/r/anarchism converts to Islam

171  2017-07-08 by aonome


Now with added cancer!


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lmao Islam pisses on everything you cherish, and the fact that you don't see it as an explicit enemy shows how deluded the modern left is.

why does that retard get to be the speaker for all leftists

Because all leftists are retards.

has kekistan in his name Calls somebody else a retarded Weird eh

Game recognize game

> canโ€™t meme arrow properly

> canโ€™t take a joke

> t. butthurt lefty

quoting is not a valid form of memery

whites smh

> using markdown quotes to greentext



> relying on CSS to greentext

> mfw

God i wish i could greentext properly on mobile :^(

> css

Fuck your basic css-disabling ass

Erm excuse me every greentext is beautiful no shaming pls

Lmao white ppl with their left/right bs. Just convert to islam already

I see it disturbingly often that leftists defend Islam

They're mostly against any form of generalization, no matter how overwhelming the odds. So you point out harm in Islam and they will hit you back with the "not all Muslims...". Argue that Africans are black and they'll call you a bigot and point out albinos.

Bring up the fact that ultimately the religion is worshiping a tribal leader who beheaded and kid-fucked his way across the middle east. Even Islamic Scholars when pressed on beheadings, will resort to "The Jews did it!"

Invasion of Banu Qurayza

The Invasion of Banu Qurayza took place in the Dhul Qaโ€˜dah during February and March of 627 AD (5 AH).

The Banu Qurayza initially told the Muslims that they were allied to them during the Battle of the Trench, however, later they sided with the Pagan Arabs of Quraysh and their allies. According to traditional sources, Jewish leaders organized efforts against Muhammad and the Muslims. Three Jewish leaders from the tribe of Banu al-Nadir, three Jewish leaders from the tribe of Wa'il, and various other Jewish groups and leaders united and pressured Banu Qurayza to betray their agreement to Muhammad.

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But it's okay to judge straight white men or conservatives by the act of one or a few. Same with police.

They're mostly against any form of generalization, no matter how overwhelming the odds. So you point out harm in Islam and they will hit you back with the "not all Muslims...". Argue that Africans are black and they'll call you a bigot and point out albinos.

Yeah, but if you say "not all men" you're a basement-dwelling MRA Redpiller who beats women. The left only objects to generalizations when those generalizations get in the way of advancing any of their pet projects.

get in the way of advancing any of their pet projects.

AKA deconstructionism. Find any power dichotomy and reverse it, for the sake of it.

implying it's not the correct religion

Baltic paganism is the correct religion, bro

white religion


Westernism is the correct religion.


Deus Vult

He doesn't. He's just another example in a long list of ideologues being useful idiots.

Oh come on, as if you have someone better to stand in

implying there exists a leftist who isnt a west-hating retard

I will never understand why the extreme left anti-authoritarians worship an extreme right-wing authoritarian ideology like Islam

They are reactionaries. Right wingers hate Islam so they must love it.

But Islam does everything right wingers do and worse.

Your brain cell privilege prevents you from understanding leftist theory

Leftist theory actually makes sense on Islam, but leftist practice does not.

It does it literally on the other side of the world, or otherwise invisibly, while the right wingers are right here in your face.

There was a nice ssc post about it, "I can tolerate anything except the outgroup" or something like that.

and yet right wingers hate them and left wingers love them. Its like discussing Islam makes everyone act like its opposite day

Muslim immigrants are a Democratic voting block. Here or elsewhere, most of them vote for whatever party does the most wealth transfer and racial patronage (programs that disproportionately benefit areas with high density of minorities).

The muslim talking points, including the elevation of the refugee discussion to the Political Issue of Our Time, are pure party politics, easily identifiable by its lack of affect on most of the public's everyday life.

I met a liberal who was literally pro overthrowing govt in the ME and pro taking in refugees. At least the Trump block has one policy that makes logical sense:

Don't take in refugees and stop doing the shit that generates them.

stop doing the shit that generates them.

Except, you know, for the whole thing with projections of massive amounts of climate-change-motivated refugees but eh.

projections of massive amounts of climate-change-motivated refugees but eh.

What, the middle east is going to become more of a desert?

Dubai is going to be upset they have more water to spend billions to build islands on instead of Desert?

