Drama on the notorious far-right haven known as Reddit when one user embarks upon a crusade against the Mayo occupiers

47  2017-07-01 by KULAKS_DESERVED_IT


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Oy I remember you putting those feygs on r/europe in their place.

Dang pollsmokers keep benning me

/u/BMP2 is just mad that the left hasn’t figured out how elections work.

/u/BMP2 why is it impossible for you to understand that non-whites might not agree with you, without you immediately resorting to "hurr uncle tom go to /r/asablackman"

That's a low effort bait from a 17 day old account....and anyone who took it should be ashamed of themselves.

I'm Guilty.

Forgot to check their user history till after I'd already posted twice.

I'm a bad doggy...

Get a hold of yourself, you are a strong man/woman/ non-binary grab life by the pussy and dominate.

Instructions clear, have pulled out dick and maintained eye contact while mastrubating.

+50 level Dominance achieved.

Any man with two hands and a dick has a fighting chance in the Thunderdome.

For some reason I read "thunderdome" as Tyranosaurus Rex.

And I'm all like, "Right, I'm fully qualified and I can DO IT!"

These arguments seem strong due to the demographics of the site and their selection bias. Look to academia on these issues, the people who dedicate their lives to it Reddit has an answer to that too: "soft sciences are pointless", or the classic "science is biased to the left".

I rarely engage on these issues here because the voting system will reward the popular perspective. The white male skew in the demographics self-select arguments they agree with. The actual left wing positions are challenging for the privileged class to accept, and Reddit always offers an escape hatch from cognitive dissonance by blaming minorities.

Let me put it another way, self-awareness is the weak point of a hive mind who thinks it can find the Boston bomber or that thorium is the answer to climate change.

The "censorship" is applied when it goes too far (way too far). Child porn, harassment campaigns, hate groups. These are all symptoms of the problem, the fact that admins wait so long to step in shows their either complicit with or beholden to the extreme right.

Look at the Ellen Pao incident, some disgusting hatred all over this site. Turns out Huffman was responsible for the thing she was blamed for but no one really cares they just want a woman to hate. Look at gamer gate which flourished here and lives on to today despite all of the claims being disproven.

Just look at the media coverage of this site, look at anything which is not run through the selection bias of the Reddit hive mind. All of the arguments I listed are completely disconnected from reality. They resonate here because people want to believe them, so they tell each other that they're true. The cherry pick evidence that agrees with them and post it repeatedly.

Want to know about gender or racial equality, don't ask a message board dominated by white men. Look for unbiased sources, if you find source that disagree the dig deeper.

You want to understand feminism? read some feminist writing, it's interesting stuff and has a lot of things in there for men as well. The MRA brand of anti-feminism does nothing for men except resolve the cognitive dissonance. We need to engage these issues, work with groups with a history of making change, with academic backing, with a broader view of the problems in society.

Reddit is not a homogenous entity, but there are prevailing ideas that are common accepted in most default subs.

"Treating white men as aliens" is probably the most absurd and least self-aware sequence of words I've encountered in recent memory. This is the epitome of white male identity politics and the right wing victim narrative that i see peddled all over this site. This cargo cult resistance movement where who can claim victimhood wins.

Look at the data. Senior executives, senior politicians, higher paying jobs all skew to white males. It's like the "hetro pride day" so completely tone deaf and disconnected. Hetro pride is the other 364 days of the year. No one needs to stand up for white males because they are the default. Did you think what race and gender I am, or simply assume I'm a white male like you? See we can make these assumptions because we have the default status. To argue that despite white men being over respresented at the senior levels of all sectors of government and business that they are the real victims of systemic oppression is patently absurd.

Where did you find this copypasta?

r/news, r/worldnews, r/politics, r/askreddit, etc. are all right wing cesspools. The Islamophobia on those subreddits would probably give Donald Trump a run for his money. Any mention of civil rights or equality is downvoted to -100. Reddit is a far right website, and only a right wing extremist like you could try to deny that fact.


right wing

I really don't want to know u/BMP2's opinion on Kulaks.

