SRSSucks debates whether the NRA took a page out of Goebbels' book with their new ad - and if that's bad

16  2017-07-04 by IAintThatGuy


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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Did you just unironically call someone a jew on the internet?

You buried the lead sir

Oh shit I missed the actual nazi in the thread.

/u/IDFSHILL troll a moron?



Well when the left riots and attacks free speech rallies, and shuts down campuses, and deplatforms speakers all through violence

I see you read Breitbart News.

If I personally escorted you to one of these events happening live and held your eyes open and forced you to watch, would you believe it then?

You must be triggered. I've seen the video's on Youtube and read the stories. What they said was off to say the least. Only one college was really shut down, a lot of the "free speech rallies" provoke the other side, and only a couple of speeches where actually shut down thru violence.

Okay, so I looked up your user history and I legit don't understand what you get out of Poe-ing your fellow SRSSucks members.

Despite I am not. The thread in question got alright users "bridging" the thread. And I mock them just as I mock the left.

ok but you can't be srs about that previous bit of minimization. In particular, you can't be srs about "provocation" by saying mean things, justifying violent riots.

Ya I am "srs" about the provocation part. If you actually seen any of the protests and that the confrontations between pro trump supporters and antifa you would known this.