SRD discusses SRD discussing women

33  2017-06-28 by itsaboyffxiv


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post -,*,,

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She's a teenager who's been randomly insulted by some neckbeard after doing something charitable for the wanking masses.

Holy fuck I'm crying

It's not my finest turn of phrase but I couldn't think of a better way to say "stop insulting the people giving you free wank material, losers".

She gets paid in that sweet sweet attention. It isn't some act of goodwill. He probably didn't fap to that anyway. Regressive leftist trying to send us back to the 70s. Smh

Regressive leftist trying to send us back to the 70s. Smh



Chortle, snigger, guffaw!

user reports:
1: Use of racial slur

You're in trouble now!


no u

Like wank material on the Internet matters. It's literally useless

If I'm soliciting money for the poor (something I do everyday) and someone throws me a rusty penny I'll probably still call them an asshole.


If people wanted to fap to a hairy stank-hole, they would search on /r/bottom-bears

Being an internet whore


Wew laddie goodness me.

If tumblr is any indication being an internet whore (females) makes your voice jump octaves and a good public face minus the second if weird fetish is involved,males involved fuck me the weirder the fetish (fem males are an outlier they can be really bitchy or super nice, or about as blatant and sexual as I am) the nicer they get

The whole conversation is hilarious when you consider they were all thinking it was barely below the filter. /u/DisputedDetails, don't you think that super innocuous comment being at -50 kinda proves that SRDines are fucking weirdos when it comes to chicks?

Aaah I don't wanna get dragged into /r/drama, you guys scare me.

I dunno, I didn't downvote the guy. -50 seems a bit strong but tbh you'll see that anywhere on reddit when someone dips below the filter, it's people just jumping on the bandwagon. I expect I could skim through this sub or any other and see some weird downvote patterns.

I doubt you'd see people downvoted to 50 here because this place has a large group of people that upvote things they find ridiculous.

Anyway, it's just that that post and the ones defending it (all under the filter, too), basically make their points. SRD will pretty much always give a woman more of a benefit of the doubt than a man. It's extra funny when you picture them, as nerdy little college kids.

Ah, OK. Well, my point stands for most subs!

Fair enough. Someone else made a reference to a thread about a female rapist that I never saw (I'm fairly new to the meta subs) which will probably change my mind if I see it.

I always picture most of the people in there as grown women, rather than nerdy college kids, tbh. It's the subs who hate on women that I imagine being the scrawny teenagers.

It's the subs who hate on women that I imagine being the scrawny teenagers.

Honestly, I feel like both they and the "DO NOT MAKE FUN OF A PROUD WOMAN!" types are scrawny teens or college kids. Most adults find both camps fucking strange.

Wouldn't most adults also find this sub very strange, though? How do you imagine the /r/drama regulars?

A bunch of people shit posting and making fun of people trying to be self righteous on the internet

One thing I've learned from here and the discord is that an impressive number of the posters here are good-looking and/or fit.

Doesn't stop us from being autistic to the point of disability tho

This sub is full of people who tried to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Of course that's impossible, so we're still sitting in shit, but all that pulling sure is a good workout.

Yeah but they're not your normal adults, are they? Swastikas etc everywhere isn't normal

Swastikas etc everywhere isn't normal

Neither is rushing to defend an adult who is sad people don't like the picture she decided to post, but one of them is ironic and one of them is you.

Mmm. Nah, I'm not buying it. We're on about "what's normal irl" and I'd say defending a random teenager is definitely more normal than LOL HILARIOUS IRONY SWASTIKA

And yet somehow Trump won. Go figure.

I know, right? Strange times.

Some may even say the end times.

As an outsider, I think /r/drama screams "teenager" most of the time. The schtick here seems to be "lol feelings and morality are dumb, something something virtue signaling", which ime is very limited to young people.

You ARE college age, huh?

/u/DisputedDetails, that's exactly what /u/alarmmightsound is insinuating: to college kids, who are so self-righteous that their heads up their asses, adults who aren't trying to get on a moral soapbox and grandstand are indistinguishable from kids. Meanwhile, to adults who are just having a laugh and understand that not everything is some apocalyptic battle to make sure that everyone knows they're right, the college kids and adolescents seem different only in execution: their basic drive is the same, which is to gnash their teeth about people who don't agree with them.

