Is it safe to inject your testes with ethyl alcohol in order to become a sissy nullo? Wannabe eunuchs throw their balls to the wall in this 150+ page debate.

75  2017-07-09 by snallygaster


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Praise be, I have found my home.

I'll pass on this one

You don't wanna read about alcohol slowly snaking its way through a man's balls, destroying every structure it comes across and turning everything in the scrotum into a scrambled mess incapable of producing testosterone or potential human life?

No, just like how i don't want to imagine putting a needle underneath my big toenail and then kicking against a wall.

Aggh godamn watch the imagery

What about getting your sack snagged on top of a fence as you hop over, ripping your manhood apart as you fall to the ground, writhing in pain as you see a bloody piece of your bean pouch waving from the top of the fence?


What? I'll fuckin' – I'll fuckin' tie you to a fuckin' bedpost with your ass cheeks spread out and shit, right? Put a hanger on a fuckin' stove and let that shit sit there for like a half hour, take it off and stick it in your ass slow like Tsssssss

The emo kids at the boy's school up the road used to do that. Fun times.

They used to do their fingernails too.

Oh, fuck you.

When I got to page 2 and there was a guy saying his scrotum was full of blood all the time, that's when I had to check out.

I think I'm getting a boner

i read your username as farmer blood and i'm disappointed now.

first, i'm appalled but un-surprised this community exists. second, why the fuck don't they just chop their balls off and be done with it? shit

Chopping your balls off takes some real cojones.

I'm so fucking turned on right now. Turgid.

You can click the link to (kind of) avoid the shame of having that domain in your browsing history.

Is eunuch a Bible character or Star Wars character? Please respond.

It's the final solution to the incel.

I read it. It's not incel. It's volcel

Incel/volcel/truecel/jewcel/nazbolcel they should all be turned into eunuch slaves or submissive sissy sluts.

It's a family of computer operating systems.

I'm subscribed to /r/Drama because I enjoy a bit of drama ... but why does this subreddit seem obsessed with making fun of eunuchs and incels? I think the people in these situations are genuinely mentally unwell. It's like mocking people with downs syndrome in the special olympics when they argue with each other over their favorite batman underwear.

Retarded people like us make fun of other retarded people to make ourselves feel better.

TBF people with downs syndrom should be euthanized before or at birth.

I get not making fun of incels because they're in a bad place and that makes them worse, but what's the issue with gawking at weird fetish shit like this?

I don't have any issue with people gawking at it or talking about it .. I think that's 100% OK.

But THIS subreddit seems to be quite actively making fun of these kinds of people and I can't understand why. I was expecting to be linked to bickerring matches from across the Internet ... not "lol, this guy wants to destroy his penis ... lol, this guy wants to destroy his testicles ... lol, incels are the worst".

I'm only criticizing you all a LITTLE BIT here, I'm honestly just curious what the obsession with making fun of these people is all about. What piece of the puzzle am I missing?

SRD is that way ---->

As if SRD wouldn't be even worse if we didn't ban incel drama

We like to make fun of ourselves and we see a bit lot of ourselves in these losers. r/drama is actually the most empathetic community.

I'm only criticizing you all a LITTLE BIT here, I'm honestly just curious what the obsession with making fun of these people is all about. What piece of the puzzle am I missing?

I don't like it either, but what can you do. Incel drama is plentiful, usually very heated, and features people who do/think bizarre things, so it's the lowest of low-hanging fruits.

Ms. Snallygaster I injected Chem-Cast and now my fruits are hanging too low.

You may as well cut them off then

I'm honestly just curious what the obsession with making fun of these people is all about

Because it's fucking funny.

rdrama is a safe space for broken people who derive pleasure from adding to the misery of other broken people

now please stop kinkshaming

kill yourself.

why does this subreddit seem obsessed with making fun of eunuchs and incels?

it's like mocking people with downs syndrome in the special olympics when they argue with each other over their favorite batman underwear

u answered your own question nerd

Because the have chosen to put their illness on display via an internet forum.

At least when incels get mocked they're hearing the perspective of (relatively) normal people. It can't be worse than doing nothing while they spiral farther and farther into insanity.

I mock people with Down's syndrome constantly.

It's like mocking people with downs syndrome in the special olympics when they argue with each other over their favorite batman underwear.

Do you have a source on this? Are you holding out on us?

I can understand wanting to cosplay a character out of a historical k-drama, but this is taking it a little too far.