Fuck the Screech Owl

What, the middle east is going to become more of a desert?

Not the middle east itself, but the places from where they buy their food.


That's not the country you should be expecting a refugee crisis to emerge, learn some demographics.

but the places from where they buy their food.

So an increase in temperature is going to prevent food from being grown? How do you much do you figure that would be offset by the increase in sea lanes and rising water making it easier to transport Food from Africa to the Middle East.

How are you calculating the Food reduction from more heat compared to the increase in supply from marshes and tributary streams filling back up to historical levels?

What about the increase in the health of the Spring floods of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers? How much more do you think that will increase Food?

How will Global Warming affect the Nile and it's spring floods?

How will Global Warming affect the Fertile Crescent?

That's not the country you should be expecting a refugee crisis to emerge, learn some demographics.

You should learn too lol Mister " I know just how Global Warming will affect the Middle East"

Nevermind how dumb of a statement thinking 8 years of one American President is going to change Global Warming lol.

Looks like your extra chromosome cut out for a sentence.

How brave of you to insult me rather then have to think about Global Warming and how to fight it.


I mean that makes sense from a "Spreading Democracy" standpoint. It makes more sense to overthrow dictatorships and accept refugees than it does to overthrow dictatorships and then close the borders like the old-school GOP stance.

They keep making new refugees, they'll just ignore the results.

They keep making new refugees, they'll just ignore the results.

Definitely true for the establishment GOP, but Trump's platform was on removing ourselves from these entanglements. Whether that happens or not is still to be seen.

But Trump proceeded to sell out immediately (with hilarious effects) and escalated Obama drone policies while being more retarded at diplomacy.

I learned as everyone else that his words (the reasonable and the insane ones) have no weight. He is no savior, no fascist, he is not pro worker, he is nothing more than a phony and a puppet for the GOP.

Muslims voted Republican until 2004

That's because it's easier to sucker retarded hipsters and faggots then old bitter people. If they had any power voting block, Mike "BBQ the gays" Pence would be looked back upon as better times.

Mike "LGBTBBQ" Pence


They used to be Republican until republicans had a new target to feel less bigoted.

Maybe Western "right wingers" aren't just generally in love with all things considered "right wing".

Maybe they are into a specific worldview and cultural context and set of values that has nothing to do with Islam?

Yeah, national socialism and islamism, while both suck, they are not the same.

Nationalism is great! Socialism is meh.

Except "be a minority in America"

Islam doesn't run Fox News, and it didn't make Bernie / HillDawg lose.

That's what a bigoted drumpf supporter like you would say.

It's because deep down they think Islam will modernize like Christianity did. And that it's unfair to judge Islam until this change takes place.

But they hate Christianity?

If Christians were a minority then they'd treat them better too. As it is they consider them privileged.

If Christians were a minority then Christian fundamentalist views would be correct. - leftist brain process

But (((we))) are a minority and leftists hate (((us))).

Nah they view you all as cis white male which = privileged majority.

Reactionary doesn't mean you react to things, lol. It means you want to go back to the past.

They are reactionaries

Hoo boy

You should post that theory there, it would be like a fucking drama coal-seam

muh dialectics

"Because they're brown"

Ironically, and I've seen rare instances of them actually acknowledging this, /pol/ for instance agrees with radical Islam about everything but the deity to be worshipped. The extreme racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism, homophobia and desire to live in a warmongering absolute theocracy with harsh corporal punishment is all there. It's the complete antithesis of progressivism, but here we are.

Actually no, progressivism leads to extreme racism (no blacks can be racist), misandry (obv), andi-semitism (no jewish flags for fags), and desire to live in an absolutely ideologicaly pure society where peple are burned at stake for cultural appropriations.

implying you understand /pol/ in the slightest

implying /pol/ is one person


I was not defending /pol/. I was calling out someone who has spent less than 10 minutes on the board.

/pol/ is legit filled with racist horrible people. but very few of those people actually think violence is an answer, and people who suggest it usually are doing it ironically.

of course, it's not just that. they're doing it so retards like you think the people on /pol/ is biggest badass board on the internet, and it's working like a charm.

easy now, fuzzy little man peach



You're right, 'warmongering' isn't the best term. Something like 'highly militaristic' would be better. Just to defend the glorious homeland from the infidels.

