Thai cop not using his weapon in a situation where mayo cops would have emptied several clips. Mayo keyboard warriors swoop down to explain how not shooting people is wrong.

84  2017-06-29 by IAintThatGuy


Have you posted bussy yet?


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They didn't show the last picture in the series; cop fucking new ladyboy.


Didn't you know? Cops use M1 Garands now.

Oh shit I should have written "en bloc clips" then. Sorry.

Naw, most use some mauser as their side arm, so you would want to say "stripper clip"

"Stripper" would be good clickbait too. Since most of /r/drama is not totally literate, and can only recognize a few words, it would have meant a lot of upvotes.

Sorry, my English isn't great. Can you write that a little clearer? Maybe throw in some bussys and mayos?

How many caps does the average cop bust from his gat when he sees a young rich Nigga?



Hijacking Jihad-style your top comment to both acknowledge your username and switch up the narrative a bit

This but unironically.








I'm a cop and I would have shot him if he approached me because I don't intend to let someone stab me

So rather then go a less then lethal option like a taser or back away from the approaching man you'd shoot him?

Does the idea of shooting people give you a hard on or are you just really shit at ending situations without killing people?

This officer is lucky to be alive after that shit show.

Lel, naw you're just a pussy. It's surprisingly hard to stab someone to death

So rather then go a less then lethal option like a taser or back away from the approaching man you'd shoot him?

The only way a taser would be appropriate is if you had another officer with lethal coverage in case the taser was ineffective (which often happens). If there is only one taser or the guy is too close for someone else to cover you, then guns out bro.

Does the idea of shooting people give you a hard on or are you just really shit at ending situations without killing people?

I'm just pretty sure this job isn't a suicide pact and I will protect myself against someone with a knife.

Lel, naw you're just a pussy. It's surprisingly hard to stab someone to death

LOL spoken with a true keyboard commando. I'm sure you would piss yourself if threatened with a knife.

Lol, you think someone being within 21 feet of you with a knife gives you the license to end that persons life but the general public should remain calm while dealing with corrupt, twitchy meatheads with inadequate training? It's not like police forces deliberately, as a matter of policy, prefer candidates with lower IQs, oh wait it totaly is...

Its not your fault. Youve been told your training meets all standards (it doesn't).

Herp derp. One guy that was in his forties and overqualified was turned down because the department didn't want to spend the money on training him and then have him quit. Yep that proves it! We are all drooling knuckle draggers.

You aren't very good at critical thinking are you? What training do you have? I missed it when you gave your bonafides.

u r fat and stupid and dumb and american and guns suck

...didn't want to spend money the money on training him

Spends money fighting a case in court to get a ruling to be able to legally reject high IQ candidates. They even explained their rationale behind it suring the case.

Don't worry. I checked your post history. I'm sure you would be qualified.

You're seriously asking for bonafides on r/drama while simultaneously trying to assert your intelligence? C'mon man.

I'm just trying to explain that this officer used bad tactics and giving a little shit back to the edgy cop haters on here.

So you're saying its 'bad tactics' if mental illness is not an automatic death sentence? But you want people to not hate that?

Are you really so stupid that you actually think that is what I am saying? Seriously? Reading comprehension fail.

guy defuses situation. No loss of life.

Mentally ill or not, I am not prepared to let someone cut on me so if he came towards me, I would have most likely used my weapon unless some of the above factors were also present.

This is you right? Just because you feel it's justified and its reinforced by your training doesn't mean everyone has to agree to it. This is certainly not the case with training in countries with better police outcomes.

it is tho

is watching the life seep out of another man's eyes just the only way you can feel anything anymore? it's okay, you can tell us, this is a safe space


That article is a litmus test for poor reading comprehension

the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average.

Read beyond the title, son

Most Cops Just Above Normal The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average.

You mean this autistic paragraph with no sources?

just a little above average

So... Retarded?

Can't tell:

  • Retarded

  • Trolling

Cops r dum









This but ironically.

4 u

How fat are you?

Why? You looking for a date?

Because if the guy with a knife is not endangering anyone else, you could move back a few feet instead of shooting if you think he might advance on you. Only fatties will think of taking a human life as an easier solution than walking fast for a few seconds.

Which is funny because if you bother to read any of the comments I have been making, you would see that I talk about keeping distance from someone armed with a knife. Of course I'm not going to run backwards if someone charges me though.

