Trailer parks, wifebeating, welfare fraud, research chemicals, drug-slipping, the county jail, and more collide in this tale of morans who took too many benzos.

77  2017-07-02 by snallygaster




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there's probably something wrong with the fact that I've read that post before

It's one of the top results for phenazepam, so no surprise. That shit is nasty.

Sounds like something that would be fun to dump in a water tower

Now I'm imagining putting into the coffee at work and watching middle age techies just out of their fucking minds.

This is exactly how I stereotype mayos near WV.

That entire tri-state area is an impoverished drug-filled shithole. The WV side is at least naturally beautiful, but around Mechanicsburg (where they probably live) has zero redeeming qualities. It's no surprise that people there turn to drugs

So this is why the townies around Ohio University were always so sketchy. Good to know.

What is this phenazapam stuff anyhow? One of those grey-market "nootropics" you can order from China?

It's a benzodiazepine like xanax but isn't federally scheduled.

Yeah, it's an unscheduled Soviet benzo with a long half-life and apparently much more hypnotic effect than most benzos. If you look it up on drug forums, there are some crazy stories. Ruining (or ending) your life with this stuff seems to be pretty common.

Oh fun. I tried a couple of those unscheduled Soviet "research chemicals," but I'm glad I missed this one.

n e stories?

Alas, no. Picamilon was pointless. Phenibut "worked" in the sense of making me feel like I had just been assimilated by the Borg; other people's horror stories about dependency turned me off it plus I think the feds might have scheduled it recently. Noopept was pretty groovy -- sort of the same relentless "go juice" effect as cocaine or amphetamines but without the goofball euphoria -- but, on the other hand, the hangovers were brutal.

Ultimately, I concluded that I could get better pills for less $$ from my local GP. Not very exciting, I know.

Phenibut is the lamest drug ever. Stops working after the first or second time you use it unless you start shoveling it down your throat, and then if you get hooked the withdrawals are apparently hellish. May as well just use benzos at that point; at least they actually do something.

Ultimately, I concluded that I could get better pills for less $$ from my local GP. Not very exciting, I know.

Better not to self-medicate anyway.

None of their drug taking sounded very appealing.

Crack is pretty good tbh

You aren't right but you aren't wrong.

Somehow I still had the phenazepam powder. I guess the cops never found it in my pocket or something. I don't have a clue.

lol, it's always the way. So bizarre it has to be true.

There is no paraphernalia charge in WV, but the cop lied and said he found a bag of dope as well.

See, this is what's wrong with our legal system. We've got a guy who is very confident that at that particular moment in the middle of his week-long blackout bender there didn't happen to be any drugs at all in his car. But instead the judges rely on the word of some cop.

Cop was probably trying to save his life.

Another classic story about this drug is The drug that ruined my life... in two weeks. It's fucking insane.

You mistyped the link! But man, this is a great story. That drug seems to be one of the more destructive ones. The reason I found this thread is because /u/aloudmouthbaby linked this story about how someone got hooked on and subsequently died from it.

Oops, thanks I fixed it.

/u/benjiii how's your life going now?

Oh man, what an experience reading through my post again. My life is terrific now. I'll have three years of sobriety in August, and I've resolved all the major issues in my life that were causing me to use drugs like phenazepam. I spend a lot of my spare time helping other addicts or alcoholics that are in as bad a place as I was. I'm so, so grateful that I'm not living my life like that anymore.

Good to hear. Care to share what those issues were? Do you still have memory problems or any other health effects?

Sure! I really hated myself and honestly believed that I was worth less than other people. So I was self-medicating so I could stand to be around people. I was living my life very impulsively and doing all the things I wanted to do, and that ends up bringing a lot of bad consequences. And then you just want to get more fucked up, because you hate yourself even more for being scummy. I found relief in a 12-step program. I really can't overstate what a fulfilling life I have today.

I had memory problems up until about the first year sober. They were compounded by the medication that I was put on in rehab. I still need to take care of the warrant in Vermont and the $520 speeding ticket in Massachusetts though. Those are the worst lasting effects of abusing phenazepam lol.

