T_D linked to kotakuinaction! Gamergate was worse than the holocaust!

51  2017-07-03 by sirbadges


Now with added cancer!


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You know what pisses me off most about GamerGate? My generation grew up where girls weren't interested in games, and you had to really downplay being into games. We worked really hard to change that so now girls are really getting into mainstream gaming

And what do they do? They whine about muh feminism.

/u/Malphael doesn't seem to realise that the girls who "weren't interested in games" grew up to become the feminists who run around calling gamers gross neckbeards. They're never going to play games with you, and they're never going to fuck you.

Grow the fuck up kid.

For starters, most feminist critique of games comes from female gamers and female developers. Their concerns aren't that male gamers are gross; their concerns are with how women are represented in games and in the industry.

Their concerns aren't that male gamers are gross; their concerns are with how women are represented in games and in the industry.

God you are the cutest.

Uh huh, keep on with your toxic bullshit. It doesn't matter to me, but do you not see how embarrassing your behavior is right now? You're getting butthurt about feminist video gamers? For real?

Its juvenile at best, malicious at worst.

I will say it is one of the greatest things about growing up and out of that gamer identity, that you get to step back an see just how juvenile, misogynistic, mean, and gullible the subculture is.

God you are the cutest.

Its juvenile at best, malicious at worst.

Exactly what I was thinking about your narcissistic ignorant behavior. Just like 99% of those "feminist critiques" you mention, mostly though it's just outright malicious in its intent and throwing the "other" under a bus.

They seem far more concerned that male gamers were having fun without their approval.

gamer identity

in all seriousness, anyone who based a significant part of their identity on their consumption of products should go hop the fence at the tiger exhibit


So you remind yourself they're just like you?

Sure, whatever makes you feel better kid

You've said "kid" in 75% of your posts in this thread which pretty much proves you're under 21.

Moreover you're obsessing about gamergate. The proof couldn't be more obvious than daytime.

He just spends a lot of time talking to underaged kids, it's comes naturally.

Oh so he rolls with /u/Prince_Kropotkin?

No I'm pretty much well into my 30s, I just loathe you little twat waffles so much.

I'm actually older than you. And find you to be amazingly retarded.

Somehow I'll live. Enjoy your miserable life mate.

Why do you project so hard? Does it help you?

When everyone you encounter is an asshole, you're the actual asshole.

"Damn those people who don't like left-wing politics forcibly stifling creativity and innovation"

Feelings mutual I hate twat waffles like you so much, how does it feel though that you're kind of twat waffle pushed me away from the likes of you? Don't get me wrong kia is filled with twat waffles the same as you lot but no matter how much some moron on the right claims being gay is evil I still could never stand to be stood next to cunts like you who pretend to be progressive and are so utterly full of shit in every which way. And no amount of being called a SJW identity politicing fascist by one side or conservative alt right nazi by the other is going to change that (shocking right, calling someone a nazi doesn't make bigotry go away, especially when used to dismiss criticism of a garbage ideology). All you twat waffles are the same, though ultimately I just find something so insane about the tactics and denial of your ilk the pretend progressivism while pushing so many backwards arse narratives to be far less palatable and frankly just plain insidious in nature then some harmless retard on KiA sperging out over them adding color to runescape (but hey at least unlike you lot they will call out bad practices like having Trans characters deadname themselves, you lot are all to scared to offend your "progressive" allies so give a pass to exploitative and harmful representations of minorities).

You know that feminist guy who they just arrested for being a pedo? This is the guy's future.

Feminism is flawless. Those people who have been seen sharing meals with popular feminists figures and supporting them for years have never been "real feminists", stop trying to paint feminism as bad!


probably more true then you realised

As someone who has been a proud gamer for decades, GamerGate feels like such an utter fucking BETRAYAL by people who share my hobby.

same victimhood over her precious gamer identity from 2 years ago. So yeah what a shock both sides are as a garbage as each other.

