SJW thinks ISIS is saving the gays from jumping off buildings (found on r/tumblrinaction)

43  2017-07-02 by LeFabulousFaggot


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Anyone know her SRS account

You're prob joking but this person was pretty well known on reddit.

really? what's her account

Active in gamerghazi.

>Active in ghazi

/u/zinniajones Of course the top mod of LGBT is a gay man hating bigot and rolls around in the shit with other garbage humans at Ghazi.

Apparently she was physically shaken with laci green revelation...amazing though not only are her own views garbage but shes part of a hate group like Ghazi that just exploits and abuses minorities like dehumanized tools. That's some selective outrage there.

First post on its profile is something related to messing with kids genitals. What vermin.

Her big thing on twitter seems to be how much of a rapist she is and how much she thinks if a man says no, it doesn't mean no, shes sexually entitled....tbh its genuinely fucking creepy how rapey her activism looks.

Doesn't surprise me. Just look at her That face has incel creep written all over it.

That hair is hers right, you can see the roots...why does it look so much like a cheap wig...ffs take care of your hair get some post dying conditioner, ew.

I know, I can't take this!

/u/zinniajones, girl, if you live anywhere near me I'll give you my good, expensive hair mask for free. You can't be walking around with them frizzy, damaged ends like that.

Top mod of r/lgbt. They're pretty open about their name, I thought they used to be fairly nice despite all the drama around that sub. Though this screenshot is dumb as bricks. High def inhumanity, hard to process for people.

She's from ghazi, so she's obviously retarded.

As if you can talk with that username.

I can because I'm better than they are.

But AltRight is full of faggots

Nothing wrong with that.

Not the good kind

That's pretty insulting to actual retarded people.

They need to make a new name for the fat hogs and nu-males that populate /r/GamerGhazi

How about we call them what they are, a genetic dead-end.

nah that would be me unless i have sibling i am unaware of (would not surprise me) i am infertile Hundreds of years of family ending at me because my dead has got shite DNA.

So that means I don't need a condom, right?

Eh? i'm a dude why would you not need a condom i still don't want stds maybe if its bareback night otherwise shove off.

It's for the best, future generations will be saved from sentences like these.

future generations? my husband is still getting a surogate so i atleast will have a son sometime maybe if we can be arsed.

No drama, fam. She's a fucking retard and resembles everything wrong with the modern left, but no drama.

It's the religion of peace. What else would they be doing?



I think not.

Meanwhile, Drumpf is actively encouraging people who lead LGBTQWERTYASDFA+ lifestyles to jump off buildings by siccing his mob of racist, sexist, virgin, anime-loving Hitlers on Planned Parenthood and CNN. He could learn a thing or two (or let's be serious, a lot more than two) from IS.

Any of us Betas could learn from ISIS, those guys are Alpha as fuck!

lol fuck