/r/Incels has gone private! Again. Last time they were on lockdown it was to hide this.

68  2017-06-28 by HuckleberryFN2187


Ceddit, so apologies in advance to Google Chrome users who will miss this. Here's a sample of the lunacy:

I experienced that exact event. The unbridled rage Elliot Rodgers felt was entirely justified, I felt it precisely as he described it.

The backstory was, my roomate had met a new female friend, and we'd all hang out once in a while (I can't tolerate spending more than thirty minutes at a time around normies, but back then I at least attempted to socialize.) I developed an intense crush on her, and then one day, she came over drunk and came in my room. She laid on my bed and I said to myself "fuck it, you have to try, this is your chance" asked "can I cuddle with you?" She responded in the affirmative and I held her for five minutes.

Those were the greatest five minutes of my entire life. All my horrowing depression, crippling loneliness, and immense misery were gone. Completely gone. Then of course, she said "oh, I have to see John" (my roomate) and left.

Then they had sex. I went from pure happiness to pure fury. I could hear every obnoxious sound. All the moans, yelps, everything. I blasted some Acacia Strain (a deathcore band) to try to cope.

Now here's where the story gets even worse. John came out one night while I was in the kitchen and started complaining about her. She was laying in his bed sleeping, yet he was complaining about her. The equivalent to complaining about having a bag full of money. I was livid. I held her for five minutes, and it was pure euphoria. I thought to myself "he could be holding her right now, yet he's bitching. I can't believe it."

I'm grateful I didn't own a firearm at that time. I don't think I would have snapped and gone postal, but during a blind rage you never know what will happen. Holding her was still the happiest five minutes of my life to this very day. Five minutes in heaven.

I will never forget the trauma of listening to my oneitis moan in pleasure through the walls. I will never forget the unspeakable vexation I felt when he complained about her while she was in his bed.

The indignity never ends.

I took this from AgainstHateSubreddits. Here's their thread. Apparently some sick fuck also posted detailed instructions on how to fuck a dog.


Daisy, Daisy / Give me your answer, do. / I'm half crazy / all for the love of you. / It won't be a stylish marriage, / I can't afford a carriage. / But you'll look sweet upon the seat / of a bicycle made for two.

Thank you, Bonzi Buddy!

Each passing day, we get closer to true A.I.

Fuck incels. That is all.


Ew, no. You do it.

Not with a rented dink.

That shithole needs to be banned already

Agreed but it's pretty clear by now admins only ban anything that gets actual media attention and breaks the rules on a continuous basis.

Anyone here work at CNN?

nobody on /r/drama has a job

Anyone here obsessively stalk a journalist?

i'm stalking louise mensch but she no longer works for heat street. she leaves home to take her kids to school at approx 7:30am each morning and is away for at least 45 minutes.

Even /u/xNotch doesn't have a job but is a billionaire.

And when they do it's a meaningful job with real world impact, not for a tabloid like CNN.

I used to, I still know an editor or three. Should I send this over?

I would abs-fucking-lutely to be the one that caused /u/spez to have another shit-fit when he finds out CNN is doing a story on a group on Reddit who idolized school shooters and blatantly discuss the best ways to rape women (who all deserve it).


and breaks the rules on a continuous basis

Do we use the same Reddit?

and gets media attention, m8. Obviously they don't give a shit when incels or ghazi doxxes people, but when it's FPH with 200,000 subs clogging r/all then they do.

Are incels an amerifat phenonemon? I swear even the biggest turbo nerds I knew growing were never this bad, I think even they still got gash. Gross nerd gash but still.

How old are you? If you're my age (mid twenties) it wasn't quite possible to live as a hikikomori anywhere outside of Japan when you were a teenager.

Late twenties. I'm pretty grateful there was no social media in our formative years.

Pretty much all we did on the internet was harass chicks on chat rooms and link unsuspecting people to lemonparty.

Goatse Veronica Moser


The internet used to be good. Now it sucks shit.

Incels aren't hikkies. Hikkies don't hate women, or anyone really. They just have crippling social anxiety.

Good point, I was oversimplifying to illustrate a lifestyle that wasn't possible when the young adults of today were teenagers.

Ehhhhh, a dozen years ago I avoided the outside world as much as possible while in college. Twice. Months at a time. Didn't leave my room/apt cept when I ran out of food. At the time I met other people online with severe social anxiety and agoraphobia, many of whom were shut-ins enabled by family or spouse or whatever. This really isn't all that new.

Crippling social anxiety and agoraphobia is not what these people have. They actually legitimately hate women and successful men

The most disturbing of the ones on reddit is Italian

I thought he was Croatian

He is Croatian. Tried to rape his mother too.

Which one?

Governmentgetgfs/camiib/fuck hes been banned a lot so hes got a tone of accounts.

