/r/ice_poseidon claims /r/drama believes their a bunch of degenerics, come watch 15 years olds circlejerk themselves into a frenzy

63  2017-07-07 by tommy2014015


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now this is a beef i want to see. mostly because it means more ice_posseidon fans trying to act tough on the internet

They're adorable, aren't they? :)

Not really, no.

If by adorable you mean mentally retarded, then yes.

Manlets aren't even human

i think it's physically impossible to take them seriously no matter how hard you try

*rice_poseidon's. It's right in the subreddit's name lol.

i realize now that i used their instead of they're and degenerics instead of degenerates im a clinically fucking retarded

I'm glad you have finally realized the truth: being opposed to sister fucking and opposed to eugenics is an inconsistent position.

Reddit and specifically the "Drama" subreddits are mostly full of limp wristed wirgins who think others care

limp wristed

i didn't realize 60-year old men watch ice poseidon as well

/u/JohnnyMccrum you should keep yourself safe with that level of autistry

Can you not bring up my name? What kind of pathetic loser does that? Really dude?

Your life is actually so sad to be doing that kind of stuff, glad I'm not you

How the fuck can a person who's literally growing up on the internet be this fucking bad at dealing with internet trash talk.

It's all you know. Goddamn.

how pathetic is this post

Not as pathetic as you

This is /r/drama, we username ping everyone. Also lol at calling me sad, you're a fan of someone who streams his own life because yours is so pathetic. People like you are why people like me are completely in favor of abortion. Clearly you were a missed opportunity.

You literally browse and participate in a subreddit devoted to gossip and drama. I have never come across a more convincing case for involuntary euthanasia. You epitomise human trash.

Says the mouth breather getting assblasted that his favorite Internet personality is getting shat on. Post bussy then kys and finally make a positive contribution to the world.

It's one thing to shitpost drunk, it's quite another to religiously watch someone else live their lives. In /r/Drama we know we're retarded for following petty internet drama but you non-ironically think watching a livestreamer is both normal and okay.

you guys are the real retards, sitting on a drama subreddit, jesus christ how pathetic.

Oh god no. The absolute worst are people who watch IcePoseidon. Even junkies and /r/Drama posters do more with their lives than any IcePoseidon fan.

I actually can't think of anyone more pathetic than you right now, starting petty drama with me because you get triggered.

Lol I'm the one getting triggered but you're still mad after low quality bait hours after it happened. Kys famalam.

sorry i don't spend every waking moment of my life replying to retards on reddit

Yet here you still are. Lol

wait, aren't you subbed to /r/ice_poseidon?

If you were a 60 year old child predator and wanted to find a very stupid teenage boy with parents who don't give a shit about them, what better place could you look?

Raves? That's where I found old men looking for young men he could give "energy massages".

Town of Salem

Not that I'd know

R/drama are a bunch of retards that don't understand this community.

The fact they're commenting on us trying to understand us means we're much better than they are.


Have to feel superior somehow right

So this is the generation that's growing up with completely unfettered internet access. It's going to be interesting to see how they turn out.

[SPOILER!](Spoiled & Retarded)

So Republicans?

Did you halfway form a thought, misfire, then post anyways?


TBH that's halfway better than most people.

Like Republicans? or liberals?

Liberal Republicans

Liberal Republicans


I want Trump to nuke Russia

you would think parents would get better instead of worse at regulating internet access


From what I've heard, he's an autistic guy who started vidya game streaming but then got popular for walking around irl and filming his interactions with people. His fans intervene in this through swatting and other various nefarious things. It's kinda like The Truman Show with teenagers watching and toying with his life.

This sounds even more retarded than noodles.

please don't mention him, he might pull a candyman on us

I thought he an heroed his acct?

That doesn't it stop him from stirring up trouble apparently. /u/CosmicKeys or /u/ComedicSans (whichever one is a kiwi) has taken to calling him "Voldemort" out of fear of his particular brand of turbo autism.

He's still around for sure, keeps making accounts. He should go to kiwifarms instead cause he'd fit in much better there

don't believe his arfs

he had like 400 accounts, maybe kaalaa took him under his wing

is there a write-up somewhere on who this kaaalaaa guy is and what did he do? i always see him mentioned alongside noodles but have no idea why he's so infamous round these parts

Please don't disrespeck noodles.

It's beetlejuice rules. As long as his name isn't mentioned 3 times in a post he'll stay away.

Being nice to Riemann does attract him though so avoid that too.

I don't know what that sub is, but that thread upset me.

It's a bunch of 15 year old autists who think saying the n word is cool. For some reason they are obsessed with watching this older sperg try and do normal day activities in the big scary world outside

R/drama are a bunch of retards that don't understand this community.

The fact they're commenting on us trying to understand us means we're much better than they are.


this could be a good copypasta for any sub that gets linked on drama

The fact they're commenting on us trying to understand us means we're much better than they are.

It's just too long for a flair but OMG I need it


lmfao don't fuck with the purple army, no1 wanna catch these hands

shut the fuck up little boy

bruh he will fuck you up bruh

don't mess with him

Obviously white teenagers on the internet typing like black people is one of the most obnoxious things

You better watch yourself. He's got an 138 combat level and a Drygore Mace. He'll fuck you up when you go to the Wilderness and when it isn't too late.

The prostitute in the video is still a better person than each and every ice poseidon fanboy. By a country mile.

Least she gets laud

At least the hooker is providing a service for society.

Hey, she can only jerk off like, 4 or 5 people max at the same time. Those guys are a jerking entity and have a max work load in the potential thousands.