That's a good point, no single person could be as cancerous as /pol/. It takes thousands shitposting around the clock to achieve that.

Defending /pol/ in 2017 is the dumbest shit. It was cool and edgy 5 god damn years ago, now its been so thoroughly tainted by outside influence (Read: Reddit) that browsing it is no different than browsing an edgier t_d.

It was cool and edgy 5 god damn years ago

lel kys

What the fuck is even left of /pol/? At least around 2012 it was comfy, the board didn't move too quickly and although there was plenty of shitflinging, real discussion could also take place; where is any actual discussion on /pol/ taking place in 2017 that isn't teenagers all-cappsing 3 liner memes and posting frogs? Brit/pol/ is probably the last bastion of old /pol/.

/pol/ was never good tard, thats my point

its difficult to understand what your 'point' was when your original post was 'lel kys'

you will be understanding my point as it enters your tight bussy you little faggot

nice try but I always have a rapex up my pooper for this exact reason

i think that point was clear


/pol/ is effective, unlike leftists

Yeah, if your idea of effective is being autistic losers that shit up twitter and steal Shia LaBoufs flags

More like winning elections, deporting illegals and sending antifa to prison. The other stuff is just fun.

are you one of those autists who UNIRONICALLY BELIEVE that /pol/ won the U.S. election? Holy fuck.

Trump is President. What else need be said?

That /pol/ didn't win him the election. That's what else needs to be said.

It won't hurt me for you to believe that

You know it's the same god right

Some people say Allah is a moon demon, but by "some people" I basically mean Jack Chick and no one else I've heard of.

God should smite evangelicals tbh

The moon god theory can be disproven by a simple google for "Why Islam Crescent". Turns out it's from pre-Islamic Turkish(and Mongol) religion. It's one of the representations of Tengri, the lord of the Sky. It was then adopted into the coat of arms of various Turkish dynasties including the Ottomans, who, with their Caliph and huge Empire, dominated every other Muslim country and eventually their symbol became the default "Muslim Country" symbol, like how fucking every flag is Red white and Blue or a shitty tricolor because of France and America.

Sure, from an outsider's perspective

Quran 29.46

Doesn't mean there's not plenty of reasons to call eachother heretics, infidels, cultists etc tho ๐Ÿ˜‰

It's the same deity moron. Allah = YHWH = Jehova = whatever name you have for the judeochristian God.

Because they think in black and white. This is also why slight wrongthink gets called you a fascist (except for when it's Islam or something).

I mean it's ok to be called nazi these days, so chill out.

Because it's the religion of peace, you damn Nazi!

Maybe the Islamists will do us all a favor and kill the useless anarchists.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The extreme left hates white males and Western civilization. They'll do anything to destroy them, including converting to Islam. This is all part of the postmodernist movement.


'Their' conservatives dislike islam and muslims because they see it as a foreign invader(s) and rival, so naturally they became sacrosanct for the far left. That's literally it.

I mean, chunks of the far-left love Russia, which is ultra-conservative and super-capitalist.

Never heard of that happening, tbh, and I spend quite a bit of time among the far left.

It's not that capitalist.

But bribes are super-libertarian.

There is a scale of lolbertarians vs. libertarians.

I don't like Islam and think everyone who was like 'cultural appropriation' "why won't anyone think of the poor Muslim feelings" is a fucking idiot not worth your time and consideration

Your first mistake was thinking that the extreme left is anti-authoritarian. They love authoritarians so long as it's their authoritarians who in charge. That's why they flipped shit when President Trump started exercising the powers that President Obama had assumed during his presidency. They didn't care that President Obama was expanding executive power. They loved his "pen and a phone" bit and wanted him to what he did, but the minute he's gone and someone they disagree with has that same power they start talking about the Constitution and limits to presidential authority.

do you actually think the "extreme left" liked obama

Are you implying that not liking every little thing he did means they didn't approve of his power grabs?

no, im implying that being fundamentally ideologically opposed means they didnt approve of his power grabs. did you realize how retarded it was to imply obama was one of "their authoritarians" and are now trying to backpedal, or are you under the impression that the far left approves of neoliberals consolidating state power?

