Gang members become keyboard warriors as they argue over who's the dickrider and who's the cheerleader on

38  2017-06-28 by snallygaster


Jews did this


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38 years old living life homie if u ain't already get your stripes you can't get them now on the net

said by a man that engages in petty internet arguments about his neighborhood for days

i need a translator for that

If poverty had a voice, this would be it.

tbqh I can't really interpret it either

It's basically the street version of LoL vernacular.

Snally always manages to find the best drama across the interwebz.

/u/snallygaster will you unironically marry me?

Not really, "her" shtick got old a while ago. "She" should stick to dropping really good shit every couple months if "she" wants to karma farm. Of course "she" can always sticky her own posts to get some easy karma but "she" would probably get more if "she" followed the plan I've laid out.

Fascinating, I must know more

reddit doesn't have a marriage function tho

Aren't you already married to Sonic?

don't let your dreams be memes.

i dont care you crips you sur you a busta you a rider as long as your republican ass voted for bush you'r the enemie your the one i will never share any type of pm lolol bichh asss

/r/politics subscriber probably.

Nice work, OP. But this is a difficult read.

I can only imagine the number of viruses and malware you have in your computer from visiting all these obscure shady sites. I'd bet your computer is already part of some botnet.

Reddit is a botnet

We are the bots

That was the internet version of having to stop for gas at a gas station in the hood.