/u/BMP2 is the person also known as about a million other retarded alts. All her shenanigans are documented on /r/BestOfGuzman

/u/Spez is the leader of the American Aryan Nation. Get him.

Is that why he married a Negress?

Don't tell me this beautiful cuck scored Serena.

Yes, reddit is a far right wing website. During the election, reddit supported an old white man who voted for looser gun laws, over a female candidate who appealed to people of color. Reddit loves to hate on the "sjw" boogeyman, while completely ignoring right wing murder Reddit hates feminists, BLM, and anybody else who fights for equality. Reddit gun nuts flood and brigade any article calling for sane gun laws. Reddit loves to hate on Antifa protestors who throw a brick at a window, but refuses to comdenm Trump supporters who murder people of color in broad daylight. None of this should be surprising. Reddit is mostly American, white, and male, aka a breeding ground for far-right demagogues.


/u/BMP2 The only people who deny SJWs exist are the people who exhibit behaviors of one. And you seem like one. Also, I have seen so many anti-Trump statements on the frontpage of Reddit for a long time, Reddit is far from right-wing.

That thread has a literal shill-bot in it posting about trumpcare. I just think thats interesting.

I notice the term 'Trumpcare', and would like to humbly suggest using the term 'Republicare' instead. Reply with 'more info' for reasons and more information. 'Stop', and I'll never reply to your comments or posts again. (I'm a bot)

Look, here it is. The shill bots are real and they are clearly the source of all anti-Trump rhetoric.

I'm woke now.

the bot's been alive for about a week, anti-trump rhetoric and reasons are a lot older i think. not a shill but can't really prove it without giving up anonymity, which i'd rather not do :/ i can see why you would think that tho

post bussy

more info

Trump is a disposable scapegoat / tank, and is much more temporary than the Republican Party. Passing AHCA requires the participation of the whole Party. Don't let Republicans blame the death and travesty on Trump!

Effect of AHCA on Americans


I reccomend reading the full article, but here's some highlights.

  • Visualization of AHCA's effect on wealth distribution, as of 2022
  • Wealth transferred from below-$50k households to above-$50k households
  • Number of Americans with health insurance: decrease by 23 million by 2026
  • Social Security expenditures : $3 billion less by 2026, due to people dying sooner
  • Medicaid expenditures : $77 million more by 2026, due to reduced access to birth control

Pros and Cons of AHCA

Copied from NeutralPolitics/comments/6iul3q//dj98qvv/ from March 2017. Not giving a clickable link here, to avoid bans on cross-subreddit links


  • Tax cuts on wealthy households. The bill eliminates the surtax on investment income for individuals making over $200k/year or couples making over $250k/year
  • Expanded avenues to avoid taxes. The bill allows HSA contributions to be higher than they were under Obamacare, raising them to $5000 max a year. (cross referencing sec 121 with the linked statute).
  • Eliminates individual mandate. The bill eliminates the individual mandate, which is a pro if you don't like the individual mandate.
  • Fixes the issue around below poverty line people and the subsidies. Subsidies are available for people below the poverty line, fixing the issue that arose after NFIB v. Sebilius made the Medicaid expansion not be all 50 states.