So yeah, this place (/r/drama) reads like a bunch of 25-35 year old sitting around at a bar making dumb jokes to each other. That's the point. Meanwhile SRD- and that thread is probably the best recent example- reads like a bunch of 20 year olds trying to show each other how morally evolved they are.

You can guess which one I consider more fun and which one is fuel for mocking.

Your desperation not to sound like edgy teenagers is showing. Pretentious teens or edgy teens, take your pick but dont pretend this sub is mature lmao

Dude, drama comes off as edgy as fuck and srd comes off as pretentious as fuck, no more, no less. This whole 'we're 25-35 yr olds at the bar' is frankly hilarious. Yea last time I was at the bar all these early thirties guys were telling each other to kys and post bussy lmao

Yea last time I was at the bar all these early thirties guys were telling each other to kys and show bussy lmao

lmao yes? Did you think everyone just gets serious when they turn 30?

Well yea, the degree one acts like a highschool boy after gym class usually goes down with age. Disappear, of course not but as your default?

And what do you think this subreddit is? Half of everyone here is posting drunk at any given time, the other half are fucking around while at work.

No one is taking this place seriously, as opposed to...

I don't disagree and it's why I lurk! I was just trying to point out how ridiculous it is for the other dude to act like this sub is sooo "adult" unlike that kiddie pool srd.

I mean, it is though. It's adults fucking around and having a good time, whereas SRD is that little cousin you see at Thanksgiving that wants to talk to you about critical theory and gender studies and Sartre. They roll their eyes and talk about the horrors on nationalism and how stupid football is and everyone is like "okay, you little fucking weirdo do you want a beer or is that too problematic?"

Holy shit the lack of self-awareness....

Hey look I can do it too!!!11! srd are adults calmly discussing that days headlines over coffee while drama are edgy teenagers cursing in front of families at the mall.

And look, you got upcotes and aren't banned. Isn't this place the best.

This guy unironically

You're the one lacking the self awareness dude. SRDines are the ones acting like their opinions are SUPER IMPORTANT, which ya, is immature

umm, my first post in this thread is calling srd pretentious, did you teleport to this portion of the thread or just not the brightest?

lmao you don't seem to know how people interact

People treat this sub like they're at a bar with their friends. That's the point.

Yeah, and their point was that you're not acting like the group of cool mature people at the bar, you're acting like the weird group of guys who insist on wearing t-shirts with metal bands and "hilarious" slogans even though you're 35. You're the dudes who order beer that's too strong for them and choke it down, and inexplicably feel superior to the younger and more attractive crowd.

lmao is this a copypasta

Yeah, why not.

lol ok

This whole 'we're 25-35 yr olds at the bar unlike those kids in srd' is frankly hilarious. Yea last time I was at the bar all these early thirties guys were telling each other to kys and show bussy lmao

Literally, yes. People still joke around as they get older, but they're less likely to be grandstanding pretentious faggots.

See, even people in their mid 30s call people faggots. Wow,I even own a house and have a white collar job and look, I said "faggot"!

It's ok mate, you'll pull through.

It's gonna be alright bro, you'll see yourself along.

Exactly. For all their "we don't take things seriously", these dudes really can't seem to deal with self deprecation.

haha not quite. plus the delicious irony of "those srdines act so much better than everyone btw arent we just so much better than them!" Can't we all just join together, united in our pretentiousness?

I'm quite happy to be labeled a self-righteous looney leftey college student (especially as that would lessen the lines around my eyes...) if these chaps will admit to being walking edgelord superiority complexes.

That you think normal people are edgy pretty much says it all.

Mate, get some self awareness. /R/drama isn't full of "normal" people.

Mate, you think this is edgy. It's just normal people laughing at you.

You're so into "laughing at people who take it seriously" but literally the only difference between you and them is you keep telling yourself you're not taking it seriously. You're getting all worked up over jokes, poor little boy.

literally the only difference


You spend just as much time talking about it all - in fact, probably more - but pretend you're superior because... Reasons?

lol? I have 50 reddit posts in the last two weeks. 75 in the last month. Sure do spend a lot of time.