How does it feel to try so hard to dismiss all contrary points, even ones backed with with more then "Oh no brigade!" but an actual reasoned (even if impatient because I have no more patience for the likes of you, tried it multiple times, tried having dialogue and all you lot can be is cunts) response. To trivialises others, dehumanize and even misrepresent and try to bully (gaslight) anyone that doesn't sit and emphatically nod their head to whatever garbage you and your Trash heap Queen puts out?

People do that with music, and many other hobbies that you have to "buy" into. Same difference.

This is so problematic.


It's not the rest of the worlds fault that you were a total arsehole back when you """identified""" as a gamer.

Hi... I hope this isn't too forward but... Will you date me? There is something amazing, powerful, and kawaii(cute) about the way you get angry about nothing. I think it shows how strong of a person you are, and I want you to bring that strength with you into the bedroom, and beyond that, into my ass via your powerful 14-inch nubbly bad dragon phallo-belt. DM me if you're interested. XOXO ;)

Only if you agree that my hatsune-miku body pillow can join.

/u/Jarvak69 nice one mate, you're getting a threesome.

Grow the fuck up kid.

Big talk from a guy who forms his entire political identity around his desire to get laid.

For starters, most feminist critique of games comes from female gamers and female developers.


Their concerns aren't that male gamers are gross

Why do you think their go-to insult is "neckbeard", retard? The claims of sexism are just there to add a veneer of legitimacy. At core, they're overgrown teenage girls who are annoyed that the guys they used to mock for playing video games are now more successful than they are.

Big talk from a guy who forms his entire political identity around his desire to get laid

there are other reasons to care about politics?

Do it for the memes

We can give up. He thinks Anita makes some good points. Lost cause.

No their "concern" is using video games as a vehicle for pushing debunked feminist dogma and identity politics. You just have look at what they actually say and do, and be honest about it.


It was never about improving gaming, it was about co-opting it to push cultural change no one wanted. Even autistic gamer's recognized this and immediately showed you the door and you're salty as all hell about it years later.

Get over it kid. Feminism exists to perpetuate itself, it doesn't represent woman it represents itself.

and be honest

But if he did that he wouldn't have an argument.

their concerns are with their bank account

FIFY. You kid yourself if you think 90% of those fucks give a fuck about anyone but themselves.

Really? Care to link any of this criticism by female developers?

And please note that playing mobile games does not make someone a gamer, it only means that they own a phone.

I'll look it up when I get home, off the top of my head though I remember a story about female devs getting upset at a conference about comments made by male colleagues. There was also that incident with the writer for bioware.

Also, see that phone argument is bs. Why is someone who plays pokemon go or clash of clans not a gamer?

Is someone who occasionally plays put-put golf, a "golfer"?


Okay, then would you say that people who exclusively play putt putt golf, would through this experience somehow have a more insightful opinion how regular golf should be played?

Sure, I mean at the very least they would have a lot of input on short game and putting.

Your analogy is really strained however, because you're trying to contast two different games.

Mobile vs. PC. Vs. Console is about platform though, not the games themselves.

I mean, should people who play the nintendo switch not be treated as gamers?

Should handheld gamers be treated the same?

Its a silly argument, a game is a game, no matter the platform.

They aren't playing the same games though. Candy-crush is not the same game as Skyrim. The games that people buy consoles or computers to play, are not the ones that people can play casually on their cell phones.

Let's come at it from a different direction: Would you call people who fly remote-controlled helicopters, "helicopter pilots"? Would you say they would have valid input how actual helicopters should be built or flown, merely due to the fact that they control toy copters remotely?

I mean, both are flying helicopters, just one is a toy and the other is transportation. They are both "piloting" them, just one remotely and one from a cockpit.

So they are surely both helicopter pilots, and people who fly toy helicopters definitely have valid criticisms on how actually helicopters are built, right?

You equating the Switch with mobile games like Candy Crush shows me that you're not a gamer yourself. GTFO with your bullshit.

Also, sexual harassment of women in heavily male industries is definitely an issue, but hardly one unique to the gaming industry - or even the tech industry in general.

Rather, can you link female developers criticizing how women are portrayed in video games? This conversation is better served by focusing on issues specific to the gaming industry.

Sure, I'll respond as a separate comment when I can.

