"...'survival of the fittest' bullshit historically has done nothing but get people like me killed." Autist SRDine gets salty about his impending doom and our greatest sin: calling a 'tard a 'tard.

50  2017-07-07 by KK_The_Wholey_Ghost


Alright lets settle down were sounding a lot like /r/drama rn

You and I are not so very different, Mr. /u/tommy2014015

you guys have infested our euophoric leftist utopia

You're welcome:^)

I wish.

Jews did this


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Ah yes, who could forget the great autist massacre of 1843.


To whichever mod that flaired this: THANK YOU

/R/drama has been on a downward spiral lately with subscribers using ableist slurs, pinging and harrassing legitimately diagnosed autistic and other mentally ill users for their entertainment. With this tag, hopefully, immature users from /R/the_dumpster would be discouraged from linking to and harassing autistic redditors.

/r/the_Dumpster. For future reference, subreddit links only work with a lower case 'R' on desktop.

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autistic redditors


u/arsitrouke using the term ableist unironically is pretty retarded don't you think.

/u/arsitrouke why would we listen to an autist


My view couldn't be more opposite that, yeah. 'survival of the fittest' bullshit historically has done nothing but get people like me killed.

I am outraged about the media whitewashing of the 1937 austist lynchings in Mobile, Al. Those poor neckbeards didn't mean to suck that innocent shopkeeper into a conversation about their beyblades, they shouldn't have had to die like that.

Hey waitaminute beyblades didn't exist in 1937.

I'm on to you.

You can get someone else to tie a knot for you, duh. Just tell them you want the thing that makes the rope all jumbled but keeps it from moving. 15-20 minutes max until someone figured out what you want and you can give them the green papers for it.

Only retards think autism is funny.

Only autists think retard isn't funny.

/u/arsitrouke so can you count really fast or tell how many M&Ms there are in a jar ?

Can you guess how many fingers I'm hiding right now ?

Or you're just the socially inept kind of autist ?

People with high functioning autism actually have some key advantages in society. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the most revolutionary scientists we've ever had were at least a little autistic.

Shit, the non-invalids were probably just treated like they were assholes and not like they were mentally disabled.

I'm super surprised an SRDine would overuse the term 'ableist'. Really.

I think that's a migratory species and is not native to SRD.

suprised u/arsitrouke is getting downvoted. maybe there is a limit to how much retardation srdines can take

This is the 4th thread posted here that is linked to the same SRD thread. You all should kill yourselves.

I cannot believe that Cloaca said something funny

monkeys on typewringos

It was a good one, for sure.

/u/arsitrouke you were posting in SRD, everyone already knew you weren't neurotypical.

Just remove all the warning labels, let nature do it's work.