SRD discusses which drama sub is more of a toxic craphole. "Smug liberals or literal fascists and racists. Hmm which is worse?"

72  2017-07-07 by [deleted]


Now with added cancer!


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Safety scissors cam be fun. Sometimed they are decorated to look like a bunny.

this but cosmetology

South park neutral is bad!!

It must be hard to be such a smug confident prick in your gay ass believes. No wonder these losers never have RL friends and can't get sweet bussy on call.

at least we dont bully and flame bait on an hour by hour basis, except what im doing now

tbh I find both the south park neutrals and the anti- south park neutrals to be equally annoying and wrong.

what on earth is south park neutral

are you new

i got tagged in a drama post yesterday from SRD so im just hanging out here

The political or ideological standpoint of hating all sides equally. Popularized by the American animated sitcom "South Park" which is infamous for making fun of anyone and everyone they can.

that sounds cynical and unproductive as fuck

yeah but the other side is cynical and unproductive as fuck as well, so they're both equal

Not all sides, more like critical of ball extreme positions.

South park neutralism and radical centrism are the official ideologies of this sub

"Normies", basically.

In context, normies who make fun of reddit lefties and righties without drinking koolaid from either.

Lefties on certain leftie subs ( /r/subredditdrama and /r/negareddit ) tend to squeal relentlessly about them and call them Nazis.

South Park neutrals are special people with pure souls and perfectly smooth brains, untouched by need or worry, unsullied by ideology. I treasure them.

If you haven't committed to spending all your time fighting in the reddit culture wars and it's (((CURRENT YEAR))) you might be a South Park neutral.

r u southpark neutral on southpark neutrals

If you haven't committed to spending all your time fighting in the reddit culture wars and it's (((CURRENT YEAR))) you might be a South Park neutral.

Well at least you found a way to be superior both.

I love the idea that entertaining "compromise" is somehow this terrible "lazy" thought process. I was most surprised to learn that people like /u/SprinkleMeByE40 and /u/Asking77 were big supporters of the Republicans locking up Congress during Obama's final terms.

"I think taxes should be higher!"<-- Glorious Ideologue Master Race
"I think taxes should be lower!" <-- Dirty South Park Neutral
"I think taxes should not exist!"<-- Glorious Ideologue Master Race

i think taxes should be so high that they overflow back to 0, and everyone has simultaneously negatively and positively infinite money

this is the only correct tax ideology

I think taxes should be higher but should actually be spent on what people say they're spent on.

That's a terrible lazy thought process, only low minded individuals don't believe in absolutes

well actually im gonna draw a shitty ms paint strawman with a caption with no punctuation how do you like me now

I love the idea that entertaining compromise is somehow this terrible "lazy" thought process.

You're literally responding to someone who thought randomly throwing in "bussy" would spice up the comment.

Imagine posting seriously on /r/Drama

Though my comment was partially serious o.O

I think me and you have a different definition of the south park moderate.

u/SprinkleMeByE40 I think we would all like to hear your definition of fascism and racism. Also, I was under the assumption that subreddit drama posters who found SRS to be to edgy

Also, I was under the assumption that subreddit drama posters who found SRS to be to edgy

You forgot to complete the sentence ya retard


why are you so retarded

This Is A Perpetual Tsundere Drama Machine

I literally have no idea which part refers to which subreddit

Smug liberals or literal fascists and racists. Hmm which is worse?

/u/sprinklemebye40 ? You could have just said "Smug Liberal fascists and racists" and covered all of reddit.

Smug liberals = subredditdrama

literal fascists and racists = drama

that would be my guess

anyone who thinks the majority of posters here are, "literal fascists and racists" genuinely does not understand this subreddit at all

anyone who thinks the majority of posters here are, "literal fascists and racists" genuinely does not understand this subreddit at all.

Yeah, that poster is definitely being hyperbolic about /r/drama users. So it's only fair that they should be hyperbolic about SRDines. The real choice then is between literal fascists and racists and people whose only pleasure in life is sniffing their own farts and bragging on the internet about how much they love to sniff their own farts, while proposing to implement a political policy which will force everyone to do nothing but sit around all day inhaling their own farts and smugly pontificating about how superior they are for their hatred of all forms of fun which aren't derived from the smelling of their own flatulence.

Any sane person is obviously going to choose the company of literal fascists and racists. Once again the SRDines take an L. The night of the long cans cannot come soon enough.

idk man id rather hang out with a smug liberal than people who believe in eugenics

Bitch, did you even read my post? The choice isn't between smug liberals and people who believe in eugenics. It's between a depraved coterie of fart smellers and people who believe in eugenics.

