Known Jewdank (Mcdewjank) alt accout crowns Jewdank (Mcdewdank) as Miss PAWG June 2017 in NSFW sub.

189  2017-07-02 by trolleytrolley39


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Imagine being such a pathetic loser (i,e. /u/trolleytrolley39) that you go onto porn subreddits, let alone document their drama

Jeez jewdank, how many alts do you need?

I wonder what goes through the mind of ">people" like you when you make these godawful posts. Is it caused by a childhood that was full of neglect and social exclusion?

Could ask the same thing about narcissistic skanks who get shitty tattoos of their "brand" and go apeshit obsessing over their Reddit infamy.

Listen pet, I don't have a bloody scooby-doo what you're on about

Then you haven't been paying attention you inbred scrotal shit stain.

Speak english you dumb dog

If I had $20 to offer you for bussy you'd be understanding me just fine you sordid bitch, lol

Can you just stop being such a fucking tryhard trying to fit in with all us cool r/drama posters. I can smell the reddit from here

Projection, not an argument. I can smell your sandy vagina from here. Go cry in the corner if you can't stand me.

Fucking hell I knew you were an alt-righter. Back in the cuckshed you go

I'm a moderate, sweetie. Please feel free to kill yourself to rectify your mistake at any time. Be sure to record it while you're at it, mayocide is always more fun when it's shared with others.

Moderate huh? Is that where you only murder half the gay rich people?

No, it's where I laugh at you being a bitch while waiting for mankind to blow itself up so we can get the real party started.

In all seriousness, being a moderate (at least to me/as far as it goes in my case) is being in the sort of gray area between the right and the left. In other words, I'm an equal opportunity dick. Now bend over and bite the pillow, I just got done jimmying your window open and it's time for some fun.

fuck me dead you expect me to read all this shit?

That's not much to read at all, maybe if your attention span wasn't as pathetic as your indignant arrogance you'd have the ability to read my last comment without a problem like everyone else.

You are terrible at disguising yourself

This is top class shitposting. We need more people like you.

Man doesn't jewdank know she is the queen of drama and our favorite lolcow. u/PM_ME_FREE_FOOD have you gotten over your jealousy of the hotter chicks who degrade themselves for neckbeards

dont like you fucking rancid swine

I'm sorry jewdank, how's your marketing going?

You'd think that the irritable twat would appreciate the free publicity but I guess not.

That would require not being a stark raving mad cuntberry with the IQ of a carrot to answer. Don't hold your breath waiting for a proper answer.

Fucking hell your so bitter lmao you clearly don't belong here

You're so autistic you belong in our special education department. You lack enough self awareness to realize that you calling me bitter is not only stating the obvious but also hypocritical. Also, how the fuck does someone's bitterness disqualify them as a r/drama user? You need to read the sidebar you flaming white trash cum junkie.

My mother is literally papua new guinean you fucking redneck opioid using whiteboi

Now you're just grasping at straws in a desperate attempt to try regurgitating shit that's already been fling at you like the sad washed up sack of shit that you are, lol. You must be severely handicapped to run out of fresh ideas for comebacks to hurl at those who like to troll you for being a useless dried up cum rag with no self control. You lack the ability to keep yourself rooted in reality and I suggest you seek professional help (especially if you're projecting opioid abuse onto others). If all else fails you can always do the Cobain and use a 12ga as a mic.

did not read a single word

Yet you bothered to reply with a shitty generic response typical of all used up whores who've out lived their usefulness and value to society. At least you still have your ego intact.

This was my favourite one.

Do tell, what made this your favorite over the others? I ask this for future reference and scientific purposes.

The whole outliving her usefulness part really got me going.

I'll be sure to come up with more quips like that when the opportunity presents itself in the future


Resorting to pointing out when auto correct causes a simple small typo

Yeah, you've lost once again. It's okay, maybe next time you'll do better (I doubt it but any given Sunday, right?)

