Someone posts white and brown people getting along in /r/pics. I can't decide if new or controversial is better.

26  2017-07-05 by froibo


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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If there was a comment about T_D users or from them that would save a refugee, we would be a quarter way to world peace.

Honestly, TD complaining is more annoying then actual TD users.

Tbh TD complaining complaining is worse than TD users.

The cycle of hot pockets and rage never ends.

I mean I don't think it's really the world but the state of Reddit and the general media.

Anyone who lives in a big city sees this every second of every day, part of living together is interacting. In the real world people aren't the hate mongers Reddit and the media and general make them out to be.

Unfortunately there's a big circle jerk around race right now where everyone wants to believe everything is about race and that everyone who votes Trump is a racist hatemonger and that being against illegal immigration makes you a racist and on and on.

99.9% of Americans have been living and interacting peacefully with people of other races their whole lives, sadly it's now the hot thing to focus on race at all times.

Only Big City Liberals on Reddit would be dumb enough to think that you have to live in a big city to see people of diff races interacting.

Hell every time I go buy smokes at the local gambling den i'm the racial minority, those ching chong chineses love Pai Gow

Everyone loves gambling, thats one thing color and creed cant separate the love for gambling

You obviously have only lived in a big city if you believe that. There are many parts of America where whites don't interact with anyone but themselves. Are they all racists? No. But to say that 99.9% of America lives with and interacts peacefully with people of other races is incorrect. My best friend is white and from Buffalo, NY and I'm his first black friend. He's never really interacted or lived with people that weren't white until being paired with me as a roommate freshman year in college. Your assertion just isn't correct.

Ah yes the small town of Buffalo, NY

Reddit is so fucking retarded sometimes.

Not just big cities. I live in a small city of only a little more than half a million and I see it everyday too.

I'm from a "farming community" (read:tax haven) outside of Buffalo and it's 95% white so that's a possibility. We had like 1 black kid in our grade so yeah a kid or two would act like a klansmen to be edgy. However the last 10 years have seen white flight reversing and Buffalo gentrifying.

In the South, there's a lot more interracial couples. Why? Because there's more minorities (basically just black people but still). It shouldn't be surprising to anybody who isn't an idiot.

what a nice looking couple... GET IT HA

but seriously, I see normal human beings being normal to each other every day. I feel like I spend too much time on this shitsite but if this image is that surprising to people holy shit do they spend too much time here.

Its not really surprising, its that people feel the need to post this in the first place lol. All the good drama comments are from people justifying how this is a necessary message to spread, because the USA is descending into Nazi Germany.

hahaha the beauty is that there was probably at least 5 people on that exact train staring at their cell phones posting on reddit how everyone is shitty racist sexist assholes

I feel like I spend too much time on this shitsite

no don't say that

Sh its ok bb

Take off that stupid disguise, and you have no more cards left to play. Your only tactic is a disguise, you fucking coward.

Found the fedora-wearer.

Noting personal mom *Tip tip

It's a nice picture because that girl is youg enough not to be turned into a regluar burka'ed kebab that you see on the right.

I first realised America was truly retarded on the issue of multiculturalism when the movie Crash got a bunch of Oscar nominations.