Look gamergate is retardes but playing phone only games doesn't make you well versed in videogames. Its like watching only Marvel movies a couple of times a year and then thinking you know a lot about film as an art form.

Nobody said anything about being well well-versed, we were talking about whether or not it's valid for them to have input into it.

Watching a few Marvel films certainly doesn't make you an expert in that you are correct. But it doesn't mean that you can't have an opinion and offer input.

Hell I would say that the input from mobile Gamers is more valuable than the input from traditional Gamers right now because right now the mobile industry is huge. Hearthstone has more of an impact on shaping the industry right now than AAA titles.

Depends what you wanna achieve. I thought we were talking from the artistic aspect. I don't even like the label gamer because it got so politicized.

Now, you can have an opinion but if we are talking about videogames as an artistic medium someone playing idle phone games has little to give to the medium. Like the Marvel example, those movies make money but they aren't really pushing the medium in any really interesting way. A person who watches marvel movies once in a while is not a film buff, a person who reads only one book a year is not a bookworm and a person who casually plays phone games isn't a gamer. Unfortunately the label like i said has become so stupidly politicized that the label should probably change.

I'll look it up when I get home

Mom said no internet until you finish cleaning up the mess you made in her underwear drawer.

I remember a story about female devs getting upset at a conference about comments made by male colleagues.

Are you thinking of Donglegate (and yes, adding "gate" onto things needs to die), where two dudes got berated (one fired) because a woman in tech PR (who also got fired) basically put them on blast on the internet by taking and releasing their picture and claiming they're evil because they made a joke about how the word "dongle" sounds funny and like a dick privately between eachother while in an audience at a conference?

Also, see that phone argument is bs. Why is someone who plays pokemon go or clash of clans not a gamer?

I think it's meaningful to make a distinction between someone who fucks around with apps on their phone and someone who spends a lot of money on serious gaming rigs and modern actual games. There are serious differences in what those two different consumer groups want, how they think, how they view themselves and how they behave, so lumping both under the term gamer is a bit silly especially since gamer usually boils down into meaning "relatively serious gaming hobbyist", has been used to describe that later group for a long time, and most of those phone-game folk don't identify with the term.

Have you ever donated to Anita Scameesian?

No, but I watched a few of her videos. She made some good points, but I didn't like how she presented overall. I was especially not happy with the whole argument about sexism and violence against women in the Hitman game, as that was straight up disingenuous and really undermined any good points she was trying to make.

I don't really hate her though and the threats she was getting baffles me to this day.

So you're a sexist goobergator? Don't you know that criticising her means you're literally the same as anyone who sends her death threats and all goobergators do that?

Just ugh. Gross.

Oh fuck right off mate, I tried to give you a serious answer, and thats your response?

You know why you get lumped in with ones sending the death threats? Cause you all hang out in the fucking same place and make the same fucking arguments.

If you don't want to be associated with that shit, then why the fuck would you hang out there!? Go make a new sub or some shit.

Is the same shit with other Republican bullshit whining. Sure, you, an individual may not be a racist, but you sure do hang out with a ton of racists and consume the same media, and make toned down versions of racist arguments, so wtf are people supposed to think?

If you don't want people to think you're a huge prick, one of the best things you can do is stop hanging out with pricks

Where do you think you are right now?

You know why you get lumped in with ones sending the death threats? Cause you all hang out in the fucking same place and make the same fucking arguments.

Does this mean you're a rapist and a pedophile? You associate with rapists and pedophiles and use their arguments.

You forgot homophobic and transphobic.

Since their queen loves the likes of Meghan Murphy and Germaine Greer, not to mention has said some really bigoted tone deaf things over the years. Ironic really these lot scream "conservative" at everyone who doesn't agree with them mean while they've been funding conservative feminism. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Fucking misogynist.

the threats she was getting baffles me to this day.

I feel like half the time that's 1 part crazy people who legitimately care far too much about video games, 3 part trolls fucking with her because she makes such a huge public deal about the harassment she receives (if you complain about people saying mean stuff to you online mean people are gonna say mean stuff to you) and 8 parts she's a big public figure on the internet that talks about a controversial topic (gender issues) which guarantees you're gonna get some absurd hate.

