An incel asked a pimp for a pretty blonde prostitute. When she came over, he verbally abused her, and she left in tears without taking his money. The prostitute's name? Albert Einstein.

173  2017-06-27 by HuckleberryFN2187


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Dammit, maybe bots can't love, but there's no rule that says I can't love a bot.

I wonder if sexbots would fuck incels. I picture them self-destructing in protest.

well, that would have to be programmed in. we need to ensure the continued existence of the incel race

You know it's bad when even your sad little fantasies don't end with you getting laid

Even worse when they end with a trip to the hospital

And the woman feels like soft rubber.

Definitely a RealDoll or whatever they are called, and a guy with an overactive imagination...

... Like a bag of sand?

Lumburg fucked Xir.

Skin does feel very similar to soft, pre-hardened rubber.

After it's been boiled, cured and processed? lol, no. But before that, the texture is not at all dissimilar.

I mean, skin is skin. Women and men don't actually feel that different sans hair or callouses (which I guarantee almost none of you have). It's not like he doesn't know what skin feels like. Anyone who has ever touched soft rubber, certain grades of vinyl, etc., has been creeped out by the similarity at least once.

After it's been boiled, cured and processed? lol, no. But before that, the texture is not at all dissimilar.

Just so we're clear... you're talking about rubber and not skin right?


Skin does feel very similar to soft, pre-hardened rubber.

After it's been boiled, cured and processed? lol, no. But before that, the texture is not at all dissimilar.

I mean, skin is skin. Women and men don't actually feel that different sans hair or callouses (which I guarantee almost none of you have). It's not like he doesn't know what skin feels like. Anyone who has ever touched soft rubber, certain grades of vinyl, etc., has been creeped out by the similarity at least once.

How can one claim to be an incel when they hire an escort and voluntarily decide to remain celibate?

Isn't the twisted logic something akin to the other party isn't voluntarily engaging in the activity? They're compelled by need of money rather than a desire. So they remain unwanted.

That's the twisted logic. Some how paying means you're forcing someone. Really if you should make sure your whores are free and unabused and then there is no problem.

The majority of prostitutes in the west are not compelled to do anything. They like their work, and I say this as someone who thinks prostitution should not be further legalised. No one was forcing that girl to sleep with him, she was doing it willingly, talking to him like a fellow human being and he was projection all his nasty internal shit on to her. Women like her just see ugly guys as part of the job, they don't give a shit as long as you are clean. There are plenty of ask reddit threads which say just that.

What you know about how I fucks with it?

Fuck a bitch, blooded, got dat

Ugh! Sickness!

Fuck a bitch, what? Fuck a bitch

You heard what I said

Murdered 'em! Fuck!

I'm swerving, I can't get enough

Bloody murdered 'em! Shoot 'em up!

Smoke, gun slinging, who gives a fuck?

Fuck a bitch, what? Fuck a bitch

Yeah this is something....darker. Even someone legitimately severely retarded won't fuck up this bad.

They banned me for pointing out it seemed sort of voluntary.

Before I got banned I asked them that too and they explained it had more to do with being able to get emotional attachments with women more than just sex. But that contradicts their whole "rape should be legal" shtick... Idk man I'm pretty sure at least half of them are trolls.

Maybe they imagine their rape victim eventually falling in love with them.

Rapeholm syndrome?

Not even cockholm syndrome?

Rapeholm syndrome?

Side effect of watching too much Hentai.

no one on r/incels says rape should be legal

Why are you lying? Posts saying that get linked to /r/drama all the time.


Why would I archive it? I wasn't aware you guys felt shame, so I had no reason to think you'd lie about it. Barely even 2 weeks ago an /r/incel user came into /r/drama and admitted to raping a girl.

Erm that wasn't rape. He just put his penis inside her while she was unconscious. He was very clear about the fact that this isn't rape...

That wasn't bank robbery. I just walked into the vault and took a few stacks. I was very clear that I was not stealing the money.

yeah, one guy who isnt even a real incel admits to rape so r/incels as a whole says rape should be legal. very nice logic there.

I bet you can also find one or two rapists on r/funny, yet you wouldnt say r/funny discusses rape .

Lol no just incels is full of wannabe rapists that are too beta and feeble to do any actual raping

Caamib said that shit all the time.

Yeah, but he was Incel Primetm , he had more screws loose than the average incel.

Omg, you post in /r/nofap and /r/foreveralone. Keep Yourself Safe right now.

I also post in r/incels, but to my defense i am banned from foreveralone and dont take nofap seriously

Kill yourself homeslice.