Wait. Is this the psycho with the blog and the raging Oedipus complex? If they're the same guy I could have sworn he was Croatian.

He is.

What's his current account?

I wish i could write a paper about it m8. I think it's a cultural problem of the new age, people with seriously failed social skills could never meet each other but now they do. This couldn't happen 20 or years ago. Also i think incels are a symptom of the new age of information and the myriad of problems it might bring. Everyone has a niche now, even shitty people.

I think it has a lot to do with growing up unloved and boys being given no idea on how to have romantic relationships. I never had a girlfriend before college and nobody ever talked to me about it. It just seemed a normal things to them or they didn't care. And all the rape hysteria that even comes from our parents, anywhere religion is prominent.

Until I had my first GF I was pretty much an Incel minus the misogyny.

Just play hateful people. If they weren't incel they would be rageposting on fph about how fat people should all go drown in their big gulp cup.

money's the misogyny and autism

I don't understand, where's the incel part?

He was just a loser that didn't socialize.

Social ineptitude around women and low self esteem. Sorry I was tired didn't explain right.

What age were you?


Just plain hateful people.

And you sensed it how, if you don't mind me asking?

Reading the sub duh

If that'd be case, /r/Drama would've been Hitler's Second Coming.

/u/grafton29 I think you're both onto something. The most "modernized" countries seems to be the ones with the biggest problem; Japan, USA and Western Europe.

Young guys have to juggle with being told 'toxic masculinity' is bad while strong confident alphas are praised. The boys who were never popular with the girls choose to isolate themselves and get their fix of human contact online and through porn. People stay single for longer and value freedom higher. Urbanization has meant that you can reject a possible partner over a small detail, because you know there is another option around the corner. The internet has made it viable to sit and hatejerk with other bitter losers instead of forcing you to socialize with other normies. Automation and the shift to a service based economy has diminished the importance of male strength and enhanced the importance of social skills.

"They're just neckbeard losers". Yes of course, but the world has never been stacked against neckbeard losers this hard. In the good ol' days you had a choice between like 10 village girls that was your age. Those were the only and best tits you had seen and she couldn't really refuse and move away if she didn't like the few guys available. A handful of guys probably died in some coalmine too so the odds would be in your favor. As long as you had a job she'd pretty much have to settle for you. She couldn't break up either cause she'd be shunned by the whole village.

Maybe there'd be one village idiot left over in some isolated cabin somewhere shouting at the moon. Now there are hundreds of village idiots isolating themselves in their own little cabins egging each other on, blaming the world for their misfortune.

In rural Russia these sad bachelors are eventually forced to chug some vodka, knock up the vile wench Fyodor rejected, marry her and live the normie life. In India it's even easier, your parents will choose for you. Or you can become a sadhu, a wandering monk/Pajeet-NEET and people will respect you for your inceldom.

The Western incel soothes his sexual desires with porn, his monetary needs with welfare checks, his social needs online, his bodily needs in a piss bottle. Society expects nothing from him and wants nothing from him, but doesn't have the balls to put him down. So he lives this shadowy half-life in purgatory.

I'm not sure about a beta uprising, but there's probably going to be a suicide epidemic. Let's hope for all our sake.

Yeah, I agree with a lot of this.

Young guys have to juggle with being told 'toxic masculinity' is bad while strong confident alphas are praised.

I think fatherlessness has a lot to do with it too. In my personal experience, I think the worst thing for my relationships has been growing up in a feminist & single-mother household. I've had so much 'un-learning', and re-modelling my own personality and behaviours to do, I could practically write a book about it.

I think fatherlessness has a lot to do with it too

It's possible. At the very least the lack of a male ideal to follow. I've never hated women, haven't had social anxiety or big problems picking up girls so I don't know if I fit the incel type, but I can relate to the jadedness and social detachment. Relationships though, what a doozy.

My dad is a drunk and never really spent a lot of time "being a role model", whatever that is. At least I'm sure I don't want to be more like him. Must've had some impact. But I have no interest whatsoever in theredpill's "fuck chicks, make money, take care of business" version of being an ultra-man either though. If that's the natural way I'm kind of happy I never learned it. What a boring life.

Could just be some cringy "coming of age"-crisis that everyone goes through and we're being little bitches about it, but non-traditional discussions of male mental issues are pretty interesting whenever they come up through and pretty rare. You should write a book, I'd read it. I'd read any book written by a user here to be honest.

"The r/drama way of coming to terms with your masculinity" even if it was bad it would be good.

"Autism, bussy and mayocide: /r/drama makes a nu-man out of you"

I don't want this conversation to end

I think fatherlessness has a lot to do with it too.

the worst thing for my relationships has been growing up in a *feminist & single-mother household. *

so your dad really screwed you over, then

How do you figure?

i figure he left you there. he really should have known better.

i figure he left you there.