Typical SRDine, you don't even read the post before you start huffing your own intestinal gas.

i need to get off this sub i havent been bullied this much since middle school

Post bussy then kys

Fucking hypocrite insulted everyone here and then deleted all his comments

That's a SRDine for ya

They never send their best

What best? where are they hiding them.

Didn't want to get booted from the smug moral subs that are better than the entire planet by being caught being problematic or having the wrong subs on their history is my best guess.

Crypto-hate not even once

You could at least ping them so we can see who they are and ping them again. Thanks for nuthin


You could have just said "Smug Liberal fascists and racists" and covered all of reddit.

you forgot about the anarchokiddies

you forgot about the anarkiddies

Anarchists are temporarily embarrassed dictators.

Oooh thats actually a good one.


No, they're covered.

this is why we need to accelerate the mayocide

This but urgently


/u/SprinkleMeByE40 It's pathetic how few people on reddit are prepared to use blanket statements isn't it.

Not enough people know that incorrect opinions can always be reduced to "Kill the marginalised."

Is this ironic? You realise that sub is mostly liberals too? And the fash are generally made fun of when they appear.

/u/blertyuh Just kys.

There should be punishment for saying "fash" IRL.

What if I'm talking about fashion tho

Then it's like saying "de-lish" which should be punishable by death.

But its true my man this sub is liberal af

nice weeb username btw


Smug liberals or literal fascists and racists. Hmm which is worse?

Smug liberals, obviously.

Say what you will about fascists and racists, but at least they don't REEEEEEEEE at me and call me a bigot if I admit that I'm not into feminine penis, or think that Muslims did 9/11, or whatever other commonplace idea just became verboten last week.

call me a bigot if I admit that I'm not into feminine penis

You're not a bigot, you just have bad taste

More for the rest of us

it seems you're a bigot tbh

True, they call you a degenerate libcuck instead :)

For not liking feminine bepis? Hmm. No.

For liking literally anything they don't like though

No, a cuck has one of two meanings:

  • metaphorically, referring to someone who advocates opening his nation's borders to rapefugees and illegals; or,

  • literally, as in a man who advocates opening his wife's ladyhole to other men because of pussy liberation or feminism or incipient gayness or whatever the fuck

People unironically believe this wew

Well, yeah, you cucks unironically defend that mess. So, it isn't surprising that everyone laughs at you.

Defend what exactly? And wow thanks for proving my point :)

Defend what exactly?

Literally and metaphorically being a cuckold.

Not An Argument

Literally, you don't even know wtf i defend

My argument is that leftists defend both literal and metaphorical cuckoldry, as I described above. If you are too goddamn stupid to keep yourself from going in circles about it, try reading it again.

Hahahahahaha man. Thanks, I didn't know I defended literal cuckoldry! Also it's ok whitey, juste accept the mayocide already. Don't try to stop us :)

No, most literal neo-Nazis I would imagine just keep to themselves and try to look as normal as possible in public instead of preaching at every chance they get how all of normal society is on the wrong side of history to anyone that crosses their path.

At least those kinds of leftists are just annoying. They aren't dreaming of a massive genocide and dreaming about their race enslaving everyone

You mean the ones that love the idea of people being witch hunted if they disagree with them and think calling everyone a Nazi and attacking people that don't agree with them is self defense?

Just annoying for you? If they had a shred of power everyone would be up against a wall or in a camp.

The PM here in canada would be considered as a cucksjw yet nobody is dying from the vile sjw menace. I'm not talking about literal crazy anarchowhatever, just the mainstream liberals that the altright hate so much

If you read SRD, those dudes are crazy anarchowhatever while claiming to be normal liberal people. They quickly say violence is ok when we do it and totally self defense. They just make shit up as they go along. They are idiotic self righteous morons with hypocritical violent fetishes.

While I agree that labelling everybody in the right as nazi is retarded, can you really blame people that want to beat up literal nazis?

Yes, yes I can, because part B ALWAYS comes with the slippery slope of part A from the most eager people to beat up other people.

Maybe, we could use courts and laws and stuff instead, maybe? Or fuck it, lets bring back lynching, that shit used to work great.

You're not a bigot for not being into feminine penis, just gay.

What do I respect more, a coherent ideology based in reality or illogical victimhood based on feelings. That's a real tough one.

Nice, double bait, the best kind

Fascism is a very incoherent ideology, especially the National-Socialist German variant. There really isn't much in common at all with Mussoloni's Fascism, Franco's Fascism, or Nazism. All of them even constantly compromised their own beliefs because they needed a thing done, be it conscripting non Aryans, hiring Jewish Doctors, or tactly approving anti-Jewish rhetoric for alliances(Mussolini thought the Nazis were retarded for that, for example).

