TrollXers debate whether it is okay to bully random man. Confusion ensues.

41  2017-06-27 by billburrisfunny


Now with added cancer!


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How can that sub have any more?

No. Just, no

He was creepy, rude and gross. He felt entittled to her attention and her body because he wants sex. I can't believe anyone would defend this behavior. It's too bad we can't name and shame this fucking disgusting creep.

By LiterallyShakingRn89


Are these people seriously retarded?

/u/______________pewpew care to explain why trollx isnt actually full of drooling idiots?

Gotta be the new TryItIDareYou or someone like that.

Yeah that was my dupe actually


Not even a troll since the people think it normally too.

I think I'm starting to see that people like you are posting is subs saying pretty mean things. By trolling--you're the one who's bullying. Anyone who isn't a troll actually aren't saying mean things.

People like you are the whole reason this second thread was started. We weren't trying to bully him--you were and other trolls like you. Please stop attempting to turn us against each other.

Those upvotres were all ironic and definitely not falling for an embarrassingly obvious troll.

Just like trollx users only got ironically pissed off and ironically brigaided TryItIdareyou's admission thread.

First time I'm summoned, thanks darling.

I don't have the patience to read endless text messages from complaining millennials. I also haven't been a trollx regular in a long time.

If you're not a millennial, it's legit embarrassing that you're on this site

It's embarrassing if you are, so this totally unironically.

You little shit

Oh I'm more than embarrassed myself too. This site is pathetic.

And so are you, and us really. Especially since you're seriousposting in /r/drama

Why do you hate black people?

One of em stole my bike, couldn't look at them the same since.

Why do you hate Arabs?

They look too much like me and I wanted to speshul

What if you're a boomer?

Then kill yourself you fat bike spewing faggot

well that's not very useful of you

To be fair, your handle sucks for pinging.

Someone told me it's twelve

Ah like the age of your daughter


I honestly think that's the infamous Trollx troll we had here a couple of days ago's new account.

Dont you autists dare spill the beans on that one

Such a problematic sub. Maybe not deliberately hateful and sexist, but oh so problematic.

Now, I'm not local, so I don't know for sure, but I believe that trollxers really help young american come out of the closets, because when they see this as their future dates, they start thinking about other options.

It's always ok

If you write 8 paragraphs to ask a girl for sex you deserve to be bullied.

Seriously. Only 8 paragraphs? Mrs. DudeCat accepted no less than a 3-chapter thesis.

I just don't get how they can get so offended by this dude's wall of text. It's so pure in its social retardation that anybody with half a brain would burst out laughing at receiving it. It's neckbeard nirvana.

They are very Victorian in their views of sex.

Asking a woman for sex in a direct way insults her honor. It's especially insulting if the guy asking is a loser.

No, it's only insulting if he's a loser. Unless he has enough gbp, then she sexes him up to try to steal his hard earned currency.

I'd like to address this.

He was not and as far as I know is still not a loser. He's successful and handsome and reasonably nice, albeit a little oblivious when it comes to treating people appropriately.

I didn't tell him no because he was a loser. There was nothing wrong with him. We truly do just have different needs and are not compatible and I'm too private to tell him why.

Sometimes, a woman may actually be telling the truth when she says "We're not right for each other." It's not that she thinks the man is a loser.

Really--I don't want you to feel like that's the attitude all women have. Some aren't trying to manipulate you into being persistent or to change nor are they attempting to avoid telling you that you're a loser. They just think one simple explanation for the rejection should be enough.

The point is that there were people in the comments that were calling him ridiculous names based on your post, and in your post he was not entitled or demanding at all, you really should have put this wall of text on the actual post in the beginning. Now I'm banned from my from my favorite sub

I didn't report you. Have you talked to the moderators about it?

The people who were doing that by the way of you check their post history were trolls picking a fight. They got one. I'm sorry you got banned. Maybe we can fix it.

Nah it's ok, I don't comment much anyway and I can still look at stuff. I got into a more heated argument with someone else after I felt like they were being hostile or whatever and they probably were the ones who reported me. I just wish I knew before I even got into the argument.

I'm still really sorry. I thought you had good points in the thread though. Your input was valuable and I'm sad we'll miss out on it now.

I don't want you to feel like that's the attitude all women have. Some aren't trying to manipulate you into being persistent or to change nor are they attempting to avoid telling you that you're a loser. They just think one simple explanation for the rejection should be enough.

I've taken a look at your post history and maybe you should do a little self-reflection. You say "not all women" but you seem to have the "yes all men" attitude, especially when it came to your little rant about tire replacement and The Patriarchy. Can you not see the hypocrisy between saying "not all women are trying to manipulate you" yet also saying "these people were forcing Patriarchal gender norms on me by changing my tires". You, like most TrollX posters, seem to think the world is against you and it's a damaging and stressful narrative to follow.

Yeah, I was pretty mad in that rant. I know not all men are like that. I really shouldn't have blanketed the gender in that post. I meant more so to blanket the ideology not men.

I really was referring to just those people pushing gender norms on me, not all men. I apologize for the confusion.

I mean, but can you see how maybe they were trying to be nice, instead of trying to push gender norms on you?

I understand being upset about losing the warranty, I really can. But you're getting mad at them for paying for a tire replacement when they didn't know it would affect your warranty, and instantly trying to force it into a gender issue saying they're forcing gender norms on you because of the patriarchy.

That's like your mom giving you extra food to bring home from a family dinner, then going home and writing a rant that your mom thinks you're poor and can't afford food, that you can't cook for or take care of yourself, etc. In reality, she's a nice mom who wants to give you some extra home cooking.

You took someone's nice gesture and applied your own skewed views on it. If you want to see people out to get you, you can force yourself to see people out to get you everywhere you go. When you do that, you're doing the moral equivalent of putting words in their mouth. The world is a much nicer place when you take nice actions at face value rather than trying to find a way to make yourself the victim of gender-based oppression.

She followed up saying she went on a date with the guy once 8 years ago and he's been asking for sex ever since then, even after she completely cut him off. So yeah... that is pretty insulting when you say "no" for 8 years and he still doesn't get the message.

Well... To be fair she followed up saying she went on a date with the guy once 8 years ago, and ever since then he's become persistent and annoying, and this wasn't the first time he was trying to get her to have sex in the last 8 years. It's pretty insulting when you keep saying no but he persists with essays worth of words.

Yeah, you can just buy one for a couple hundred bucks.

Allow us poor cishet guys time to adjust. We used to be allowed to violently rape any woman and she's get the blame if she complained. Now we have to get "consent" or whatever that is. Some of us are still trying to get the hang of it.

I despise most women but don't see the problem? The guy's clearly not into bussy.

Desperate losers deserve to be shamed I don't see what the issue is. That text wall was hilariously pathetic


Every time.

Ctlr+f "entitled" 16 results in that thread. They really seem to throw that word around whenever they can.

I thought this sub is all about bullying? Now it's not ok when its women bullying a random man?

/u/Uneekusrnm just tell him you won't do it unless he proves that he's devoted to you, so he has to show you video proof that he climbed Mt. Everest to the summit and back to the base in record time.

Wow, I didn't even know this turned into an additional thread...

Am I a slut and a cunt? Probably yeah. I've never accepted money for sex so I'm not a whore per-say but I definitely have had sex knowing food was going to be provided so maybe I am.

That tiny moment of self reflection in a pool of shit.