The Incoherent Politics of Sargon of Akkad

2  2017-06-27 by Yasman11


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Without watching the video, I will assume I will hate every part of it, but love it overall

I'm not watching this but upvoted because Sargon is a fucking disgrace.

Don't watch it, it's like listening to a reddit comment with the 'lolz' actually chuckled out

Hearing someone talk about Sargon is almost as bad as listening to his content. The only redeeming thing about this video is that it doesn't take 50 minutes like Sargon's absolute inane drivel.

50 minutes? Try five fucking hours...

Even his channel trailer is 15 minutes. Who the hell has time for this?

It's easy to watch his videos and angrypost about libruls at the same time

Anita, pls go and stay go

Lol, does that mean you unironically listen to Sargon?

I don't, I don't watch any of the "skeptic" videos.

I wish I hadn't watched any of this. It's so fucking petty and cringy. Apparently a classical liberal means that you are automatically a conservative. This guy goes by the Tankies version of the political compass where being pro-capitalism makes you far right.

That's the definition of a classical liberal?..

I'm more of a free market marxist

this guy must be a troll.

/I'm more a ham sandwich loving vegan

This dude is just trying to promote his shit commentary videos. Mods, delete this shit.

My actual shit is a more interesting substance.

Truly there is no limit to the ineptitude of youtube politickers. Just when you think Sargon has reached peak bullshit, bam! this guy comes along with brand new drivel about the old drivel.

Forget mayocide.
What we need is "Poltics youtuber talking over still images"-cide, which is incidentally still mayocide.

Let's just include youtubers in mayocide

He's a factual leftist....except when the facts disagree with him, then you can expect him and his "rational" gang who are totally "pro-debate" to attack the person posting those contradictory facts.

There, that's all that needed to be said and it's not a dull as fuck 8 min long video of someone st-st-stuttering.

Carlgon of Swindon has been a right wing chill forever, but when he endorsed Trump he basically dropped the "I AM A FUCKING RIGHT WINGER YOU IDIOTS CANT YOU SEE?!" ball on everyone.

Whoever believes he and his ilk are anywhere close to the left has no fucking clue about anything.

hi im a leftist even tho im pro trump and brexit and nationalism in general

He's not pro trump though? I guess you've never actually watched his videos.

Incoherent Politics of Sargon of Akkad - [08:05]

Sargon believes in classical liberal principles, (individualism, free speech, capitalism, equality of opportunity instead of equality of outcome) with some government social safety nets like universal healthcare.

Maybe actually watch his videos.

Very disappointed Joe Rogan had a very buddy-buddy podcast with this guy. He didn't come across well. Very patronising in tone and thought.

An elite sheep in sheep's clothing.