Have you been on /r/incels?

yes, thats why i know it. just send me a link to proof me wrong

Incels don't condone rape. Incels condone forced affection and intimacy. Big difference. One is violence other is love

"Just know women deserve to be raped and publicly humiliated". You sent this to me less than an hour ago

He's actually retarded, best not to give him the attention he wants and let him rot.

Ehh must've been a typo or something. Got proof?

Yep, youre definitely autistic if not completely braindead.

of course 😘

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He sent these to me as well. Not a typo hes just too fucking degenerate to function like a human being.

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I'm almost sad at the mental image of some smelly dirty human making hyehhyeh noises while typing this shit out to you, but as soon as someone reminds him of his mum he goes silent. Like god damn how depressing is that

Its not even sad anymore because hes literally admitted to sexually assaulting someone, being okay with rape saying its not bad, posted about people giving him their babies to eventually have sex with them. Then when anyone criticizes him its one of three answers. "I was hacked" "Must be a typo" "Stop bullying me because im autistic."

I think it's more a case of being professional victims. Look at any post where they complain about not being able to get a woman and anyone offers advice, they will immediately have a raft of reasons why that advice won't work for them and won't hear otherwise. They like to revel in the misery.

You can't be a professional victim if no one's paying you.

Overly enthusiastic hobbyists

The incel meme is in love with its own misery, so it has evolved defenses to any rational solution that you could offer.

Gotta stick to the principles.

Don't think about it too hard, that sub is founded on contradiction. They only know how to agree on hatred of normal happy people.

They have Escortcel lol.

"Her skin feels like awesome soft rubber even though she's a fucking slut" is the best sentence I have ever read.


If she carried pocket sand on her at all times this tragedy could've been avoided

Has he ever touched either rubber or another person?

doubtful and no, respectively.

Has he never touched his own skin?

But your own skin feels completely different though. Since your getting responses from both your hand and your skin.


That's how you know this nigga has never actually touched a women in his life.

He's on incels, I don't think that would hurt his feelings

yeah it didn't feel like my skin MAYBE SHE NEEDS A SHOWER LMFAOOOOO

OP plz

laughing my fucking ass off off off off off off

Needs to be snapshill quote

Yeah /u/GiftMeARope is a retard who is completely full of shit, and if he is telling the truth, he is a complete voluntarily celebate pussy,

Thanks for tagging me, normie cunt

moron thinks bring a normie is a bad thing

Yep you're retarded

I bet you this will eventually make its way into a Dan Brown book.

Funny how having sex doesn't change your basic atomic structure.

They'll eat up anything that plays into their power fantasy.

Obviously the story is complete bull, but if he had actually gone through a pimp, the guy would have been waiting right outside the front door for the girl. Her coming out with money or in tears and it wouldn't have been as simple as him saying, "it's alright champ, you'll get em next time".

My thoughts exactly. And if the pimp hadn't been standing outside the door, the prostitute wouldn't have left without money to go and get a black eye.

Pimps don't wait outside the door, that'd be weird and take all the fun out of being a pimp. A good pimp will drop her off, and maybe wait at the bar if its just an hour session, but generally her pimp is someone she calls.

On a $400 chick, trust me, they're either idling their car in the parking lot or waiting by the door. Had a friend who regularly used em. Now on $60 hoe I'd have to agree with you.

Nah, there is no way they're waiting by the door.

She probably was a $60 hoe but he conned the incel into thinking she was the Stacy of his dreams.

Im kind of freak out by them. They get more and more hateful, i wonder if there is a point where this incel fuckers start being dangerous, some of them are already venturing out to "troll Staceys" like when some asshole incel doxx a girl a couple of weeks back. This is creepy.

Yes they're absolutely dangerous, they should be euthanized tbh

That's a govt program for the incel problem I can get behind. Bring on the suicide booths!

Just pack them in some cattle cars and send them for a zyklon shower my dude

This isn't the 40s. We have better technology now.

They went private last week after that kid was talking about raping a drunk girl. Matter of time before that sub is on the news.

Aaaaand they went private again

I thought that dude harassing women in real life a while ago would end up on the news, but that never panned out in the end. But there's a lit of potential for that crap coming g from there. If I was the admins I would be keeping check of it constantly before it blows up

They started being dangerous a long time ago. There's a handful of confessed rapists who are regulars and, y'know, Elliot Rodgers.

Well the rapists should be banned for not being celibate, they don't even enforce their own rules.

I think the more realistic scenario would be he hired a hooker and then couldn't get his dick hard out of fear and she took the money and left.

