Two and a half game devs have a Twitter fight over who the biggest victim is

65  2017-07-03 by xjapxn




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This is old drama.

Also, Zoe Quinn and Randy are both retards.

life of drama moves fast, drama rapidly decreases in value as it ages.

We talking about drama or Zoe?

implying zoe had any value to begin with


More like two game devs, and a shitty web developer.

The Aristocrats.

So three shitty developers?

Two devs and a cunt.

Don't talk about /u/notchx like that!

I'm more triggered by implying Quinn is a dev then calling notch a cunt.

Who would be triggered by u/xNotch being called a cunt

Randy "BADASS" Pitchfork


The guy is an amateur magician and plays acoustic guitar.

He's one fanny pack away from being that sperglord no one talked to in middle school.

Pitchford is a con-artist and owes me 60 bucks.

Bought Colonial Marines on launch huh?

I sure did. Boy, I was bamboozled

Head of an anti-harassment organization tells people to quit whining about their harassment.

I really want to laugh about it, this is the kind of thing you would think would have to be parody but it's not. and time and time again they fail to (choose to) not see how insane this is...worse then that anyone who then criticises these people are "bigots/nazis/altright" or whatever. I know the cult meme is over used but what other way is there to discribe this insane level of blindness.

She also took a lot of donations for a hotline then shut it down after a month.

Probably couldn't stand all the whining and people hung up after she made every call all about her.

She posted a fiction story about murdering me. My child read it - that's how I found out about it. In person later, she did not apologize.

  • Randy Pitchford

Spiderman recruits the help of Anita Sarkeesian

WTFQ? And she is still stupid enough to leave this in her official tumblr? Just how much of an imbecile is she?

The gamergate thing is now entering its twilight phase, and the attention it gets is so small that the in fighting is becoming intense. Given a few more years, and they will have to start making music about it, just to keep it alive.

Who reads gaming websites anyway, just look at your preferred outlets release list, because at least that isn't a paid for advert.

This is only tangentially related to gamergate

Randy Pitchford was a producer or director on some of my favorite game like Borderlands,Half life 1 Expansions and Brothers in Arms.That being said the only thing i know about Zoe Quinn is that she is some fucking cunt who uses her gender as an excuse for not being a successful developer.

And Yeah,Screw Randy Pitchford for Colonial Marines.

"Hey guys I'm not a woman or a man, I'm agender"

two seconds later

"HELP I'm being harassed because I'm a woman online!"

When your game could have been made in 1986.

My nephew,who is a 7th Grader can make a Text based choice game.Guess who is a Game Developer?

Now I really want to see a sitcom, in which Quinn, Pitchford and Notch share an appartment.

  • Zoe? Did you drink all the milk again?
  • Ugh! Stop harassing me!

Notch brings back Five Guys. Zoe is disappointed to find it's only hamburgers.

Some say she uses it because she doesn't know how to put down the fork. Others say it's because she's aging worse than GamerGate. What everyone agrees on is that she's no longer hot enough for even desperate nerds to start an internet war over.

The corset thing she's got going on for the cover of that "book" is pure comedy.

Honestly, I'm jealous. That looks so comfy. They literally do nothing all day. They don't actually work to make a living. They're 30 year old children. I wish I had no real responsibilities again.

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Twitter's continual refusal to die means either they're doing something useful with all this petty bullshit data somehow or that VC's just personally hate me, or they hate themselves. All pretty equally likely.

Giving Zoƫ Quinn attention in the year of our lord 2017

OP come on.

Like I shouldn't post drama just cause it involves someone you don't like?

This isn't KiA, I can give e-celebs attention if I wanna