To the best of my knowledge, that's a totally false assumption your part.

AFAIK, he didn't "leave me", since I never had any contact with him at all, and he hardly had the opportunity to "know better", since he wasn't aware of my existence to begin with. My mother never told him he had fathered a child, and in fact she herself didn't even learn that he was my father, until some 30 years later, when a DNA test indicated (with a high degree of certainty) that my putative (i.e. alleged) father was not in fact my father at all.

Unless of course you expect men to follow women that they have sex with around for 3-4 months or so, to see if they have conceived.

being told 'toxic masculinity' is bad while strong confident alphas are praised.

This isn't really a contradiction, though. You can be strong and confident without being a toxic prick. In my experience, some of the most confident, most "dominant" boys/men are also the kindest and most generous.

At my school, the star footballer was genuinely friendly and popular with everyone: he could even afford to pal around with total loser nerds because his social status was so untouchably high that he would never suffer for it.

I agree. Not saying it's a contradiction, but I think it's tough to come to grips with as a man growing up. Of course it also depends on who uses the term and how. The fact that there is actually a toxic part of your personality you might accidentally dip into if you're not careful.

Don't be too nice, be nice enough. Girls like when you're strong and confident, but they like when you're sweet and let your guard down too etc. It's obvious to anyone who gets it, but clearly these guys are a bit lost to begin with. Add to that the pressure of having to take the first step, fear of rejection and last, but not least dealing with actual rejection.

Your footballer obviously had all that down, but imagine the loser nerd trying to mimic his behavior.

I think their untreated depression and anxiety disorders are probably a bigger factor in their woes than poor socialization.

Of course that's a part of it. I don't know a lot about illnesses of the soul :( Are those disorders completely physical, like brain imbalances and the like? Are they not also caused or at least helped along by things like childhood trauma, bad upbringing and failure to establish attachment as a toddler?

poor socialization

My depression and anxiety is a direct result of poor(more like non-existent) socialization.

Good guy, just take these 100$ pills, you will feel better yes!

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In rural Russia these sad bachelors are eventually forced to bite the bullet, chug some vodka, knock up the vile wench Fyodor rejected

The flight from rural Russia has been going for over 30 years. Russia has almost joined the Western world in this regard, in fact, big cities have about the same situation, coupled with Russian girls being mega materialistic and gold-digging.

It's amazing what bullshit gold-diggers that RedPill types put up with because she "accepts and recognizes her feminine quality"

And yet they call others cucks. Funny that, right?

Yup, there's a problem. That's why i read r/incels to understand them better. Of course I filter through a ton of nonsense to find any logic and almost everything is an exaggeration but it comes from somewhere

Can I make this into a pasta?

The situation demands it.

Nobody should need to talk to you about how to ask a girl out. Its called grow some fucking testicles and juat do it. Turns out thats what also turns on women

Women aren't things, you don't "ask one out" and then they belong to you. Hope this helps.

Sorry i didnt respond sooner was too busy fucking a girl i just met for 4 hours

If you work on your ability to form sentences maybe they will spend more than four hours with you?

Actually most aren't that hideous.

For some weird reason people have got more and more obsessed about losing their virginity and finding true love in their teens even though kids are supposed to be more worldly wise now than in the past. If they don't find someone they for some unknown reason think they will be alone forever, never mind the fact that it has always been the case that a lot of people don't find their feet until well into their twenties and romantic love is a complete invention which doesn't even exist in most cultures.

You never got gash fam, even as a turbo geek

Nah m8 I was knee deep in clunge 24/7

Fam, you couldn't even get your fingers pink if a flamingo tried to fuck you

Projection. It's really not that hard to bang slizz, especially when you're as handsome as me.

At best you pick up nightcrawlers for a pound fifty an uck


You know exactly what to say to get me hard

I got a way with words, how else do you think I pull high quality clam?

Through fishing a

I thought that but then I read a biography of Himmler and his diary entries from his early twenties sounded verbatim like incel posts

I'm entirely convinced they are not only a uniquely American problem but that of something that only exist because of the internet.

Incels is more private than the videos my uncle Jerry made me film before he went away.

Apparently some sick fuck also posted detailed instructions on how to fuck a dog.

i thought they hated bitches tho

ayy lmao

I'd cut a couple lines with you anytime

Ladies and Gentlemen, corgiwiggle has arrived.

Jeez, everyday I see an r/incel post it makes me feel like going out to offer my bussy to these lonely faggots to make them slightly less insane.

Same, but I don't own a bussy

You can always rent one.

I'd have to, my credit is terrible.


The only appropriate response IMO

You are the hero that they need.

lonely faggots

And you wonder why they are so angry all the time.

