Feel Scared / maybe taped

12  2017-07-01 by [deleted]



post that vid

I can't there was someone with me.

I doubt your sister cares.

Never had one ;(

That's not what we asked

Buy a second phone, used and shitty like 3310 for confidential convesations or you can try and reinstall OS.

I'm gonna switch on iPhone

Just like ((they)) want you to, become an apple sheep. Apple sheeps are easier to rule.

The iPhone is worse with it's spying. You don't even need to turn the iPhone on for it to track everything about you. The battery isn't removable because the device is always recording data.

Last time the FBI wanted to break the password of an iPhone they had to paid millions to an Israeli start up.

Google are piece of shit they will give you what porn you search to the alphabets agencies whitout even a warrant.

Once you have a tool, you don't throw it away. Apple had the keys but they wanted money, more money than the government wanted to pay. Google at least says they're spying on you, Apple pretends to be on your side.

Apple even with a warrant will say no.

Google will sell your data for some coins.

Apple > Google imo

Apple can't refuse to comply with a warrant. They will face legal actions. If one part of your statement is false, all of it is false.

Nice try Apple shill.

I mean they refused to create a rootkit for the FBI.

Google privacy politicy is shady of you're a foreign and not on american soil. There is even a venture capitalist corporation owned by the CIA who have invested in Google very early.

I wouldn't want to work on a rootkit for the FBI either, that shit would be leaked within a week. The FBI is amateur hour when it comes to intelligence collection because of all the leaks they have. Why do people think the CIA is operating within the borders of the US? There is an agency that I'm not sure of your aware of called the NSA. The NSA has funded pretty much every tech agency out there and has people working for them. Who buys the data that Apple and Google collects? Shadow brokers that front as ad agencies. They do the ads, but collect and possibly sell the data to get a better picture of your personality. Every review you have written about anything is logged somewhere for the right people to see.

Apple is no more secure than Google. Google is no better than Apple, but at least they're more honest about what they do. People think Apple pure, but they don't do anything differently than any other company out there except charges a premium for their products.

Any stories like this ?

I walked in on my phone fucking my wife.

Are you being serious? Cause if so change phones you probably have serious viruses and malware in that thing.

Looks way more elaborate than a warez app.

It didn't leave shit on my phone. Just the two videos and my GPS interval position. It's like it can control the phone in an admin mode remotely.

That's... Not likely. Aside from an agency wanting to gather videos of you jerking it, if you've just been using the phone normally - only apps from the play store, no rooting, no sideloading APKs, an app can't re-enable your GPS or record things without it being obvious. That said, if you have rooted it and granted random apps permission to root access, yeah things like this can crop up.

Standard Android spyphone


I was hoping some of you autists was at the forefront of theses kind of things. .

I feel i did nothing wrong but since the DoD published what they considered "Russian" attacks (le = subversion, create discord, stir racial tensions on american forums (reddit,4chan), conspiracies) i don't want to be take out by an american operative thinking i'm a terrorist.

I'm just a big fan of Alex Jones aboard, since 5 years. I'm mentally ill, leave me alone Mossad and NSA.

Nice, I actually have the Nexus version of that phone.

Yeah, the hardware can be exploited, but the only way that could be done is if it were rooted, which is something you'd have to go out of your way to do. Obviously the most straightforward thing is to just reset the phone

If you feel like putting effort into getting rid of whatever could be on it, or if that doesn't work, you could root it, install a custom recovery, and reinstall the OS. There's a guide for installing a recovery here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-x-style/orig-development/recovery-twrp-2-8-7-0-touch-recovery-t3200520

Edit: alternatively if you're switching to an iTrash I'll totally take that phone off your hands

I'm gonna throw it in a sledgehammer tbh

Where do you live ?

Why would anyone give a tiny fuck about you?

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_brigades

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 86402

Yes, but why would anyone give a shit about you? Why bother targeting you, as opposed to any of the thousands of other people people on Reddit arguing about politics?

Also, stop masturbating - you'll go blind.

Well I left a comment on american youtube channel encouraging a guy to read a french book about politics, some minutes later reading the description of the yt channel i learnt that he is apparently a white supremacist or american fascist i don't know.

If he was already monitored by the FBI, it would make sense that if a fucking retard like me, a foreign who is not on american soil, leave a 1000 words comments saying hello, they would start to be very interested about you.

As an Apple stockholder, let me suggest that you move to an iPhone- there more secure and it helps my bottom line

I know.....I would love to send the apple stock to Jupiter but money is very short for the moment.

to read a french book about politics/sociology

right there is your problem

French Sociologues after the 60's weren't the faggots you see today. It's from this guy

Soral isn't so bad, sometimes, though he's had dumbass ideas and associations also. But "after the 60s" -- dude, come on, lots of horseshit has been produced after the 60s. Granted, most of the people I object to like to characterize themselves as "philosophers" or "literary critics" but that shit bleeds all over everything.

I'm Paris right now, maybe I can go yell incoherently at Julie Kristeva or something.

Well he went a little crazy some years ago. Very conspirationnist and antisemit the french state gave him a lot of fines. But his videos are entertaining he demolished a lot of things that emerged after may 68. There are less and less.

Well i'm in Paris too. Want to drink something ?

ha sure, i'm in the 2nd

what kind of phone is it?

Мы следим за тобой

Give me my lonely sextape back


wow by the title I thought that this was gonna be a schizophrenia episode but it sounds like you have a real problem. throw your phone into the river.

Thanks snally, i know you would bring me oranges to Guantanamo !

What's the mood in the US ?

Cloudy with a chance of death by preventable disease

Thanks snally, i know you would bring me oranges to Guantanamo !

Of course!

What's the mood in the US ?

Pretty tense, though it seems like things are starting to settle into apathy (aside from the people who are freaking out about getting their healthcare taken away).