OK you got me you're a superior human being who takes nothing seriously and that makes you amazing. Have a nice life.

She seems like the type of person who goes out and has a pina colada at TGI Friday's, says she's tipsy, and can't hang out the next day because of her hangover.

Someone else just replied saying that the subscribers here are 40% college age, so a good chunk of your mature little party are kiddies too! :)

Right, but older than the children at SRD. How old are you again?

I mean, probably older than you? If you can show me the demographics of SRD I'll continue this convo, but otherwise I'll assume they're about the same as here but less jaded about life.

Wow, that is a lot of kids, you're right!

This is explains so much

13.4% are currently in High School (or below) so...yeah.

Somehow I doubt that greatly.

I'll assume they're about the same as here but less jaded about life.

Is that what you call screeching moralistically? I wonder what one demographic is most closely attributed to "being jaded" (ie, being sarcastic and not soapboxing on a drama sub)...hmmm? I wonder how that quality might be related as to why everyone thinks SRDines are college kids.

You spend half your time asking people how old they are, do you have some kind of weird issue?

No, I just like being reminded that it's a kid making these dumbshit posts.

Boredom tbh. I'm 26 if that satisfies your fetish.

Why would you think you're older if you're only 26? I have almost ten years on you. I got out of that pretentious phase in my early 20s. Hopefully you're just slow on the uptake and it's not a permanent thing.

I thought I was older than you because this sub is full of cartoon parrots and swastikas.

You're still in the pretentious phase, you're just directing it at SRD and its ilk instead of at the people I direct it at. It's like the XKCD comic "you've found a way to feel superior to both".

Wow, hard to believe someone can feel superior to two groups of retards

Read your own posts, retard.

You're so eloquent and clever! <3

Naw, 26. But I can tell you that everyone who finds swastikas hilarious is a teenager.

I'm over 30 and swastikas are hilarious.

Both the people who draw them and the people who get freaked out over them are losers who are fun to laugh at.

OK but I bet you don't walk around with one ironically drawn on your forehead

I guess I can add "people who think internet shitposting forums should be taken seriously like real life" to the fun-to-laugh-at list.

I thought this thread was about "things that normal irl people would find weird", but I may have gotten mixed up.

Everyone whose politics disagree with you is a teenager isn't it. That's actually the hallmark way of knowing someone is underage, their go to insult is a projection of themselves.

Meh, about 40% 18-24 and 40% 25-34. It's been a while since the last demos on SRD but it skews slightly younger, IIRC.

Sounds about right!

"lol feelings and morality are dumb, something something virtue signaling"

not dumb, just kinda boring. there's more fun ways to post on the internet than as a good person

What if I told you that with a commited level of procrastination you could do both?

yeah but why would i want to

The glowing sense of self righteousness that comes with being a looney leftie virtue signalling srdine, of course!

i dont need any more reasons to drink, thanks

I actually fought on the side of the Habsburgs at Verdun, and I am very good looking.

As an outsider, I think /r/drama screams "teenager" most of the time.

I hate to tell you this, but regular folk laugh at self important college kids all the time. You said you're 26: you'll get there soon, it just appears you're still in that self important stage

I can also laugh at things, and you guys' idea of "LOLSWASTIKAPARROT so mature" is one of those things.

Tfw you didn't realize it's there just to mock people like you

Yeah but the way you do it is still embarrassing. Just because you go LOLJK doesn't mean you're not pathetic as well. At least I'm aware that I come across like a self-righteous twat, you guys seem to think you're the cool kids at the bar lmao

You're a fucking idiot

OK sweetie

Hahaha bless your heart

"Bless your cotton socks" is my favourite.


Oh, I'm in my 30s. It screams irreverence to me. It's an online message board. Meanwhile the people that take SRD take twitter seriously.

There's actually a demo survey at the top of the sub. Not scientific, so not the most accurate, but it puts about 40% of the users in the traditional college range of 18-24, with about 39% being in the 25-34 range.

I think that's way older than SRD

I am a gay guy who has a lot of plastic that will likely need surgery to fix later down the line.

I am a gay guy who has a lot of plastic that will likely need surgery to fix later down the line.

