Trannies invade /r/conspiracy
38 2017-07-03 by flipkt
Drama scattered all over between the invading trannies and resident conspiratards.
Full thread 1: There is psychological evidence to suggest that Trans and non binary are a mental illness.
/u/BrandonMarlowe is definitely not offended
Should all confused 4 year olds be given harmone blockers just to be safe?
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-07-03
Have you posted bussy yet?
This Post -,*,,
There is psychological evidence to ... -,*,,
Is a tranny offended? -,*,,
/u/BrandonMarlowe is definitely not... -,*,,
The whole idea of being born the wr... -,*,,
Should all confused 4 year olds be ... -,*,,
Was Hitler a socialist? -,*,,
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
LOL, lame butthurt. Who is invading? I've been there for a while.
Any fourteen year old "trannies have a mental illness" will get stomped.
n/a LanceUpercut 2017-07-03
You're so mad you're trying to argue with the bot now?
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
Making a statement, dumbass. You really think you were clever to figure out that it was a bot.
n/a LanceUpercut 2017-07-03
Imagine being this upset
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
Yeah I would find it hard to finish my sentences.
n/a crimsonchibolt 2017-07-03
want bussy? eh sure
n/a boyoyoyoyong 2017-07-03
Getting your dick cut off, thinking 4 year olds understand gender and should be given hormone blockers not mental illness. For once conspiracy is right
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
So much confusion and strawman peddling in one tiny post. Bravo!
n/a boyoyoyoyong 2017-07-03
Who's confused, I think it's the ones who think cutting off their dicks who are confused.
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
Look, I know you mindlessly force feed yourself this crap but the same person is rarely thinking that they want SRS and think "4 year olds understand gender and should be given hormone blockers". Further, psychologists think Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness only to the extent and in the sense that it troubles the sufferer mentally. There is no implication of delusion.
If you love the humiliation of being explained repeatedly how these things you spout are just embarrassingly wrong, just keep posting and I'll keep smacking you.
n/a boyoyoyoyong 2017-07-03
Your definition of humiliation is really loose, just like the hole they put in between your legs to simulate a vagina. I'm a dude who thinks I'm a woman isn't mental illness, probably should let the schizos know the voices they are hearing are real. Please Keep Yourself Safe we know how trannies like to try to kill themselves
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
I'm not dysphoric, monkey boy. I'll cock slap your bitch face all night long. I know you are dreaming of it and begging for it. I know your appetite for humiliation is much greater than I can dish out.
Please Keep Yourself Safe. Bullies will be dismantled.
n/a boyoyoyoyong 2017-07-03
Oh so you're dating a tranny, when did you realize he wasn't a real women. Did you see a picture of Samantha from when he was Sam or did you finally figure out when you saw the lube bill that you banging a flesh wound.
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
Hahaha! Butthurt fourteen year old in full cry. I realized it when your dad cried out "DESTROY ME YOU BIG HUNK OF A MAN !!!".
n/a boyoyoyoyong 2017-07-03
It's ok we won't judge you for your taste in men or that you're arguing with a bot and drama shitposter. You really need to work on your insults though, they're almost as pathetic as white knighting for trannys.....almost.
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
You know I didn't start this. Come out of the closet. You know you want it. What is your hysteria about "trannies". Methinks the ... Ahem ... lady doth protest too much.
n/a boyoyoyoyong 2017-07-03
Nah, man I like the bussy, no interest in a flesh wound. Don't worry though once Carl gets the hormones and his penis removed you can finally be together and it won't be gay like it is now.
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
Now chant that to yourself a hundred times. Nobody will notice you have "tranny", "penis", "gay", "flesh wound" all over your posts and you can't seem to stop.
Announce you availability, closet boy. Post some more.
n/a boyoyoyoyong 2017-07-03
Why I've got a live one reeeing left and right defending the honor of trannys, I've got a drama posters dream in you. What I'm saying is you complete me. I know you're unavailable but tell me about him. Is he pre op or post, what types of lube do you use, water or oil based? Do you think this would be a good gift for your wedding with carlina
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
I know you miss your daddy but I can't help you keep in touch with him, dear. No mention of "penis", "gay" but you still have "tranny" and all sorts of insatiable curiosity. You are learning fast, but not fast enough.
You miss your daddy, don't you. Your time will come too, dear. You just gravitate naturally to "Drama". Hahaha! Meanwhile hide here in /r/Drama and act tough. Nobody will see through it.
