Jews are white now?

108  2017-06-26 by ChipChippersonAMA


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/u/seamoth how do you feel about palestinians



The other white meat?

I mean, Semitic people.


Wow, liking nazis, what a surprise

This is what some far leftys actually believe

Well Jews of European/North-African/Middle-Eastern descent are Caucasian.

how do you feel about palestinians

Well, can you be more specific?



Does the IDF hire goyim? Wouldn't mind using palestinian kids as target practice.

I look forward to the video of a Palestinian running you over.

Would never happen, I'd preemptively shoot all poopskins on sight.

Their children should be taken away and raised Sikh.

What's the point of that they'd be Muslims in a few generations.

I call white guys with small penises "cock-Asians"

/u/EurasianTiger you gonna take that du?


From Wikipedia: Die Rassentheorie wird heute als veraltet angesehen und ist wissenschaftlich widerlegt. Heutzutage wird im englischen Sprachraum „caucasian“ als Synonym für Europäer im Sinne hellhäutiger Menschen verwendet.

Really makes you think.

I don't really believe in the whole racial theory thing anyway.

I just find it weird that some "white" Jews don't want to associate themselves with white anymore cause white is boring these days apparently...

No I am white-passing. I fully admit that in my day to day life I dont face the discrimination african-americans might face.

Once I tell my eastern european slavic name though things change. Thats as far as I go, I never tell anyone that I am jewish. Acting as if Gadot is a representation of White america erases her ethnic background.

I am a lefty all people hand-in-hand guy. Acting as if there is no difference socially between people is simplistic though.

I never tell anyone that I am jewish.

Oh look. A self-loathing Jew.

I don't think he's self loathing, maybe he thinks people will associate all kinds of things with him if he says he's Jewish.

The same way if someone says he Russian or someone says he's Italian a whole lot of pre-conceived notions about these ethnicties start going through your head. (sometimes subconsciously)

if someone says he Russian or someone says he's Italian

Nobody would want to admit that tho.

Dont want a bunch of Übermenschen to fuck my day up

Some of (((us))) aren't cowards tho

Well some of ((us)) havent had their elders beat them into being quiet about it.

Well some of (((us))) realize not hiding who we are is crucial to Never Again. You always listen to your elders?

As long as they still help me pay my bills.

Relax, boychik, your muter isn't reading this

No I am white-passing

You're not white passing. If you are Ashkenazi you ARE white and your ancestry is vastly European.

You're a white Jew. You're ethnically Jew (your culture, your religion, maybe even your language) but you ARE white.

Gal gadot is a white woman. Saying you're white doesn't erase your Jewishness. And what is white America anyway? Are the experiences of a white New Yorker the same as a white dude from Texas? Experiences differe from city to city, from region to region, from country to country and from culture to culture. That doesn't change the fact that all these people are white.

I'm shocked that the Arab wants (((us))) to join the mayos

I ain't trying to join anyone at all. I usually say I'm Arab, never I'm white. But it just amazes me how some people do the most to not be considered white. What's wrong with being white lol? The only reason I don't say I'm white is because of the side-eye some people give you if you say you're white/Caucasian but not of European descent. My skin is white af, but apparently that isn't enough so I just say Arab and get it over with.

What's wrong with being white lol?

Because the mayos don't want us and we don't want them. Because I wanna be on the winning side when the race wars start, duh.


I'm considered white ((until)) they know my last name, heritage or religion. It's like saying if you're mute you're white but otherwise arab.

I'm considered white ((until)) they know my last name, heritage or religion. It's like saying if you're mute you're white but otherwise arab.

Arabs are white . Main reason I'm in favor of the mayocide.

I'm in favor of racist pice of shit-cide, but hey to each their priorities.

Don't worry, he'll be first up against the wall

You can't be racist against whites tho

lmao to people redefining the word racism. pick up a dictionnary.

Prescriptivists must die.

Mayocide/white genocide is what nazis say happens when black people have children with white people. So mayocide=mix race

Maybe that's what some nazis say, but you can't generalize that to mean all nazis. Here you're first against the wall, mayo

Acting as if Gadot is a representation of White america erases her ethnic background.

