As mod drama quakes /r/The_Donald and /r/drama, a power-hungry monster tries to take control of both subs- at once!

54  2017-07-10 by snallygaster


Jews did this


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On point as always

god bless you snappy

Yes, bot. Yes, they did.

I'd like to believe this was /u/_lilpoundcake's hunger for power again, so I will.

u/dis_is_my_account dun goofed

And I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for... /u/request_bot?

russian interference

this but неиронично

i always assumed /r/drama mods were only doing it in fulfillment of a community service sentence. Seems about as much fun as wiping assholes at a quadriplegic kindergarten.

It's not like they do much.

Seems about as much fun as wiping assholes at a quadriplegic kindergarten.

so... a blast?

Wow I have riemann's dream job.

You should go get a job as a waitress at the Imagine Vegan cafe, I've heard they're hiring.

They do it for free

Too much booty for one man to handle.

Shouldn't it be too much bussy?

Wasnt there a thread about a bunch of mods for s/drama getting chopped? Just a question