Big fights over a Swedish festival shutting down and all the raping.

39  2017-07-04 by Standard12


Now with added cancer!


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u/lsiuefha so the festival isn't making money and instead of saying that they say they shut it down do to rape. You should read that again and see how completely asinine that is. Why would anyone lie to make something worse..not better. To think you people were Vikings and now you concoct things to not deal with reality.

Swedes are truly the worst of the mayoskins. I mean the Dutch are fucking horrible but I'd take 100 Dutch cucks (cuck is Dutch for man) over 1 Swede.

Am Dutch, can confirm this is true.

Just because you're an Uncle Tom doesn't mean you will survive the inevitable mayocide.

Lol this guy! Thanks for mentioning me in this fun reddit :-). Have a good day buddy!

So no answer, man a cuck just like your county. So when are you guys voting to implementing sharia law

Funny guy right here :-). Have a good day

Sweden is one of the last places I'd ever go to a festival in. Its the Alabama of Europe when it comes to drugs. They raid festivals, drug test the performers, and sit outside the gates checking people for red eyes. Being tired or having allergies is enough probable cause to haul you away to the hospital for a blood test. Sweden is progressive on a lot of issues, but on drugs they are worse than the Rural American South. I'm pretty sure Snoop Dogg has vowed never to return because of their laws.

I'm pretty sure Snoop Dogg has vowed never to return because of their laws.


In Sweden, there’s an official day of mourning because he won’t come back

Seriously? Got any source for that kind of thing? Sounds ridiculous.

Pretty shit when it comes to alcohol and drugs.

And guns. And rapefugees.

With guns they just make up random rules and rapefugees they use bracelets to stop rape.

Or the nazi subs can just make something up about Sweden. Even long debunked shit like "rapefugees" and "the bracelets"...


No, but nazis


Uppsala police have taken around 160 people into custody for examination since Thursday in connection with a reggae festival in the city, according to police spokesman Bo Axelsson.

Axelsson said that around 30 special officers carried out the raid with a view to uncovering drugs offences in the festival area and at the camp site.

Anyone suspected of using drugs has been taken into custody for tests, and the samples will be analysed by the National Crime Laboratory in Linköping.

"It is illegal to have narcotics in the body, and if anyone does then we could bring a prosecution against them," said Axelsson.

Police continued searching people for drugs up until the reggae festival finished at lunchtime on Sunday.

Singer Sean Paul has been popped on drug charges at -- where else? -- a reggae concert in Sweden this weekend. Smoke 'em if you got 'em!

Swedish cops tell us Paul was brought from the huge Uppsala Reggae Festival to a local police station on suspicion of possessing narcotics. *We hear 200-300 people also were brought in from the Fest this weekend, also on drug-related charges. *

In addition to concertgoers, police say ten (!) artists performing at the show also were hauled in for questioning -- they later were released.

Cops tell us they have sent all "evidence" to a lab for testing, and will have results in a month.

Swedish cops love to mass arrest concert goers, and let the blood tests figure out who was using drugs.

Don't they also keep a list of citizens who think the wrong way.

They have a list of hate symbols, and Pewdiepie is on it. So there's that.

Thanks for doing the legwork. That sounds completely mental.

Yeah, I don't think they realize that the rate of drug consumption is directly proportional to the number of festival sluts at said event. It's no wonder the festival isn't profitable, and forced to shut down under the guise of too many sexual assaults.

No wonder the Muslims love going there, it already has some sharia laws in place.

Non-Halal music like Reggae is also forbidden.

Wow what a bunch of Nazis

Uppsala police have taken around 160 people into custody for examination since Thursday in connection with a reggae festival

This should happen more often tbqh

Reggae festivals in Sweden? That sounds like the most Trustafarian thing imaginable.

Nothing wrong with junkies getting what's coming to them. :')

State control is very progressive, citizen.

Its the Alabama of Europe when it comes to rape.

They insist that you do your raping with a clear head.

Well, Sweden is a Muslim country.

The parent mentioned Probable Cause. For anyone unfamiliar with this term, here is the definition:(In beta, be kind)

In United States criminal law, probable cause is the standard by which police authorities have reason to obtain a warrant for the arrest of a suspected criminal. The standard also applies to personal or property searches. Probable cause, in conjunction with a preponderance of the evidence, also refers to the standard by which a grand jury believes that a crime has been committed. The term comes from the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, ... [View More]

See also: Mapp V. Ohio | Wheeler V. Nesbitt | Franks V. Delaware | United States V. Clark

Note: The parent poster (totalarkwar or Standard12) can delete this post | FAQ

holy shit, seeing Swedes actively trying to deflect and ignore this shit is mind blowing.

"ya 27 people were assaulted, but really they are just losing money so its closed down :D nothing to see here le redditors!" +500000 upvotes

Sorry we are fact checking the nazis. Cant handle it?

I think we should invade Europe at this point. I don't think those pussies would ever fight back.

If we sent only black soldiers, we could probably peacefully occupy 90% of white countries. The remaining 10% would be too busy burying their children after this year's famine to notice they've been taken over.

Here is a link to "Swedish television" website, state-owned media.


Manchild kekker detected


Somebodies doing the raping

Ragnar Loðbrok is choking on his mead in Valhalla.

It turns out Anders Breivik was right.

Free Varg Vikernes!


Every discussion of this topic so far on reddit:

"People who say Sweden has issues with immigrant crime are just racists, they don't know Sweden! Ask any Swedish person and they'll tell you everything's great and problems with immigrants are alt-right lies pushed by foreigners!"

"A Swedish music festival in Sweden has been closed down by its Swedish owners, the Swedish organizers of the festival say that the mass sexual assaults (carried out by immigrants) are the cause"

"Clearly they're lying! You're all racists! We're being brigaded by alt-right Nazis reeeeeeeee"


... he says while commenting on a thread that shows everything he just said is bullshit.

mass sexual assaults (carried out by immigrants) are the cause

Love how these nazi subs cannot handle reality, so you create you own


Just show Sweden some episodes of Dora. But dub over every instance of "Swiper no Swiping" with "Swedes no Raping" and I'm sure the problem will fix itself.


Pfffttt, Sweden is an islamic colony. Who cares about Sweden seriously? Not a person alive, aside from the Swe*es.