Huge nuts lover freaks out when /r/publicFreakout users asks for a NSFW tag

11  2017-07-02 by -DeadHead-


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Are you okay?

What's wrong with that guy's balls, though?

synthol injections

Huh. An even stupider use of synthol than usual.

Isn't that what the drink in 10 forward in Star Trek tng instead of alcohol?

Idk, I'm not a huge nerd like you

absolutely nothing

Garbage mod deleted the post so no content for you.

Again? That's my second post here, second time everything gets deleted less than one hour after I post. I really have to love SnapshillBot...

The guy getting banned is a nice part of the drama though.

I am the guy that got banned lol.

Oops, didn't recognized your username. I feel for you, you were doing well.

you deleted that post and all your other posts after it was removed, you big baby. its extremely cute that youre throwing a tantrum on /r/PublicFreakout of all places but in all seriousness youre the worst kind of person on reddit and you have absolutely nothing to contribute. you will not be missed.

It got removed you fucking twat.

do i have something better to do than watch you freakout on reddit?