Seriously. Nazism made Jewish people sound like supermen.

the curious thing about white supremacists is that they seem to think every other race has its own unfair advantage over them...

...well except abos. but that's only because they don't know about the sex thing

wait which one's russia?

they've pretty historically been as anti-fascist as they are anti-liberal

The NSDAP's plan to expand into Russia and live an agricultural existence.

a coherent ideology based in reality

What made you think I was talking about fascism here?

if I admit that I'm not into feminine penis

y tho?

r/drama is full of far-leftists. It's just that /r/SubredditDrama is filled with even further far-leftists.

I think the main difference is that srd doesn't have open borders like we do so we end up getting a mixed bag of left and right.

open borders like we do

Fucking immigrants


Dae there are only two sides and you're not on mine REEEEEEE

much like gender, there are more than two sides to any argument.














no platforming

only shitposting

Anyone who says "DAE" deserves to die, /u/SprinkleMeByE40

DAE knows Ultrahitpost deserves to die?

Smug liberals or literal fascists and racists. Hmm which is worse?


/u/SprinkleMeByE40 lol imagine being so pissed off about a drama subreddit, no wonder you post on SRD.

Those obnoxious faggots bring up a good point about the political leanings of the people here. Are most of us South Park neutrals or we don't give a shit

We're on the side that produces the most drama, obviously.

I just want all caps and slurs.


Anti extremism on both sides seems to be the thing. That's where the good sperging out comes from... it is a drama sub after all.

Hmm which is worse?

Both sucks and are smug.

Got got banned from SRD with an upvoted comment because I said trans are mentally ill, which is undeniably true. If you are in disconnect with your body you are mentally ill.

SRD is obviously less toxic.

I post and subscribe to both sub's and I'm not on any side except mine

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

hello i am a fashy

i got banned from SRD 5 years ago because I called a person a faggot so i am stuck here

Your faggotry truly knows no bounds.

You are a literal example for all of us here on how to interact with others.

tfw I got banned from SRD last​ week for being a "troll" so I can't go there and shitpost

on the bright side I'm pretty sure that means I'm a big boy now

it's okay I got banned for saying beating up nazis is cool :////

Why would I want to be a prick to people?

Why the hell are people like this even interested in drama? I just don't get it.

They have cognitive dissonance.

They're not. Any drama that doesn't allow them to moralpost is met with comments like "I can't enjoy this drama" or "I'm literally shaking rn".

They're fucking retarded.

Fascists: "Normies just aren't red-pilled yet."

Libtards: "Normies are NAZIS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

Judgement, discernment and discrimination are things that wise people practice and libtards fear.

Imagine being this liberal

And to think SRD used to be good before all the actual women and minorities showed up.

Don't get me wrong, I hate women and minorities as much as the next guy, but let's be fair here. Most of these ""people"" are fucking white males. There's a reason why mayocide is the #1 priority.

They're just jelly that we're on the right side of history

/u/sprinklemebye I'm sorry the smug agendaposting isnt always your flavor here.

No, this is objective. Don't ping rape victims and harass them and call them liars.

that isnt objective at all, /u/FreshHotTakes. its a moral declarative that isnt even interpreting an event, only voicing opposition to a category of behavior. are you being deliberately obtuse, or do you just not know what "objective" means?

I don't even get it.

Who was this victim we ping raped, and what was he a victim of? Ping rape?

No thanks.

I see you could not resist our charms and stand by your convictions. Typical SRDine smh

u/tommy2014015 why did you delete your comments in this thread?

That sub is such a toxic craphole.

/u/SprinkleMeByE40 you do realize that SRD is modded by /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK a notorious men's rights activist and redpill sympathizer right?

Why would you compare two bins of garbage.

Cause one bin thinks it's hot shit

They're both bins of hot shit, yes.

Smug liberals or the people I hallucinate to be literal fascists and racists. Hmm which is worse?

The smug liberals, because you're crazy.

Is /u/BEHEAD_DRUMPF being ironic?

It's srd so I can't give him the benefit of the doubt.

No, this subreddit is a toxic shithole for the worst of the worst people to ever have lived. You're collectively more oppressive than nazi germany AND american slave owners, more vile than Trump, Hitler and Richard Dawkins together.

Hmmmmmmm. It seems like what an average srd would believe, so it's not hyperbole.

And I'm pretty sure srd banned sarcasm because it's ableist against developmentally challenged folks. So obviously not satire.

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

I mean, I post here a lot and I would be lying if I didn't say this is a shit hole.

Seems like there is some buttmad in here. Please don't turn into them. This is my last safe haven from redditards.