Apparently Vegan Kids Have Dirty Buttholes

32  2017-07-07 by lascanto


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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After the first thread went viral, the restaurant started a new thread to apologize for being such dicks who probably only act like that because their stomachs are crying out for a fucking steak explain why they were right and the person who left the mean review is a liar who sucks:

Couldn't have said that any better.

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 75%. (I'm a bot)

There is a vegan restaurant in Memphis called Imagine Vegan Cafe.

She just wanted to let the owners know she found it kind of icky when she was eating her monkey grass salad with dirt dressing, and the OWNER'S TODDLER CHILD WAS RUNNING AROUND THE RESTAURANT ALL NEKKID WITH DIRTY FEET AND SHOWING ITS BUTTHOLE TO WHOMEVER WANTED TO SEE IT. She also didn't like it when the owner's other kid yodeled at her repeatedly while she was eating.

Fuck ALL Y'ALL SELFISH MOTHERFUCKERS who think restaurants should have quaint things like "Standards." Imagine Vegan Cafe is about SAVING ANIMALS and LETTING KIDS RUN AROUND WITH DIRTY FEET AND SHOWIN' EVERYBODY THEIR BUTTHOLE. Sure, it's a "Business" in the sense that it takes money and makes a profit and has to pay taxes and has to be inspected by the health department on a regular basis, but that is just FASCIST CAPITALISM GONE WILD. Why do you hate animals and toddler buttholes and insistent yodeling?

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: eat#1 BUTTHOLE#2 vegan#3 TODDLER#4 kid#5

Top keywords :

eat butthole vegan toddler kid.

That bot is now on a list somewhere

Hippies are filthy animals.

This proves it. No matter how clean your livin, it is impossible to keep the term 'toddler butthole' out of your browser.

clean your livin



Not exactly clean living.

