An Incel finally gets nailed.

225  2017-07-09 by uhuhuhu


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Snappy sentient confirmed


That's enough internet for today

It's 10:25am where I am and I couldn't agree more.


what the actual fuck

Another day, another mental scar from r/drama

This might actually need a proper flair warning tbh

good idea


WTF I was not ready for that jesus christ on the cross

Related: in an example of live by the sword, die by the sword, Jesus was a carpenter and died from being nailed.

"Forgive them, Elliot. They know not what they do"

Fuck me, I thought it would have the nsfw show spoiler thing, because I just wanted to read the comments. God all fuck

This seems like a good way to help ensure there's no chance of them ever breeding. Is there somewhere to donate money to promote incels driving metal spikes though their dicks?

Yes, your local fraternities. For just dollars a day they'll be sure to make Incels feel even worse about themselves.

Be sure that your donations are made out to the name "Chad Thundercock"

Send me a few quid and I'll encourage them.

Don't worry, incels already ensure they have no chance of breeding.


Hahaha classic dick nailed to a board prank

Its just a prank bro!!

Nailed it.

that dude is a fucking nutcase and seems to enjoy regularly pushing things into his bellend


nevermind, that's actually him. How easily does that heal? Would you have to go to the hospital?

You know what.... I'm going outside.

I was just thinking its time to go on a bike ride with my kids.

Yeah there are plenty of trees to nail your dick to. Why settle for a board?

Didn't that happen in antichrist?

I'm now going to church and I'm an atheist.

So basically that's his kink but he's also an incel.

A lot of incels seem to be gay, perverts or paedos trying to convince the world they are normal and boring.

trying to convince the world they are normal and boring.

I was thinking the exact opposite of that.

LOL, /r/Incels is ANYTHING but 'normal and boring', I'll say to that

dude has a 7.5 inch dick and hes just wasting it lmao

Yep, and from the picture he posted in the other thread he is ripped too. Real waste lol

Imagine how repulsive his personality must be for it to cancel out the fact that he's ripped and has a decent sized dick.

He claims it's because his face 'can look a little bloated'... lol ok

Unless he looks like Sloth from Goonies it's gotta be his personality.

I'm 99.999% sure the guy has a masochist/humiliation/self loathing fetish and wouldn't actually want a girl to like him

I bet this guy had a very abusive childhood. Kinda makes me sad. Oh well mayocide now keep yourself safe post bussy

Just never talking to anyone will do that for you, no repulsion necessary.

Well he posts on incel so...

he is clearly a manlet though, and that cancels everything else out tbh.

Yeah all of those are staying blue

Wise choice.

/u/throwawayfreak44 since you're into genital mutilation, why don't you just find a gril who's into that too? When your kinks are that fucked up and you're still willing to go through with them then you become part of a community where people are willing to bang you simply by virtue of the fact that you have that kink, regardless of how repulsive you may actually be as a person. Go on fetlife or some genital mutilation forums or something and find your dream girl

You need Jesus snally.

/u/throwawayfreak44 please commit suicide.

4 album basically confirms it's a kink for him.

Wait, those are tattoos? I thought it was old sharpie. I'm going the fuck outside right now, fuck this sub.



Yeah, Jesus ain't coming back.

The Bible had a typo. God had Jesus killed to save him from us.

God had Jesus killed to save him from us us from him.

FTFY. Apparently Jesus is a scary ass motherfucker

You can't come back of you were never here.

Motherfucker did sex reassignment surgery at home and for free......quick, repost in MtF subs.

It's interesting that it didn't start to bleed until after he pulled the nails out.

If you accidentally stab yourself with something let the hospital take it out because it to you pull it out you bleed a lot more.

I knew that in principle, but how perfect the seal was even in tissue that I think is basically all blood was surprising.

Yeah, as someone else noted, if someone gets stabbed by something, make them keep it in, and try to prevent it from moving around and doing more damage.

That is actually what first aid classes will tell you to do.

Glad I went to the comments first now I know not to click this

Dude. You have no idea.

Can you explain?

Fuck no, nyet. nein. нет. 没有...

literally drove a nail through his glans.

Nails, plural. Then he ripped them out. And it kind of exploded at one point. It was awesome.


jesus I am glad I did not click the link

It's an old vid.

I wish an incels poster would nail his dick to a board...

...and then kill himself...

...using a nail bomb... a room full of other incels...

...that would be a good thing for everyone...

...except incels...