Right? Also what kind of $400/hr escort doesn't get paid BEFORE it all gets started? u/GiftMeARope, come clean are you having issues getting and/or maintaining an erection?

What can one say but he's pushing rope...

You're fucking retarded. I said the pimp knows me. If I don't pay the dude would personally have fucked me up.

So is that a yes?

No, I don't have erectile dysfunction.

Ah, you're confirming it's a PE issue then?

so you're saying you're retarded?

He's here isn't he?


Dude, look at your post. Look at all the fucking words you wrote. You actually spent time making up this story.

My condolences.

He literally wrote some serial killer level shit

well maybe it actually happened, i mean we know we're dealing with serial killer level people

You got that rope picked out on your Amazon wish list yet?

So you did pay $400 to call a girl names for 30 seconds?

Ahh ok, so you actually did pay $400 to insult someone. That's much cooler than if you made it up.

You know that it's absolutely transparent that 1) you made this up and 2) you have never made physical contact with another human being, right?

Like we know you're pathetic suicide-bait, you don't have to hit us over the head with it.

Yeah, the story is complete bullshit.

I feel like I've read a link here to incels that had that word for word

Ah yee that one lel

Her skin feels like awesome soft rubber even though she's a fucking slut.


Yeah that part was weird i doubt this actually happened

Her boobs even felt like sandbags!

Her Shore rating was at least 6.

This is sad, and this comment is sadder. Incels should just fuck eachother or dolls since no one wants them or cares about them.

You didn't scroll down to see the comment where one guy said to fuck her throat and the guy underneath him says "yeah and then slit it when you cum". These guys are 10 kinds of fucked up

Lol whatevs you're just not redgreenblack pilled

Lol these dumbfucks are more voluntary celibates than involuntary, it's so fucking obvious

Thats because /r/trucels is banned

Got to give it to /r/Incels were a guy can go brag about hiring a hooker and still not get laid.

Did you rip that off from the Incel comments section?

If so, bravo, it is a great line

it was me in both

comment reusers are scum

How about that you have me pegged.

why tho

I had my hopes to get banned

hey, shut up, at least he got to feel her rubber! I mean, skin!

This is fake. Everyone knows that whores make you pay first...

I cannot comprehend why he wouldn't at least get head first. Is it wrong I want an update?

Probably not.

Ping him! Ping him!

Time to gas incels.

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It's so depressing that there are a few people are agreeing with that dumb story that I can't even find it funny. Why is that sub so terrible, not even /r9k/is this bad.

She looked at me and made a disgusting face. At this point I got a little pissed.

Wait a minute! That's the plot to Unforgiven!! What did this dude do next, cut up her face something mean. Because that's a bad idea, that's a gonna get Clint Eastwood on your ass bad. Good luck you brave psycho, you will surely need it.

her skin felt like rubber

Don't laugh - she's gonna be King of the Pirates some day.

I think we established that incels don't want just sex (in most cases, that is), they simply want to be desired. Neither of the options will change how women view ugly men.

They often seem to get that bit wrong; though I'm not feminist at all these days I would still easily say that men are judged much less harshly on looks. Hell, you can be a pretty ugly-looking guy and still get many attractive-looking women if you tick other boxes.

This is why gay guys have to stay trim and youthful their whole lives just to get laid while a lesbian can look like a sack of potatoes wearing a potato sack and have SOs chasing after her from every direction.

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Because it is bullshit

Tfw your sub needs an autoresponse bot for the word "entitled"

10/10 title OP, gtfo


And this is the second time /r/Incels has gone private immediately after I posted something lulzy about them! I'm claiming credit for both incidents.

Aaaaaand they're private.

This is the second time they've gone private after I posted something meta about them. The other was a couple weeks ago, but it is still stickied at AHS. Trigger warning: seriouspost.

Apparently they also went private briefly a couple days ago after one of their own bragged about raping an unconscious woman or something, so IDK if I'm responsible for them going into lockdown, but I'm gonna claim credit anyway.

/r/incels is private again LMAO

People who take "Forever Alone" too far. It wS supposed to be a joke, not a challenge.

Its Private, might wanna screenshot this shizzle.

Incel mayocide now.

And during history mankind has been chasing the jews instead of that scum smh

This is party because jews got associated with the incel type at one point. Sitting at home and becoming physically unfit while banging on about religious lifestyles or writing whiny novels about what cockroaches they were and the women went out, got jobs and had to run the household.

All he had to do was fuck the pussy then his autism would go down quite a bit. Instead he went into incel rage. So sad.