I'm back, bitches.

52  2017-06-25 by phedre

/u/kothmingow has been made an example of.

Let this be a lesson to the rest of you. I know how to swallow better than that, you cunts.


Cool story, bro


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  2. /u/kothmingow - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

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More like cumshots, amirite? He he he.

Why hasn't Snappy been modded yet?

Because of (((Them)))

I have no idea who you are.

Who are any of us?

I am Dennis Rader, the reincarnation of the real Dennis "BTK" Rader, and the future lolcow. Bask in my magnificence.

There's only room for one serial killer 'round these parts.

This will be your downfall.

Test to see if you're the real btk: where do you put the trophy panties?

When you masturbated into all of those different panties over the years, at any point...:did you think of bussy?

Damn straight

Only men can be serial killers. Women who happen to kill sporadically are merely victims of their environment.

So true

Victims of PMS


Not good enough to be NBA champions for one.

Bots, duh

Neither do I. It's seems a little egotistical for OP to make a post like this without telling us who they are or why we should care.

That's not an argument


Standard demon behavior: projecting projection

Blacks do go into the woods to enjoy the outdoors through activities like hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, etc... But, blacks only make up about 13% of the population of America. Also, not many blacks actually go into the woods; only a very small percentage of them are active in the wild outdoors. Therefore, I suspect that of all of the humans that regularly go into the woods in North America, probably less than 1% of them are black.

Why bring this up? My point here is that Bigfoot is not used to seeing black folks. This may provoke certain responses by a Sasquatch when it sees a black person, such as:

  1. Confusion;
  2. Fear;
  3. Trepidation; and
  4. Curiosity

I believe that all of these are responses that can work to our advantage. All of these potential responses will cause a Bigfoot some amount of pause, and this slight pause may be the difference between getting off a kill shot and not.

The fact is, sasquatch does not regularly see black people. Chances are better than not that when a Squatch sees a black person that it will be the first time it has ever seen one. It may get scared and freak out, or it may stand there and stare.

As a practical matter I think that a technique worth trying is to take a black person on some hunts. See how the Squatch population reacts to the black person and take note. I am aware of no other groups that have tried this, so I will be very interested to see the results.

and this slight pause may be the difference between getting off a kill shot and not.

i like how it went from "lets prove he exists" to

"lets kill that fuckin ape"

Some believe that Sasquatch are something like forest ninjas: fast and stealthy.

thank you so much for bringing this into my life

Myself, I'm much more "comfortable" with the idea of using radio-detonated high explosives by a spotter. But as a Squatch kill team on private land, this can also have adverse effects, notwithstanding that your hard-won supply of C4 has just created enough noise to alert the entire county to your presence. Honestly, being armed with suppressed weapons and portable high-powered sodium construction lights is probably the best bet. And a 37mm tear gas and flare launcher is a good idea too. The previous post "Pissing Off Sasquatch" was a stroke of brilliance. A few one gallons jugs of urine, left to ripen for a couple days in the sunlight and poured out in key transit and feeding areas, is like shining a huge Batman-like spotlight into the sky telling every Squatch for 50 miles that you just claimed "their" territory. But be ready for war, because they won't like that whatsoever. Let the games begin.

It's a goldmine.

Are they just roleplaying, or are they using Sasquatch as a codeword for taking down the federal government?

I think they're genuinely psychotic hilbillies that have probably already killed a hiker or two.

He's right, there's nothing remotely racist about that. The racism is far from remote, it's actually quite explicit.

I noticed you didn't mention swimming despite implying that there was a body of water in the woods.


The fuck if I know

You're goddamn right.

I want to see that whole list. You have to be pretty impressive to get banned from this place.

100 noodles alts

The occasional retard

More alts

It's probably p boring

Stop mentioning Voldemort. He probably has Google Alerts set up for it. He's that autistic.

We both know he probably hatereads your u/ page so you're the real autist batsignal here

I'm not saying Voldemort's name and he's too autistic to know I'm referring to him in a code than even a normie child could break.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | state_of_imgur | ignoreme

So what you're saying is we need /u/theladyeve to post food drama here to create false positives?

Hey, I have my own sub for that now.

I know, I'm subscribed.

that and the people who get auto-banned for a day for posting NP links

lol that's a thing?

Yup. It says so on the sidebar. Also, I dare you to try. :)

I'm top mod here. Why would I be banned?

Aren't you the long haired blonde who moderates SRD?

welcome to the board, new user

Who even are you?

As I said..." Women always 'member.....ALWAYS.

I preferred when you were dead tbh

Dead people never say no


Oh no

Are snallyposts like tendies now


Gimme gimme snally drama Be it old-school or were-llamas. Spend my hard-earned good-boy points, on cult leaders smoking joints. Snally lifts me to the car, To find me drama near and far. Enjoy my tasty fighting treats, in comfy big boy booster seats. Furries, werewolves, old debates But of my boredom none remains.

She tries to make me take a nappy, But sleeping doesn't make me happy. Drama is the only food, That puts me in the napping mood. I'll scream and shout and make a fuss, I'll scratch, I'll bite, I'll even cuss! Drama is my heart's desire, Fueled by raging, hungry fire. Snally sobs and wails and cries, But tears aren't effortposts, denied!

My good-boy points were fairly earned, To buy the shitshows that I've yearned. But there's no drama on my plate! Did Snally think that I'd just ate? "DRAMA DRAMA GET IT NOW, YOU FAT, UNGRATEFUL, SLUGGISH SOW!" I screech while hurling into her eyes, My foul-smell bowel-dwelling diaper surprise. If you keep up won't need roasting Never forget my snallyposting

/u/snallygaster ilu bb

mod this poet right now

Literally who? Fuck arf.

Wait what happened?

srs plz go

Hey /u/phedre, we need proof, send nudes.

clicks 'hide'


wow ok then

My best friend once tried to masturbate by inserting a pepperoni up his ass. the first try hurt, so he tried using that anesthetic pomade dentist sometimes use. he overdone it, and lost control of his sphincter. explosive diarrhea all over his living room. In this exact moment I broke into his apartment to steal his pizza. He looked at me, kind of angry, and said "you don't get to judge, fuck you". The fact that he is still my favorite person ever means we were meant to be s2