...but those people really need to die...

>implying incels are people

How can be an old vid, I filmed it today.

How's your dick feeling?

Any soreness or other discomfort?

Dick head is fine, the foreskin is swollen though.

Well then

How can it be fine? You have gaping wounds. You can have an infection or tetanus. Have you seen a doctor?

Great, now I'm thinking about gangrenous dicks.

Please OP, need pics in about 2 weeks!

At least tell me you're not an anti vaxxer on top of the rest?

Probably a good thing for humanity you're out of the genetic pool.

Naah, no you didn't.

If you really want attention, do it for real next time... or, or: why not cut it off altogether?

Make sure you put a note with the date and your latest username alongside it.

This is the only way to get attention and we all know that getting attention is what this is all about.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Five hours later, not one comment.

I am sad.

This is... extreme.

When other incels are telling you you've gone too far, you've gone way too fucking far.

"Surely this is a joke"

it's not a joke

/u/throwawayfreak44 I don't understand why you would take the time and money to drive nails through your cock like it's a Christ figure but you won't shell out 10 dollars to bareback a crack ho.

I saw his other pic on the thread where he showed his physique. If that is indeed him, he should be banging chicks left and right. He either is scary as fuck (which, I mean... yeah. If you're that intense enough to draw a nail through your cock then you're probably terrifying in person and scaring women away), or has an atrocious personality.

As a woman I assure you there are women out there who will fuck a dude solely because he has a great body.

Oh yeah. Women can be just as shallow as men. I know a guy (we went to school together, we don't hang out) who's been to prison multiple times for assault and once for rape and he still gets laid purely for being naturally muscular. I saw him bitch slapping his now ex girlfriend at a party and no one did anything because no one wants to fight him. To be fair, a lot of those girls are druggies like him.

Im comfortable saying that women are actually the more superficial sex.

wait this isn't the /r/incel thread

Literally all this dude needed to do to get laid was to NOT BE INSANE.

Well isn't that just a bridge too far.

Where does one find these women? Asking for my athletic, virgin friend...

Any beach thats trendy or near a college or even just nice and popular.

He also posted in nsfw dick subs, dude's packing massive wood too. Well, was maybe I couldn't get through the video.

FYI the dick was what he nailed into the wood, not the wood.

He has an average to slightly below average sized dick.

I've heard if you don't have a really handsome face, it's hard to get laid no matter how nice your body is.

False. Doggy style all the way.

If you're that intense enough to draw a nail through your cock then you're probably terrifying in person and scaring women away), or has an atrocious personality.

¿Por qué no los dos?

If that is him he really could easily pick up a chick on sny beach in the summer.

He must have a face as ugly as his personality.

Literally all this dude needed to do to get laid was to NOT BE INSANE.

Yeah bruh, just get a new brain, easy peasy.

Literally all this dude needed to do to get laid was to NOT BE INSANE.

fucking roastie normies amirite

No joke, this guy need professional help ASAP

I think I've seen this before. Dude can't even mutilate his genitals for karma smh.

Every day we stray further from God's light

Huh, it wasn't a metaphor.

It's been a while since I've watched it but is this actually legit or just a screenshot from the Pain Olympics?

the Pain Olympics

Ah, that takes me back...

Never do it again.

Yeah, it's hard to be shocked by this when I've seen a guy chop his own dick and balls off.

it's legit

Did u know that there's a whole community centered around wanting to become a nullo?

.... what's a nullo? I don't want to look it up I'm scared.

I those are the dudes who cut theur dicks and balls off at home with scissors and box cutters.

Today, I am very comfortable in my own skin. As I haven't even a passing thought to nail my dick to anything.

All because of women and their shallow nature. I'm sorry man. Women are fucking evil all of them. They like using sub 8 men and are happy whenever we are in pain. That's why they ghost us after talking to us.

I don't want to make fun of a man so genuinely suffering that he puts iron through the meaty offsides of his dick-head.

/u/throwawayfreak44 you need to talk to someone about this.


hwat the fuck

when you're so repulsive to women you have to nail your dick to a piece of wood

I didn't watch the video, but I'm fairly confident that the wood and nail actively resisted this, and now have crippling PTSD.

/u/throwawayfreak44 next live stream killing yourself and make it as bloody as possible. Reddit is too pussy and will delete it if you post it directly. So PM me with a working link and I'll record it and disseminate it all around the internet with whatever message you want to convey.

r/watchpeopledie will thank you for this...