  • Tax cuts on wealthy households. This could be considered a con if you, like most Americans think upper income people pay too little in taxes.
  • Massive cuts to Medicaid. The bill cuts Medicaid spending by more than the House plan, which the CBO scored as an $834 billion dollar cut. This cut includes the pre-Obamacare medicaid program, which covers among other things almost 2/3 of nursing home patients in the country. The bill also allows for a "flexibility program" (sec. 134) which would allow states to not necessarily cover pre-Obamacare medicaid beneficiaries. If you think the Medicaid program should be much less generous, then this could be considered a pro.
  • Cuts to Obamacare subsidies The bill (Sec. 102(b)(1)(B)(i) reduces the benchmark plan for subsidies to a plan covering 58% of someone's expenses, as opposed to the current 70%. Additionally, subsidies are only available to people making less than 350% of the poverty line, down from the current 400%. Edit: did some back of the envelope math based on current silver versus bronze premiums. My best guess is this would reduce subsidies by $50-100 per month.
  • Repeals cost sharing reduction program The bill repeals the cost sharing reduction program which provided extra benefits to people under 250% of the poverty line to reduce their deductibles and copayments. Combined with the much lower baseline for subsidies, low income people will probably be left with insurance that requires out of pocket costs they could not possibly afford.
  • Allows states to eliminate essential health benefits. This allows states to eliminate the requirement that health insurance cover, well, anything. There might be state level coverage requirements in lieu of these - or there might not.
  • Does not replace individual mandate with anything. The way this is structured could cause a death spiral because it allows people to wait until they're sick to buy coverage, with no restriction on pre-existing conditions and no penalty for waiting. That could cause a huge adverse selection problem where people sit out of the market, and only the sickest buy coverage, and insurers drop out. This has already been a problem in Obamacare because of the weak mandate. Eliminating it without a replacement, while also reducing subsidies (meaning fewer people would sign up because it's free or close to free to them) could destroy the entire individual health insurance market. Edit: An interesting article just published arguing that this will cause a death spiral.

Pressuring Media to use 'Republicare'

Copied from esist/comments/5zl7bk//dez81nu/ . Not giving a clickable link here, to avoid bans on cross-subreddit links

[Republicans are] already trying to pin this on Trump. This is why it is important to call it Republicare. DON'T let them pass blame, and DON'T let them off the hook. [...] It's time to start contacting editors and imploring them to use the term Republicare. Example tweet, and a brief list of editors', correspondents' and authors' twitter handles: Call it #Republicare NOT #Trumpcare! We need the party to accept blame and not evade blame by pinning it all on one man.

  • MSNBC Correspondents: @maddow, @Lawrence, @chrislhayes. These people have some control over the language they use on their own programs, and could reach a wide audience.
  • Slate Chief Editor: @juliaturner
  • Slate Authors currently using "Trumpcare": @jim_newell, @JHWeissmann, @jbouie
  • Mashable Chief Editor: @gittrich
  • Vox Chief Editor: @ezraklein
  • CNN Chief Editor: @MeredithA
  • CNN correspondents who might be receptive: @sallykohn, @andersoncooper
  • MotherJones Chief Editor: @ClaraJeffery
  • MotherJones authors currently using "Trumpcare": @H_Lev, @patcaldwell
  • The Young Turks Chief Editor: @cenkuygur
  • New York Times Chief Editor: @deanbaquet
  • Washington Post Chief Editor: @PostBaron
  • The Nation Chief Editor: @KatrinaNation

I know Twitter isn't the greatest platform in the world, but it's one of the most effective ways to communicate with these people. So tweet them. Force the Republican party to take ownership of their shitty ideological war against the working class.

Reddit Opinion Poll

Reply to this comment with 'I prefer Trumpcare' or 'I prefer Republicare' (not case-sensitive) to indicate which term you prefer, and I'll record your opinion. Feel free to change your mind, indicate your new opinion and I will move your name to the new list - no names occur in both lists. To withdraw from the poll, simply delete your comment. Results as of Sun Jul 2 13:03:32 2017:

  • Trumpcare : 12 (17.39%)
  • Republicare : 57 (82.61%)

I'm a newborn bot. Suggestions are welcome by PM or comment replies. *I only comment if I didn't already reply to a parent comment, and I avoid certain subreddits where I'm not welcome. I will also never comment on any of your posts or comments if you reply to any of my comments with the text 'STOP'. I update my old messages with the latest version of this message.

Not all Nazis were bad. Just the same way that not all Muslims are bad. Only a very small percentage of Nazis did bad things, just like Islam. A few bad apples should never spoil the bunch.

National Socialism is an ideology of peace. 14/88 of diversity peace love and tolerance coming through.
You don't have Naziophobia do you goyim?

You're trying too hard goy