Metal-faced scene girl gets made fun of on e-celeb gossip sites, argues with h8ers in the comments and accuses someone of dropping links of her (allegedly) underage noods (prly a lie but don't click the links for good measure)

65  2017-07-01 by snallygaster


Have you posted bussy yet?


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I'm pretty sure everyone has a butt. 💩

The nude links posted in that thread don't work anymore, i'm afraid.

Though from the description, i can imagine that her nudes looked something like this.

You played a dangerous game, clicking those.

Someone's gotta do it

Nah it went through imagechan. And the underage part wasn't mentioned till later in the thread. There is plausible deniability here.

That face makes her hatable enough without the dumb shit that inevitably spills out of it

Nobody with that much shit in their face is going to say anything worth listening too.

that's going into my reaction folder

I feel like that has to be a high quality folder.

PM me a dropbox of the folder

Serious talk Snally, have you ever thought about creating a website with all the drama from kiwifarm, lolcow, r/drama and subreddit drama? With all the celeb drama that goes over here and those sites I am sure it could pick a decent size of viewers. Plus even obscure internet drama can be interesting when is about weird people.

Monetize your hobby grill

Monetize your hobby grill

Dude, she literally owns a startup based around her favorite hobby.

You almost fool me


Brb downloading this

It's so hard to get people to visit a blog/website that isn't connected to a social media network nowadays, though. Plus it's probably more fun to dump it all here

It's so hard to get people to visit a blog/website that isn't connected to a social media network nowadays, though.

Post it on twitter or facebook idk

I am just saying, a website with a recoplation of all this drama sites would be awesome

Start an imageboard Snally. 4chan fucking sucks, its shit and it been shit for years. Start up an imageboard, i believe in you Snally. The market is ready for an alternative.

You don't like fullchan??

You mean cuckchan?

snally unironically likes 8ch

kys lol

oh trust me, I don't

ah yes, an imageboard started by a redditor, something tells me imageboard users would love that.

I endorse snally for retaking ED.

I say write a book. I'd buy it.

Please don't stop dumping it here

It's an important ingredient in this sub

Kiwifarms already allows full doxxing.

Scene girls are still a thing??

This is from 7 years ago, but yeah, there are still teens on tumblr electing to look like this.

holy shit!

Dragging our drama from 2010

sad how far /r/Drama has fallen

/u/snallygaster is some sort of fucking Internet archaeologist, digging up drama going all the way back to the days of usenet.

I'm sorry but culture war for years on end gets boring.

2010 is actually kind of uncomfortably recent for a snallypost

Perhaps shockingly, there's more to life than your tedious culture war.

Culture war?

The only culture war I got going on, is the one in my pants raging between Chlamydia and Gonorrhea - thanks to your mother and sister.

I bet the people involved in this drama can experience it again on rdrama, with the added cancer.

Links are fake, you are all safe, peeps.

That is disgusting.

a disgrace to humanity,and even more to the scene humanity.

pretty sure "scene" and "humanity" are mutually exclusive but ok

Where are these scene girls all identical clones in terms of both looks and personality?

cause it's a subculture and they're teens, a deadly combination.

its ok, yfrog doesn't exist anymore

When the police come to your door I'm not sure​ if "research for r/drama posts' is going to stand up in court as a legitimate reason for having all that "cheese pizza" on your computer, but good on you for making it a test case.