Keep posting.
n/a boyoyoyoyong 2017-07-03
You seem obsessed with the idea of people acting tough on the internet, do you think if I go to another subreddit I will be assaulted through my tablet screen, I hate to break it to you but that isn't possible although they could ban me. Your obsession with daddy is weird, is it a pet name Carl, or is it Carlina calls you?
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
Aww, you learned your lesson. No "tranny" in your post. But you used "obsessed" twice. You are still being stupid, but we'll sort this out. See, me mentioning your pathetic attempts to be tough, on /r/Drama, no less, does not amount to an obsession. You going on about trans people on the other hand ... People notice things, y'know.
n/a boyoyoyoyong 2017-07-03
You've been lying to me this whole time. "Why would I be a closet homosexual when I am out as trans? You seem to be obsessed with queer people" I thought we had a better relationship then that, I'm deeply hurt that you led me to believe you weren't a tranny. Now it all makes sense, stalking the tards in conspiracy, heading over to shitpost central to argue with bussy loving autists. So are you a dude who's larping as a lady or a lady cosplaying a man.
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
Whatever I am, I got a throbbing boner for your wild, wet mouth and you are giving me all the right signals.
n/a boyoyoyoyong 2017-07-03
I'm glad you've proven my point on trannys being mentally ill. It's the only excuse for someone who is a tranny so vehemently defending trannys whenever someone speaks negatively about them, no matter the sub. Do you guys have like a group, where along with tracking subs who mention the word tranny you share estrogen tablets, tips on how to trick guys into sleeping with you and how to keep the hole between your legs from healing itself.
n/a John_Ketch 2017-07-03
It's okay, we don't judge homosexuals anymore, it's 2017. It's just a little sad that you're insecure in you
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
n/a Stuntman119 2017-07-03
Why was this downvoted
is quality post
n/a an_ordinary_canadian 2017-07-03
Actually the open wounds they call vaginas* need to be constantly dilated or they will heal shut. Because, you know, they're just open wounds.
* how much must you hate women to think that an open wound lined with skin of your dick is actually a vagina?
n/a Nechaev 2017-07-03
It really seems like they have a special irc/discord/whatever where they monitor threads and post their copypasta whenever these topic come up.
The funny thing is that others have tried similar tactics with things like certain crime statistics and they usually don't last very long on reddit.
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
I thought the same too. No way that many trannies descended on those threads organically in /r/conspiracy of all places, considering they have a large base of altright/t_ders etc. and all the pro tranny copypastas were highly upvoted.
n/a ThatDamnedImp 2017-07-03
It seems like a lot of groups are like this, honestly. Feminists, red-pillers, cops, CPS workers all definitely have some kind of monitoring going on. You can't mention any of them without a couple dozen people pouring in to defend them.
Reddit needs to get its shit together, tbh. Every company run by millennials comes off as if it's run by unprofessional autists with an ax to grind. Business is about making money, not history, you fucking retards.
n/a Namenamenamenamena 2017-07-03
Probably, but I see it way more often with trans issues than anything else. Might just be that they're blatant and unashamed while other groups try to blend in
n/a Isolatedwoods19 2017-07-03
CPS workers don't have a budget for coffee, how the fuck would they monitor anything.
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
No dickhead. Nobody wants the same lame crap on /r/conspiracy. It has fuck all to do with /r/conspiracy.
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
You keep posting insults and phrases related to dicks a lot in this thread. Calling people dicks and dickheads, asking me not to be a dick and on and on. Why are you so obsessed with dicks? Are you post op? Do you miss your dick?
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
You sad little bitch. Got stomped on /r/conspiracy. Trying to save face here with childish insults. You have a thing for "trannies" don't you? Come out of the closet baby.
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
Worrying trend of phrases used by a self professed predatory sexual deviant.
n/a John_Ketch 2017-07-03
It's because /u/BrandonMarlowe is a closet homosexual who fucks delusional trannies. Poor him.
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
Why would I be a closet homosexual when I am out as trans?
/u/John_Ketch points fingers, but fingers point back at him.
n/a John_Ketch 2017-07-03
So you're literally a mentally ill tranny? Okay, I don't have any spare Zyklon B on me, you're gonna have to wait in line
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
LOL. Zyklon B. So melodramatic. Go away you lightweight.
n/a John_Ketch 2017-07-03
Keep sperging all over the thread friend, I know you need to release all those years of blocked hormones somewhere.
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
What parts of your body did you cut off and throw away? Did you perhaps cut and throw away your penis for example?