That's a good way to trip and end up with a knife in the chest. Of course let's not let reality get in the way of a good cop hating rant.

More fat hating rant, but cops make good targets too. I'm sorry but as a cishet white male, cops are the only people I can publicly hate (it's about privilege or something).

No problem. I expect it on Reddit. Heck you can hate me even if I'm a muslim minority LGBT female since I'm a cop. That's why I'm here sir.

Exactly. Protect, serve, and take every kind of verbal abuse.

This exchange is nice and all, but where's the bussy?

Cop bussy is peak bussy.

So tell me rambo, do you back up faster than a person runs, or are you turning your back on the knife guy?

I'm saying if he isn't charging or endangering people. If he charges, fuck him.

OTOH it's way harder to stab a fat man to death. They have that hog hide, and in case of fat police officers like /u/biohazardforlunch probably their fat layers are extra strong because they are striped due to interleaving periods of active exercise and eating out. It's basically the nature's kevlar (only also good against knives that get stuck in it (except hot knives, but who uses them?)).

I love that the cop haters have gotten down to fat jokes.

It's not really a joke. If you're fat you're the majority in the US, your people are a majority in both chambers of the Congress, and the president is fat as well. And, yeah, most cops (yourself included obviously now) are fat too.

Instead of playing the victim you'd better realize that being fat makes you even more privileged when attacked by some knife-wielding person, due to the natural protection afforded hereby, and you shooting them an even more despicable act of punching down.

Instead of playing the victim you'd better realize that being fat makes you even more privileged when attacked by some knife-wielding person, due to the natural protection afforded by it, and you shooting them an even more despicable act of punching down.

LOL this is an interesting angle. I'm glad I finally saw something original here. Thanks

What's if i'm just t h i c c?

You're a good example of why US cops are just seriously incompetent and poorly trained compared to cops in other countries.

For saying that an officer needs to keep a safe distance from a guy with a knife and that deadly force is justified if threatened with a knife?

Got it! Thanks for your uneducated opinion!

Why are US cops so poorly trained compared to cops in other countries?

Ofc it is, fuck in Ireland they get more training and they aren't even allowed to carry a gun.

Yes. Excellent training. Practically ninjas.

And you are a lefty that spends a lot of time crying in r/politics. Get used to it.

I like how you link a few examples of police in the EU failing, as if that represents the whole, I can find these same videos in relation to US police.

But cops over there are better trained.

And you are a lefty that spends a lot of time crying in r/politics. Get used to it.

Get used to what? Laughing at Trumptards, people that are provably wrong in nearly everything they believe?

How did you even make it on the police force? Trumptards are even more retarded than your average cop.

Yes it is crazy retarded to talk about it's bad tactics to get that close to someone waving around a knife. It's even more retarded to point out that deadly force is justified against someone threatening you with a knife.

These are crazy ideas and completely outside the realm of reasonableness. Never mind the fact that every single US police department teaches this. Or that use of force experts agree. Or that US Courts have constantly upheld that officers are justified in shooting someone that is threatening them with a knife.

Grow up man. You don't like cops and you hate Trump. Big whoop. Your opinion is irrelevant in both cases tbh.

Yes it is crazy retarded to talk about it's bad tactics to get that close to someone waving around a knife. It's even more retarded to point out that deadly force is justified against someone threatening you with a knife.

No, it's absolutely bad tactics. But there's a clear difference in outcome here, based on country. Why is it cops threatened with knives in Europe, or Asia even are able to handle these situations without killing anyone or being killed, but cops in the US are constantly shooting people in the exact same scenario?

These are crazy ideas and completely outside the realm of reasonableness. Never mind the fact that every single US police department teaches this. Or that use of force experts agree. Or that US Courts have constantly upheld that officers are justified in shooting someone that is threatening them with a knife.

A US court upholding something makes it right? But this is the same strawman you tried in the first part of this comment.

Grow up man. You don't like cops and you hate Trump. Big whoop. Your opinion is irrelevant in both cases tbh.

"grow up" says the rabid Trumptard that spams about "libcucks" on a giant internet safe space. You can't make this shit up.

No, it's absolutely bad tactics.

LOL other than the Ad hominem attacks due to your bitterness from the election, I guess we are done here.

The argument here isn't "is it bad to get close to a person with a knife" it's "should we use lethal force every single time, and is lethal force the automatic correct response."