And also lets her off the hook for being a Zionist.

As someone who is clearly not white, the idea that you are soooo different than other white people is laughable to me.

I am not thats the thing. Its just a social construct. Its fake but it still has an effect in real life. Acting as if it isnt there doesnt help.

Thats even in a leftist subreddit. I basically out-sjw the sjws

You are the SJW highlander. There can be only one! Post bussy pls.

It has almost no effect on your life but you get to act persecuted and absolve yourself of white guilt lmao

white guilt

I am from an eastern european farm society what fucking white guilt lol

I don't think I'm very oppressed despite my race so it baffles me to see American Jews who do.

And Idk about race in Eastern Europe, but who cares when you guys are almost all white anyways? Don't non Jewish ethnic minorities can face oppression too?

And Idk about race in Eastern Europe, but who cares when you guys are almost all white anyways? Don't non Jewish ethnic minorities can face oppression too?

What the fuck they teach you in school in the states?

Eastern Europe is pretty low on my priority list tbh. But whatever the case may be have fun pretending to be whatever fulfills your persecution complex.

WW2 is low priority now?

The parts west of Russia and and east of Germany sure are.

Nah the SJWs unironically hate jews, as you've found out. It's like the one thing the ctrl-left and the alt-right can agree on.

Join us in radical centrism and south park neutrality. We'll only make jokes about jews, we won't actually mean it.

It's just a fucking movie with a good looking woman, who could beat the living shit out of that whole podcast and 90% of that sub.

Good looking?

I bet you find Jonah Hill handsome, too?

i agree, her elbows were far too pointy

user reports:
1: surplus autism

Are you sure that wasn't a report on your comment?

it was not, but it could be for pretty much any comment

what did the comment say before?

i bet you look more like jonah hill than she does

I Donno felix has some guns on em

Israeli army training > rednecks

Israeli army required conscription.

Rednecks are by choice.

Good Looking

she looks as emaciated as her Auschwitz ancestors

Guys, guys, I think I just figured the cause of the obesity epidemic. As we see here in a confirmation of Dr. Freud's theories, males imprint on their mothers as their beauty standard. Which, given high availability of cheap trash food, has led to a death spiral over multiple generations of burgers who end up sexually attracted to more and more ridiculous landwhales.

Basically, there's a lag between when a young mcdonalds marries a woman of a weight he finds attractive, and when his son sees her much more bloated body and imprints on that.

Google pictures of her standing or looking in profile. She has a little gremlin forehead and it's not cute. I mean I'm no model but at least it doesn't look like someone deflated my prefrontal lobe.

To be fair that's an old photo from when I worked at the Center for Mayo Metrics & Measurements.

I doubt it. Most women would lose a fight to most men. She claims to have gained 17lbs through training, but still doesn't look much bigger than 130lbs.

female twinks are my thing

I think most trained military women would beat most 300 lb mexican kids or 50-lb korean kids or whoever we're talking about idk

Have you SEEN female pt standards?

to become an Israeli trainer?


Come on. She taught gymnastics, not hand to hand combat.

she taught F I T N E S S

to the fuckin IDF

that stands for institute of the death finger

I found this. Gadot took the old fitness test so she would have been tested on the following:

1) Sit-ups - the maximum amount one is capable of making, regardless of the time (without stopping).

2) Push-ups - the maximum amount that one can make, regardless of the time. (without stopping).

3) 2000 meter run (1.242 miles)

The only standards mentioned are:

The average test score for combat soldiers is about 60 points. The average test score for elite combat soldiers is about 70 -80 points. The minimum test score for non combat soldiers is 50 points.

Not sure where military trainer fits in, probably 50 but even if it's 60 points that's not that much, especially since most of the score is based on the run.

For the record, I was able to run 1.5 miles in about 12:30, so my score here should be around 10 mins. So that's 34 points. That means I would need 26 points to get to 60. 67 push ups and 78 sit ups in unlimited time each and I'm in. Doable. This is hardly an impressive test.

