OP wants to know how to humanely euthanise his boyfriend's cat. Datalounge tells OP to inhumanely euthanise himself.

25  2017-07-07 by buartha


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The picture of the kitten being held up was on my old band's show fliers. Great picture.

I think incels are right then we give them credit for

Unless they start killing themselves because they recognize they're wastes of oxygen then this is just a blatant falsehood.

Styrofoam airtight cooler, $2 from CVS.

literally who cares, animals aren't even conscious or sentient beings.

yeah you can fight me and my cats

How did a cat lady end up on the autistic drama sub

What do you think cat ladies are, exactly?

I always thought they were women who thought they could do better in a relationship, when they realized they couldn't it was to late so the only option for affection was a cat

That reminds me of /r/incels

my dawgs (human) are fighting on my side gl pal


Cats aren't for sure

My cats are more sentient than you you worthless piece of shit

"I-I-I feel like my cat has anthropomorphic qualities and is basically a human because (((disney))) told me so!!"

Have you ever owned a pet?

This, but unironically.

OP, when the inevitable breakup occurs, please contact me. I like your style.

I like his style

Well that is interesting. Half the comments are joking about how to kill the cat and the other half is moral outrage.

Since it's datalounge I'm honestly shocked that only half the comments are trying to help OP kill the cat

[Make a batch of hemlock tea. Drink it, and let the cat lick your lips](i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/183/604/ee9.png)

At least this is something different from the usual fare. I'm enjoying this.