"I'll fight your ass with a demonic passion on every sub, forum, youtube channel, review site and anywhere else you feel like rearing your lolicon-loving head until I die and then some."

76  2017-06-29 by Datadagger


Cool story, bro


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I'm completely cool with making /r/drama.

I somehow missed out making the Dishonor Roll on the /r/military drama mod resigning post.

Don't know how, because I said some really wack shit.

But, hey, I'll take this as a consolation prize.

I am a chaotic sack of shit that enjoys verbally smacking everyone and everything around just for a reaction, good, even or ill. That's who I am, and I won't deny it, and maybe I'll realize it's bad and repent and change my ways in time. Though, the forecast doesn't look promising.






Well, I can flat deny the neckbeard thing, because I look like a fuckin' lumberjack right now, since I haven't trimmed the thing in a good month.

Good 'ol excessive amount of tetosterone from dad's side of the family.

I look like a fuckin' lumberjack

😍😍 be my daddy 😘💦💦

I'm okay with this.

Possibly an animated, chaotic sack of shit? Sounds like a new anime genre, or low quality success reminiscent of Smurfs?

I am a chaotic sack of shit

holds up spork

dafuq are u talking about the guy fits right in here

If you're trolling this is some good quality stuff

10/10 I'm actually mad

Wtf I love child porn now

This should be r/drama's new header line

now Normie get out


It was nice knowin ya.

New snapshill quote please

Holy shit /u/mofofett how far on the spectrum are you to have created this prime autistic copypasta? I mean, this is fucking A* retard puke right here mixed in with some anti-loli whiteknighting and a huge sense of self importance.

Asperger's mixed with 10 years of military service plus Iraq War tour plus treated schizophrenia.

Are you surprised?

Not at fucking all. That insane rant on why your mission in life is to stop loli porn was one of the most retarded things I've read in my life and I browse this sub. Tell me, how impotent rage tears do you cry as you imagine me fapping to a loli gangbang right now?

That insane rant on why your mission in life is to stop loli porn was one of the most retarded things I've read in my life and I browse this sub.

The real question here is: How may points am I deducted, and how much hath I offended your God?

Tell me, how many impotent rage tears do you cry as you imagine me fapping to a loli gangbang right now?

Dude, legit, I'm 36 years old right now, but mentally I'm 20, and I'll flat deny my actual age with my fingers in my ears going, "AAAAA! AAAAAAA! I HAVE MANY A'S LEFT IN ME! AAAAAAA!" if you try to remind me, so the whole lying awake at night in bed regretting mistakes made in high school passed some years ago, and I fully understand why grumpy senior citizens who yell people off their meager lawns do what they do.

I'm totally aware I'm edgelording, shitposting and drama-llamaing, but the Drama Llama is my Lord and Damnator, and He must be fed daily with appropiate tribute.

Please take your meds. It's time to get off the Internet.

Ah, naw. This is like therapy and a giggle for me.

They only way to stop this edgetrain is A: stop responding or B: ban me.

If you legit think a well-medicated schizophrenic Aspie is going to obey the rules, laws and social protocols of everyone else (normies, REEE!) and get fuu-fuu'ed off the internet or actually cut by an insult, I'm sure I'm not the only one who has trouble with expectations meeting reality.


If you're not drooling on your keyboard, you're not medicated enough.

Not quite there.

Seroquil is the best anti-psychotic med I've probably ever get. Fixed my wagon pretty good, but it's strong enough per dose that you can go, max, three days without a dose, because Seroquil will drop your ass like rotten meat.

It's not unusual for me to take my dose at 8 PM, then I wake back up at 6 PM the next day.

Pretty much why I have a disability claim in right now, because this sleep for 20+ hours through all alarms is getting worse.

I'm going to have to find some kind of income alternatives, like growing tomatoes in a backyard garden and some craft handwork, to keep me busy, because the 5 days a week, 9-to-5er is pretty much unsustainable for me.

But, on the upside: You'll get to see me on a Tuesday, shitposting on Reddit at 9:15 AM while you're at work, like a peasant. :p

Dude, I earn six figures and shitpost here at work too. You're gonna be on disability benefits for the rest of your life. Even 9am /r/drama isn't exclusive for you.

A kindred spirit!

Let's make beautiful music together.

You'll get to see me on a Tuesday, shitposting on Reddit at 9:15 AM while you're at work, like a peasant.

Most of my shitposting happens while I'm at work.

U avin a giggle m8?

swear on me mum

ban me.

No I'm pretty sure this type of severe instability is what we need on the mod team.

He has my vote.

Mod this man!

I shall serve and preserve...some really excellent homemade blueberry jam.

We got blueberries all up in the foothills around here. Tons, my friends. Tons.

Sounds good!

More edges than a katana collection

You would've been a strange retard without the military. But thank you for your service

Bending my particular set of eccentric and often violent talents to cause pain, death and misery to people who bomb Ariande Grande concertsto intentionally kill as many teenaged fans as they can was my honor.