By contrast, the US army has a 2 mile run, 2 minutes of push ups, and 2 minutes of situps. That's more distance for running, and the timed aspect makes the other 2 events more difficult.

United States Army Physical Fitness Test

The Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) is designed to test the muscular strength, endurance, and cardiovascular respiratory fitness of soldiers in the Army. Soldiers are scored based on their performance in three events consisting of the push-up, sit-up, and a two-mile run, ranging from 0 to 100 points in each event. A minimum score of 60 in each event is required to pass the test. The soldier's overall score is the sum of the points from the three events.

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krav maga

I think that's kike for bullshido.

Then you've obviously never seen female Marines during MCMA.

The overwhelming majority of men are capable of beating the shit out of the overwhelming majority of women. That's why they've been oppressed for thousands of years, they're weak as shit and can't fight. They've not evolved to do it. Men have.

i'm not talking about pitting gal gadot against marines you retard, she's gonna be killing redditors

Are we? I can't tell anymore

Double guns futher muckers!

Fawk yea

race and ethnicity aren't real, they're social constructs

Usually leftists try to obfuscate their "social construct is a synonym for not real" belief behind a few more motte-and-baileys but /u/8239113 just comes right out with it.

A short list of other things that are "social constructs":

  • money
  • government
  • racism
  • language

I never directly stated social constructs aren't real per se, I stated race wasn't real and that the concept is a social construct.

The thought that certain phenotypes like curly hair, skin- and eye colour indicate subspecies of human beings is empirically false. People take a certain combination of these features, often in an extremely vaguely defined way, to designate somebody as black, Asian or white, and so treat them differently.

People take a certain combination of these features, often in an extremely vaguely defined way, to designate somebody as black, Asian or white, and so treat them differently.

Yeah so acting as if Gadot is a representation of all of White america is revisionist

Yeah so acting as if Gadot is a representation of all of White america

I never claimed any such thing, I only reacted to you sperging out about Jews not being white.

You fucking use Ableism now?

Are BLM also just a bunch of Spergs to you?

Don't you dare lump (((me))) in with the mayos, you anti-Semite

I'm sorry to say we're both melanin-challenged.

Nice try, sonderkommando

G. K. Butterfield

George Kenneth Butterfield Jr. (born April 27, 1947) is a United States Congressman elected in 2004. He is a member of the Democratic Party. His district is located in the northeastern corner of North Carolina, stretching from Durham to Elizabeth City and including all or parts of 24 counties.

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People take a certain combination of these features, often in an extremely vaguely defined way, to designate somebody as black, Asian or white, and so treat them differently.

Right, and we take this concept and give it a name called "Race". We even have a whole school of science dedicated to studying it and its function within society. Societies (ie. large groups of people) take concepts and reify them all the time.

Saying that it's "not real" is about as insightful as saying that money isn't real, which is to say not at all insightful in any way. We get it, you took Philosophy 101 just like every single other person.

My point was that arguing over what race somebody is or isn't is pointless precisely because it is not actually real.

Nowhere did I say that one's perceived race is not impactful on their lives, or that simply acting 'colour blind' would immediately end all racial discrimination.

Sure, in the same way that arguing over how high the minimum wage should be is pointless because money isn't actually real.

You've created a distinction without a difference just so you can autistically argue with people about identity politics on the sub that is supposed to be leftism without the identity politics.

I applaud you, sir.

Sure, in the same way that arguing over how high the minimum wage should be is pointless because money isn't actually real.

If my argument were that race not being real would somehow make anti-discrimination action not worth pursuing than you would have a point. But that's not what I said.

dentity politics on the sub that is supposed to be leftism without the identity politics.

Chapo Trap House is not "anti-idpol", the people that host it and r/chapotraphouse mostly agree that certain people face discrimination on account of their sex, race, sexual orientation etc. what they disagree on is the way to combat said discrimination. They mock a certain type of anti-racism that prioritizes 'representation' and language over things that actually improve the lives of gay people, non-whites etc.