Just sayin

''M'lady. Let me be with you while you cuck me''

It's just that people who live their shitty lives through a streamer, are much lower than a prostitute. At least she's making money and making a societal contribution.

A) Implying the fans of a specific streamer aren't working and thus aren't paying taxes

B) Making money by being a whore and then getting triggered when the truth might come out and her family/friends back home might find out why she really went to Amsterdam (to sell her ass)

C) There are no laws prohibiting filming around the RLD. That's just what their shady pimps and those whores who wants privacy wants people to believe so that they can go on with their whore lives without their families/friends (maybe even boyfriends) back home finding out.

Implying the fans of a specific streamer aren't working and thus aren't paying taxes

I don't have to imply. It is fact.

Making money by being a whore and then getting triggered when the truth might come out and her family/friends back home might find out why she really went to Amsterdam (to sell her ass)

Still better than defending a shitty streamer this passionately. Do you live your life through his? Which is why you take her reaction so personally?

There are no laws prohibiting filming around the RLD. That's just what their shady pimps and those whores who wants privacy wants people to believe so that they can go on with their whore lives without their families/friends (maybe even boyfriends) back home finding out.

No laws prohibiting filming, but the lady has "portretrecht" which means she has rights on her portret. If she was a random passer-by it would be no issue, but since he made her clearly recognizable, she has the right to object to the use of her appearance.

If Ice hadn't walked away and pretended he closed the ''recording'' then she might've broken his phone and maybe even tried to hit him. But I guess that's okay because a whore needs her privacy (even though he wasn't even filming the windows/whores). This sounds like your typical Sharia No Go Zone except it's run by whores. The pimps and the whores are acting like mobsters with their behavior and trying to force non-existant laws on tourists/people around the area.

Wanna know how I know you guys have no jobs? You all write like 14 year old with behavioral problems.

Nice facts WK.

I like how you don't deny any of it.

Nor do you deny that you are a WK

Holy shit you guys really are autistic aren't you?

It's just that people who live their shitty lives through a streamer, are much lower than a prostitute.

Lower than a junkie too.

Prostitutes aren't people, is this bait?

That's no way to talk about ur mom.

You caught me I am a stereotypical Dutch degenerate. Now if you'll excuse me I need to eat some chocolate on toast... for breakfast.

You caught me I am a stereotypical Dutch degenerate.

You and I both know most dutch prostitutes are eastern european, Gregorzki.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to eat some chocolate on toast... for breakfast.

Literally nothing wrong with this.

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Nope there isn't. Not sure why your brought it up, but ok.

He was walking past the place he wasn't pointing the camera at women or windows and suddenly a woman comes yelling like a mad person instead of asking him like a normal person would. The subreddit overreacts but y'all are doing the same.

Still a better person.

If you feel compelled to regularly participate in a subreddit devoted to gossip and drama you epitomise human trash, and make an extremely convincing case for involuntary euthanasia. Please make a net positive contribution to society (which, if you continue living will inevitably be a net negative contribution) by committing suicide.

Valid point, which loses strength due to the fact that you felt the need to defend a streamer. I think it is very clear which one of us needs to be purged.

The difference is that /r/Drama users know we're fucked for being here. You seriously think watching live streams is abnormal thing. I blame older brothers really. They forced the younger ones to sit and watch for so long that now it's all they know.

these people are actually more retarded than us and that's saying something

Us? You have like 200 people here. No one knows you. We are known for our autism. It was no competition.







See, this right here. He cares how many people "know" them for being fucking mongoloids. We're reaching autism levels that shouldn't even be possible.

and we're leading the way, we're basically the first guy who stepped on the moon

You really should Keep Yourself Safe. All of society would greatly appreciate it.

At least now we know where SJW's post on reddit.

/u/OversteerNetwork, about 10 hours before you posted this /u/SprinkleMeByE40 described us as "literal fascists and racists"

you two need to fight it out so we can figure out which one it is, once and for all

South Park neutrality über alles

in a world of hysterical retards laughing at them makes you their mortal enemy

This has been the most magical brigade to happen on r/drama in awhile.

Antifa are sjw-types who fight what they perceive as fascism with actual fascism. The two can live together.

hot take

Fascism just means violence right

R/drama are a bunch of retards that don't understand this community.


R/drama are a bunch of retards


Also, if you play runescape please keep yourself safe.

/r/Drama. For future reference, subreddit links only work with a lower case 'R' on desktop.

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who the fuck is tal farlow?

/U/ /R/ashitbot


lmfao don't fuck with the purple army, no1 wanna catch these hands

It's weird how so many squeakers in there are using phrasings from the mid 90s.

It's wierd that there are people like you who make a big deal about anything you can. How about getting a hobby.

Mayocide is s hobby

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hahaha oh no

Lol only 400 online right now, dead subreddit. Probably filled with those fat white girls who hate drama but soak in it.

TriHard Cx

Dead sub tryin to leech off Ice Poseidon smh

in all seriousness I'm an Ice fan and its clear most of them don't realize this is a joke subreddit. Or maybe they do and are just trolling back. The autism there is off the charts.

this sub is dead LUL

Then all this is, is publicity. I started watching a year and a half ago after people said ice took drugs and played runescape for views.


So you joined him because you thought he took drugs and played Runescape for views? Or just happened to join him as people were accusing him of doing drugs and playing Runescape for views?














/u/Freia1337 do us a favour and go to a stripclub and try taking a picture in there. When you regain consciousness compare that experience with what that woman did and get a new appreciation for her not just having bouncers beat the shit out of your degenerate hero.

Haha go put some more seeds in youre bum m8

no u

oh what a big boy you are... feels good man

You're the type of person to say "kek" in real life aren't you?

ok big boy. what ever you say.