Punk band "The Dickies" gets kicked off Warped tour for calling protesters "fat cunt" and getting audience to chant "blow me"

95  2017-06-30 by Wraith_GraveSpell


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Punks saying offensive things what is this world coming to when you can't expect punks not to say bad words.

Just terrible.


It's just too much, the retardation is all just to much. Trump hit the button.

This but unironically

oh hey, it's you

Like, do people not remember old school punk?

I dont like their politics, but i can absolutely respect their "im going say whatever the fuck i want" mindset

Like, do people not remember old school punk?

Yeah, like how Bad Brains was ostracized for Dont Go Blowing Bubbles? Or plenty of other shit like that? Punk has always been hard left politically. This shit is nothing new. Its just that a lot of people in this thread arent familiar with punk beyond the image created by its early 90s revival with bands like Green Day.

Punk has always been Fuck You politically.

Maybe if you think GG Allin is what punk is all about, sure.

There's political punk messages, and then there's saying you want to go down on a bunch of 13 year olds. If you know anything about punk, it's not surprising that the latter message wouldn't exactly be well received by a lot of people.

Or maybe don't bring 13 year olds to see a band known for penis puppets and sexually explicit jokes.

Are you suggesting that they physically couldn't control themselves? Like, there's nothing inherently wrong with oral sex jokes, but the band knew where they were performing, they knew the Warped Tour is mostly teens and pre-teens, and they knew what it'd be like when they booked the gig.

They don't even remember new Punk.

They know two Le Tigre songs they forced themselves to like They heard two Sleater-Kinney songs they assume to be Punk, after really getting into the 3rd season of Portlandia, before it became problematic.

im going say whatever the fuck i want

Doo Da

Shut up! Nothing is more punk then sending people to sit on the naughty step.

What's really funny about the rant. 1 thing mentioned is a crime, illegal everywhere..the other just offends someones feelings. The thing they are upset about isn't the crime, bestiality is fine as long as you protect the feels of woman, so glad punks where so considerate of the queen and fascists like Margret thatcher.

What a dickie thing to do.

GG Allin is rolling in his grave.

in his own shit

He would've wanted it that way ;_;7





Got anything to say in your defense, /u/Oxus007?

He's a man who died doing what he loved.


Feminism is cancer.

Hey! You can't judge a movement based on it's actions! Even if they do seem to poison and kill everything it touches like some sort of terminal illness, it's completely bigoted to compare it to cancer, just because it is, but you are the bad one for seeing it.

Getting kicked out of Warped Tour is punk as fuck

Way more punk than actually being on the Warped Tour.

It's definitely not punk to play sets at the same festival as Ronnie Radke and 3oh3

they actually didn't get kicked off, it was their last date on the tour. Lyman is just playing to the sjw base that's yelling at him.

I didn't even know the Warped Tour was still a thing. Katy Perry did Warped Tour.

If you guys need a punk palate cleanser after this poser-faggot bullshit, here is a picture of a true punk, Seth Putnam, getting blown by a hooker as he shoots heroin (NSFW, obviously).


meme genre


Powerviolence is great. Since powerviolencd derives from grindcore, the subgenre cannot be a meme.

Personall I preferred his black metal acoustic project

Not actually a punk tho

Punk has been pretty meaningless for describing a genre for over 30 years now. Its just this weird label that gets slapped on anyone with weird hair, a heroin habit or spikey clothes.

I do not respect your genre boundaries. That's how punk I am.

lol Johnny Rotten has always been a hack but even by those standards thats hilarious. Johnny Rotten on Judge Judy is even better I have no clue how I missed this.

Of course The Dickies don't mind getting kicked off of the Warped Tour -- they've already got their Social Security checks to fall back on.

Great, so now Punk rock is being told they aren't PC enough? I knew Warped was going to shit, but for fucks sake even the Wiggles are gonna be too brutal by next year

but for fucks sake even the Wiggles are gonna be too brutal by next year

I get this reference! One of the advantages of fatherhood apparently!

fatherhood!? I'm still a teenager, technically, I'm not father material NOOOOO I'M NOT GETTING OLd DAMMIT

Well if it makes you feel any better I still cant figure out if Emma is hot or not and that stupid big red car song get stuck in my head all the time. Both of these are probably worse than struggling to accept old age.

The Wiggles are unironically kinda good

They are most definitely some of the best kids song and dance style entertainment out there. They perform some pretty interesting traditional songs like Taba Naba that I had no clue existed which is neat and makes it tolerable for me as a parent.

That fucking big red car song is a nightmarish ear worm though.

Fruit salad can open up a pit any day

user reports:
1: jfc gas yourself

wow rude

I know, why is that guy using our good lord's name in vain? Sheesh, can you say blasphemous.

Should have yelled Fat Mike Hunt

Punk is dead

This thread was funnier yesterday.

Its weird seeing The Dickies called punk. Maybe the author confused them with The Dicks? A most excellent punk band.

Wouldn't want people to get their feelings hurt in a punk rock concert, that's just too far!

I wonder if Refused knew the shape of punk to come would be femsplainatory and rotund.

I wonder who attends Warped tour in 2017. Old emos with a beer belly and an office job? Married scene queens frantically texting the babysitter to know how their kid is doing? Fourteen-year-olds with a tumblr blog and pastel hair? What's their audience?



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The Dickies - My Pop The Cop (Physical Fatness Fat Music,Vol III) +4 - Someone call his dad, or the cops.
impaled northern moonforest - live in cambridge, MA (07-02-1998) +3 - Personall I preferred his black metal acoustic project
John Lydon butter commercial +3 - Not actually a punk tho You say this, but John Lydon advertises butter.
John Lydon vs Judge Judy +1 - lol Johnny Rotten has always been a hack but even by those standards thats hilarious. Johnny Rotten on Judge Judy is even better I have no clue how I missed this.
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I guess the Mentors aren't on the current tour.