This isn't to say it's shitty that she receives threats, it's just to say it isn't an issue unique to her, and her trying to become the face of people harassed on the internet and making her complaining about it part of her public persona is a bit silly or maybe even a conscious brand positioning effort as it gets her a good deal of attention and provides an easy way to dismiss critics because they were too vitriolic in their otherwise legitimate criticism (which shows she's a good marketer, and I can respect that).

You do realize that some of the most iconic early games were developed and written by female devs? As someone who is so pro-female gamers you must know that Roberta Williams is widely considered a pioneer in the gaming industry. You don't just conveniently ignore her importance to get your part across which is, ironically, that women aren't represented in the gaming industry do you?

Revisionist history includes denying the scale of the Holocaust. Does this mean that by the transitive property, Ghazi denies the Holocaust?

Well, at the very least they probably deny Holodomor.

Didn't happen. But if it did, the kulaks deserved it. But it didn't happen.

God, I wish it had.

My ancestors were kulaks and my grandmother still remembers the hunger.

Fucking American commies.

Yank commies are the worst kind


Their concerns aren't that male gamers are gross

You're right; they think that all gamers are gross.

Oh my god why are you so frustrated?

Yeah, especially women like St. Anita, who doesn't even play video games and steals gameplay footage from Youtubers. I'm a woman, who has been gaming since 8 years old. People like her do not represent female gamers, they represent retard outrage culture, and can go fuck themselves.

Their concerns aren't that male gamers are gross; their concerns are with how women are represented in games and in the industry.

Summed up with "TNA and violence aganst women NPCs is bad."

Anyone who disagrees is gross. I miss when that was Christianity because it was less blasphemous to tell them "fuck off."

grew up to become the feminists who run around calling gamers gross neckbeards.

They did that when they were young as well, it's just that they didn't grow up and still do it as adults.

I mean, they are gross neckbeards though.

Yeah but, so are the feminists.

Anita is a cutie.

Haven't seen her in a while?

She was slightly above average before she put on the weight.

The people who tried to get everyone, no matter how disinterested, into games are precisely the problem. A lot of then went on to become "tech journalists" and write for Kotaku or some other blog. They were never gamers and never will be but got sold on the "it's okay to be causal and only like really bad games!" mentality. Because their friends didn't hold them to a standard, they just wanted other people to like games so they felt validated in their interest.

If gamers had been more selective, the industry would be in a much better place for everyone now. Except publishers, I guess, who would have to put effort into games.

Bending over backwards to shoot yourself in the foot is precisely why guys like him started being called "cucks". Going out of your way to act against your own self-interest, and for no particularly good reason (forcing your hobby on others) is retarded.

It's okay to be casual and like games that you think are really bad. It's not a way of life, it's fucking video games

It's okay to be casual and like games that you think are really bad.

And it's okay to be casual and like reading pamphlets, but that doesn't mean you get to dictate what authors can and can't write.

I mean, if you're a substantial portion of the gaming market it sure does!

But they aren't a substantial portion of income for most of the gaming market.

Lumping in Itunes games with actual developer games is a joke, and it's the biggest reason people who disagree with you simply won't listen to you. It makes you sound dishonest. Candy Crush is nothing like Elder Scrolls, and they just don't belong in the same category any more than television and movies do. They operate on entirely different formats.

kek, all this REEE at pointing out that the market determines what gets made

people who disagree with you simply won't listen to you. It makes you sound dishonest

who is "you." do you think I'm a ghazier or some shit? you're shouting at all this shit I didn't say.

It's not okay to have no standard a, not is it okay to invite people to a community they won't adapt to.

It's not a way of life, it's fucking video games

Eh, for some, their hobbies are their way of life.

But it's okay for other people to live their life differently, mostly, so long as they don't force everyone else to 1) accept those differences as 'good' or 2) force everyone to adopt those differences.

