[look ma i'm shitting up /r/drama with agendaposts!] the left and right exchange tactics yet again after a Trump supporter pussies out and turns himself in for anti-right/pro-left vandalism on a playground.

68  2017-07-06 by snallygaster


Cool story, bro


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Hey rabbi /pol/, whatcha doing?

"I've also done some shitposting on Reddit that CNN has been up my ass about," the 32 year old autist claimed.

lmao "Left is the best". Can bald people do anything right?

If they could they wouldn't be bald.

This, but hairlessly.

My favourite use of this awful meme.

Is that real, that can't be real, it has to be some kind of high tech isis recruitment video.

Proud Boy rules state that members can only ejaculate if they are within five feet of a female


He said after vandalizing the property he threw the marker in a bush at the corner of Fern Street and North Quaker Lane... Police later found the marker in a bush on the southwest side of Fern Street and Auburn Road... Police reviewed two of Marks' Facebook accounts, his home, garage, vehicle and cell phone.

Imagine being so assblasted about playground graffiti that you go on a manhunt for a green Sharpie and get a search warrant for all personal space

It's West Hartford...they literally non-ironically have nothing better to do.

upon googling the town, it's literally the most stereotypical, idyllic white middle class sanctuary and that's probably the most action their police force has had in history

Way above middle class, I'm surprised the vandalism wasn't targeting (((globalists))) tbh

It's basically like that rich town in Parks and Rec.

Sentient light bulbs now?

Megamind making America great again

Left, Right, it doesn't matter. We are all human beings deep down in our hearts. We are just as degenerate as the next guy/gal/xexirhir.

On a serious note, faking outrage is just pathetic, especially so on a playground.

i wonder where he got the idea to hoax a threat

If he got the idea by watching a bunch of leftists fail at it and make themselves look bad then he's stupider than they are

id say hes equally as stupid as the failed leftists that constantly call in hoax hate crimes, but also that he was directly influenced by them

[look ma i'm shitting up /r/drama with agendaposts!]

I hate the 'live to see yourself become the villain' trope.

Please make this be a temporary face-heel turn.

From hereon forth I will never post anything except what makes the side I dislike at the time look bad. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!


not an argument

Standard demon behavior

Snally do I have competition for the title of #1 Worst Agenda Poster or what

Yes. Consider your title gone bitch!

damn, cold

judge Tammy Geathers

this is the sitcommiest name i ever heard

Left is the Best

This one gives it away. Liberals all have deep seated guilt issues, they would never claim they were the best at anything.

also you may notice no one calls it "the left" or "the right" when they're talking about their own side

I call it "the right", but follow it up with "side of history".


Another balding middle age loser worsening his life to stick it to "dem libruls," color me shocked

48 upvotes snally! And you didn't even have to sticky it! This is how you Karma farm.

I don't sticky my own threads! grrr

I can't believe Courant.com doxxed this poor man.

Literally a boring political news article. I expected better from you snally.