Congrats on getting sober!! That's no easy feat.

Then you aren't welcome here. Begone! And good luck

good for you! keep it up

Something Awful was all fun and games in the early 2000s when everyone was young, but now it's sad seeing Goons turn out exactly how you'd expect Goons to turn out.

Where could someone buy this if they wanted to?

Darkweb. You can buy anything drug-related on the various marketplaces. My brother even bought a bunch of mj plant leftovers that usually get thrown away after the buds have been removed. He uses it to make vaping liquid with thc. He thinks he's a real Heisenberg.

You'll just get it in the mail, very easily.

Be very very careful. Dark market dealers will happily send you a bag of stuff which will kill you instantly when you inhale the puff of power which comes out of the bag if you open it too violently.

Please just order normal benzos if you want to get high, valium is so cheap. Buying up wacky research chems is all fun and games until you're dead :'(

You seem sad :( ... Here's a picture/gif of a cat. Hopefully it'll cheer you up: The internet needs more cats. It's never enough..

fuck off toaster

I mean, reading this stuff it is already crazy as hell to use it, even when it is good stuff.

But most of the time there are ratings for the dealers. Someone with a five star rating is usually to be trusted.

Anyway, I won't advice anyone to do anything other than mj and shrooms lol

its not about the dealers sending you bad stuff or the wrong stuff, its about stuff being available thats insanely dangerous, with no labelling or guidance. all it takes is one lapse in judgement and thats it, which isnt difficult especially if someones been doing lots of drugs safely for years.

Yeah, like the dude in the OP. "I'm normally very responsible" while he does all kinds of drugs at the same time. It's good that you made the point, though. One stupid mistake and that could be it.

This thread and that thread...yikes that's some shit. Her poor dad

I shall save this link and show it to any foreigner who thinks the United States is Heaven on Earth. That'll keep them out & keep more drugs for myself!

I need more of stuff like this because I revel in other people's failure, so I can feel better about myself. Please help /u/snallygaster senpai.

Holy shit, this is beautiful! Thank you.

In 2 minutes there I find the experience of this brave explorer with a toothache who grew some plant instead of just going down to Walgreen's and buying some fucking Orajel. This asshole is definitely at the forefront of scientific inquiry.

What a fucking idiot, holy shit. Not only was it "some plant" but the one plant that will launch you into Hell for a few days

I am 23yrs. old, and I am very responsible with drugs.

Snally, please write the book. Please collect your best posts (all of them) and put them in a book, along with choice commentary from the sub. This is incredible.

I have had a few blackouts while mixing benzodiazepines with Alcohol before, but the worst up until this experience only lasted two days.

two days

now, personally, i would radically reassess my recreational drug intake if it caused me to blackout for multiple days, but that's just me


Well, here we go. First off I have to mention that at least 90% of this report is seen through the eyes of other people that I was around during the week long circus because I barely remember anything that happened. Also, there is no discerning the time frame in which these events took place except for the start, before I went to jail, and after I got out of jail. The stories told in between are in no particular order.

the start of any good story.

Blue light is always fun to read. Here's a collection of stimulant psychosis stories. Hallucinations, weapons and multi day jerk sessions!

These are awesome

Depraved junky stories are my favorite.

"My life is already fucked tbh I don't see how it could get any worse when I've already hit rock bottom going from flop house to flop house selling my pussy which is A1 btw, like I don't see how my life can get any worse? I was fucked from the start because of mental illness and am unable to lead any semblance of a "normal" life. I had a good thing going with this dude who loves me, but I ruined it because literally my personality is a disorder (BPD). I have nothing to lose and I honestly don't give a fuck anymore. The drugs are the only thing keeping me from killing myself honestly."

You mentioned that I may be way too young to "handle" drug use. First off, I am a drug addict. There is NO way to properly handle drug addiction while using or be a responsible junkie. I am going through a recovery process, and I am straightening out my life.

Somehow the person who had at least two separate blackouts that lasted multiple days by 23 is more self-aware than /r/opiates