A Native Woman Gets Uppity and /r/Canada Reacts

24  2017-06-29 by donnie2scoopstrump


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Asking the real questions

Natives are a conquered people. Their conquerers, and those who came after, are not their guests.

This one is gonna be juicy

This is why you just genocide everyone who is different than you, because even when you treat others extraordinarily good they'll still bitch and moan 150 years down the line and claim it wasn't good enough.

Is there a US and Mexico analogy in there somewhere

Oh thats spicey love it

that was an incredibly whiny and stupid scolding, no wonder the men beat them

Sometimes I feel bad about oppressing people, until one of them opens her mouth and reminds me why not to feel bad.

524 years

What happened 524 years ago? Is that when yakub created white people or whatever?

that thread reads like an /r/seattlewa thread

  • Demand investigations into missing/dead native women
  • Investigations find out they were virtually all killed by domestic violence on reserves and suicide
  • Call the results racist
  • Demand new investigations (from the UN this time) into missing/dead native women, and demand that the results be different this time
  • Stop your own press conference to yell at reporters for being white

Until a study proves that it was all alien abductions, the injuns are staying mad.

If the aliens aren't white cis males then they're still staying mad.

I always forget Canada exists.

You're lucky. I wish I could forget that syrup sucking leafs exist.

Day of the rake now! First nation and best nation shall cleanse America's new frontier for civilization.