Video by small fishing channel run by wife and husband went viral in 2009. 8 years later and the husband still replies to every single negative comment in bizarre fashion.

37  2017-07-04 by MakeAmericaSageAgain


This is why we need mayocide.


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If only I had your wit.

I month ago:

"Mrs. F24 thanks you, bro.for the kind words! We have been happily married now for 20 years and we really enjoy fishing together. She is a helluva angler. Please feel free to enjoy more F24 vids at our channel page. Thanks again and have a great day!"

1 week ago:

"Yo watch to much of dat LMN dramatization fo da woman shows, Handick...YO Need to watch WE WANT MO F24 maybe learn how dem players catch dem fish yo bro?"

2 days ago:

"You be dat guy on da news da cops been looksy fo. At dat park called da Rosey Palm? Dem cops be looksy fo yo! Yous be better off be part of F24 fan clubbers fo dem Fan boyz and dem Girls! Jus repeatable afterd me WE want MO F24! I know youz jus say dat! SHEEEEEEEEESH!"

The man's not well.

Seriously, is this a bit?

It's like he's invented his own language

I'm saying it's a mix between AAVE and maybe Appalachian English.

Dear Booger broom, Dat Chris Columbus dude taught dat da earth be flat maybe he be drinkin sum dat 200 proof Kool aid too bro I know dat you been drinkin'. Let me ejumacate you and dem udders... Repeatable afterd me Erbody in da house getin' tipsy jus say WE WANT MO DAT F24!!!!!!!! Sheeeeeeeeesh! Nowyou know dat!


what an annoying couple

taanks a lot fo dat comment mr accountant. I wish berry mucho fo da help witt mah taxes from F24. Join da fan club fo all da boyz an dem ggurls. No be so mean to my wifey who owns da boat. wen I be annoy-noy on da toilet an fart dem stank-stank wifey let me sleep on da couch. I no happy den.

This is better than listening to Rich Little


possible that some of the responses are generated by a bot? markov chains and the like?

The husband probably murdered and ate his wife years ago.

Just like that poor squid :(


You seem sad :( ... Here's a picture/gif of a cat. Hopefully it'll cheer you up. The internet needs more cats. It's never enough..

This man must have grown up in a rich and diverse urban environment his Ebonics are excellent.