I always picture most of the people in there as grown women, rather than nerdy college kids

Why? Are you dumb?

No, I'm just a woman so I generally think the people I'm talking to are, unless it's obvious otherwise. Isn't that reddit's excuse for assuming everyone is a white American man?

Most people here are white American men, therefore it is safe to assume most people here are. Assuming anything else is dumb.

Sorry, babe, but on Reddit, straight white male is the default.

Okay honeybun

It's actually 47/53 m/f according to Reddit's advertisement page. Which imo makes it all the funnier when people complain about how this is a dudebro website.

ugh reddit is so problematic

On the one hand I believe you but on the other hand I believe reddit is definitely lying.

Why, are you dumb?

No, I'm just a woman...


Aaah I don't wanna get dragged into /r/drama, you guys scare me.

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

Is that copypasta? I'll feel bad about not reading it if you actually typed it out but fuck me what a wall of text

Not pasta. Very important to the conversation. Please read all of it.

I mean, I don't feel that bad.

/u/DisputedDetails, don't you think

Reading through this thread, I think the answer is no.

But yes it's fucking insane how angry they got at that post.

are you saying she was asking for it?!?!?!?

Someone can't recognise sarcasm lmao

It's you.

What, the "asking for it" bit in the linked thread? You know that was very obvious sarcasm, right?

Holy shit

wtf I love you now!

Idk, I kinda gave up on following this. What are people arguing about again?

In this thread? I forget. People keep username summoning me and talking about pubic hair, it's like the worst bat signal.

OK, I'm on board again. With what, I don't know, but I'm on board again.

>post disgusting body on internet

>peoople inevitably say something I don't like


disgusting body Nigga you gay

Ay I type like a black person on da internet to look coo, you feel me mufugga?

I'm sorry, I'll rephrase: individual of African descent, you are extremely homossexual

Smacks lips

I look at naked women like people look at italy some people like it but its not for me and she is really bizarre looking.

lmao this exchange is hilarious. Call someone a twat? Cool. Make fun of SRD tripping over themselves to act like TrollX? DELETE THIS

/u/zachums explain this lol


That this post

Okay, and I'd laugh at you for it. :)

was deleted but

Because you're a bit of a twat?

remains is funny.

idk fam, I just comb through reports. If I miss something it means it wasn't reported. I'm at my job so I don't have time to look for little punks in every thread lol.

Why is that all deleted? /u/gilbertjones wasn't being rude, just having a chuckle at the circlejerk.

They might not have wanted to take all the downvotes. Remember, SRDines are so petty the take the extra effort to unhindered the comment, then downvote it more, into triple digits ideally, because it's a place for serious discussion dontchaknow. Not fun.

Nah, they didn't take it down. It's still on their profile.

"Removed" means the poster deleted it, "deleted" means a mod did. But seriously, that's fucking hilarious that someone saying "I'd laugh at you" was deleted by a mod but "You're a twat" was not.

Well shit.

SRD apparently has an internal policy where they delete any comment that got a certain amount of reports/downvotes, since it's "by definition" flamebaiting. Which is absolutely disastrous since they sucked in more than enough srsters to make sure that this approach kills any wrongthink that attracts any attention.



I can understand the former. The latter is just lol

I think it's time we welcomed a new lolcow, /u/DisputedDetails. She's of the /u/mrsamsa or /u/thesilvertongue strain, I think that's lovely.

Flattered, I'm sure. I'm sure whatever a lolcow is it's extremely mature and not something a college aged kid would talk about (as most of this thread is people talking about how mature they are compared to SRD).

You mean how they don't act like self righteous retards? Yes, that's right. Look at yourself.

OK sweetie

awww hunny

Don't use racial slurs please

I wouldn't be surprised if she were actually /u/thesilvertongue. Or just your regular TrollXer.

Oh god, what have I wrought

Let's face it, you have to have some issues to post naked pics to reddit. You can do all the cognitive leaps and bounds through crazyland you want, but it's not something a healthy person does. That's why they usually gravitate with a vengeance to the negative comments. It's what they were going for all along.

Can this be a snapshill quote?

Hopefully we can get u/freshofftoimpress to be a new lolcow.