/r/ShitLiberalsSay brings up ChapoTrapHouse, noted tankie calls them pro-imperialist for not supporting Bashar Assad

48  2017-07-06 by Prince_Kropotkin


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anybody who makes fun of "tankies" isn't on your side.

/u/akornfan I don't have anything joking to say, I just wanna make sure that you have the chance to look at what you've written and think about how you let your life get to this point.

thanks, bud. I looked it over and it's insanely, brutally correct

Why would you even want to live under Stalinism? It was shit for the vast majority of people. Socialism is about building a better world not murdering everyone you have Internet beef with.

Because he's 17?

If he's 17 and a Korn fan, then his misconceptions about Stalinist rule aren't even the worst of his problems.

because he thinks he'll be running the gulag, not be in it.

Korn fans are gonna be the first ones to face the wall

Does he not know how many heads of the NKVD were shot?

Everyone pictures themselves as the man of steel but even Stalin died of a stroke while everyone watched him slowly die and was potentially poisoned.

Funny thing is that they didnt watch him,they literally stayed out of the room and let him rot for like 3 days...

Edgy is the most over-used word in the story of the internet


Ask old Russians, they actually liked it but that was only because they were indoctrinated and the people who disagreed with stalin are ded

Capitalism fucked Russia so hard in the 1990s, and took so much off their life expectancy, that they figured having a strong leader who can fight off foreign invaders was better than nothing. But it didn't have to be that way. Blame the incompetent neoliberals.

ironing that clinton is whaling about "muh russia hacking the elections" when her husband helped make sure that Boris went from 8% - 56% in the polls. Neoliberals are shit, agreed

Capitalism fucked Russia so hard in the 1990s

Yeah but it only got that foothold because le State Capitalism had been ramming its thick cock all up its butthole.

Latvia, and Poland went far further than Russia with pro market reforms and integration with the global market, as a result, they've seen far better outcomes. Economist Jeffery Sachs has written pretty substantially about this, I'm sure you know him, and are aware of "shock therapy". It is disingenuous and empirically wrong to equate everything that has happened and gone wrong in Russia to capitalism.

they've seen far better outcomes


Latvia is literally dying out as a country. Don't know why that would be considered a good outcome.

Jeff Sachs was literally the mastermind behind the collapse of Russian living standards. Why on Earth would you point to his writings?

Good, I'm glad your responses are still sharp, keep it up against the neolib propaganda.

go on cum town Draco

Who is Draco? Some neolib?

He's the top mod of r/neoliberal. Think of him as the edgy, alt centre /u/nowaydaddioh.

I'm pretty sure Papa Marxs is Draco, who deleted their account

Ask old Russians, they actually liked Stalin

Yeah and old Germans liked Hitler.

Socialism is about building a better world


I am very very not particularly smart

pls tell me more about how the lion assad is the best choice for the syrian peoples

Anyone who can look at Assad, look at the Rojavan Kurds, and say Assad is the true revolutionary socialist while the Kurds are imperialist American lapdogs is utterly fucked.

They clearly had it coming, like the Armenians.

Armenians, Americans...the connection's obvious, isn't it?

He is the best choice for stability

He made the initial conflict hugely worse by committing war crimes against his own people. Barrel bombs are not agents of stability.

Still the best choice for stability in Syria. The rebel factions don't have serious international support.

There are no good options, so "best" doesn't apply. I'm open to the argument, but I wouldn't call it a good one. It's "least bad" we need to talk about.

Assad is the best and greatest option for Syria right now.

Middle Eastern countries are filled with way more people willing to exploit the first sign of weakness, mostly Islamists like the Muslim brotherhood. Democracy is earned not given.

lmao imagine being as dumb as you are but thinking you're as smart as you think you are

life must be rough

Take that pepper and stuff it where the sun don't shine.

The people are hungry and he's providing mustard gas. The poors can eat that right?

so long as it's not that frou frou dijonnaise mustard gas

That's the kind Obama wanted in his sandwich.

It's a food product, essentially.

insanely, brutally correct I wrote better as a god damn toddler you waste of space

Truly the Raymond Carver of our generation

Tankies comes from the Soviets crushing the Hungarian revolt with tanks, why would you ever support the Soviet imperialists over the actual masses?


Check out this ableism /u/akornfan is dishing out.

/u/akornfan is too much of a retard to treat non-neurotypical people appropriately

far left politics are so retarded is not even funny

by the other hand my own smug centrists are being retarded as fuck too

god people who care about politics are the most insufferable human beings to have walked on the earth

god people who care about politics are the most insufferable human beings to have walked on the earth

You have taken another step towards enlightenment.

whats the next?

You have taken another step away from enlightenment.

god fucking dammit this shit is hard

let me guess, enlightenment is moral nihilism?

let me guess, enlightenment is moral nihilism?