Can't even link an image properly




calling yourself Chad

admitting to fucking other (((guys)))

Ahahahahahaha the kid is probably the biggest fucking loser on reddit. All he does is shitpost trumptard memes and get mad when someone puts him in his place, then he rages like a fat retard and post stalks your comment history, ping trolls, ect.

The best part is that he hasn't just been doing this sad, embarrassing, lifeless nonsense for the 3 months his current account has been active, it goes back much farther then that:

Getting dominated in reddit comments by his betters and then throwing an endless tantrum about it is literally all the kid has in his sad life. It's hilarious. Oh, and he literally does this 24/7, 365. Look through his post history and try and find a single full day where he's taken a break from shitposting embarrassing trash to reddit or isn't in some kind of petty slap fight.

Good luck :)


I am happy that you are happy. Spread the happiness around.

This doggo demands it.

Says my all-time biggest stalker who spammed me with over 1,400 PMs in one night and got banned for it.

You've been banned for being a cunty troll yourself. If you act petty you'll receive petty acts of retaliation in return.

Ohh, have I? LMAO.

Jfc you're arrogance is as awful as your ignorance

You're a little faggot with pink skin.

I'm lean but not little my dear banana manlet. Tell me, what is about those who are not heterosexual or Asian that makes you lose your shit so quickly? Some sort of complex? Is it that you're simply a fickle cuck?

It's just pathetic, to be honest.

Homophilia, pedophilia, coprophagia, bestiality. All disgraceful, repulsive acts for complete losers who just want attention.

Do explain how me having relationships with both sexes is purely an attention seeking behavior. I love watching gymnastics.

More partners = more attention.


Sounds to me like you're just lonely and lashing out. This is good, we're making progress here. Now, bend over and show us that bussy my dumb puppet.

How homophilic of you.

How autistic and predictable of you

No, how fuckin' homophilic of you, bitch.

Once again, how autistic and predictable of you



nice photoshop, exposing you is so easy when you ALWAYS reply with in seconds to comments that never showed up in your inbox, lmao so fucking so you just sit around scanning these threads waiting for someone to maybe mention you.


this is why we laugh at you

You're an embarrassing homophile.


your swearing sounds like a markov bot generated comment

My mother is literally papua new guinean

Holy shit, that's really cool. Post face

?? Clearly, they do.

?? Clearly, they do.

Any drama that gives me an excuse to gaze lovingly upon Jewdank's glorious poop portal is good drama.

She's a scag

so is ur mum

Almost as sad as making up fake awards for yourself.

this unironically

Do we know how many alts Jewdank has? /u/ILoveFrames seems like one. Are there others?

There were a couple that popped up during her meltdown, but ILoveFrames was one of those that she would continually forget to logout of when commenting on shit.

Y'all DO realize there's a new winner every month, right? Anyway, I'm not an alt, but you guys have fun.

I don't know what's happening I'm just desperately trying to fit in

Just know that it's very serious business and I, for one, will be damned if this kind of shoddy business will be allowed to continue.

It's about ethics in PAWG posting, this is the hill we should all be willing to die on.

This is also jewdank

So it's just coincidence you leave Reddit for 3 months (around the time Jewdank did) . . . have no activity . . . then reappear on a random Sunday morning to announce Jewdank has won an award (at the same time Jewdank posts her content to the sub)?


No, she left in January, 6 months ago. So no, not around the same time.

And it's not a random Sunday morning. The winner is always announced within the first few days into a new month, because that only makes sense. And it's based on specific rules that are clearly readable on the side bar:

the most submissions in the top 50 for the month.

and the title can only be won once per year, again per our sidebar:

Once you've won a Miss PAWG title, you will not be eligible to win again until the following year

Jewdank couldn't give the award to herself, so she used her alt.

That's you. We all know you're Jewdank.

Well I know I'm not her, so. But suit yourself, like I said, have fun.

We're not talking about the pick being random.

We're talking about the fact you used an ALT to announce it.