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
Heh, you didn't "snore" to the hundreds of comment replies you made in this thread where you thought you could shoehorn about how awesome being a tranny is.
n/a Namenamenamenamena 2017-07-03
Ftm, right? You came off as a salty little bitch and between that and the name I was imagining some sad loser who thinks he looks like Marlon Brando but really looks like a scrawny teenage boy with a chin recessed past your teeth.
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
Laughably wrong, apart from the part about me looking like Brando. Your imagination is like a cesspool that a dog just took a steaming dump in. You touch yourself at night dreaming of FTMs with chins recessed past their teeth raping your ass while you beg for more.
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
Can you literally not help yourself from being offensive? This is /r/Drama, not /r/ImARetardWhoNeedsValidation.
n/a RoboHooker 2017-07-03
found the offended tranny
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
I'm cis, tyvm.
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
Sorry if I offended you. I'm honestly not trying to be edgy or offensive. Is there an acceptable word that describes all male to female to male lesbian bi gay transsexual people? I used trannies as a fit-all description to refer to them as a group since they are the source of the drama, no offense intended.
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
Fair enough. Usually the terminology is just "trans".
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
How would you title this post, if hypothetically you were to post it? "Trans invades /r/conspiracy" or "Trans people invade /r/conspiracy" doesn't sound right and certainly doesn't have any ring to it.
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
I'd go with the second one tbh. You could also make some joke about triangles or something in the title to go with the conspiracy thing. I'm trying to think of a good joke at the moment, but am coming up blank.
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
That's lame tbh. I tried, but I guess I'll be forced to use trannies to refer to them till they come up with a catchy name for themselves. Offending them would be a bonus as far as I care about giving a shit about what some suicidal trannies find offensive on the internet.
Ok. Apology accepted.
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
No, you aren't. Unless you are too retarded to think of something better.
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
Everyone IRL not part of some online tranny feminist group refer to trannies as well, trannies. Cutting your dick and applying make up doesn't make you a woman and you'll be called a tranny. Sorry, you can't moderate the real world.
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
No, you are wrong. Being a cunt on purpose is really not how most people act, but its okay, maybe your social skills class didn't teach you that.
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
Have you perhaps considered that some people don't act online like they do in real life? Like, they could have a pseudonymous profile on a news aggregator website that has no relation to how they act irl? It may come as a shock to someone living their entire life online, so I know where you come from.
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
That really doesn't make your idiotic comments any better. In fact, it just makes you a coward.
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
Lol they're objectively not idiotic.
Wow, I don't know how to respond to this massive burn.
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
Yes they are.
I was responding you going around saying you act different on the internet.
n/a lunchza 2017-07-03
what happens if you're a cunt online and a cunt irl?
n/a Ls777 2017-07-03
Then you are at least an honest cunt
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
I do. I would probably buy you food instead of dropping dollars if I ever saw you IRL. Here, I'd say fuck you and get raped by trannies.
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
Same here tbh.
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
Same here. The internet does enable us to all be assholes to one another. Idk though, I like to try and not be as offensive. The trans people I am friends with are really nice to hang around and talk with. I don't really see the point in being rude to someone over something they can't control.
That is all. Have a nice day.
n/a John_Ketch 2017-07-03
ahwww bebby's first internet
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
How about "Edgy 14 year old gets smacked by /r/conspiracy while being tiresome and disruptive. Runs around crying trying to save face". Too long for your exquisite tastes?
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
You're a regular member of /r/conspiracy? I don't see you in that sub before that thread. How did you find that thread?
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
I have been browsing and occasionally posting for a long time. Don't be a dick. There is nothing shocking about trans people being on /r/conspiracy or anywhere else.
Besides, a lot of people hate bullies and disruptive elements. "Trannies are mentally ill" isn't exactly /r/conspiracy material. The upboted negative response to the post in question was a natural reaction from /r/conspiracy. It wasn't a brigade. The brigade was the morons showing up later and harassing people personmally and posting to /r/Drama etc. Why the fuck would regular /r/conspiracy posters do that? Going to the mods would be the right thing to do.
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
Oh, so you've been browsing /r/conspiracy for a years and didn't post or comment there till some tard said something about trannies?
Yeah. Totally expected except weren't they supposed to be nazis/altright?
That clears it. Since you are a regular contributor in that sub, you would know.
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
Read shithead. "Posting occasionally". You realize that you can have multiple accounts on Reddit, right?
Take your pathetic raggedy ass back to t__d. Little bitch.
