Budding drama as Commies get butthurt when someone poo-poo's their flawless ideology

36  2017-06-26 by ProphetRith


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wtf i hate bot now

ok reactionary

You can't spell reactionary without REEEEE

The internet is a pretty bourgeoisie construction, and it's mainly only used in Venezuela by the rich top 1%, Venezuelans on reddit are very unrepresentative of Venezuelans as a whole, so I can understand my comrades at /r/Socialism wanting to shut down that potential avenue for reactionary thought.

The vast majority of Venezuelans stand with Maduro's revolution and are working hard to resist this counterrevolutionary fascist uprising, sponsored by the CIA.

wtf I love oppressive governments now

Pinochet did nothing wrong.

Start up the rotors

That guy also wrote:

Venezuela was the most prosperous country in South America, if not the world, until this fascist uprising.

So I'm guessing (hoping) that he's just trolling.

Oh they aren't trolling, to them communism is perfect and the only time things go bad is because of evil (((capitalists)))

Or GASP (((fascism)))

Hey, how many Soviets burned to death when the cladding in their Khrushchyovka weren't up to snuff? That's right zero! 'Cause they were well on their way to freezing to death testing the Peoples' Army's bivouacs in the Siberian gulag proving ground.

Don't forget mining uranium without any protection and drinking water that nuclear power stations dumped raw nuclear waste into. I think they also made their soldiers walk through an area they nuked like half an hour before because they were curious what would happen.

I'm a retarded faggot. Some murder me in RL.

/u/Rymdkommunist I'm gonna have to put you in a labor camp for insanely bad posts.

And the funny thing is, people like him really imagine they're going to have the chance to murder us someday.

I can't wait to self defense one of these retards.


Ableism alert.

The red guards of summer reddit have arrived!

I'm always amused by implied assumption that problem with Russia or China is communism.

McCarthy was right. We should have listened.

commies get butthurt

The sun also rises.