You're a shit troll

Please praise me some more.

You're fine actually. I appreciate the effort tbh

I am a chaotic sack of shit that enjoys verbally smacking everyone and everything around just for a reaction, good, even or ill.

Sounds pretty gay and autistic, dog.

First they came for the lolifags and I said nothing because I'm not a pedophile

We just ignoring that /u/ayashiibaka is into some real autistic weeb pedo shit right now?
Yea /u/modofett went on an autistic rant I didn't read cuz I'm lazy... but holy shit this Baka kid needs to be in the front of the line for the mayocide imo.

who cares, the only illegal think /u/ayashiibaka has ever done is download anime without paying for it.

I'm into a lot more than just that kid ;)


Sorry to ruin your fantasy, I'm a full grown adult.

Yeah it's just an insult, I'm showing you not to take everything you see online so literally

Whatever pedo

Just pedo? Very kind of you

I'm not a bully

Disgusting bitch

Says the bitch you does nothing but defend this disgusting shit. Pedo alarm

SRD would defend weeb pedos.

Suppose you were a weeb, and suppose you were a SRDine. But I repeat myself

Can you say that again?

Suppose you were a weeb, and suppose you were a pedophile. But I repeat myself

hah! you can say that again!

Can you say it in a way that non-retards can understand?

You don't recognize vintage early twentieth century copypasta? And you call yourself a shitposter!

And you call yourself a shitposter!

Literally never called myself that, but I'm picking up what you're putting down.

If you wanna post here, you better start calling yourself a shitposter.

On second thought, maybe you shouldn't.

Can you say it in a way that non-retards can understand?

Dear Honored Sir,

I profer for your consideration the following conundrum concerning a type of individual who has amassed two significant personality traits:

Trait One: A staunch denial of reality on a scale arguably comparitive to a mental illness in which the subject in question holds a fantasy about another nation's culture and population built upon an animated show that is quite inaccurate.

Trait Two: The individual presented thus holding Trait One firmly within their mental bosom was raised without proper parental influence, devoid of understanding of healthy romantic and sexual practices, so to be so inept socially that young, innocent and exploitable children are the individual's only viable choice for romantic and sexual partners, as they are incapable of more advanced, traditionally normal relationship with individuals approximate to their individual age and maturity.

Honored Sir, please consider the hypothetical of yourself or a fictional individual conglomerated of Traits One and Two.

As is necessary, per request as I am your humble servant in this pursuit of all things knowledge, no matter how hypothetical or eccentric, requests for repetition of said theoretical will be honored forthright and expeditiously.

And thus, a copypasta is born.

Keep fighting the good fight /u/Mofofett. It's sickening to see how many closet pedos there are on SRD

/r/drama-chan daisuki~~

So, I'm the reeb?

ya'll really gonna let homeboy have a pass for being a pedo because someone sperged out at him, huh

I'd rather my daughter date a pedo than a seriousposter


you dont understand, shes actually 1300 years old and a dragon

Wow rude guess I'll take my child porn somewhere else.

Ravioli ravioli don't lewd the NEET loli

Kinkshame me more senpai ~uguu~

almost every doujin has incest idk why people care

Here's the thing. You said a "Ephebophile is a Pedophile."

Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As someone who is a Ephebophile, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls Ephebophiles Pedophiles. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "Pedophile Family" you're referring to the fetish of Pedophaila, which includes things from Pedophiles to Ephebophiles to Hebephilies.

So your reasoning for calling a Ephebophile a Pedophile is because random people "call the ones who like kids Pedophiles?" Let's get Lolicons and Shotacons in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a BDSM Lover or an Fetisher? It's not one or the other, that's not how fetishes work. They're both. A Ephebophile is a Ephebophile and a member of the Pedophile family. But that's not what you said. You said a Ephebophile is a Pedophile, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the Pedophile family Pedophiles, which means you'd call Hebephiles, Lolicons, and other Fetishers Pedophiles, too. Which you said you don't.

Friendly reminder flat is justice

How flatter the girl, how closer to the heart you are when you hug her.

Please add that to things u/snapshillbot can say.

I'm not reading that text wall but lolilovercide when?

can someone summarise

When SRD and anime collide, we all win

Found this in the ceddit of the linked thread, by /u/bassgs435, who thinks people should stop bullying him for liking shows that sexualize children:

Because the harm done by judging people for what they like to do in their free time is not fictional. That's a source of bullying, which does very real damage.

Proof: Me. I turned into a socially inept useless waste of life with almost no self steem after years of bullying and being treated like trash because I was a shy quiet teenager who didn't like sports

Maybe you're a socially inept useless waste of life because you're a degenerate who likes thinking about sex with children.

I just cant seem to care about people that sexualize a cartoon.

Gas all weebs now tbqhwy