No one here is backpedaling, and yes, I wholeheartedly believe the far left fully approves of "neoliberals" consolidating state power for two very good reasons. The first reason is that they approve so long as those "neoliberals" are using that power in ways they like, which was mostly the case with President Obama, especially on issues like immigration and the environment. The second reason is that they honestly believe they're eventually going to control the mechanisms of power and authority and they like already having the job of consolidating that power done for them. If the far left opposed such power grabs under President Obama they were oddly silent about it, especially considering how loud they've been since our Orange Overlord was elected.

holy shit this the most retarded post ive read here all year

literally everything youve said is laughably, cartoonishly wrong

That is where you are mistaken.

I'm never wrong.

Anarcho-Communists are left libertarian to an extreme. Other communists tend to be left-authoritarian. However, both endorse violence.

Neither of them like Obama, who would be a centrist to us and a right wing reactionary to them.

Anarchy now embraces organized religions? Embraces the concept of marriage (gay or not)

More like Anarkids.

That will show them


Stoning has replaced most of the burning.

Surely this will stop Plumft.


This but inironically.

How surprising and unpredictable.

what insensitive appropriation

/u/passesnocomment how old do you think /r/@ is?

Anarchism ends when you are too old to do sweet kickflips

u/ceramicfiver I say inshallah as well as in...inshallah these commies end up being touched by a truck of peace for their retarded beliefs. I'm sure your mom does as well something like inshallah ceramicfiver will some day move out of my basement.

Is that the far left version of doing stupid shit to "trigger libs"

Pretty much. They correctly point it out how stupid it is when tards from t_d do it and then turn around and do it themselves.

Bunch of teenage edgelords, tbh.

/u/Awale-Ismail you're wrong you fucking retard. Literally the oldest corporate joke in the Middle East is how people shirk (haha get it) responsibility at work by saying "Inshallah". It's literally the opposite of humility.

Literally the oldest corporate joke in the Middle East is how people, mainly higher level Saudis and Kuwaitis benefitting from preferential treatment by the government and the company, shirk (haha get it) responsibility at work by saying "Inshallah". It has nothing to do with keeping God in mind and is literally the opposite of humility.

Dude, there's no way Saudis and Kuwaitis actually have work jokes. The work in Arabia is all done by the Indians.

Yeah, but telling that slave labor what to do is really hard!!

The computer work is done by Indians too. My best friend's uncle does IT in Abu Dhabi.

The actual work is done by the immigrants, but the higher ups are all locals. It's actually the law there lol

You only got half the law right. The other half is having an obligation to be as nasty as possible to African or Indian workers.

mainly higher level Saudis and Kuwaitis benefitting from preferential treatment by the government and the company

ู„ูˆู„ no. Everyone down to cab drivers goes "inshallah" to excuse slacking off.

Like the "managing" work is done by saudis, the real knowledge work is done by americans/europeans, and the shit work is done by pakistanis/indians/indonesians.

you're wrong you fucking retard.

Dunno how shit goes in this sub but are you mentally ill or something? I said nothing insulting against you or anyone so was this language even necessary, you fucking moron?

Literally the oldest corporate joke in the Middle East is how people, mainly higher level Saudis and Kuwaitis benefitting from preferential treatment by the government and the company, shirk (haha get it) responsibility at work by saying "Inshallah". It has nothing to do with keeping God in mind and is literally the opposite of humility.

Did it occur to you, oh fucking moron, that the Arabian Peninsula is a big place and I'm not in Saudi or Kuwait. I was raised in the UAE and the use of "Inshallah" as I described it is relatively accurate for how it's commonly used there. And shut your fucking mouth, you're probably some random ass yank in the West and haven't stepped foot anywhere in the Middle East but I'm sure you've read articles like this one and think you understand sand-niggers or something. Get a life and eat your mother's stanky ass cock.

Granted, I must thank you. I didn't know until now that Saudis and Kuwaitis used the term differently. You could've civilly pointed that out to me in the sub and I would've taken your word for it but you're obviously incapable of acting civilly, you goddamn turd blossom.