In my 20s, I had sympathy for SJWs because they sounded like they just wanted to live their lives, and it seemed like conservatives wanted to stop them. But now...it's obvious that SJWs were always about ramming their bullshit down our throats, they were always about taking things from other people, they were always about control. And perhaps the conservatives simply noticed that before the rest of us did.

"it's okay to be causal and only like really bad games!"

It actually is, tbh. People can like crap. Everyone likes things that are kind of crappy.

The problem is them trying to make everyone else like this, too, and don't want other people to be allowed to make the shit they want to make.

Imagine still REEEing about gamergate (either side)

It's the weirdest goddamn thing. And I can't believe how much of an effect it had on reddit.

Hey now, REEEing helps peopleforget about serious problems in their personal lives, it's a form of escapism...plus no REEEing - no drama.

I understand it, I just don't respect it

Gotta defend Zoe Quinn's 3 year old honor.

Gone Home is perhaps the greatest video game about a lesbian playing hide and seek in the history of our human species.

That was made by some faggot and his tranny friend. Zoe has never made a game.

I want to make art with period blood.

A guy I knew when I went to Columbia did that. He would paint portraits of girls' vulvas using their period blood.


Ghazi still can't decide if she's not a whore and the misogynerds made that up to slander her or she's totally a whore but there's nothing wrong with that stop slit shaming her REEEEEEE.

"am neutral btw"

The feminist side was objectively wrong, so people had justification to bash them.

Imagine caring about ethics in video game marketing

The subreddit’s moderators declined to talk to us about their community and accused FiveThirtyEight of being “fake news.”

Nate Copper lolololololol

He is pretty fake.

He knows nothing about politics. He has no training in politics. His training is in sports statistics. So he regularly applies a 'numbers game' where anyone with the tiniest political background would tell him not to.

The mistakes he made in the last election were obvious to anyone who had taken even an intro to poli sci course ten years ago. Too many outstanding voters (that never happens so close to an election), a refusal to look at economic indicators (which have never been wrong; polls repeatedly have been) or to apply the standard penalties to a non-incumbent of the incumbent party.

He played a pure numbers game because he had no idea what he was actually doing. Most of his work could be termed 'fake news' in that sense.

I find it funny that they site FiveThirtyEight at all, given how wrong ol' Nate was about the election. What would make you think any of is data is accurate?

He uses an algorithm based on data sets that are normally right, but here were pathetically wrong. That being said, he gave Trump almost a 50% chance of winning anyway.

And then admitted that he manipulated his results that he got due to his hatred of Trump. So it is all math except for when it is not. He did better than those sites that just made up their numbers and gave Hillary like a 98% chance of winning. I guess writing 100% would have made it too obvious that they were just making it up.

That was the primaries for the polls plus numbers. The polls only numbers were much better

He gave Trump a higher probability of winning than every other outlet tho.

given how wrong ol' Nate was about the election

yeah it's not like he spent the months leading up to it warning people that exactly what would happen was the second-most-likely outcome and wasn't outside of the realm of possibility or anything

Every social justice subreddit linked to pedophilia and bigots who demanded to gas one group or another at some point......crickets chirp

Feel free to post them here famalamadingdong

To much effort. Plus who would it even be for?

Anyone who isn't a blind idiot can see it, even see they defend pedos/pedarasts on mass (rapp, nyberg, germaine greer, neogaf guy, dunham, quinn etc) and yet call others pedos for far less.

And those who don't...will only continue to ignore any evidence before them as they always do.

Only so much bashing your head against a thick brick wall one can take when it comes to the "sjw" crowd. I'm here to take the piss, they don't deserve an actual conversation, I've tried to many times in good faith only to receive bad faith back, so as far as im concerned they can all die slowly in a fire.

Wait- Zoe Quinn's a pedo?

She raped (self admitted) her mentally ill (thus incapable of making safe desicions) bf...basically the same thing as being a pedo right?

tbh I just slipped that in with a bunch of actually pedos to shitpost.

I bet /u/Malphael has a /r/GamerGhazi alt like some of the other mentally ill freaks.

Hey, he doesn't care about this shit, and calling him just to have him write a few paragraphs about how he doesn't care is just cruelty.

he does care.Its all a cover hes actually steve bannon

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