If you want an example of this listen to episode 113 with R.L. Stevens, who harshly criticizes Ta-Nehisi Coates.

If my argument were that race not being real would somehow make anti-discrimination action not worth pursuing than you would have a point. But that's not what I said.

So, again:

You've created a distinction without a difference just so you can autistically argue with people about identity politics.

There is a difference between a social construct and something that's simply not real. Though social constructs aren't materially real they do have effects on people, 'not real' things don't, That's what the distinction is.

Though social constructs aren't materially real they do have effects on people, 'not real' things don't, That's what the distinction is.

So does Jews' race have effect on their lives or not?

And is that race white or not?

And is that race white or not?

I don't think anyone is denying that money isn't real. Or denying that money has value. Saying something is a social construct doesn't make it imaginary. We gave money and race value when before our compulsion for order and classification they meant nothing and didn't exist at all. I don't know what 803839 has said but race is real because we have made it real, however, scientifically/objectively race does not exist. A diary cow with a spot on its nose does not mean it's from a different race than a cow with no spots on its nose. Because everyone has their own definitions of race and generally the definition is constantly changing it shows how race is a social construct and vague. There is no scientific proof that backs the notion.

From wiki: Race is the classification of humans into groups based on physical traits, ancestry, genetics, or social relations, or the relations between those groups.[1][2][3][4][5] First used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations, by the 17th century race began to refer to physical (i.e. phenotypical) traits. The term was often used in a general biological taxonomic sense,[6] starting from the 19th century, to denote genetically differentiated human populations defined by phenotype.[7][8]

Social conceptions and groupings of races vary over time, involving folk taxonomies[9] that define essential types of individuals based on perceived traits. Scientists consider biological essentialism obsolete,[10] and generally discourage racial explanations for collective differentiation in both physical and behavioral traits.[11][12][13][14][15]

Even though there is a broad scientific agreement that essentialist and typological conceptualizations of race are untenable, scientists around the world continue to conceptualize race in widely differing ways, some of which have essentialist implications.[16] While some researchers use the concept of race to make distinctions among fuzzy sets of traits or observable differences in behaviour, others in the scientific community suggest that the idea of race often is used in a naive[11] or simplistic way,[17] and argue that, among humans, race has no taxonomic significance by pointing out that all living humans belong to the same species, Homo sapiens, and subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens.[18][19]

Since the second half of the 20th century, the association of race with the ideologies and theories that grew out of the work of 19th-century anthropologists and physiologists has led to the use of the word race itself becoming problematic. Although still used in general contexts, race has often been replaced by less ambiguous and emotionally charged synonyms: populations, people(s), ethnic groups, or communities, depending on context.[6][20]

Complications and various definitions of the concept

A popular view in American sociology is that the racial categories that are common in everyday usage are socially constructed, and that racial groups cannot be biologically defined.[21][22][23][24][25][26][27] Nonetheless, some biologists argue that racial categories correlate with biological traits (e.g. phenotype), and that certain genetic markers have varying frequencies among human populations, some of which correspond more or less to traditional racial groupings. For this reason, there is no current consensus about whether racial categories can be considered to have significance for understanding human genetic variation.[28]

When people define and talk about a particular conception of race, they create a social reality through which social categorization is achieved.[29] In this sense, races are said to be social constructs.[30] These constructs develop within various legal, economic, and sociopolitical contexts, and may be the effect, rather than the cause, of major social situations.[31] While race is understood to be a social construct by many, most scholars agree that race has real material effects in the lives of people through institutionalized practices of preference and discrimination.

I don't think anyone is denying that money isn't real.

money isnt real

Excuse me, I took 110. Feel free to address me as Doctor.

I bet the outsized prevalence of tay-sachs among Ashkenazi Jews is a social contract as well.

The specific genetic traits that cause that disease are not a social contract. Grouping together a large number of people, with a wide generic range, the vast majority of whom do not have tay-sachs, as a scientifically demonstratable ethnicity is impossible.