No one wonders, no one cares.

I'm just going to assume this was a fantasy he get's off on sharing.

r/incels only goes private because of brigades. With how much certainty you people talk about bullshit is amazing.

I mean the whole incel ideology and subreddit is bullshit so...


Ideology? Did I miss the memo?

With how much certainty you people talk about bullshit is amazing.

This is r/drama. We play fast and loose with the facts and make everything as dramatic as possible. Anything less is blasphemy against /u/ComedicSans

Anything less is blasphemy against /u/ComedicSans

You forgot to say PBUH, infidel.

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My only regret is that you have only one life to give.

I'm grateful I didn't own a firearm at that time. I don't think I would have snapped and gone postal, but during a blind rage you never know what will happen.

Gun control anyone??

Both hands.

Ban that sub admins. Seriously those fuckers are gonna start getting dangerous, they are already pretty unhinged.

They already are dangerous to the women in their lives tbh. Banning the sub won't make them less dangerous IMO, they won't change their ways.

Banning the sub will cause them to move to some other place. I'd rather let them have their place

The thing is, even if 95% of them are just trolls people like Elliot Rogers exist and will go on to do terrible things if egged on enough.

The Internet was a mistake

Western civilization was a mistake. The Mongols should have taken over the world tbh.

Sure was fam, it sure was

Humanity was a mistake .

It's either should OF or should'F, but never should HAVE.

See Grammar Errors for more information.

You should HAVE been aborted. Mayocide when?

It's either should OF or should'F, but never should HAVE.

See Grammar Errors for more information.

Most entertaining mistake ever.

Nowadays of course I own a 9mm handgun. Sadly I cannot disclose what I'm going to do with it, but I'll make you guys proud. I plan on becoming a martyr and leaving video monologues like Elliot did.

Someone should seeeeeriously report this to the authorities.

But think of the sick aftermath drama! /s plz no arrest

This but unironically

As fun as that would be, drama stops being funny when lives are at risk.

Depends what kind of lives - normal people's lives? Definitely. Incels lifes? Eh.

I disagree heartily

I hope you are quoted by username in the ensuing article as being the one to make things right.

BBC saves the day again

I think /r/incels should not be banned because it brings everyone together: liberal, conservative, nazi, commie, alt-right, ctrl-left, gay, muslim, jewish, christian, euphoric atheist to all agree that they are the absolute worst scum on the face of the earth.

If I had to choose between letting a furry, a clown, or an incel on a nearly full bus i'd pick the clown, tie the furry on the roof, and leave the incel.

They really are that unsympathetic because all of their crises are of consciousness. If they would stop acting like they need the validation of isolation, they could turn their lives around. Instead, they praise intolerance and hate as a form of identity.

Voluntary celibates, the lot of them.

Need to start taking responsibility for their lack of sex and stop blaming others for their mental retardation.

Tfw retards on /r/drama have been predicting the eventual martyrdom of these supreme gentlemen for a while now

We can only hope they're a death cult and that they'll all drink some koolaid real soon.

Where are those ai love dolls at? Fuck the flying cars, we need those love dolls for these poor bastards. Wow, the anger these dudes got is palpable. I tried scrolling through after they opened up this last time and there is some creepy shit going on in there.

Even if they existed they'd still bitch about how its not a real woman. There is no winning with the incel, just varying degrees of loss.

Well.....i'll keep that in mind, i really need that flying car

Okay, they have to be taking the piss. There is no way in fucking hell anyone could be so mentally damaged they'd ruin every chance they had with a woman just to they could bitch online with other tards, and then fuck a dog. It absolutely has to be one big joke.

Getting picked on your whole life will do that

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe there's a reason people are giving you a hard time? Personally I would think that an Elliot Rogers worshipping weirdo with an aversion to bathing is very pickonable.

There's some things that can be fixed and some things that cannot be fixed.

There's also people who go throughout their whole life not knowing why they get treated the way they do. It might be because they're completely screwed or they're just not smart enough to find out.

The whole worshiping, dog loving, and rape stuff is just mostly them making memes, but sometimes there are people out there that just enjoy that stuff due to mental instability. It happens believe it or not. Some people just never find a SO

>be girl

> got needs

> meet guy

> hes kinda lame but he's somewhat good-looking

> turns out his quiet roommate is cute in the mysterious kinda way

> practically throw myself at him yet he hardly makes eye-contact

>why do i always have to fall for this type

>fuck it, im drunk

> go in his room, lay in his bed

> i hear mumbling

> "C-can i cuddle with you?"

> itshappening.jpg

> im waiting for his move

> waiting



> tfw he becomes a spree-shooter, citing that night as his motivation

This is exactly what went through her mind. I'd laugh if it weren't so tragic.

This place is a goldmine. Oh woah.