r/normalnudes enacts a strict no-boner policy, but the opposition is not flaccid and instead stands tall for a fight. Mods try to calm the situation as boners spawn 60+ children.

63  2017-07-05 by DavidAssholehoff


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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what's their bussy policy? No gaping?

Bussy must be flaccid as God intended.

Wow just gave that front page a cursory glance.


The real issue with places like /r/normalnudes IMO is that they just become hug boxes. Its actually hard to get a true opinion on your looks online.

Either its "oh you are so beautiful" even if you are a 300lb piece of shit. or trolls telling you how ugly you are no matter how you look (and there seem to be more of the beautiful type). Especially for women, probably because its all horny dudes posting.

Sometimes people want a hugbox

Tell me I'm pretty..


keep yourself sexy?

Kpost your sbussy

I only post bussy in quarantined fetish porn subs.

Don't be so homophobic, post bussy now!

Post bussy and then we will decide.

No, you are mean trolls, and since I can't show myself erect on /r/normalnudes... well shit.

Maybe less hateful people see more beauty in the world. You puce of shit.

I can offer you a good solid weight loss plan if you feel you are ready.

/r/normalnudes seems it's meant to be supportive to begin with. The point seems to overcome inhibitions and your own issues with yourself. So yeah the comments are usually nice.

The issue is with places like /r/rateme. Men can expect a modicum of honesty, women get the whiteknight treatment. Then you have places like /r/transpassing where they all tell each other that they're passing (protip : almost none are).

I'd go balls deep in /u/maddytxoxo. what a cutie.

Now we know which alt you post your pictures under.

Its actually hard


There are so many other subs where they can post with a boner. They're getting pissed off because one sub doesn't allow it. Just post it in a different sub

but I'm a grower not a shower!!!

Mull of Kintyre test

The Mull of Kintyre test or Mull of Kintyre rule is, according to an urban legend, an unofficial guideline that was used by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) in the United Kingdom to decide whether an image of a penis could be shown. According to the myth, the BBFC would not permit the general release of a film or video if it depicted a phallus erect to the point that the angle it made from the vertical was higher than that of the Kintyre peninsula, Argyll and Bute, on maps of Scotland. The BBFC has denied that this test existed.

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Is bussy allowed though?

So I assume women wearing make up of any sort will be added to the quick rules of posting right under no erections then /u/Seesyounaked?

Oh normal nudes. I thought that said normal dudes and was confused


That's my secret, CS.

I'm always fluffed.

Whats next? Saying we cant wear sweatpants at stribclubs?

Fuck I hope you don't

God that sub is gross

God damn that sub is deep down the rabbit hole. Are there really that many shut-ins posting their dicks out there?

Fucking growerists

White people are so fucking ugly.

Wow.. Don't take photos of yourself if your body looks gross. Have some shame people.

[–]deviant135 -7 points 13 hours ago I don't know about you all, but my dick doesn't have a flaccid meter.

[–]Seesyounaked[S,M] 17 points 13 hours ago You know when you're aroused or not. That's all I ask.

I clicked expecting dick pics. So disappointed. That rule is stupid, no one is interested in a flaccid cock. I honestly couldn't give a shit if it was the size of a pea when flaccid because all flaccid dick is pathetic and unattractive, it's equal opportunity.


lol fat manlets are the worst

Someone could think it meant "male thrusting into female"

I didn't have the attention span to make it through the title

this is all your fault