Population genetics

Population genetics is a subfield of genetics that deals with genetic differences within and between populations, and is a part of evolutionary biology. Studies in this branch of biology examine such phenomena as adaptation, speciation, and population structure.

Population genetics was a vital ingredient in the emergence of the modern evolutionary synthesis. Its primary founders were Sewall Wright, J. B. S. Haldane and Ronald Fisher, who also laid the foundations for the related discipline of quantitative genetics.

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HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 84320

Race (human categorization)

Race is the classification of humans into groups based on physical traits, ancestry, genetics, or social relations, or the relations between those groups. First used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations, by the 17th century race began to refer to physical (i.e. phenotypical) traits. The term was often used in a general biological taxonomic sense, starting from the 19th century, to denote genetically differentiated human populations defined by phenotype.

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imagine being so upset someone disagrees with you about racial organization that you downvote the WikiTextBot lmao

wikitextbot is just a social construct. It's fine

It's a construct, but it's not a social construct. I don't know actually how mostly disembodied software constructs would be classified in D&D.

physical traits, ancestry, genetics

Which of these is a social construct?

Forget the genetic diseases, how about the fact that their average IQ is 112+ and they have a huge overrepresentation in science, mathematics, chess, and pretty much any other intellectual field.

See for an example how absurd this can get. If this population isn't genetically distinct from Europeans at large then I guess we must conclude centuries of discrimination are actually beneficial.

This betrays you're ignorance of anthropology.

There are in fact more genetic differences within racial groups than among them.

That's an argument for race not being important rather than race not being real. Race is largely insignificant when drawing conclusions about individuals but it is real.

The thought that certain phenotypes like curly hair, skin- and eye colour indicate subspecies of human beings is empirically false.

They don't think that. Race is biological classification below subspecies that indicates genetic and phenotypic distinctions that don't warrant separate subspecies classification. Which human races are. If you can't accept that africans are genetically and phenotypically distinct then europeans, then you're just a retarded ideologue. Africans and europeans were reproductively isolated for tens of thousands of years, and any child can identify a pure blood european vs a pure blood african with 100% success. Race is as much a social construct as species are. Go take a fucking genetics class.

Which human races are. If you can't accept that africans are genetically and phenotypically distinct then europeans, then you're just a retarded ideologue.

Africans are a singular group, West Africans are generally just as genetically different from Europeans as they are from Ethiopians, yet West Africans (from whom most black Americans are descended) are considered the same race (in the American context) as Ethiopians.

Africans and europeans were reproductively isolated for tens of thousands of years

Not really, there has been contact between Europe and Africa for thousands of years. By the same standard people from different parts of Europe or Africa have been isolated from each other just as much.

and any child can identify a pure blood european vs a pure blood african with 100% success

depends on the age of the child, and nobody is disputing that people has different skin tones, hair, eye colour or eye shapes.

Genetically we can confirm whether someone is pure blood african or pure blood white with 100% success.

No serious scientist uses the term 'pure blood white'.

Race is as much a social construct as species are.

Species has a specific, and empiricaslly testable scientific definition ie. as the largest group of organisms in which two individuals can produce fertile offspring. As far as I'm aware I can ejeculate into a fertile black or Asian woman and most of the time she will give birth to a fertile child.

You're an example of why all sociologists should be lined up against the wall.

I'm not a sociologist, but sociology > haplogroup image macros from /pol/

ha, someone somewhere compiled sources that agree with you in MS paint, so you're stupid

t. retard incarnate.

ha, someone compiled heavily selective screenshots of questionable genetics papers to argue against the established scientific opinion and conform to the biases of a far-right Bhutanese basketweaving forum.

Okay, there's a problem with what you just did. I used a quote block to restate your quote in a funny (but honest) way. You're using quote blocks to just state what you're claiming.

I'm mocking the fact that you believe image macros from /pol/ are legitimate sources on human genetics, which is actually what you're claiming.

I never cited image macros. I never even brought image macros up. Hence your entire argument was that image macros exist, therefore I'm wrong. Which would be retarded even if I was citing an image macro, if that macro is citing good sources.