Oh I see. Well the fact is that I'm not an alt. But clearly I'm not going to dissuade you of that notion, so, shrug. That's fine

Is this supposed to be proof that I'm an alt? I'm confused.

Prove you’re not her by posting a vag selfie.

Your move /u/ILoveFrames

ok jewdank

Give the non-existant mr jewdank my regards


So my assumption based on seeing and cringing at your attention whore photos was true, you actually are an insufferable, vain, twat! gtn

34 straight male btw.

or you just happen to post pictures of needs no to different subs

I have no idea what this sentence even is.

Read it again

Ah, you edited it. Okay, it makes sense now.

Well, as you can see all those posts are in a sub I mod, the purpose was to give that sub content. I'm not the type to make posts, I just comment on things from time to time. You'll see my comment history is more varied.

I just want to be part of this comment chain.

Hi mom

Makin' history

Just stick to showing ass ho

Can you explain that second rule? You say she can't win again for a year but then ask say it's the second time in a row? Just confused and would like some clarification. Thanks dank!

She won last year in June, so it's been over a year. Not dank!

Ahhh post made it seem like it was back to back wins. Thanks for clarification dank!

You know what makes you so wast to spot? You methods of arguing. First you deny and then end with some form of "but whatever".




Seriously, if you showed me their replies and covered up their usernames I wouldn't have thought any alts were involved. It's the same attitude of trying to act like she doesn't give a shit while aggressively defending her ego and online presence.

Yep, and I can feel the trashy radiating through torally not her alt's comments.

Check I love frames submitted history. Seriously. It's allll jewdank

Hahaha you stupid liar

Check iloveframes submission history. All you really need to know.

I did. If it's not an alt then it's the creepiest post history ever it's ONLY jewdank stufd. It's not rocket science I'm not sure how she denounces it as an alt...

Are you saying you don't give shitty BJ'S like Jewdank?

It's really sad by this point Jewdank, when do you reach your common hooker phase of your life? I assume you've already hopped on the meth train

You'd have more luck with this being insulting if I was her

Well if you're not her, why don't you post a picture of yourself with a sign saying u/iloveframes on it and prove everyone wrong?


Ah the ol' "pics or shens"


Your tattoos are shit, Dank.

Lol this is just pathetic now jewdank. It would be better damage control to just admit it. Trying to claim it's coincidence that your alts ONLY are on Reddit when you are. And disappear when you do, come on. No one believes you

Why would I care about damage control when it's so funny to see you all try to convince me that I'm someone else? Hahhaha

Seriously though, even your reasons make no sense. When did I claim coincidence? She became inactive 6 months ago, and I commented for months after. But apparently we "disappeared at the same time". Lol

I, personally, don't care about anyone wanting to post their nakey time pictures online, but have you thought about posting a picture of yourself with a piece of paper stating your name or what not? Or have you not shown your face? Sorry if I'm behind here, I don't keep up on this type of stuff.

Say what you will about ms dank, she's pretty good at photoshop, or otherwise has access to someone with decent skill.

I'd believe it if I saw video of someone saying that they were /u/Iloveframes holding a card with a date and their reddit username URL. Anything sort of that and it could easily be faked.

Yeeaaaah, I didn't even think hard on the Photoshop proficiency. Im an idiot.

eshokay, post bussy all is forgiben.

Thx be-be

Just post a photo of yourself verifying it lol. You have nothing to fear if you're telling the truth

Oh she's already posted pictures of herself. As a matter of fact, that's all that she's posts. Pictures of jewdank. Check her submitted history

this is why you don't molest and sexually abuse your children. they turn into jewdank.

Post a photo of yourself then, "friend of Jewdank"

Haha how old are you to even be doing this type of non sense?

Hey Jew dank you lookin beat with that wonk ass tattoo ho

She won't win over at /r/Pugtastic

That's because /u/Zachums would rig it towards Kevin.

No need to rig it. Kevin clearly is the cutest pug.

