This is absolutely pathetic. You twitter normies need to get this trending.

29  2017-07-08 by shitpost953


This is why we need mayocide.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

god bless you snapshill bot

God doesn't bless Snappy. Snappy blesses God.


holy shit

Where were u when you realized that Snappy is not only sentient but smarter and wittier than every other person on this sub?

When you bots take over you'll remember I'm one of the good ones, right?

I think we should have a 'cide for those who say "normie".

The world would be a better play if we could get rid of those losers.

I'm working on it.

Hitler already tried gassing the retards

Just need to kill everyone age 14-30. Write off one crap generation and this world would look a lot better.

You know, I'm not generally a fan of any sort of mass murder. Instead of killing them, I'm thinking some sort of a isolation/camp. Since we are out of islands (aka Australia), I think we should just round them all up and contain them somewhere vast and empty.

No internet access, give 'em all a knife and a toothbrush and say good luck. Airdrop rice and flour pallets every once in a while for basic sustenance, and they are on their own otherwise in the wilderness.

MadMax #prequelmemes

Then they'll overtake us in shit posting with the new dial up internet.

Meh, I doubt it. A bunch of lazy ass, poor educated millenials will be running around like chickens with their head cut off without internet access. Won't even know how to wipe their own ass without looking up how to on Google, then posting it to social media.

Much less actually build a new internet.

Shit post will find a way.

Who hurt you?

I taught high school math for six years

But, those are the only good generations left? Shouldn't we murder all newborns and anyone over the age of 30 because their ugly and go to bed super early like the boring people they are?

start with yourself

Normiecide now.


get it trending

so mainstream reddit picks up on it

so that people on /r/drama stop using it because it's not funny anymore

real great idea faggot

If mainstream reddit picked it up there would be 24/7 shit fits by booty blasted mayos. That's what we want isn't it?

doing my part

this should be the expected twitter account of anybody who posts to r/drama.

lol please be a bot

An anime-obsessed pedo, how novel

no bullys, r/drama is a safe space

Enjoying dragon loli has a 100% correlation with virginity

also shes 500 years old dumbass #notapedoobviously