I'm so fucking angry

27  2017-07-03 by PhysicsIsMyMistress



We can submit quotes?


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

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I seriously want to say to the next Trump troll I encounter: send my your info. I'll fly you out here on my dime. And we are going to fucking brawl. You beat me, I'll give you $1000. I win you buy your own fare home. We can put it on YT. Left vs. Right.

hahhahahahh /u/aterrorcatsandwich

But... would you watch it?

If it's tied to your Reddit username and posted on /r/Drama, absolutely. If it's just some random fight video uploaded to Youtube with no stated connection to the linked copypasta, I doubt it.

u r a faggot. send me tickets.

delete this

posted a full hour earlier, nerd