I'm sorry you have to explain such complex topics to all these retarded burgers.

Stop whitewashing me and my people, mayo

Just because it's fashionable to act like Jews aren't discriminated against doesn't mean you can call it a social construct and make it go awayx

I have stated repeatedly in that thread that antisemitic is real. What are you on about?

Wasn't that your alt doing that?

You're right. Some indigenous species such as the Aboriginal Australian don't fit neatly into the empirical categories of caucasoid, mongoloid and negroid, but that doesn't mean race is nonexistent, just that the main categories are not totally comprehensive.

From what I saw, Aboriginal Australian were classified as negroids.

I stated race wasn't real

In what way is race not real?

Eyyyy there it is

You fucking take that back. is a natural part of the world.

NA Education

/u/seamoth I absolutely agree with you, they are not white.

I have feeling we dont have the same premise here...

Shh bby is ok we're all subhuman trash here

I'm Jewish Syrian. It's very simple, /u/seamoth. If you look white, you are white. It's that simple.

Yeah its simplistic concerning race relations though.

Do you think that in some aryan society that your white if you have white skin color? Racist dont stop at that. Just look at the whole nazi head measurement shit.

Jews being white-passing is major part of nazi extermination ideology.

I don't think Aryans dislike Jews because they think we aren't white but because of in inborn hatred. For example, in the holocaust they killed Jews just because it gave them the same feeling as looking at a cockroach

Nazi eugenics

Nazi eugenics were Nazi Germany's racially based social policies that placed the biological improvement of the Aryan race or Germanic "Übermenschen" master race through eugenics at the center of Nazi ideology.

Eugenics research in Germany before and during the Nazi period was similar to that in the United States (particularly California), by which it had been partly inspired. However, its prominence rose sharply under Adolf Hitler's leadership when wealthy Nazi supporters started heavily investing in it. The programs were subsequently shaped to complement Nazi racial policies.

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Yes, but I didn't mean by color. Their hatred was not as shallow as a simple color difference between races

So you are a jew and you dont even know how jews are discriminated against? You know the whole nose thing etc.? Against jews were called insidious, nazi knew that Jews look similar enough to all the other europeans.

I'm an orthodox Jew and I know exactly why we were discriminated against. I don't understand how you took that from what I said. I'm saying, it's not based on color. It's based on an internal hatred outside of race. Yes, they used physical characteristics to describe Jews. That would be a shallow way of looking at it.

I understand what you're saying. You're only partially correct. Physical traits were a subcategory under their inborn hatred.

Bull fucking shit you're orthodox and on here

I don't think you understand the meaning of an Orthodox Jew. You're most probably thinking of ultra orthodox/chareidi Jews who don't use smartphones or use internet.

An Orthodox Jew is just somebody who keeps the law the way it was meant to be and believes the Torah is mostly literal with few allegories. An Orthodox Jew doesn't change the Torah. It has nothing to do with Reddit lol

Yeah but I feel like if I look in your history I'd see you posting on a Saturday before sundown or Friday after dark. And therefore breaking the Sabbath.

Go for it. I keep Shabbat completely, you won't find one instance of me breaking Shabbat


Florsheim shoes, tanned skinny pants from Zara and a linen button down from Uniqlo. Lol do you want to know what color underwear I'm wearing?

I hear nothing about any tzitzit! Burn the heretic!

I'm also wearing tzit tzit and a kippah, but good one lol

yeah, sure, of course now that I pointed it out you're wearing them (heretic)

Not sure what to tell you ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Okay, well you enjoy the shit talking here, correct?

Oh, definitely lmao


The trolling isn't working out for you lol

I went to Jewish school and made friends with a bunch of orthodox kids and while they flipped out if they ever touched a woman (like, handshake) they totally shit talked and gossiped behind each others backs.

Also: You're subscribed to this subreddit and functioning as a lolcow. This in turn increases the traffic and entertainment of this subreddit. This subreddit makes stupid people make fools of themselves by linking to them and then insulting them. This is placing a stumbling block before the simple and causing them to sin.(Lev 19:14)

It depends where that happens. There are orthodox people who shake hands with women. Personally, I don't, but I don't judge.