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
You do realize that language like this refers to jailbait right? FYI, this would not help people overcome the public image of trannies being men acting up as women hungry to prey on children.
n/a BrandonMarlowe 2017-07-03
Aww you poor baby, you try so hard. Go back to your t__d safe space closet boy. You are not going to salvage your self respect. You know you got reamed. Goodbye.
n/a John_Ketch 2017-07-03
Dude, you're not even convincing yourself of your lies. This is sad girl.
n/a rarestpepesforsale 2017-07-03
Are you sure? I don't think they're doing a very good job of passing as a conspiracy contributor.
n/a Cloacalla_Festival 2017-07-03
Usually the terminally is "mentally ill trannies"
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
Grow up.
n/a Cloacalla_Festival 2017-07-03
I can't, I'm on hormone blockers
n/a no_frills 2017-07-03
n/a John_Ketch 2017-07-03
n/a yonicthehedgehog 2017-07-03
this thread really brought up all edgelords out of the woodwork
n/a John_Ketch 2017-07-03
You mean the smuglords and crybabies. Never seen this many sensitive bebbies on /r/drama
n/a IAintThatGuy 2017-07-03
> Can you literally not help yourself from being offensive? This is /r/Drama, not /r/ImARetardWhoNeedsValidation.
n/a John_Ketch 2017-07-03
Is this your first day on /r/drama or are you just excessively sensitive about trannies?
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
No, it isn't.
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
n/a John_Ketch 2017-07-03
So you just can't resist defending trannies? I mean, if stopping people call self mutilators names is how you get your jollies off, I canmt judge. Even mentally ill people deserve
lovea gassing.n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
Are you trying to say that I'm morally inferior because I'm not name-calling and generally acting like a teenager who just went on /pol/ for the first time?
If so, then I'm okay with that.
n/a John_Ketch 2017-07-03
No, you're genetically inferior due to being the product of inbred hicks who should have been shot at the local rundown 7/11 before they procreated. You're morally inferior because you're a smug, unlikeable piece of trash? Do you understand now, baby?
n/a WokeAsFuck 2017-07-03
Isn't "retard" offensive as well?
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
"Retard" hasn't been used medically to describe people with a low IQ for a while now.
n/a WokeAsFuck 2017-07-03
Yeah nice try:
Is tranny used medically? Would tranny be ok if in my circles it wasn't offensive? Because it isn't really.
There's tons more evidence for your guilt see here.
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
The difference is that "tranny" is used to be purposefully offensive, while "retard" is often just used as synonym for dumb, stupid, or what have you.
If I called a person with a low IQ in the range that was considered retarded, retarded, yeah it'd probably be offensive.
n/a WokeAsFuck 2017-07-03
Where tranny is used for transexuals, transgendered and drag queens as an insult, retard is used for anyone with a physical/mental disability.
Like how "Chink" isn't just used for Chinese but Koreans, Japs etc.
This is a case of the line being where you find things offensive, but fuck everyone else's sensibilities.
You just met people who are the same but with a line that doesn't stop at "tranny."
n/a TotesMessenger 2017-07-03
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)
n/a nomad1c 2017-07-03
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
n/a crimsonchibolt 2017-07-03
oh yay AHS is talking about us Hi lowly fags i am your highlord of faggotry telling you to Feck off.
n/a justcool393 2017-07-03
n/a crimsonchibolt 2017-07-03
fine ill delete the fucking comment
n/a DannyLee90 2017-07-03
n/a crimsonchibolt 2017-07-03
yes i am and i will gladly hide behind my daddy.
n/a ThatDamnedImp 2017-07-03
Brigading: a grave crime against humanity whenever anyone but a feminist does it.
n/a flipkt 2017-07-03
That's a massive strawman you've erected. I don't know how to bring it down.
n/a Miguk_Saram 2017-07-03
This is the farthest I've yet seen the term "neoconservative" get stretched.
n/a rarestpepesforsale 2017-07-03
Besides, everyone knows the only neo here is neoprene.
How else can you showcase a bussy? (Made safer for work, Japan style.)
n/a Cloacalla_Festival 2017-07-03
There is psychological evidence to suggest that Trans and non binary are a mental illness.
n/a MarchForCucks 2017-07-03
I would like to pass a motion to officially change the name "Bussy" to "Boi Pucci".
All in favor?
n/a ozkazuo 2017-07-03
good bot
n/a pizzashill 2017-07-03
Is the education system in America actually this bad? Why is this such a common belief with conservatives?