Ad hominem attacks due to your bitterness from the election

Ad hominem? Why is it Donald Tards have no idea what any of these fallacies are?

I can prove you wrong, and insult you, that isn't an ad hominem.

Trumptard that spams about "libcucks"

Is this true or false?

giant internet safe space

Again, true or false?

I mean, it's all about probability anyway. And the real argument is how much risk a cop should be willing to take and the consensus in America seems to be lower than other nations, which is pretty subjective.

Anyway, was this best-case scenario? Sure, both dudes get to live and the dude brandishing a knife gets a psych eval and maybe help.

Is it the best course of action? Arguable. You risk too much coming close to a person with a weapon, who may or may not attack you and may or may not strike you lethally or injure you severely.

Personally, I'd shoot that guy and call it a day. Maybe you think cops should risk their lives more than they already do, and that's fine. But I think both sides have a good point either way anyway.

Look - my point is, your chances of being shot in a knife stand off America are just much higher.

And it isn't only knives - you can find examples of mothers calling the cops because their child has a BB gun or something, threatening suicide, and the cops show up and shoot that kid that clearly just needs to be talked down.

Cops are way too fast to use lethal force in this country, and I don't see how that's even a controversial statement.

I mean, if that's your point then I don't think this incident is the hill to die on. I totally agree with you, but debating that on a story where IMO the cop would be completely in the right in shooting an armed attacker within 21 feet is not where it's at.

I don't know about this one, I'm talking about more in general.

I think you guys just aren't seeing eye-to-eye. A lot of people would assume you were talking about this particular incident rather than in general precisely because that's the post this thread stems from. Might just be me, though. Anyway, cheers!

The argument here isn't "is it bad to get close to a person with a knife" it's "should we use lethal force every single time, and is lethal force the automatic correct response."

That's not even remotely the argument.

Holy shit, no.

If someone says "2+2=5" and I say "you're a retard" that's an ad hominem.

If someone says "2+2=5" and I say "no, it's 4, you retard" that wouldn't be an ad hominem.

This is starting to get sad:

ad ho·mi·nem adverb & adjective 1.(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather >than the position they are maintaining.

We are talking about this officer's tactics against a subject armed with a knife so of course you comment:

I love how right off the bat I knew you were a Donald tard.

Completely relevant!

I added the Donald tard bit in after I addressed the argument in some way, what in the fuck?

If I had simply called you a "donald tard" without making an argument, you'd have a point, but that isn't what happened.

And every lefty on r/politics is a cop hating tough guy. It's fascinating isn't it?

I don't even hate cops, and what did I say that would make me a "tough guy."

The only thing I hate is the fact police in this country are allowed to gun down and murder people, beat them to death on camera and walk away with no charges.

Even if they are threatened with a knife? How does that make you feel?

Will you fuck off, pig? Don't you have some ticket quotas to meet?

Citations needed.

Get used to what?

Crying in r/politics. Trump is not my your president for another 3.5 years.

I'm thrilled he is, he's an international embarrassment and comedic goldmine, every day he's an office is a day the GOP shows the world what they are.

One target, at a safe distance. Two cops. 16 rounds fired by them, hitting nine bystanders.

For a gun heavy culture y'all are comically inept.

2012 Empire State Building shooting

On August 24, 2012, a gunman shot and killed a former co-worker outside the Empire State Building in Manhattan, New York City. Following the initial shooting, the gunman, 58-year-old Jeffrey T. Johnson, was fatally shot by police officers after raising his weapon at them. Nine bystanders were wounded by stray bullets fired by the officers and ricocheting debris, but none suffered life-threatening injuries.

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One shot, made with a handgun, over 100 yards away, while the officer was holding the reins of two horses. The guy was hit center mass and while shooting an AK-47.

It's almost like every shooting is different and has completely different circumstances and skill levels of the people involved. How crazy is that?

It's almost like every shooting is different and has completely different circumstances and skill levels of the people involved. How crazy is that?

It's almost like my example never happens in Europe, and yours doesn't need to, how crazy is that?

Because more criminals have guns here and we have higher levels of violent crimes that officers have to respond to. Nuts how that works huh?