I am very leary of telling my story again. It seems that the desire to be a Eunuch is so strong that health is forgotten. You are in jepordy if you do these things to yourself. I never ever thought about BLOOD POISIONING, INFECTIONS, LIKE STAFF. Do you realize that all antibiotics are still only penacyllin in a new form. If you get a bug that is resistant to penacyllin you could die. Most likely you would die! You may be a Eunuch, but you will be a dead Eunuch. I injected something called CHEM-CAST. It was used for cows, it was supposed to be painless. I got some chem-cast and I needed more so I found out how it was made and I got a hold of the chemicals. I mixed them myself. Well I had a largey syringe so I injected the formula into one testicle and then the other. It hurt like hell. OUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Major pain. I was in bed with ice packs for 3 days. The skin on each side of the testicles actually split open for the dead tissue to spew out with the puss. It was painful, DANGEROUS and it HURT A LOT. Eventually it stopped hurting. At that time it still spewed puss and dead tissue. GROSS made me sick to my stomach to look at it. Eventualy I had to go to a Doctor and he had to give me pain pills and sent me to a specialist. He said that I needed to wait a time to see what would happen. I eventually had to have surgery to have all the dead tissue removed. The testies had melted from the chemicals and attatched themselves to the wall of the Testicles. The Testicle had to be scraped for the dead tissue to be removed. Today I am a full fledged Eunch. If I can be of help to anyone here let me know.

ayyy lmao?

I choose to not believe that this happened.

What the fuck is wrong with people


I had to stop at

largey syringe

largey syringe

I've found the new name for my viral game that's similar to Flappy Bird.

You are a orderly having to hypodermically stick 5150'd patients. It'll be a hit. I am sure of this.

I used to love Theme Hospital back in the day.

My life will never be the same, I'm going to be an old man someday and this post will still be haunting me.

legit always appreciate your posts snally. obscure internet drama is my favorite.

Happy to provide! πŸ‘πŸ»

So how the hell did you find this one?

This is a person that spends an inordinate amount of time looking up obscure internet drama, totes a eunech.

I was looking for the site to give to the incel who nailed his dingdong to the board. iirc it was featured on something awful at some point.

As fucked up as this is we are supposed to accept trans people who cut thier balls off but also think they are women as normal? Put this guy in a dress and now he is "oppressed"

Choo choo, the retard train has arrived

stay mad faggot

At least trans people go to doctors and have a goal of "transitioning" to another set of genitals. These dudes just think it's really neat to chemically burn your genitals because it's neat.

Would a doctor do it unless you told them you were trans?

Idk maybe

I can't recover from knowing this is a thing

Looks like it's time to kill myself

Oh god. Some people actually posted their picture in their profile.

I am very leary of telling my story again. It seems that the desire to be a Eunuch is so strong that health is forgotten. You are in jepordy if you do these things to yourself. I never ever thought about BLOOD POISIONING, INFECTIONS, LIKE STAFF. Do you realize that all antibiotics are still only penacyllin in a new form. If you get a bug that is resistant to penacyllin you could die. Most likely you would die! You may be a Eunuch, but you will be a dead Eunuch. I injected something called CHEM-CAST. It was used for cows, it was supposed to be painless. I got some chem-cast and I needed more so I found out how it was made and I got a hold of the chemicals. I mixed them myself. Well I had a largey syringe so I injected the formula into one testicle and then the other. It hurt like hell. OUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Major pain. I was in bed with ice packs for 3 days. The skin on each side of the testicles actually split open for the dead tissue to spew out with the puss. It was painful, DANGEROUS and it HURT A LOT. Eventually it stopped hurting. At that time it still spewed puss and dead tissue. GROSS made me sick to my stomach to look at it. Eventualy I had to go to a Doctor and he had to give me pain pills and sent me to a specialist. He said that I needed to wait a time to see what would happen. I eventually had to have surgery to have all the dead tissue removed. The testies had melted from the chemicals and attatched themselves to the wall of the Testicles. The Testicle had to be scraped for the dead tissue to be removed. Today I am a full fledged Eunch. If I can be of help to anyone here let me know. My addy isΒ [email protected]. thankxs and good luck, spankey

Cao Cao had the right idea of how to deal with Eunuch tbh

My life is worse for having read this

Is this better or worse than nailing your tally to a piece of wood?

I genuinely can't see why anyone would want to do this. They don't want to become women they just want to castrate themselves right? Is this a genital mutilation fetish? How would you not regret this once you've killed your testes and you don't have enough testosterone to have a sex drive?

Why the FUCK do they choose injecting vodka into the fucking balls?