Maybe you should tell the moderators something about that, I have nothing to do with this. If you're that big in Halacha, you may as well join a kolel

For your information I don't even know what a kolel is, but I play 40k and therefore know a heretic when I see one!

Good call with the not judgeing, as I think that's technically a sin.

A kolel is a place where men learn Torah all day to be knowledgeable and one day able to decide halcahik decisions for others m

Good stuff, I play lots of overwatch on PC.

And yeah, it's important to give your friend the benefit of the doubt. For the most part

Is that the kind of place all the ultra-orthodox used to hang out in Israel before they got drafted like everyone else?(I had a teacher who complained about them a lot).

Not just ultra orthodox. Just plain orthodox and everything under that umbrella. They exist in America, too. In Baltimore, Ohio, New York, jersey, you name it and the kind of Jews range from orthodox to chassidish to Lubavitch and to chareidi

Yeah, a lot of people complain about that. People aren't fond that they get to sit out of the army services

They used to. They changed it, hooray!

There's tons of Orthodox Jews on Reddit

Where at? I've been meaning to befriend a couple of you fellas for a while now. I want to get into banking, but I have no experience in that sector. I was hoping I could befriend one of you, maybe marry your ugly sister and then get a job at your dad's bank. Hook a goyim up. Will convert if needed.

Sorry, we don't take in deranged meth heads

I have never done drugs. You got me on the mentally ill part, though. Why else would I be posting in /r/drama?

To put others down, probably

this is what brainwashed Goyim actually believe

Such as yourself, obviously

Still leaning on that holocaust sympathy huh? That well must be running dry I would think...

Yes, your edginess has been running dry lately.

Lol, loads of race related jokes on here and yet you mention the Jews, oh and its no longer fun and games anymore, tendies are thrown!

The Shapeshifting jew can be white when convenient.

The idea of social constructs is an anti-social construct.

Sephardim are not white

Iberians, the Schrödinger's whites.

Oi vey, our SJW/leftist plan for political power didn't work because us jews are white now! Yadda Yadda, matzsa balls, now teenagers won't think our holocaust and oppression are worth anything anymore. Gifeldafis, sienfield!

^Asian applying for mayo status

*Matzo, * Gefilte Fish, *Shoah

Sorry, dunno what that all is, I don't speak voodoo


Do what?

Is this nasty racism or progressive racism?


Brogressive racism


wtf i love jews now

I have a lot of Jewish step family so I been around around alot of Jew's, they are considered white not Jewish when they fuck up like Michael Richards, Donald Sterling, George Zimmerman, and Bill Maher. Have you heard any of them called a Jew after their fuck ups? Or just white men?.

It's a nice side benefit (((we))) get for owning the media. And there's plenty of shit we get blamed for that we didn't do.

The answer to your question in a 49 second youtube video

imagine being a white kyke and actually convincing yourself that you aren't white. Imagine being a lanky white jew and feeling camaraderie with blacks and hispanics over the fight against the white man. Imagine being a jew and thinking you're discriminated against in any way by anybody who isn't an arab in 2017.

What Triggered You?

can't you at least have the decency to spell racial slurs correctly, you faggot retard? (no offense to gays or the developmentally disabled)

This thread is bananas; B-A-N-A-N-A-S

Had a feeling it would be a fun one

Have you ever seen the YTMND with one lesbian projectile shitting a small banana into another lesbian's mouth to a loop of the "This shit is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!"

Lmaooo no, but I'm going to find it and send it to my group chat now.

I would have linked it but I'm at work. Did you find it?

It's even better than I remember


I'm in jr high again and it rules.

Jews and Latinos are Schrodinger's White People: white when you want them to be.

Sadly, this kind of antisemitism is all too common among the extremist left.

golly I hope not

what kind of insane reverse gatekeeping am I reading

this is why ALL whites must be stopped

Race is a spook

Seriously, what is chapo's traphouse. Self loathing white dudes who love communism?