You have shuffled a bit towards enlightenment, I guess. It's not very impressive...

my guess is nihilism nihilism is at least pretty high up there. Then unironic enjoyment of things is next.

Then unironic enjoyment of things is next.

So no hope for any of us

nihilistic solipsism. Politics aren't real and it doesn't matter. You're in a coma, wake up!

Sort yourself out.

Kill yourself.

Only if he promises to stop getting caught in the underworld, it's getting ridiculous.

Honestly 90+% of the people I've met who were adament in their fringe political views have been very dweeby, unsociable people.

rubs hand together right-wingishly

when the russian propaganda hits just right

anybody who makes fun of "tankies" isn't on your side

i wish more tankies would just come out and identify themselves like this so i dont have to waste any time trying to take their opinions seriously

There's no better way to say "nothing I think matters"

Sure there is:

"I seriouspost on r/drama"

I'll be quite honest, Stalin built up a massive superpower from a poor backward country, and he industrialized Russia. Aside from the gulags he's quite a hero in my book.

He also has the high score

Draco is this your shitposting alt?

;) take a guess.

"; ) take a guess" was your pre-ninja edited response, so I'm going to go ahead and say you suck at this

Isn't Draco the radical alt centre version of /u/nowaydaddioh?

Just like noway is the white person who hates other whites, Draco is the Indian who hates other Indians

Hi, Draco!

I've been accused of being one of PK's alts, and now i'm accused of being Draco. I'm not him. In fact, i've been targeted by one of his alts /u/darkaceAUS, aka r/neoliberal's village idiot.

I meant to comment to u/Papa_Marxs. Sorry.

It's fine.

What's the difference between wealth and income?

Wealth refers to the stock of assets held by a person or household at a single point in time. These assets may include financial holdings and savings, but commonly also include the family home. Income refers to money received by a person or household over some period of time.

BTW Denmark still doesn't have the highest level of wealth inequality. Chile, Mexico, Turkey, the United States, Israel, Japan, Greece, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom and some parts of Africa are the worst countries for both Income and Wealth inequality.

Why don't you try gay sex for once? It might calm you down. I like my men beefy and large.

BTW Denmark still doesn't have the highest level of wealth inequality. Chile, Mexico, Turkey, the United States, Israel, Japan, Greece, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom and some parts of Africa are the worst countries for ... Wealth inequality.

This is false. Why do you keep repeating this when I have repeatedly disproven it?

lol You neoliberals are so delusional. You won't let facts get in the way of your "Hillary 2020" delusions. All you have proven is that you are an ideologue that refuses to acknowledge true income inequality, especially in the USA. Why don't you waste someone else's time?

true income inequality

What does this have to do with wealth inequality?

Why are you talking to yourself, everyone knows that every single alt belongs to Prince.

yes, that's true. Speaking of which:


Nowaydaddioh is copying some of my reddit comments and then ranting about murdering Republicans now. I wish I had better "alts".


Russia was well on its way to industrialisation even before the revolution hit

Stalin built up a massive superpower from a poor backward country, and he industrialized Russia. Aside from the gulags he's quite a hero in my book.

Didn't he also fuck his country out of 20+ million killed by the nazis by shitting up his army through killing half of his command and ignoring warnings that the germans were going to invade because hitler was is bro. Then also killing millions of people through famine.

He only won the war because he stopped trying to micro manage it after he ran away to his country house to piss his pants when the Germans were a few miles away from Moscow. After that he let actually competent people run the war without killing them, let the British and Americans give them tons of trucks etc, and somehow took credit for it afterwards.

Then he consolidated his power in eastern europe and died leaving the country in a massive mess, a bureaucratic nightmare with the same rate of imprisonment as the US now and massive inertia to crushing any signs of democracy, workers control or a shift away from massive militarisation and consumption as a percentage of GDP at tiny levels that resisted any attempts at trying to diversify the economy after it had industrialised.

If neoliberal gets banned, are you going to keep moving to other political subs? If so, could you do /r/conservative next?

Not really anything I can add there, everyone already hates them. I find niches.

is /r/nazbol niche enough?

Too niche, they don't matter IRL.

It's great how they think that the NYT is somehow upset because they printed this article on the term liberal written by a leftist.

The libs get owned once again!

yeah the author is an editor for n+1, it wasn't a particularly liberal piece

Why are stalinists called 'tankies'?

Because Western Stalin apologists at one point supported the USSR sending in tanks into Hungary to crush the uprising.

ohhhhhhh, Thanks!!

I am very very not particularly smartĀ 

/u/akornfan, your posts already told us that

Hi senpai! I just wanted to say I like your /r/shitneoliberalismsays coal miner flair, but unironically so.