Wouldn't that suggest that your officers are more skilled with their weapons, and not less? If NYPD's finest managed to wound 9 bystanders and thought it a good idea to fire 16 rounds at and 10 into one target at close range, what would the US look like if the cops were inexperienced in dealing with armed criminals? European police routinely go through their entire careers without so much as unholstering their sidearms and yet they never hit bystanders somehow when they do... German police shot and killed two bystanders in 20 years, and in the same time frame wounded 12, barely higher than just the NYPD in two incidents. I can't find any statistics on bystanders hit by cops in the US but I bet they look grim.

I don't think you thought this through...

Hey, if you want to shit on American cops, feel free to do cherrypick videos to make yourself seem like an internet expert.

The truth of it is that American cops across the country have vastly differently levels of training. They all have some basic firearms training with annual or quarterly requals. NYPD's standards are different from LAPDs which are different from Orlandos. Some cops are gun nuts and some only use them when it's time to train at the department.

Regardless of that, American cops deal with much more violence criminals more often than your supposedly dead eye German ninja cops that you have created in your head. This means that gunfights happen in crowded city streets, empty roads at night, tight apartment complexes and everywhere in between. Sometimes it goes perfect and sometimes it doesn't. That's the reality of getting into a gunfight.

I'm getting the impression you probably don't know anything about that . I honestly don't know what your point is and I am guessing you don't either but instead just saw an opportunity to throw out some negative comments. When it comes to nutcutting time, you are still just some keyboard commando that thinks you know something from watching YT videos. Thanks for your completely useless opinion.

If your first response is not to de-escalate you are not just a moron but a danger to everyone around you.

Are you one of those guys that chants "de-escalate" without really knowing what it means? That's what it sounds like.

I'm fairly sure it doesn't mean instantly filling them full of lead.

Just shoot the knife out of his hand, bro! Easy!

I'd kill 20 people before I let a man scratch me tbh

I'm with the LAPD, pm me. We are looking for new recruits with potential.

Rampart CRASH did nothing wrong.

Counterpoint: kys, faggot.

Not letting someone stab you is pretty racist honestly.

Yes it is. In fact it's so racist it's yet another reason we need mayocide

Starting with those fucking subhumans with blond hair and dark eyebrows. This is the definition of white people nonsense.

Taser fails then what?


That guy is a shining example of why US cops are absolute garbage.

Tasers have a ~50% success rate. The only time it is appropriate to use one on a knife wielding offender is when they are harming themselves with it and another officer is ready to shoot them if they decide to stab the tasing officer.

Because if the taser fails and the guy decides to stab the cop, cop is fucked.

Also, surprisingly hard to stab someone to death? Are you fucking kidding me? That is absolute mindless bullshit.

herr derr something happened once therefor its universally applicable herr derr USA sucks hiyaaaaaa upvote redditttttt timeeee bernie phone bank match me

I think he's having a stroke from all the autism

Happens to many people new to drama such little exposure causes this massive level to fry the targets brain most dramanauts are too degenerate to be affected

LOL. About right

So, now there is one live jackass where there should be a dead jackass. Thanks alot, Obummer.

Do you even know that people generate money and thus useful?




Do we even know what the guy said initially when he confronted the cop? Cause its not like some dude nervously wielding a knife is out for blood, where as if someone confronts you and makes demands, with a confident demeanor, youve got a lot more cause for concern

What is it with people always bringing up kids. Barely a few posts in and "kids this" and "kids that". Reddit and its fetish for children, goes right over my head.

Nothing is as funny as Yuropoors jealous of guns.

Damn op is a self hating negbro


Ironic that the ones you're calling keyboard warriors are the ones who actually have some degree of fucking common sense when it comes to dealing with armed people.

This was a preposterously dangerous way for the police officer to deal with this situation.

He has ludicrous neglect for his own safety. Positive outcome aside this is a totally unacceptable level of risk to the officer and should not under any circumstances be a model for how the police should be expected to deal with a situation involving a knife wielding person.

21 foot rule demonstrations:

21 foot rule does not apply if you follow firearm safety rules at all times.

What the fuck

The 4th one means that even if someone tries to sneak on you at night with a night, they're fucked anyway. So I don't fear no 21 feet, in all directions.

What the fuck

I'm sorry but in the video you showed, nobody respects any of those rules. That's why they all get stabbed.

Not sure if this point has been made but

What the fuck

The best source for information about firearms is /r/weekendgunnit, whatever you get from anywhere else is boring and wrong.