OP in SRD blames wrongly convicted black man for taking plea deal, accuses detractors of being MRAs.

51  2017-07-05 by PhysicsIsMyMistress


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Finally relevant again

/u/frozenflameinthewind is either the highest effort troll I've ever seen, or /r/TwoXChromosomes/ has taken human form.


I think I remember them boasting about shitstirring about this very news yesterday or the day before that, so I'm going with troll.

And you would be wrong.

"Joke's on you guys, I was for real retarded"

Just hush. I have no intention of writing a thesis to please the likes of you. Now please just enjoy the drama I've mined and leave me alone.

Translation: "why won't you just let me use SRD as a soapbox? My shitposting backfired and now I feel sad." http://i.imgur.com/av9whPw.gifv

Wow! Two threads dedicated to little old me. How flattering. :-)

Explain to me how blaming a black man, who has it the hardest in the US justice system, for taking a plea deal (probably at the behest of his public defender) is not victim blaming?

Because the justice system was "punching up" so it's totally fine!

Post bussy

Why do you think all chocolate Americans are rapists, you smelly mayo?

Really fam? That's the best you can do?

You're not worth much effort tbh

Go hard or go home cohort.

I must have touched a nerve if you only responded to me in this thread 😎

White women were a mistake

No, you were (and are) the mistake.

No you don't understand, I agree with you

Black ""youths"" make up 6% of the US population but 50% of convicted rapists, it's probably better to just lock them up preemptively tbh

Uh huh, sure and I'm Sheba Queen of the Slut People

It's just FBI statistics, although I'm sure you knew that already

Keep fighting the good fight, my white.comrade 😘

Yup, enjoy the Resist rally

Nah, I'm just messin with ya.

Don't worry about SRD, it's a hive of misogynists and homophobes. They banned me for sticking up for sexual minorities after the losers there dogpiled me

Sorry, we're a representative democracy, Sheena. Slut People haven't been ruled by a monarchy since the slut revolution.


Hey frozenflameinthewind! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/SubredditDrama because:

you are an extremely rude person and henceforth banned from this subreddit

For more on our rules, please check out our detailed rules wiki. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to message the moderators.


Yea they did you a favor. I guess you're aren't the right type of retard for that sub. Congrats

Pretty shitty gif tbh fam, try again

Bugger off you oldster.

Wow pretty rude

Except you're 100 pounds heavier.

Aren't you the optimist.

wow rude

That's Awful! It's disgusting! I have NO WORDS for how unconscionable /u/frozenflameinthewind is! How can you call yourself human and still abuse Giphy so much? If you absolutely have to spam such asinine images, at least learn to post the images direct link!

LOL! Never knew that embedding reaction gifs was such a cardinal sin in the Redditverse.

Its not embedding gifs thats the crime against reddit... its the ones you chose and the way you linked them thats a crine against embedding gifs everywhere!

its the ones you chose and the way you linked them thats a crine against embedding gifs everywhere!

Could you give me an example of a poor chosen gif and why the way I linked it was a crime?

First off, I just wanna reiterate that you're a terrible person for blaming this guy when he was falsely accused. False accusations happen, it doesn't make rape culture any less real but you can't just ignore stories that hurt your narrative.

To answer your question though, right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/6lc97j/op_in_srd_blames_wrongly_convicted_black_man_for/djt5l7q/

It's a tumblr-tier boring gif, not funny and doesn't add to the discussion. Plus you didn't direct-link so I actually had to open another tab just to see your bad joke.