementing the Rule of islam over a large government

Don't listen to this liar.

You're kidding, right? The Rashidun would never imagine the type of weaponry we use today, let alone know how to use this. Islam was spread with the sword before, now it's obliterating itself by the bomb.

I don't get the point of your post - my point was the rashidun implemented Sharia well. If you're trying to say that if they had access to modern weaponry, they'd commit terrorism, then no the purposeful targetting of civilians is prohibited in Islam.

The above commenter claimed that Islam had the same problem Communism had according to communist apologetics - that it hasn't been truly/properly implemented. That's false, was the point of my comment, cause you could look at history and see proper implementations, the best of which are the implementations of the prophet (small scale nation), and of the rashidun (larger scale)

The irony is that this progressive True Islam is what this mosque is preaching. It's a tiny minority scorned by everyone else. It's like 15 people tops in that mosque.

Only two of these can be Muslim.

But... but... all religions--especially Islam--are full of love and understanding!

Unsuprisingly not a single reason why it is bad apart from it's against the rules. That's not morality, that's just compliance.

If you don't understand why going against allah's will is bad you're kafir af.


You bet I am. I'm more of a Saturn or Jupiter kind of guy than a snicker Venus worshipper. It's funny how you convinced everyone that a bunch of pussywhipped goddess worshipers who can't even get a good perv going are some sort of oppressive Patriarchs.

So if you believe in a divine message you expect to question the literal word of god?

"Morality" is nothing more than a social construct, constantly changing for better or for worse. There's no reason to think you, a mere human with limited knowledge and understanding, knows better than god.

not capitalizing "God"


If a mere human's knowledge is so limited, how are they supposed to determine what God really wants? Wouldn't someone so ignorant be very easy to manipulate with lies?

You know God do you? Communicate to him directly? Could you ask him why he made you so ignorant?

So did you question or disbelieve in God's existence before He first spoke to you?

I'm an agnostic theist. He hasn't shown up yet. I'll let you know when I recieve divine revalation. Meanwhile I'll happily disbelieve anyone elses claim to divine revalation and persue what is right and just without thinking I need to adhere to bronze age poetry to follow the will of the divine.

I'm an agnostic theist.

That sounds like a fancy way of saying "filthy infidel".

Excuse me but 'God' has never talked to me. I want a refund, this is unacceptable.

Yeah, morality is a subjective concept. God is dead.

knows better than god

God is a spook

Well, the Islam is literally the Arabic word for submission


/u/Adu_Adderall does Islam not have the same issues as Judahish and Christianity where certain things simply do not work in the modern age? E.g. slavery, combining fabrics, crop rotation, pedophilia?

Muslims have abandoned slavery (which was part of the word of 'God') yet they use a few vague hadiths to make millions of women wear the hijab. Islam is shit.

Hijab wearing is in the Quran. Heck, some people even think Niqab covering is in the Quran


Well, Islam is an evil religion, so of course its butthurt.

there are plenty of good turks like Erdogan

good turks like Erdogan

good turks

Ahh I remember a very long time ago when I was banned from there.

I forgot why, but my question wasn't offensive probably.

i was banned for not sympathizing with the moderate child beheaders in syria.

Yeah, I'm sure that's how that went /s

I'd imagine an Islamic subreddit would be quite liberal

Megamido, given that you're a Muslim you must have noticed the massive amount of homophobic and sexist teachings that other most other Muslims adhere to?

Obviously I've noticed, but its not what I, or my friends, or my family believe - whom are all mostly practicing Muslims. All I was trying to say was that I expected a friggin' subreddit discussing Islam in between other links of memes and cat pics on Reddit would be a little more liberal or open-minded that what /r/Islam came across as.

People on the Internet are more liberal leaning but these are Muslims mate. The stats don't lie.

When western values used in the same sentence with islam i always think of Atatürk, our savior, oh wait... of course they are butthurt about him again. :d.

(((Atatürk))) was a secret jew!!!!


  1. no such thing as liberal islam. if you believe that homosexual relationships are ok or that men and women should pray together then you're not a muslim. You can't just disregard the basic tenets of a religion and claim to be part of that religion.
  2. Being sexually attracted to the same sex isn't the problem. Having gay relationships/sex is. Muslims wouldn't even know if somebody was gay or not.
  3. muslims are perfectly correct to be offended by something so unislamic being presented as if it could ever be islamic.

Being sexually attracted to the same sex isn't the problem. Having gay relationships/sex is. Muslims wouldn't even know if somebody was gay or not.

I've always had an issue with this. Basically my understanding is that if somebody has homosexual feelings they should suppress them and instead just marry a woman anyway. However, this is absolute torture for a gay male/female.

Try and put it like this (assuming you're straight) - you are in a society where being gay is the norm and you are heterosexual. You are told to suppress your heterosexuality and instead marry a man like everybody else does. You'd feel pretty disgusted by it, right? Well, that is what Islam is putting gays through. This isn't tolerant at all. This is torture.