Just cut it off pussy.

That is my goal, but I want to cut off only the head, because I like pissing while standing. But I don't want to just chop it off like a degenerate and go to the hospital, I want to do it clean and surgical with a scalpel, and I need a bunch other medical supplies.

My goal with this is to destroy my sexuality. Losers should have been killed or had their genitalia removed as kids so they could have a peaceful asexual life. Basically be a third non-gender that is not involved in sexuality.


What. The. Fuck.

Maybe just don't spend the money on medical supplies and instead find a psychologist???

The cliffs of insanity!

Why not just do us all a favor and fuck off?

How about you fuck off, fatty. The man knows what he wants

Fine. Guess I'll go nail my dick to a board.

That's the spirit!

Fucking dumbass.

You know an easier way of removing sensation would be a small acid dip or even fire.

Please tell more, any link to a guide?

Please don't give him any ideas. Look at his post history. He's smoked too much dimitri.

He'll come back down to reality when he stops hitting the pipe.

I started trying to become asexual at around 13-14 years old more than a decade before any dmt.

If you were truly asexual, you wouldn't give a fuck. And you wouldn't be posting on /r/incel. Nailing/cutting off your dick will just make you a horny, repressed incel...with a fucked up dick.

TRYING TO BECOME ASEXUAL, if I was asexual I wouldn't do this. I'm anti-sexual.

No. You're just becoming a guy with a fucking up dick.

But I do it to destroy sexuality. If having a fucked up dick is what it takes so be it.

Sexuality is literally one of your fundamental building blocks. You will never be able to eliminate it. Why? Because literally all of your fucking ancestors fucking fucked someone. Having a fucked up dick will just give you a fucked up dick. And you'll become even more sexually frustrated because then you'll have a harder time getting laid with your fucked up dick, which will make you even more sexually frustrated. Stop being such a coward. Learn how to talk to women.

I'm not an asshole. If I like a woman I want good for her, and I am not good. So it's actually better for everyone if I do this instead of harass women.

Dude seriously, see a therapist. Just think for a hot second, "what if I don't think like this forever?" Anything you do to yourself will be permanent. Please go see somebody.

Please seek help

Castrate yourself. Done deal, friend.

Contrary to popular belief, talking to a professional doesn't magically unfuck your head if there's something fundamentally wrong with it.

Of course not. But, it's a step in the right direction and dramatically increases the chances of you learning how to take several more steps in the right direction.

It's not working because you are completely obsessed with your dick.

A guide? Nigga you light a blowtorch to your penis. The hotter the better, but not too hot that it melts off. You only want to singe it a little. Try experimenting with the neighbours cat first.

Acid, you want a good dilution, just enough to melt the epidermis. You can pick up a bottle of Sulfuric acid for pretty cheap.

If you're too much of a pussy for either of those, then another way you could deaden the nerve endings is by taking a page out of muay thai fighters and rolling something heavy and forceful over the area every day.

PS. Post bussy

Using a scalpel will take too long and you'll probably end up with fucked up edges

Tools required for DIY head removal:

McDonalds Straw

Hair Ties, Elastic Bands or String


Meat Cleaver

Club/Lump Hammer

Chopping Board

Clothes Iron (Electric or SadIron)


Heat the iron so it's ready to go when you need it

Get a boner and tie off the base. A hairband will provide good restriction without being too tight but you might only get 2 wraps, elastic bands can go tighter but will snap if overwrapped. string is a good in-between but the knots can be a bit fiddly. If you're worried about blood loss you can tie another band closer to the top (below the cut point). Now you should have adequate length to work with and don't have to worry about shrinking during the procedure

Insert the straw into your peehole until it's about 3-4cm below where your cut line is. I chose the mcdonalds straw because it's thicker than a party straw so you should have a nice big peehole opening on your cock stump

Place penis on the cutting board and then position the meat cleaver on your cut line (make sure the straw goes a few cm below it, otherwise you'll be prodding around in open flesh looking for a small hole) and hit it with the hammer. It should only take 1 strike if your aim is good and the cleaver is sharp. Do not tilt the cleaver, keep it straight.

Using the tweezers, locate the small piece of straw that is lodged in your peehole. Carefully remove it with one hand while reinserting the remaining straw with the other. It may be slightly uncomfortable but you need it removed before the final stage.

Now that the straw is in place, take the iron and start burning the flesh around it. Do not melt the straw into your stub. When you're satisfied with the end result you can remove the straw and you should be left with a nice peehole.

