Trump-hating /r/torontonian is so logical he accidentally becomes retarded

2  2017-06-28 by smokes_degrass


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Leaf autism is the worst kind of autism. Something about the multiple concussions from playing hockey all the time I guess.

So your concept of what makes America immediately great is that it is led by a President who has not previously been a politician.

Which in effect means you would be just as quick to say that America had become great had it's President been someone developmentally retarded, or a serial killer, or a puppet of another regime- as long as he hadn't previously been a politician. That's your only metric by which you currently judge the greatness of America.

But we can go even further than that- if that's what it takes to "make America great again," then let's look at the president's who haven't been politicians before taking office.

Would that include George Washington? Nope. Thomas Jefferson? Nope. Lincoln, Roosevelt, hell, even Reagan was a state governor before he was president.

In fact, near as I can tell, only Taylor, Grant, and Eisenhower weren't politicians before becoming president- they had only served in the military.

If having a person who was not previously a politician elected as President is what makes America great, then according to you, America has only been great for a total of 14 years.

I'm not so worried about you not responding, the truth of the matter is, I knew you would give up sooner or later. There's only so much you can write before you realize the flaw in your original premise.

America was only great before child labor laws. I voted trump to repeal those so I can get adopt a child and force him to pay me rent.