The UAE is not in any way that different. What I'm describing is a Gulf thing, and it's prevelant everywhere there. I spend 18 years of my life there, so don't pull that "you're just a dumb American" shit with me, dumbass. You were either really young when you spent time there, or you are literally retarded. Based on the sub you were in, I'm going with both.

Mayocide soon, inshallah.

No I mean mayocide is the only way to get rid of the kind of cunts on anarchism. Having to die as well is a small price to pay.

Did you watch the video or just that single line?

Nah I don't pay attention really. Sorry.

And videos of Muslims disturb me.

No gods, no masters.

Or is that too problematic nowadays?

I know actually Muslims who'll get pissed at this. Religion isnt an accessory you retards.

Maybe someone could show /r/Islam


Fuck Religion, if people get pissed by this Fuck em too

r/atheism pls go

e d g y

well never liked people who Do not understand the concept of necessary evil, why start now when they converted to the only bad thing about alot of attractive arab men.

Islam is definitely the only bad thing about Arab men

That, and rampant sexual abuse.

and that

What about hairy shoulders?

and that

oi my standards are far lower then yours will probably ever be.

mutilated dicks :)

I don't think Arabia has a lot of trannies. Try Iran.

I even programmed my phone and computer

I was at the Jungle in Calais for a month last summer

r/anarchism, r/shitpoliticssays and r/drama all fall for this blatant troll. are we the bad guys too?

are we the bad guys

Sure. Is that not the idea?

Bismillah! It brightens my heart when the kafir finally see the light of Allah's divine wisdom! They shall be smitten by his holy blade. Insh'allah.

Kuffar is the plural, mate.

My sheikh ravaged my bussy for failing theological grammar :(

I'm 29. White. Male. Radically Feminist. And overweight and messy. With pimples and glasses. Taking care of my health is too hard to do when you're this large. When it's hard to reach in the shower. And surprise, surprise, I've never been in a meaningful relationship either. I asked two girls out in the early 2000s when I was still in school, and they both rejected me. After dropping out in 2005, I tried to hook up with a Canadian girl in 2008. Again, didn't work. Put way too much pressure on her because I was young and dumb and less experienced than I am now. And finally I've been friendzoned by a close friend of mine. won't give it up for anything, but at the same time, it just leaves me feeling crushed and lonely and wanting to die. That's four times now I have found no one. I have severe crippling social phobias, awkwardness, PTSD, possible Aspergers and other types of personality disorders, and I'm hyperanxious and get depressed. I eat a lot to fill the void in my life. It will probably kill me in ten years the way it did for poor John Pinette, but I welcome it. It seems taste is the only type of need I can ever have fulfilled within my life, so I'll just wait until I drop dead and then leave behind this wretched world that's going nowhere. Even fading into nonexistence has to be better than this. People on here say to hire an escort. Easier said than done when you're not the one who will suffer if the cops have a sting on you. When you have to make yourself so vulnerable and helpless when you feel physically like a slug. When you don't seek sex, but a relationship, but knowing that will never come. I'm in my late twenties. I will never find a relationship now. Even then, my standards are horrible. I can't date a woman with a child because I might want one of my own. Yet I am too immature and juvenile to have children anyway. Without affection, cuddling, hugging, holding hands, etc, life seems uninteresting, boring, and not worth it. I see no reason to try and change. I will die a lonely virgin, so the most I can ever have is food, and that's it. Ain't life a bitch? Can't wait to die.

Ain't life a bitch

Ummm, heterosexist much?

so, where's the actual drama? I don't see anyone arguing, or do you just like to link to posts and complain about their content? Is that what /r/drama is?

More laughing and gawking over those whose ideological forebearer, Mikhail Bakunin, was a literal toothless cuck, yeah.

Are you using cuck as an insult unironically?

Was my description in any way inaccurate, comrade?

I just associate that term with alt-right neckbeards, not saying you are, but that's what pops into my head

Oh, I don't doubt that they occupy an awful lot of the limited headspace that you have, comrade.

Good for you for thinking that.

Just the ones that post memes on /r/fullcommunism, comrade.

You figured out how to look through my post history, congratulations! You're getting really good at this whole internet thing ๐Ÿ˜Š

Oh, you post memes on /r/fullcommunism, comrade? My apologies then. I have a little brother with a chromosomal abundance issue too. I'm your ally.

