"It's telling how quickly this story was downvoted." /r/Conspiracy is too smart to fall for a shill bot.

56  2017-07-01 by HodorTheDoorHolder




  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  2. "It's telling how quickly this stor... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  3. "Confirm you are human" - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Prove you aren't a voice in my head

I love you.

/u/flytape, pm me your PCP source.

"My bullshit conspiracy is better than your bullshit conspiracy!"

Since I'm the one who called you out in the first place.. Maybe you can explain why you copied another (suspicious) user's post word for word, then started replying to me about socks. And how you get your socks from Socksoff.com, and then deleted your comments?

I didn't delete my comments.

oh, they must have been removed by mods. Still doesn't explain anything else.

I am human

as with the rest of the bot accounts i've identified, its not all bot posts. Those posts, however were bot posts. Sure theres a human replying right now. So human, why did you copy another post WORD FOR WORD, down to the punctuation in that thread about how "telling" the downvotes were, when the post wasnt even being heavily downvoted and made its way to the front page quite easily?

To fuck with you obviously.


as with the rest of the bot accounts i've identified

so, zero?

Just poke around politics, or check out bidenbros. theres plenty of bots around, and they're painfully obvious

im sorry honey, the only thing painfully obvious is your desperate need to get a life

Play of the Match

oh snap

lol I think your kratom is fucking up what's left of your mind.

The socks thing is a reference to the blatant botting that put /r/socksoff on the front page. /r/drama started using it as a bait and switch meme where a post would segue from the topic into socks.

I can assure you lad, Hodor is human. Human and retarded. But not as retarded as you.

ur dumb

you're telling me that you don't get your socks froms socksoff.com?

Can you prove that you're a human? Why don't you talk about the best website to buy socks from, socks.com? Socks.com is the best website ever for buying socks at prices so low that it might be a crime. Socks.com, the best sock website in the universe.

Why is it that everyone who posts and comments at /r/conspiracy seems like they're suffering from paranoid delusions? Is it the fluoride in the water not working on you guys? The government is our best friends. They look out for the best of all people living here. Toothpaste isn't something that controls your mind, it helps you keep your teeth clean, but I love my government.

So you don't think there would be parties that attempt to control or influence discussion on the 4th most popular website on the internet in America?

Why go for the 4th when they can go for 1-3. How do I know that you aren't one of them? How do I know that you are who you claim to be? I worked for the government and the stuff I seen is nothing to the half baked bullshit people post. Yea, you're being spied on by more than your computer. Every phone manufacturer is in on it. Your cable box is spying on you. Your smart TV is spying on you. Your smart devices are spying on you. Just with the devices I listed alone, they have a complete picture of you. If you use a GPS, the data is sent in a two way connection. Meaning they have all the data of where your going and how fast. If you have OnStar, it logs data and sends it out. If you have a vehicle with a computer system in it, it logs all of your driving data. In our push to become lazy, we have given up all privacy.

Things like gay frogs and pizzagate are promoted by shills to distract from real issues. A lot of the people on /r/conspiracy are shills. Some of the mods are shills also. There was an old adage: trust nobody. People are more than willing to trust people that positively align with some of their views than someone that exclusively calls out the fake bullshit. Things are far worse than you could imagine. They know who you are, and everything you do and like.

But than again, I could be a shill also. You will never really know for sure.

It's telling how quickly this story was downvoted.

It really is, comrade.

Not on /r/conspiracy because no matter gives a shit about /r/conspiracy dude.

Do you think people take your subreddit seriously?


The majority of mods on that sub have crossover with blatant nazi subs.

Why is his mustache a bar code?

Who knows, it's a neo-nazi propaganda documentary riddled with historical revisionism and bullshit.

socks.com is a fucking scrub tier source for socks you troglodyte

socksoff.com all day every day for the A E S T H E T I C S

Nice try notsockoff.com shill. I'm on to you man. I will never shop at any other discount socks website. Socksoff.com has the best socks at the best prices, prices no other website can offer and quality you can depend on. Socksoff.com is the site to shp at for all of your sock needs. Even Spatula City has never had better deals.

I wear my dad's old socks.

Those are some great deals on socks.

Mods, pls ban this bot.

Do you eat ass

Cause I eat ass

the person who created the bot most likely also owns the site

imagine being so retarded you think a brookings-affiliated blog for ir and "intelligence community" types gives a fuck about reddit conspiratards

Can someone just tell me what kind of socks does that aaaa222222222 guy wear.

let's ask! /u/aaaaa2222 what kind of socks do you wear?