Dear Reddit: My coworker's girlfriend tried to shake my hand after I literally saw her scratching her bussy. What do?

42  2017-06-26 by HuckleberryFN2187


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👏🏾 girls 👏🏾 can't 👏🏾 have 👏🏾 bussy 👏🏾

Not with that attitude.

Time to break out your /r/gussy banhammer

🤔 You make a good point.

The masculine anus is just the opposite of the feminine penis. Don't deny the facts.

By 'her bussy' I assume you mean your coworkers bussy, whom she owns in a master/slave relationship?

Nobody's addressed whether or not she sniffed her hand after going for a dig.

Of course she did. Otherwise what's the point?

She clearly does that to establish dominance over new people she meets. It's obviously on purpose.

Bussy pennies.

sniff hand

Yet another example of why Islam is the one true path to the light.

If this was an Islamic country 1.) she wouldn't be out in public 2.) of chance she actually is out in public you don't have to touch her dirty pussy hand because Allah knows wassup.

If by light you mean from an explosion 💥, if by true you mean fictional like this smiley face 😊.

I love everyone in there telling the poor sod how he was in the wrong for not touching that bitch

If it was me, I'd be suckin those fingers. Slurp slurp burp burp

Disgusting. Upvoted

You missed a spot

So wait, setting aside the normal drama autistic shit I'd post, is this dude really scared of pussy germs? Like, can he have sex or is the pussy too icky?

See, now I don't know if you mean her pussy or her butthole.

What a fucking autist. Did he think he'd catch herpes from a handshake


Just tell everyone you're muslim now. Problem solved.

Shake hand, sniff afterward, ask "Massengill?"