Wait a minute! She's a mod there too!

Uh oh! 😨

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Yo man are you alright? Do I need to call an ambulance?

I uhh.... pocket posted this at work I think, just based on how old it is.

i'm one as well

We've been bamboozled

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She might've been Miss PAWG for June 2017 without this. Sad. I was just posting about how Barry Bonds ruined his reputation with steroids when he was great either way. That's how I feel about Jewdank.

I wanted to fuck you (but not talk to you) regardless, lady. No reason to do this, it's just weird.

No one will fuck you. Ever

u/McDewjank Jesus giving yourself an award on your own subreddit where you're at least two of the mods that's kind of like getting an award at the special Olympics.

Or being the smartest kid with Down's Syndrome

I feel personally attacked

Well if the shoe fits...

Jk we love u BBY post bussy

Tallest midget?

Oh I like that one

Giving yourself an award on your own subreddit where you're at least two of the mods is like giving yourself an award on your own subreddit where you're at least two of the mods.

I don't have a different comparison because there's not a lot that's more pathetic.

Jewdank the kind of crazy who celebrates excessively during the medal ceremony at the Special Olympics.

I'm gonna be this guy and say that Special Olympics athletes could probably destroy most average people at whatever sport they're trained in.

Of course they would. Jimmy always wins.

Just getting back from a sex party in Chicago. Did not see Jewdank there. Another opportunity lost :(

You seem sad :( ... Here's a picture of a cat. Hopefully it'll cheer you up: The internet needs more cats. It's never enough..

We need a bot that sends nudes.

Plus the cat looks like it's contemplating a bad life choice of made.

following jewdank drama can't be good for your health so it's fairly relevant


Should have AirBnB'd with Dankmate.

Why would she try to fuck twinks?

I could have used you on my potatoes this morning.

Needed salt.

Who the fuck eats potatoes in the morning?

You are obviously not from North America.

By potatoes he meant fries.

Why would you not try to fuck twinks?

She lives in Chicago?! That's terrible news as a Chicagoan.

I still can't figure out what PAWG means, someone?

Phony Ass White Girl

It's a combo of two acronyms:

Pawg: phat ass white girl

phat: pretty hot and tempting.

Drama neckbeards just can't stand the sight of an empowered womyn entrepreneur. What have you all done with your lives? Bet you don't have an award winning butt, or business and multimedia skills.

And here I thought the Oscars were self aggrandizing

jewdank isn't, by any stretch of imagination, a pawg.

Pretty awful white girl? Totally is.

.... "for the second time in a row"

Rule 2 - once a user wins they can't win again for a whole year.....

She won't miss June twice in a row. I'm just here for the shitstorm but I thought that part was pretty obvious.

Yea she explained that part earlier . but the post does make that obvious. It says in a row which means no break..

What is PAWG? I'm assuming, from the pictures, that A stands for ass.

phat ass white girl

This is why we need mayocide

I like that sub. Phat fucking assed white sluts are almost as good as phat assed sissy QT 3.14 trap dickgirls with feminine boy cunts.

I like that sub. Phat fucking assed white sluts are almost as good as phat assed sissy QT 3.14 trap dickgirls with feminine boy cunts.

Not calling them by their proper name, bussy, reeeeeeeeeee!

Boi Pucci

In the future we'll have goggles that let us see people as they'll appear in 20 years. I can't tell if in Jewdank's case I'll see a corpse, or a manatee.

Only time will tell.

Manatee corpse, calling it now

!remindme 20 years

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God I've missed Jewdank Drama

That ass is not even remotely close to being phat.

She's not doing mayos any favors by promoting herself as one.

It's also covered in stupid tattoos.

The funniest part is how she covers them up in ever picture because she knows how trash they are

People loooove drama.

How is she even a PAWG? She's like 80 pounds with no visible ass. Something's rotten in the kingdom of PAWGmark.

What even in the fuck is actually going on? Who is this person?