Clean your workspace by discarding the head into the trash (or pickle it). wait a few days for the swelling to go down, recommend ice cubes or frozen peas.

Now this is some fucking delicious new pasta!

I'm not sure, somehow reading this was worse than the video...

Place penis on the cutting board and then position the meat cleaver on your cut line (make sure the straw goes a few cm below it, otherwise you'll be prodding around in open flesh looking for a small hole) and hit it with the hammer.

oh my god

Why not just kys?

I'd normally just pass this off as a troll post, but after seeing what you've done, i fear that you might actually do it.

Eh whatever makes xer happy.

The aristocrats!

Bruh removing parts of your penis or putting nails through it wont make you asexual. Actually, what I'd recommend is getting on a high dose of SSRIs (shouldn't be hard, just gotta tell a doc you're depressed, which is undoubtedly true) and if you get the right one it'll neuter the sexual urges right out of you.

Seriously, your penis is incidental to the whole thing. Sex drive is a neurochemical/hormonal thing that your penis doesn't control at all.

What brought you to this decision? Who hurt you?

No one, that's why he has to do it to himself.

He's a subcel

I'm pretty sure you can get pills which give you a chemical castration but don't turn you feminine. They would work better than cutting your dick but leaving your balls, which actually give you the sexual urges.

Why don't you get a chemical castration, like some authorities do to sexual offenders?

Can't get it just like that, you think I haven't asked.

Could you commit a sexual offense? Look up the minimum (in terms of risk regarding sentencing) you need to get the option of chemical castration offered to you. I'm not saying go rape toddlers (unless you want to), more like flashing, sending dick pics...?

Maybe some of those offenses would carry only probation, and still get you free meds. Also free therapist.

Come on : free therapy, free meds, and lots of attention. That dude clearly has an humiliation fetish and loves feeling lower than dirt. What is lower than a convicted sex offender?

The problem isn't the benefits punishment might provide the guy, the problem is you've just gone and told him to sexually assauly someone.

Nah just like whip it out and take pictures. Post them on twitter. You've proven indecent exposure in public, and then you didn't do in front of someone. Then again, he's jacked, if he wants to he could probably rape someone.

Hold me /u/snallygaster.

I need an adult!

That is my goal, but I want to cut off only the head

You should totally make it a mock ISIS execution video, complete with scripture readings, demands made to western governments, and scary middle eastern music.

Nice :) Hope I can be as strong as you some day.. if we incels are not going to use it.. then why not have fun with it.

The fact that they can use "have fun with [their own penises]" to mean nailing their dicks to boards instead of jacking it tells you everything you need to know about their worldview.

The internet was a massive and horrible mistake

I hate the internet

I love it when Incels think other Incels are crazy.

It's like a big cuco nest.

Fuck you why would you do that jesus fucking cristh!


Then you probably don't get pussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board

I've added it, but I need to fix it a bit.

I trust your judgement implicitly.

You're a good mod


Too many crying bitches in this thread.

I, for one, support OP and his quest and can't wait to watch it unfold.

When it's a tranny cutting their dick off we're supposed to applaud. How is that worse?

It didn't invert the penis into a meat fucksock?

God left.

So I'm at work and I ain't about to watch no penis nail vid. Y'all gotta tell me, did he actually nail straight-on through the thing? Didn't just put a hole in the foreskin or something?

He nails through the head meat.

dude what the fuck?

That was not what I was expecting...

what the fuck


Good God these people are insane.

not even original smh

can incels do anything right?

kys faggot. this is true.

How quickly you people go from expressing sympathy to insults. The guy tried all the tired normie advice and this is where it got him.

Normie advice led to him nail his dick to a board???

Oh man I love being a normie

.....dude, wtf

That's something coming from you.


I've got to return some videotapes.

/r/drama seems to be more upset about this guys dick size and physique not being put to use than he is, this is why we need mayocide.

I have never clicked away from something so fast.

Assuming this guy's the real deal,

I feel like by engaging with him I have witnessed a hallmark in incel history. If inceldom was like Western Civilization, this shit would be like the coronation of Charlemagne.

I can smell the crotch BO+blood aroma from here :/

God left

This is some seriously fucked up shit.

He turned his dick into a literal martyr.

my fucking god.. it's hard to say this is even valid to do but it is in his experience..

victims of racism

Next level delusions.

How many meds are you not taking that you've been prescribed?