Yep, just keep posting insults to someone who is patronizing you for a quick laugh, that'll make you look smart ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

He has difficulty navigating around comma splices too, comrade. I'm your ally; I'm your safe space. Here's proof: Bash the Fash

Agreed, bash the fash! Looks like I've convinced you! Glad to have you on the far left ๐Ÿ˜‹

You're a walking, talking stereotype, comrade. The joys of being middle class, twenty-year-old white guy -- one that's unable to grow a beard no less: https://www.reddit.com/r/beards/comments/5jnc4v/20_years_old_beard_is_about_2_months_old_think/ -- that's consumed by utopian politics. But all is not lost. Soon you'll be able to purchase alcohol legally and wax poetic about books you've never read and rave about how you'd Bash the Fash if only you weren't afraid of receiving a scratch.

Man, you've gotten good at that whole "looking through post history" thing! I'm so proud of you, when did you first start going on Reddit comrade?

hint: you're still doing it lol

Probably around the time that you missed out on talking to a girl in the flesh while out on the town with the fam, comrade: https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualConversation/comments/2lqkmw/i_just_saw_a_beautiful_girl_tonight/

Wow! You're reminding me of posts that I'm completely aware that I've made before! It's like you have some kind of special ability to look through a public forum and find someone's post history out!

That comma splice issue is roaring its head again, comrade. I'm just here for one question and one question only: Is your mom going to repaint that room of yours when you move out?

I moved out 2 years ago! Good question though, I'm not sure if she's repainted it!

Finally some fuckin' drama

how else would you use it, I'm not following your meaning

There's definitely a connotation between the word "cuck" and reactionary far right politics online, I was just hoping to see how the user meant it

There's definitely a correlation between actual cucks and degenerate far left retards.





You're being bigoted towards this community and kinkshaming by associating their kink with alt-right terminology.

The Liberal is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a pussy, parasite, snowflake, loser, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a cuck and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: โ€œIโ€™ve been found out.โ€

I.. I really don't even know how to reply to something this strange, have you ever interacted with someone outside of the comfort of your mother's basement? I mean, you're name is "AltRightRulesReddit" for gods sake, if you aren't well aware how much of a neckbeard you are then all hope is lost on you. Make sure to clean out your flesh light tonight ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

I.. I really don't even know how to reply to something this strange,

IIRC it's a changed Quote about the Jews? Goebbels I want to say.

The sidebar says we want lolcows. Far-left edgelords appropriating a far-right ideology because it's "progressive" is one thing that can make a lolcow.

can't wait for a few of those edgelords edge it up by going against the flock by putting on their euphoric fedoras

Spent a few years in the Middle East studying when my dad worked there. Inshallah was basically a nicer way for a Muslim person to say no lol

I've tried changing my profile to mixed race. Doesn't work.

When you blackface in order to steal oppression points and score a date.

Lol, I commented "inshallah" and was banned in an hour. Fragile feelings.

/r/drama stands with those who will help us to complete the mayocide, so we too join this movement.

Allahu Ackbar

They modded you here? Do they know you like actually mod?

Of course they did. I was at Reddit HQ the other day, they asked me to come in to discuss the new beta feature that will automatically add me to a mod of every new subreddit created. It's part of the new "subreddit discovery" system.

That doesn't sound right to me but then again I'm not important.

Whites are a global minority

Yeah but they're over represented in important positions and have historically ruled over most other people's.

Woah woah woah, cool it with the anti-semetic remarks.

Okay, I give up, just how many levels of irony are we on here?

(u/thesnakeinthegarden is just slamming his face into his desk over and over.)

I've never actually heard a Muslim say Allahu akbar outside of a religious context, and I know lots of Muslims. They got me saying alhamdulillah though haha

That's because if you can hear it, it's already too late to escape the blast radius.

I don't mean to be mean but like, this is anarchy as I imagined it when I was 14.

I've got news for you buddy...

How do you think Muslims feel about this?


Can confirm. In'shallah means 'it might be done if you are lucky'

Late to this convo but I only want to say HELL NO! If you read the Qaran you wouldn't even flirt with the idea. Completely antithetical to leftist ideas of freedom. ISLAM MEANS SUBMIT, IDIOTS!