Can confirm, I live through this torture. I would love to be more effeminate but I have to be masculine in order to not get disowned for being gay.

You can't just disregard the basic tenets of a religion and claim to be part of that religion.

Didn't Christians do the same (aka the Reformation)? They still get to keep the name.

Tbh most of the comments in this thread are fucking cancer too

The amount of no self-awareness and outright retardness in this thread is more retarded than anything I've ever seen in /r/drama, and that's saying something.

They would behead people too under the right conditions.

They just don't see they're being the other end of intolerant

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Tbh I don't see the issue. For a religion, it makes sense


Someday soon Muslims will realise that postmodern nihilism and civilisational exhaustion is contagious and withdraw from the West completely to just wait for us all to kill ourselves with Oxycontin and Modafinil

Fuck me I miss pre-20k /r/drama. You aren't supposed to pick a side and masturbate over how awesome are over picking that side you fuckpots.

That's what they do in SRD now, and it's the reason why everyone with half a brain pissed off out of there. Don't do it here!

You fucking retards are downvoting the lolcow and circlefellating each other over how much smarter than him you all are while you drink down the bait.

You people need to be banned.

I mean seriously. What the fuck is up with all this seriousposting?

We need like 3 months where posting is locked and the mods set up automod to just post a party parrot once every hour or some shit to drive out the normies.

That's what we did in/r/JonTron when the Destiny controversy happened, although it only lasted a week.

Just ban everyone who joined in the last ~9 months. It's starting to look like normal reddit in here

Agenda posting is an integral part of drama culture.

Agenda posting, yes. Agenda commenting is exclusively for retsrds.

Things that make you go boom.

I don't blame them. That many Shias in one place will be disruptive for proper worship.

Exhibit One.

u/megamido said

Firstly, I'm surprised because I'd imagine an Islamic subreddit would be quite liberal


I went on a date with a muslim girl but i dont think she'll snapchat me titties

Muslims are not allowed to date. You meet your husband on your wedding day.

I think that's hindus. Does that mean her munch box isnt halal?

The important thing to remember (before getting outraged) about these groups is that they are so tiny in size that they are practically negligible. Look at the picture in the article; there are perhaps 30 people there. In fact, there are nearly as many journalists as worshipers. It's the same thing with that imam in DC; I've seen videos of his Friday prayers and there's 10-20 people attending.

There will always be some deviants, but clearly a lot more people are willing to talk the talk than walk the walk.

On a separate note, just read Surah Al-Baqarah the other day, and ayah 11-12 and the ones around it fit in with this nicely: "And when it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers." Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive [it] not."

"Deviants" here means "decent human beings".

No, it means people who are deviating from mainstream Islam. Thanks for including the entire post, though.

I hate degenerates too; and would love to deal with them as they deserve. Luckily, the true light of Islam is doing just that in Mosul.

Insha Allah the Caliphate will rebound from this defeat and rise again to destroy the kufirs.

If you're going to troll, at least make your statements coherent

Sorry I thought I was speaking to a true faithful. Guess not.

Kemalists =/= Turks, there are plenty of good turks like Erdogan.

Oh r/islam you wily little scamps

ITT: Pisslam brigade

Way to validate every stereotype about muslims /r/islam

Why does this stupid religion exist? Probably the largest religion where almost all of the followers are so devoted and crazy about it. Maybe I'm being edgy but I really don't get why

Because all those people ancestors got invaded by the original Islamic state. Islam had only started spreading when they started to wage war and rape the victim women to make Muslim babies. Islam has always been about invasion then forced breeding. If that ideology was killed off earlier, you'd never even hear of it and Saudis would've been ashamed of it instead of being fucked in the ass by it. I'm so glad I left that cult.

I am an exmuslim, and they banned me. An ex muslim wished them Eid Mubarak, they banned him.

Well good thing they didn't just execute you

fuck that sub, I left a few days ago myself.

They think Women shouldn't lead men, which is exactly what the Prophet thought as well. What is so hard to understand about that?

"Muh moderate majority"

That's nice, I am from Berlin, I support this mosque fully.

That's pretty bad, even Reddit Nazis seem generally okay with bussy

Forcing someone to not wear a burqa in the masjid, of all places? My, how far we have fallen.

Given how various Islamic sects are bombing one another's masjids with impunity, it looks like a very reasonable policy to me.

u/crusader786, asking the real tough questions there. never mind rape gangs in rotherham or terrorism, how will a man stand behind a woman in a line?

What will happen when a lady bottom fetish man stands behind a woman with big hips to pray in this mosque is anybody's guess..LOL

Kemalists =/= Turks, there are plenty of good turks like Erdogan.

>good turks like Erdogan

So wait, /r/islam is basically /r/altright but for muslims?


Post bussi

"Ew?! Republicans?! Gross! GO AWAY FASCISTS!"

"Ah, Muslims? Awesome. You guys are a good people."

lol, gotta love white people.

low effort

isn't that how mohammed likes them?

WTF I love Islam now